
Book Description

This book provides practical information on a major business concern—how to manage meetings. It demonstrates how to lead them effectively, in the shortest time frame possible. Three types of meetings are outlined: information-giving, interactive, and problem solving, with details on how to prepare for and preside over each. KEY TOPICS: Chapter topics include an overview of the meeting process; structuring a topic and organizing the message; audience; platform conduct; visuals; agendas; disruptions; and asking and answering questions. MARKET: For training programs in business and industry. y.

Table of Contents

  1. Copyright
  2. Preface
  3. Overview of the Meeting Process
    1. Introduction
    2. Importance of Meeting Management
    3. Structure for Three Types of Meetings
    4. Selecting a Topic
  4. Organizing Your Message
    1. Audience
    2. Agendas and Meeting Objectives
    3. Structuring a Topic
    4. Practice Exercise
  5. Conducting Information Meetings
    1. Platform Conduct
    2. Visuals
  6. Preparing for Interactive Meetings
    1. Why Have Meetings?
    2. What's Wrong with Meetings?
    3. Types of Meetings
    4. Meeting Approaches
    5. When to Have Meetings
    6. Planning Interactive Meetings
  7. Meeting Roles
    1. The Leader
    2. The Facilitator
    3. The Recorder
    4. Participants
    5. Leader and Facilitator Actions
  8. Dealing with Meeting Disruptions
    1. Latecomers/Early Leavers
    2. Silent/Shy Persons
    3. Whisperers/Side Conversationalists
    4. Talk-A-Lots
    5. About Conflict
  9. Conducting Problem-Solving Meetings
    1. Introduction
    2. Purpose of Problem-Solving Discussion
    3. Problem-Solving Meeting Objective
    4. Leader Role in Problem-Solving Discussion
    5. Problem-Solving Meeting Example: Neighborhood Park at Risk
    6. Problem-Solving Meeting Practice: Saving Adolescents
  10. Conducting Decision-Making Meetings
    1. Introduction
    2. Advantages of Group Decision Making
    3. Leader Role in Decision-Making Discussion
    4. Gaining Consensus
    5. Asking Questions
    6. Questioning Techniques
    7. Criteria Making
    8. Comparing Alternatives
  11. Presentation Materials
  12. References