
Book Description

Build and deploy intelligent applications for natural language processing with Python by using industry standard tools and recently popular methods in deep learning

Key Features

  • A no-math, code-driven programmer's guide to text processing and NLP
  • Get state of the art results with modern tooling across linguistics, text vectors and machine learning
  • Fundamentals of NLP methods from spaCy, gensim, scikit-learn and PyTorch

Book Description

NLP in Python is among the most sought after skills among data scientists. With code and relevant case studies, this book will show how you can use industry-grade tools to implement NLP programs capable of learning from relevant data. We will explore many modern methods ranging from spaCy to word vectors that have reinvented NLP.

The book takes you from the basics of NLP to building text processing applications. We start with an introduction to the basic vocabulary along with a work?ow for building NLP applications.

We use industry-grade NLP tools for cleaning and pre-processing text, automatic question and answer generation using linguistics, text embedding, text classifier, and building a chatbot. With each project, you will learn a new concept of NLP. You will learn about entity recognition, part of speech tagging and dependency parsing for Q and A. We use text embedding for both clustering documents and making chatbots, and then build classifiers using scikit-learn.

We conclude by deploying these models as REST APIs with Flask.

By the end, you will be confident building NLP applications, and know exactly what to look for when approaching new challenges.

What you will learn

  • Understand classical linguistics in using English grammar for automatically generating questions and answers from a free text corpus
  • Work with text embedding models for dense number representations of words, subwords and characters in the English language for exploring document clustering
  • Deep Learning in NLP using PyTorch with a code-driven introduction to PyTorch
  • Using an NLP project management Framework for estimating timelines and organizing your project into stages
  • Hack and build a simple chatbot application in 30 minutes
  • Deploy an NLP or machine learning application using Flask as RESTFUL APIs

Who this book is for

Programmers who wish to build systems that can interpret language. Exposure to Python programming is required. Familiarity with NLP or machine learning vocabulary will be helpful, but not mandatory.

Table of Contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright and Credits
    1. Natural Language Processing with Python Quick Start Guide
  3. About Packt
    1. Why subscribe?
    2. Packt.com
  4. Contributors
    1. About the author
    2. About the reviewer
    3. Packt is searching for authors like you
  5. Preface
    1. Who this book is for
    2. What this book covers
    3. To get the most out of this book
      1. Download the example code files
      2. Download the color images
      3. Conventions used
    4. Get in touch
      1. Reviews
  6. Getting Started with Text Classification
    1. What is NLP?
      1. Why learn about NLP?
        1. You have a problem in mind
        2. Technical achievement
        3. Do something new
        4. Is this book for you?
    2. NLP workflow template
      1. Understanding the problem
        1. Understanding and preparing the data
        2. Quick wins – proof of concept
        3. Iterating and improving
          1. Algorithms
          2. Pre-processing
        4. Evaluation and deployment
          1. Evaluation
          2. Deployment
    3. Example – text classification workflow
      1. Launchpad – programming environment setup
        1. Text classification in 30 lines of code
          1. Getting the data
          2. Text to numbers
          3. Machine learning
    4. Summary
  7. Tidying your Text
    1. Bread and butter – most common tasks
      1. Loading the data
      2. Exploring the loaded data
    2. Tokenization
      1. Intuitive – split by whitespace
      2. The hack – splitting by word extraction
        1. Introducing Regexes
      3. spaCy for tokenization
        1. How does the spaCy tokenizer work?
        2. Sentence tokenization
      4. Stop words removal and case change
    3. Stemming and lemmatization
      1. spaCy for lemmatization
        1. -PRON-
        2. Case-insensitive
        3. Conversion – meeting  to meet
    4. spaCy compared with NLTK and CoreNLP
    5. Correcting spelling
      1. FuzzyWuzzy
      2. Jellyfish
      3. Phonetic word similarity
        1. What is a phonetic encoding?
        2. Runtime complexity
    6. Cleaning a corpus with FlashText
    7. Summary
  8. Leveraging Linguistics
    1. Linguistics and NLP
      1. Getting started
      2. Introducing textacy
      3. Redacting names with named entity recognition
        1. Entity types
      4. Automatic question generation
        1. Part-of-speech tagging
        2. Creating a ruleset
      5. Question and answer generation using dependency parsing
        1. Visualizing the relationship
        2. Introducing textacy
        3. Leveling up – question and answer
      6. Putting it together and the end
    2. Summary
  9. Text Representations - Words to Numbers
    1. Vectorizing a specific dataset
    2. Word representations
      1. How do we use pre-trained embeddings?
      2. KeyedVectors API
        1. What is missing in both word2vec and GloVe?
      3. How do we handle Out Of Vocabulary words?
        1. Getting the dataset
      4. Training fastText embedddings
      5. Training word2vec embeddings
      6. fastText versus word2vec
    3. Document embedding
      1. Understanding the doc2vec API
        1. Negative sampling
        2. Hierarchical softmax
      2. Data exploration and model evaluation
    4. Summary
  10. Modern Methods for Classification
    1. Machine learning for text
      1. Sentiment analysis as text classification 
        1. Simple classifiers
        2. Optimizing simple classifiers
        3. Ensemble methods
      2. Getting the data
        1. Reading data
      3. Simple classifiers
        1. Logistic regression
          1. Removing stop words
          2. Increasing ngram range
        2. Multinomial Naive Bayes
          1. Adding TF-IDF
          2. Removing stop words
          3. Changing fit prior to false
        3. Support vector machines
        4. Decision trees
        5. Random forest classifier
        6. Extra trees classifier
      4. Optimizing our classifiers
        1. Parameter tuning using RandomizedSearch
          1. GridSearch
      5. Ensembling models
        1. Voting ensembles – Simple majority (aka hard voting)
        2. Voting ensembles – soft voting
        3. Weighted classifiers
        4. Removing correlated classifiers
    2. Summary
  11. Deep Learning for NLP
    1. What is deep learning?
      1. Differences between modern machine learning methods
    2. Understanding deep learning
      1. Puzzle pieces
        1. Model
        2. Loss function
        3. Optimizer
    3. Putting it all together – the training loop
    4. Kaggle – text categorization challenge
      1. Getting the data
      2. Exploring the data
        1. Multiple target dataset
        2. Why PyTorch?
        3. PyTorch and torchtext
      3. Data loaders with torchtext
      4. Conventions and style
        1. Knowing the field
      5. Exploring the dataset objects
      6. Iterators
        1. BucketIterator
      7. BatchWrapper
      8. Training a text classifier
        1. Initializing the model
        2. Putting the pieces together again
      9. Training loop
      10. Prediction mode
        1. Converting predictions into a pandas DataFrame
    5. Summary
  12. Building your Own Chatbot
    1. Why chatbots as a learning example?
      1. Why build a chatbot?
    2. Quick code means word vectors and heuristics
      1. Figuring out the right user intent
        1. Use case – food order bot
      2. Classifying user intent
      3. Bot responses
        1. Better response personalization
    3. Summary
  13. Web Deployments
    1. Web deployments
      1. Model persistence
      2. Model loading and prediction
      3. Flask for web deployments
    2. Summary
  14. Other Books You May Enjoy
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