
Book Description

The Right Phrase for Every Situation . . . Every TimeCommunication is the single most important skill for excelling as a manager. What you say and how you say it sets the tone for your department and your entire organization.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Perfect Phrases for Managers and Supervisors
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Contents
  5. Acknowledgments
  6. Introduction
  7. Chapter 1 The New Wrkforce Demographics Require ew Dynamics of Communication
    1. A Woman’s Nation
    2. Generation Y
    3. Globalization
    4. Social Media
    5. Stretch or Be Stretched
  8. Chapter 2 The New Dynamics of Communication
    1. New Communication Dynamic #1: Be Gracefully Assertive
    2. New Communication Dynamic #2: Personalize
    3. New Communication Dynamic #3: State Concisely
    4. New Communication Dynamic #4: Synergize
    5. New Communication Dynamic #5: Dynamize
  9. Chapter 3 Put Your Best Foot Forward: Perfect Phrases to Establish Your New Role
    1. Perfect Phrases to Address Former Peers Who Are Now Employees
    2. Perfect Phrases to Address Friends Who Are Now Employees
    3. Perfect Phrases to Address Team Members Who Wanted the Promotion You Got
    4. Perfect Phrases to Address the Acting Supervisor You Are Replacing
    5. Perfect Phrases to Set the Initial Tone with Employees
    6. Perfect Phrases for Your Initial Individual Meeting
    7. Perfect Phrases to Handle Questions You Can’t Answer
    8. Perfect Phrases to Establish Yourself with Your Manager
    9. Perfect Phrases for Handling Employees Who Try to Take Over
    10. Perfect Phrases to Introduce Hands-On Involvement
    11. Perfect Phrases to Announce Change Gracefully
    12. Perfect Phrases to Handle Resistance to Change
    13. Perfect Phrases to Support Change You Don’t Agree With
  10. Chapter 4 Perfect Phrases to Create a Mission, Vision, and Values-Based Team
    1. Perfect Phrases to Establish Mission
    2. Perfect Phrases to Establish Vision
    3. Perfect Phrases to Establish Values
    4. Perfect Phrases to Empower the Mission, Vision, and Values
  11. Chapter 5 Perfect Phrases to Foster Open Communication
    1. Perfect Phrases to Ensure Employees Keep You in the Loop
    2. Perfect Phrases to Encourage Feedback
    3. Perfect Phrases to Encourage Questions on Policies and Directives
    4. Perfect Phrases to Get a Quiet Employee to Communicate
    5. Perfect Phrases to Encourage Team Members to Communicate Directly and Effectively with Each Other
    6. Perfect Phrases to Encourage Employees to Admit Mistakes
    7. Perfect Phrases to Encourage Employees to Resolve Conflict
    8. Perfect Phrases to Invite Feedback About Your Performance as Manager
  12. Chapter 6 Perfect Phrases to Ace the Interview You Conduct
    1. Perfect Interview Phrases for Gathering Personal Information
    2. Perfect Interview Phrases to Learn Work Styles and Preferences
    3. Perfect Interview Phrases to Learn Work Expectations
    4. Perfect Interview Phrases to Evaluate Interpersonal Skills
    5. Perfect Interview Phrases to Determine Self-Directedness, Personal Motivation, and Creativity
    6. Perfect Interview Phrases to Determine Leadership Qualities
    7. Perfect Interview Phrases to Determine Resourcefulness and Situational Qualifications
    8. Perfect Interview Phrases to Determine Education and Training
    9. Perfect Interview Phrases to Determine Career Goals
    10. Perfect Interview Phrases to Determine Work Standards
    11. Perfect Interview Phrases to Determine Flexibility
    12. Perfect Multipurpose Interview Sentence Stems
  13. Chapter 7 Perfect Phrases for Employee Orientation
    1. Perfect Orientation Phrases to Greet and Welcome
    2. Perfect Orientation Phrases to Introduce the New Employee to the Company
    3. Perfect Orientation Phrases to Reinforce Disciplinary Policies
    4. Perfect Orientation Phrases to Get New Employees Started
    5. Perfect Orientation Phrases to Establish Feedback
    6. Perfect Orientation Phrases to Introduce the New Employee to the Culture
  14. Chapter 8 Perfect Phrases for Netiquette, Social Media, and Other Online Activities
    1. Perfect Phrases to Discuss E-Mail Use
    2. Perfect Phrases to Discuss Texting and Tweeting
    3. Perfect Phrases to Discuss Social Media Policy
    4. Perfect Phrases to Discuss Your Social Media Relationships with Employees
  15. Chapter 9 Perfect Phrases to Address Diversity
    1. Perfect Phrases to Address Diversity During the Interview
    2. Perfect Phrases to Address Diversity with a New Employee
    3. Perfect Phrases to Introduce a Diverse New Employee to the Team
    4. Perfect Phrases to Address Diversity Issues
  16. Chapter 10 Perfect Phrases for Delegation
    1. Perfect Phrases to Encourage Buy-In
    2. Perfect Phrases for Clear Delegation
    3. Perfect Phrases to Ensure Understanding of an Assignment
    4. Perfect Phrases to Elicit Input When You Delegate
    5. Perfect Phrases to Eliminate Reverse Delegation
    6. Perfect Phrases to Refuse an Employee Request
    7. Perfect Phrases to Credential Employees
    8. Perfect Phrases for Follow-Up on Delegated Projects
  17. Chapter 11 Perfect Phrases to Set and Communicate Standards and Goals
    1. Perfect Phrases to Set Job Standards
    2. Perfect Phrases to Gather Input to Identify Job Standards
    3. Perfect Phrases to Confirm Agreement to Job Standards
    4. Perfect Phrases to Reinforce Job Standards
    5. Perfect Phrases to Negotiate Performance Goals
    6. Perfect Phrases to Set Behavioral and Performance Goals
    7. Perfect Phrases to Ensure Agreement to Performance Goals
  18. Chapter 12 Perfect Phrases to Coach Employees
    1. Perfect Phrases for Informal Interaction
    2. Perfect Phrases to Uncover Employee Strengths
    3. Perfect Phrases to Build Employee Strengths
    4. Perfect Phrases for Positive Reinforcement
    5. Perfect Phrases to Uncover and Address Issues and Obstacles
    6. Perfect Phrases to Brainstorm Solutions
    7. Perfect Phrases to Address Personal Issues and Counsel Grieving Employees
  19. Chapter 13 Perfect Phrases to Handle Performance and Behavior Problems
    1. Perfect Phrases for Real-Time Corrective Verbal Feedback
    2. Perfect Phrases to Turn Informal Feedback into Verbal Warnings
    3. Perfect Phrases for Written Warnings and Counseling Sessions
    4. Perfect Phrases to Suspend an Employee
    5. Perfect Phrases to Inform the Team About a Co-Worker on Suspension
    6. Perfect Phrases to Receive a Complaint
    7. Perfect Phrases to Inform an Employee of a Complaint
    8. Perfect Phrases to Investigate a Complaint by Interviewing Witnesses
  20. Chapter 14 Perfect Phrases for Performance Reviews
    1. Perfect Phrases to Announce Performance Reviews and Recommend Employee Preparation
    2. Perfect Phrases to Set Expectations and Create Ease
    3. Perfect Phrases to Review Past Performance
    4. Perfect Phrases to Address Poor Performance During the Performance Review
    5. Perfect Phrases to Set Goals During Interim Meetings or the Performance Review
    6. Perfect Phrases to Create an Improvement Plan
  21. Chapter 15 Perfect Phrases for Ending Employment
    1. Perfect Phrases to Open the Severance-Dueto-Performance Meeting
    2. Perfect Phrases to Explain the Situation of Severance Due to Performance
    3. Perfect Phrases to Open the Severance-Dueto-Cutbacks Meeting
    4. Perfect Phrases to Explain the Situation of Severance Due to Cutbacks
    5. Perfect Phrases to Reaffirm the Employee and Close the Meeting
    6. Perfect Phrases to Answer Common Severance Questions
    7. Perfect Phrases to Tell the Workforce About an Employment Termination
    8. Perfect Phrases for the Exit Interview
    9. Perfect Phrases to Manage Remaining Employees After Layoffs
  22. Chapter 16 Perfect Phrases for Virtual and Face-to-Face Meetings and Announcements
    1. Perfect Phrases to Start a Virtual Meeting
    2. Perfect Phrases to Start Both Virtual and Face-to-Face Meetings
    3. Perfect Phrases to Keep Meetings on Track
    4. Perfect Phrases to Emphasize a Point
    5. Perfect Phrases to Handle Interruptions
    6. Perfect Phrases to Solicit Opinions
    7. Perfect Phrases to Comment on Opinions
    8. Perfect Phrases to Correct Information
    9. Perfect Phrases to Focus Decisions
  23. Chapter 17 Perfect Phrases to Empower the Team
    1. Perfect Phrases to Show Appreciation
    2. Perfect Phrases to Motivate
    3. Perfect Phrases to Empower Audibles and to Create Autonomy
  24. Chapter 18 Perfect Phrases to Communicate Up the Ladder
    1. Perfect Phrases to Stay in Sync with Your Manager
    2. Perfect Phrases to Disagree with Your Manager
    3. Perfect Phrases to Warn Your Manager of Developing Problems
    4. Perfect Phrases to Focus Priorities and Decline a Manager’s Request
    5. Perfect Phrases to Handle a Difficult Manager
    6. Perfect Phrases for Going Above Your Manager’s Head
    7. Perfect Phrases to Bring Ideas to Your Manager
    8. Perfect Phrases to Break Bad News to Your Manager
    9. Perfect Phrases to Support Your Staff When You Report to Your Manager
  25. Chapter 19 Dynamized Management Communication Can Energize Productivity
  26. Footnotes
    1. ch01fn01
    2. ch01fn02
    3. ch02fn01
    4. ch04fn01
    5. ch15fn01