
In this chapter, you learned about ASP.NET Authentication. You learned how to set up the configuration file, web.config, to use one of three authentication schemes, Windows, Passport, and Cookie. Specifically you learned:

  • Types of authentication

  • Security configuration options

  • Working with Forms Authentication

  • Enabling Role-based authentication

You can use any of the authentication types to restrict access to resources in your Web application. Windows Authentication is ideal for intranets and extranets when all of the users have accounts in the Windows network. Passport Authentication is useful when you do not want to maintain your own user database, but it does require a fee for use and you must apply to Microsoft to be a Passport Web site.

In the bulk of this chapter you worked with Forms Authentication, which is the de facto standard for public Web site authentication. With Forms Authentication you provide an HTML forms-based login form to collect user credentials. By adding code in the global.asax file you can enable role-based authentication to restrict access based on user roles, such as Premier User and Standard User.

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