
Book Description

MATLAB enables you to work with its graphics capabilities in almost all areas of the experimental sciences and engineering. The commands that MATLAB implements in job related graphics are quite useful and are very efficient.

MATLAB has functions for working with two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphics, statistical graphs, curves and surfaces in explicit, implicit, parametric and polar coordinates. It also works perfectly with twisted curves, surfaces, volumes and graphical interpolation. MATLAB Graphical Programming addresses all these issues by developing the following topics:This book is a reference designed to give you a simple syntax example of the commands and to graph it so that you can see the result for:

  • Two dimensional graphics
  • Statistical graphics
  • Curves in explicit coordinates
  • Curves in parametric coordinates
  • Curves in polar coordinates
  • Logarithmic and semi-logarithmic plots Bar graphs and histograms sectors
  • Three-dimensional graphics
  • Twisted curves and surfaces
  • Graphs of surfaces, meshes and contours
  • Graphs of surfaces in explicit coordinates parametric surfaces Viewing volumes and specialized graphics
  • Special commands for graphics
  • Table of Contents

    1. Cover
    2. Title
    3. Copyright
    4. Contents at a glance
    5. Contents
    6. About the Author
    7. About the Technical Reviewer
    8. Introduction
    9. Also Available
    10. Chapter 1: MATLAB Introduction and the Working Environment
      1. 1.1 MATLAB Introduction
        1. 1.1.1 Algorithms and Applications Development
        2. 1.1.2 Data Access and Analysis
        3. 1.1.3 Data Visualization
        4. 1.1.4 Numeric Calculation
        5. 1.1.5 Results Publication and Applications Distribution
      2. 1.2 MATLAB Working Environment
      3. 1.3 Help in MATLAB
      4. 1.4 Numerical Calculations with MATLAB
      5. 1.5 Symbolic Calculations with MATLAB
      6. 1.6 Graphics with MATLAB
      7. 1.7 MATLAB and Programming
    11. Chapter 2: Two-Dimensional Graphics. Statistics Graphics and Curves in Explicit, Parametric and Polar Coordinates
      1. 2.1 Two-Dimensional Graphics (2-D)
      2. 2.2 Titles, Tags, Meshes and Texts
      3. 2.3 Manipulating Graphics
      4. 2.4 Logarithmic Graphics
      5. 2.5 Polygons
      6. 2.6 Graphics Functions in Parametric Coordinates 2-D
      7. 2.7 Graphics Functions in Polar Coordinates
      8. 2.8 Bars and Sectors Graphics. Histograms
      9. 2.9 Statistical Errors and Arrow Graphics
    12. Chapter 3: Three-Dimensional Graphics, Warped Curves and Surfaces, Contour Graphics
      1. 3.1 Three-Dimensional Graphics (3-D), Warped Curves
      2. 3.2 Polygons in Three Dimensions
      3. 3.3 Graphics in Parametric 3-D Coordinates
      4. 3.4 Surfaces, Meshes and Contours
      5. 3.5 Surfaces in Explicit Coordinates
      6. 3.6 Mesh Graphics
      7. 3.7 Contour Graphics
      8. 3.8 Manipulating Three-Dimensional Graphics
      9. 3.9 Parametric Surfaces
      10. 3.10 Special Geometric Forms
      11. 3.11 Other Graphics Handling Options
    13. Chapter 4: Display Volumes and Specialized Graphics
      1. 4.1 Volumes Visualization
      2. 4.2 Specialized Graphics
      3. 4.3 Special 3D Geometric Shapes
      4. 4.4 Print, Export and Other Tasks with Graphics
    14. Chapter 5: Graphics Special Commands
      1. 5.1 Two Dimensional Graphics: FPLOT and EZPLOT
      2. 5.2 Three-Dimensional Graphics with EZ Command
      3. 5.3 Steps to Graphing Data
      4. 5.4 Steps to Perform 3 –D Graphics
    15. Chapter 6: Polynomials and Graphics Interpolation
      1. 6.1 Polynomial Expressions
      2. 6.2 Interpolation and Polynomial Fit
    16. Appendix A: Numbers, Variables, Operators and Functions Used in Graphics Programming
      1. A.1 Variables
      2. A.2 Numbers
      3. A.3 Integer Numbers
      4. A.4 Functions with Integer Numbers and Divisibility
      5. A.5 Numbering Systems
      6. A.6 Real Numbers
      7. A.7 Functions with Real Arguments
      8. A.8 Random Numbers
      9. A.9 Complex Numbers
      10. A.10 Functions with Complex Arguments
      11. A.11 Operators
        1. A.11.1 Arithmetic Operators
        2. A.11.2 Relational Operators
        3. A.11.3 Logical Operators
        4. A.12.4 Logical Functions
      12. A.12 Vector Variables
      13. A.13 Matrix Variables
      14. A.14 Elementary Functions that Support Complex Vectors
      15. A.15 Elementary Functions that Support Complex Arrays
      16. A.16 Exercises