
Book Description

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.

The quick way to learn Microsoft OneNote!

This is learning made easy. Get productive fast with OneNote and jump in wherever you need answers. Brisk lessons and colorful screenshots show you exactly what to do, step by step--and practice files help you build your skills.

  • Access local and online OneNote notebooks from any device

  • Create notes that include handwriting, drawings, screen clips, audio clips, video clips, and structured equations

  • Revise, reorganize, flag, format, search, and share your notes

  • Customize OneNote for the way you like to work

  • Get more done by integrating OneNote with Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook

  • Share notes by using email, Microsoft OneDrive, and SharePoint

  • Look up just the tasks and lessons you need

  • Table of Contents

    1. Title Page
    2. Copyright Page
    3. Dedication Page
    4. Contents
    5. Introduction
      1. Who this book is for
      2. The Step by Step approach
      3. Download the practice files
      4. Ebook edition
      5. Get support and give feedback
        1. Errata and support
        2. We want to hear from you
        3. Stay in touch
    6. 1. Manage notebooks, sections, and pages
      1. Create and manage OneNote notebooks
      2. Create and manage notebook sections
      3. Create and manage notebook pages
      4. Skills review
      5. Practice tasks
        1. Create and manage OneNote notebooks
        2. Create and manage notebook sections
        3. Create and manage notebook pages
    7. 2. Create and format notes
      1. Create, cut, and copy notes
      2. Apply text formatting to notes
      3. Create lists and outlines
      4. Change paragraph formatting
      5. Delete formatting and items
      6. Skills review
      7. Practice tasks
        1. Create, cut, and copy notes
        2. Apply text formatting to notes
        3. Create lists and outlines
        4. Change paragraph formatting
        5. Delete formatting and items
    8. 3. Work with your notes
      1. Create quick notes
      2. Add tables
      3. Attach files and printouts
      4. Add images and screen clippings
      5. Create links to resources
      6. Record audio and video notes
      7. Insert time and date stamps
      8. Add symbols and equations
      9. Skills review
      10. Practice tasks
        1. Create quick notes
        2. Add tables
        3. Attach files and printouts
        4. Add images and screen clippings
        5. Create links to resources
        6. Record audio and video notes
        7. Insert time and date stamps
        8. Add symbols and equations
    9. 4. Add ink and shapes to a notebook
      1. Add notes by using ink
      2. Select, view, and erase ink
      3. Convert ink to text and mathematical expressions
      4. Create and format shapes
      5. Skills review
      6. Practice tasks
        1. Add notes by using ink
        2. Select, view, and erase ink
        3. Convert ink to text and mathematical expressions
        4. Create and format shapes
    10. 5. Review and password-protect notebook text
      1. Check spelling
      2. Set AutoCorrect options
      3. Translate and research text
      4. Password-protect sections
      5. Skills review
      6. Practice tasks
        1. Check spelling
        2. Set AutoCorrect options
        3. Translate and research text
        4. Password-protect sections
    11. 6. Manage views, windows, and page versions
      1. Manage notebook views and links
      2. Extend your view by zooming and adding windows
      3. Control page setup
      4. Review notes by author and read status
      5. Manage page versions and history
      6. Skills review
      7. Practice tasks
        1. Manage notebook views and links
        2. Extend your view by zooming and adding windows
        3. Control page setup
        4. Review notes by author and read status
        5. Manage page versions and history
    12. 7. Organize notes by using tags and categories
      1. Add and remove tags
      2. Create and modify tags
      3. Search by tag
      4. Summarize tagged notes
      5. Skills review
      6. Practice tasks
        1. Add and remove tags
        2. Create and modify tags
        3. Search by tag
        4. Summarize tagged notes
    13. 8. Print and share notebooks and pages
      1. Preview and print notebook content
      2. Export pages, sections, and notebooks
      3. Send pages to colleagues
      4. Share notebooks by using OneDrive
      5. Share notebooks by using SharePoint
      6. Skills review
      7. Practice tasks
        1. Preview and print notebook content
        2. Export pages, sections, and notebooks
        3. Send pages to colleagues
        4. Share notebooks by using OneDrive
        5. Share notebooks by using SharePoint
    14. 9. Use OneNote with Outlook and Excel
      1. Define Outlook tasks and display meeting details in OneNote
      2. Insert Excel spreadsheets on notebook pages
      3. Manage your Microsoft account, Office 365 subscription, and app settings
      4. Skills review
      5. Practice tasks
        1. Define Outlook tasks and display meeting details from OneNote
        2. Insert Excel spreadsheets on notebook pages
        3. Manage your Microsoft account, Office 365 subscription, and app settings
    15. 10. Manage OneNote options and the interface
      1. Set OneNote app options
      2. Customize the Quick Access Toolbar
      3. Customize the ribbon
      4. Skills review
      5. Practice tasks
        1. Set OneNote app options
        2. Customize the Quick Access Toolbar
        3. Customize the ribbon
    16. 11. Enhance OneNote by using the Onetastic add-in
      1. Download and install the Onetastic add-in
      2. Manage notebooks by using OneCalendar
      3. Manage pages and styles by using Onetastic
      4. Manage content, images, and tables by using Onetastic
      5. Skills review
      6. Practice tasks
        1. Download and install the Onetastic add-in
        2. Manage notebooks by using OneCalendar
        3. Manage pages and styles by using Onetastic
        4. Manage content, images, and tables by using Onetastic
    17. Keyboard shortcuts
      1. Take and format notes
        1. Type and edit notes
        2. Format notes
        3. Add items to a page
        4. Select notes and objects
        5. Tag notes
        6. Use outlines for indented text
      2. Organize and manage your notebook
        1. Work with pages and quick notes
        2. Work with notebooks and sections
        3. Search notes
      3. Share notes
        1. Share notes with other people
        2. Share notes with other apps
      4. Password-protect sections
    18. Index
    19. About the author
      1. Acknowledgments
    20. Survey