
Book Description

Programming Data-Driven Web Applications with ASP.NET provides readers with a solid understanding of ASP.NET and how to effectively integrate databases with their Web sites. The key to making information instantly available on the Web is integrating the Web site and the database to work as one piece. The authors teach this using ASP.NET, server-side controls, ADO+, XML, and SOAP. The authors will teach readers how to manage data by using ASP.NET forms, exposing data through ASP+ Web Services, working with BLOBs, and using cookies and other features to secure their data.

Table of Contents

  1. Copyright
  2. About the Authors
  3. Acknowledgments
  4. Tell Us What You Think!
  5. Introduction
  6. What Is .NET?
    1. What Is ASP.NET?
      1. The Major Differences Between ASP and ASP.NET
      2. Breaking Down the Parts of ASP.NET
      3. Summary
    2. What Is ADO.NET?
      1. ADO.NET Explained
      2. The Benefits of ADO.NET
      3. ADO.NET Document Object Model
      4. Summary
  7. Reading and Displaying Data
    1. ADO.NET Managed Providers
      1. The Two Managed Providers
      2. Managed Connections
      3. Managed Commands
      4. The DataReader
      5. Managed Commands with Stored Procedures
      6. The DataAdapter
      7. Table and Column Mappings
      8. Summary
    2. Basic ANSI-SQL
      1. Setting Up Your Workspace
      2. Getting Data from a Database
      3. The WHERE Clause
      4. The SubQuery
      5. SQL Joins
      6. Sorting Data
      7. Updating Existing Data
      8. Inserting New Data
      9. Deleting Existing Data
      10. Summary
    3. Using a Basic DataGrid
      1. The ASP.NET DataGrid
      2. Data Binding
      3. Binding to Arrays
      4. Binding to Collections
      5. Binding to Properties
      6. Binding to XML Files
      7. Summary
    4. Altering DataGrid Output
      1. Understanding DataGrid Properties
      2. Paging with the DataGrid
      3. Sorting Columns
      4. BoundColumns
      5. Summary
    5. Working with ASP.NET Server Controls Templates
      1. What Is a Template?
      2. DataGrid .NET Server Control
      3. DataList .NET Server Control
      4. Repeater .NET Server Control
      5. Summary
  8. Updating and Inputting Data
    1. Gathering Data with ASP.NET Web Forms
      1. Button ASP.NET Server Control
      2. TextBox ASP.NET Server Control
      3. DropDownList ASP.NET Server Control
      4. ListBox ASP.NET Server Control
      5. CheckBox ASP.NET Server Control
      6. CheckBoxList ASP.NET Server Control
      7. RadioButton ASP.NET Server Control
      8. RadioButtonList ASP.NET Server Control
      9. Summary
    2. Evaluating Data with ASP.NET Validation Controls
      1. Validation Controls and How They Work
      2. Shared Validator Attributes
      3. The RequiredFieldValidator Control
      4. The RegularExpressionValidator Control
      5. The CompareValidator Control
      6. The RangeValidator Control
      7. The CustomValidator Control
      8. The ValidationSummary Control
      9. One Control, Multiple Validators
      10. Summary
    3. Inputting and Editing Data Using the DataGrid and DataList
      1. An Overview of Editing Functions
      2. Enabling Editing Using the DataGrid
      3. Enabling Editing Using the DataList
      4. Changing Output with the ItemCreated Event Using the DataGrid and DataList
      5. Enabling Item Selection Using the DataGrid and DataList
      6. Tip—Using a DropDownList in a DataGrid
      7. Summary
    4. Editing and Filtering Data
      1. The DataTable Versus DataView
      2. The DataTable: Filtering, Adding, Editing, Sorting, and Deleting DataRows
      3. The DataView: Filtering, Adding, Editing, Sorting, and Deleting DataRowViews
      4. Using the SqlCommandBuilder to Save Changes Back to Your Database
      5. Bringing It Together
      6. Summary
  9. Advanced Data Concepts
    1. XML and SOAP
      1. What Is XML? A Quick Refresher
      2. Xml Server Control
      3. XmlDocument and XslTransform
      4. Working with XML Elements
      5. Reading and Writing XML Files with the DataSet
      6. SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
      7. Summary
    2. BLOB Uploading and Displaying
      1. Uploading Files Using HtmlInputFile
      2. Using the HttpPostedFile
      3. Working with the In Memory File—Saving it to a Database
      4. Retrieving and Showing an Image from a Database
      5. Summary
    3. Exposing Data Through Web Services
      1. What Are Web Services?
      2. Building Simple Output Web Services
      3. Building Input/Output Web Services
      4. Consuming Web Services
      5. Summary
    4. Authentication
      1. Security Configuration
      2. Types of Authentication
      3. Using Forms Authentication
      4. Role-based Forms Authentication
      5. Summary
    5. Data Caching
      1. What Is Caching?
      2. Using the Page Output Cache
      3. Using the HttpCachePolicy Class to Enable Output Caching
      4. Using Fragment Caching
      5. Using the Cache APIs
      6. Caching in Web Services
      7. Summary
  10. Appendixes
    1. ASP.NET Server Controls Reference
      1. ASP.NET Intrinsic Server Controls
      2. ASP.NET Rich Server Controls
      3. ASP.NET Style Objects
    2. ADO.NET Object Model
      1. The Major Components of an ADO.NET Solution
      2. ADO.NET Object Model
      3. ASP.NET Managed Providers
  11. Index