
Book Description

Learn the C++ programming language in a structured, straightforward, and friendly manner. This book teaches the basics of the modern C++ programming language, C++ Standard Library, and modern C++ standards. No previous programming experience is required.

C++ is a language like no other, surprising in its complexity, yet wonderfully sleek and elegant in so many ways. It is also a language that cannot be learned by guessing, one that is easy to get wrong and challenging to get right. To overcome this, each section is filled with real-world examples that gradually increase in complexity. Modern C++ for Absolute Beginners teaches more than just programming in C++20. It provides a solid C++ foundation to build upon.

The author takes you through the C++ programming language, the Standard Library, and the C++11 to C++20 standard basics. Each chapter is accompanied by the right amount of theory and plenty of source code examples.

You will work with C++20 features and standards, yet you will also compare and take a look into previous versions of C++. You will do so with plenty of relevant source code examples.

What You Will Learn

  • Work with the basics of C++: types, operators, variables, constants, expressions, references, functions, classes, I/O, smart pointers, polymorphism, and more
  • Set up the Visual Studio environment on Windows and GCC on Linux, where you can write your own code
  • Declare and define functions, classes, and objects, and organize code into namespaces
  • Discover object-oriented programming: classes and objects, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and more using the most advanced C++ features
  • Employ best practices in organizing source code and controlling program workflow
  • Get familiar with C++ language dos and donts, and more
  • Master the basics of lambdas, inheritance, polymorphism, smart pointers, templates, modules, contracts, concepts, and more

Who This Book Is For 

Beginner or novice programmers who wish to learn C++ programming. No prior programming experience is required.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Front Matter
  3. 1. Introduction
  4. 2. What is C++?
  5. 3. C++ Compilers
  6. 4. Our First Program
  7. 5. Types
  8. 6. Exercises
  9. 7. Operators
  10. 8. Standard Input
  11. 9. Exercises
  12. 10. Arrays
  13. 11. Pointers
  14. 12. References
  15. 13. Introduction to Strings
  16. 14. Automatic Type Deduction
  17. 15. Exercises
  18. 16. Statements
  19. 17. Constants
  20. 18. Exercises
  21. 19. Functions
  22. 20. Exercises
  23. 21. Scope and Lifetime
  24. 22. Exercises
  25. 23. Classes - Introduction
  26. 24. Exercises
  27. 25. Classes – Inheritance and Polymorphism
  28. 26. Exercises
  29. 27. The static Specifier
  30. 28. Templates
  31. 29. Enumerations
  32. 30. Exercises
  33. 31. Organizing code
  34. 32. Exercises
  35. 33. Conversions
  36. 34. Exceptions
  37. 35. Smart Pointers
  38. 36. Exercises
  39. 37. Input/Output Streams
  40. 38. C++ Standard Library and Friends
  41. 39. Exercises
  42. 40. C++ Standards
  43. Back Matter