
Book Description

The book covers XSLT and Xpath (as a part of XSLT), as these topics have everything to do with processing XML. It will also cover XML from an XSLT processing and design point of view. Other XML technologies will not be discussed as superset of XSLT, most notably XSL. XSL Formatting Objects alone is enough material for an entire book. Apart from that, XSLT and Xpath form the processing/programming section of the entire XSL specification. This book presents an overview of XSLT and guides readers through transforming their first XML data. In this book you will also learn:

  • Selecting Data-Stylesheets and Xpath Basics;

  • Inserting text and elements in output;

  • Copying elements from the source and inserting text;

  • Conditional processing basics and expressions;

  • Modularizing stylesheets;

  • Understanding, creating, and using templates;

  • Controlling output, as well as creating more advanced output;

  • Using multi-file stylesheets, variables, and parameters;

  • Working with numbers, strings, multiple XML sources, and namespaces;

  • Selecting data based upon keys;

  • Recursion;

  • Creating computational stylesheets;

  • Working with parses;

  • Designing XML and XSLT applications;

  • Extending XSLT.

Table of Contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright Page
  3. Contents
  4. Dedication
  5. Introduction
  6. WEEK 1 At a Glance
    1. Day 1 Getting Started with XSLT
    2. 2 Transforming Your First XML
    3. 3 Selecting Data
    4. 4 Using Templates
    5. 5 Inserting Text and Elements
    6. 6 Conditional and Iterative Processing 139
    7. 7 Controlling the Output
  7. WEEK 1 In Review
  8. WEEK 2 At a Glance
    1. 8 Working with Variables
    2. 9 Working with Parameters
    3. 10 Understanding Data Types
    4. 11 Working with Strings
    5. 12 Sorting and Numbering
    6. 13 Working with Multifile Stylesheets 319
    7. 14 Working with Multiple XML Sources 341
  9. WEEK 2 In Review:
  10. WEEK 3 At a Glance
    1. 15 Working with Namespaces
    2. 16 Advanced Data Selection
    3. 17 Using Recursion
    4. 18 Building Computational Stylesheets 441
    5. 19 Working with XSLT Extensions
    6. 20 Working with Different Processors 485
    7. 21 Designing XML and XSLT Applications 507
  11. WEEK 3 In Review
  12. Appendixes
    1. Appendix A Answers to Quiz Questions and Exercises
    2. B A Quick Reference of XSLT Elements and Functions
    3. C Command-Line Reference for Selected Processors
    4. D XML Resources on the Web
  13. Index