
Book Description

One Size Does Not Fit All! Professional success, more often than not, means becoming a manager. Yet nobody prepared you for having to deal with messy tidbits like emotions, conflicts, and personalities—all while achieving ever-greater goals and meeting ever-looming deadlines. Not exactly what you had in mind, is it? Don’t panic. Devora Zack has the tools to help you succeed and even thrive as a manager. Drawing on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Zack introduces two primary management styles—thinkers and feelers—and guides you in developing a management style that fits who you really are. She takes you through a host of potentially difficult situations, showing how this new way of understanding yourself and others makes managing less of a stumble in the dark and more of a walk in the park. Her enlightening examples, helpful exercises, and lifesaving tips make this book the new go-to guide for all those managers looking to love their jobs again.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Dedication
  5. Contents
  6. Introduction: Welcome to the Electrifying World of Management
  7. One: Why You Hate It, Why I Wrote This
  8. Two: Who Are You?
  9. Three: Feelers Think and Thinkers Feel
  10. Four: But I Liked My Real Job!
  11. Five: Flex for Success
  12. Six: Lonely @ the Top
  13. Seven: Being Bossy
  14. Eight: Don’t Cry in My Office . . . I Have a Deadline to Meet
  15. Nine: Inside, Outside, Upside Down
  16. Ten: Charisma ’n’ You
  17. Eleven: Bonus Track: This Amp Goes to Eleven!
  18. Signing Off: You’re STILL Here?
  19. Notes
  20. Acknowledgments
  21. Index
  22. About Only Connect Consulting, Inc.
  23. Author Trivia
  24. Footnote
    1. Chapter 11