
Book Description

Service-Learning Essentials is the resource you need to help you develop high-quality service-learning experiences for college students. Written by one of the field's leading experts and sponsored by Campus Compact, the book is the definitive work on this high-impact educational practice. Service-learning has been identified by the Association of American Colleges and Universities as having been widely tested and shown to be beneficial to college students from a wide variety of backgrounds.

Organized in an accessible question-and-answer format, the book responds clearly and completely to the most common questions and concerns about service-learning. Each chapter addresses issues related to individual practice as well as to the collective work of starting and developing a service-learning center or program, with examples drawn from a variety of disciplines, situations, and institutional types. The questions range from basic to advanced and the answers cover both the fundamentals and complexities of service-learning. Topics include:

  • Determining what service-learning opportunities institutions should offer

  • How to engage students in critical reflection in academic courses and in cocurricular experiences

  • Best practices for developing and sustaining mutually beneficial campus-community partnerships

  • Integrating service-learning into the curriculum in all disciplines and at all levels, as well as various areas of student life outside the classroom

  • Assessing service-learning programs and outcomes

  • The dilemmas of service-learning in the context of power and privilege

  • The future of service-learning in online and rapidly globalizing environments

  • Service-learning has virtually limitless potential to enable colleges and universities to meet their goals for student learning while making unique contributions to addressing unmet local, national, and global needs. However, in order to realize these benefits, service-learning must be thoughtfully designed and carefully implemented. This easy-to-use volume contains everything faculty, leaders, and staff members need to know about service-learning to enhance communities, improve higher education institutions, and educate the next generation of citizens, scholars, and leaders.

    Table of Contents

    1. Cover
    2. Series page
    3. Title page
    4. Figures and Exhibits
    5. Dedication
    6. Foreword
      1. References
    7. Preface
      1. Audiences
      2. Overview of the Contents
    8. Acknowledgments
    9. About the Author
    10. About Campus Compact
    11. Chapter 1: Introduction to Service-Learning
      1. 1.1 What is service-learning?
      2. Sources of additional information
      3. 1.2 What are the theoretical foundations of service-learning?
      4. Sources of additional information
      5. 1.3 What else can we call service-learning if that term does not work for us?
      6. 1.4 What are the benefits of service-learning?
      7. Sources of additional information
      8. 1.5 What is the history of service-learning?
      9. Sources of additional information
      10. 1.6 How widespread is service-learning?
      11. Sources of additional information
      12. 1.7 What should an institution offer in the way of service-learning?
      13. Sources of additional information
      14. 1.8 How does service-learning vary by institutional type?
      15. Conclusion
    12. Chapter 2: Understanding and Facilitating Critical Reflection
      1. 2.1 What is critical reflection?
      2. Sources of additional information
      3. 2.2 What are the forms of reflection?
      4. Sources of additional information
      5. 2.3 What are the steps in designing and implementing critical reflection?
      6. 2.4 How can critical reflection empower students to move beyond direct service to other forms of civic and political engagement?
      7. Sources of additional information
      8. 2.5 How can I make reflection work in my discipline?
      9. 2.6 How does reflection work in cocurricular service-learning, especially one-time or short-term experiences?
      10. Conclusion
    13. Chapter 3: Developing and Sustaining Campus-Community Partnerships for Service-Learning
      1. 3.1 What are the definition and basic principles of campus-community partnerships for service-learning?
      2. Sources of additional information
      3. 3.2 What are the different types of service-learning partnerships?
      4. 3.3 What are the steps to developing a service-learning partnership?
      5. Sources of additional information
      6. 3.4 What are the logistical issues involved in service-learning partnerships?
      7. 3.5 What are the best practices for developing and sustaining partnerships?
      8. Sources of additional information
      9. 3.6 What infrastructure should an institution have in place for developing and sustaining campus-community partnerships?
      10. Source of additional information
      11. 3.7 Should campus-community partnerships include corporate partners? How?
      12. Sources of additional information
      13. 3.8 What are the key issues for international partnerships for service-learning?
      14. Sources of additional information
      15. 3.9 How can small-scale partnerships for service-learning lead to broader and deeper institutional engagement?
      16. Sources of additional information
      17. Conclusion
    14. Chapter 4: Integrating Service-Learning into the Curriculum
      1. 4.1 When is service-learning the right pedagogy for a course?
      2. Source of additional information
      3. 4.2 How does service-learning work in my discipline?
      4. Sources of additional information
      5. 4.3 Is service-learning academically rigorous?
      6. 4.4 What are the different models for integrating service-learning into the curriculum?
      7. Sources of additional information
      8. 4.5 How do I start developing a service-learning course?
      9. Sources of additional information
      10. 4.6 How should I assess and grade service-learning?
      11. Sources of additional information
      12. 4.7 What are the unique elements of a service-learning syllabus?
      13. Source of additional information
      14. 4.8 What are the logistical issues involved in teaching a service-learning course?
      15. 4.9 How does service-learning work in an online or blended course?
      16. Sources of additional information
      17. 4.10 Should service-learning courses be formally designated?
      18. 4.11 What does it take to motivate and support faculty to practice service-learning?
      19. 4.12 How can service-learning be valued in the faculty review, promotion, and tenure process?
      20. Sources of additional information
      21. 4.13 How can service-learning lead to the broad and deep engagement of an entire academic department?
      22. Sources of additional information
      23. Conclusion
    15. Chapter 5: Designing and Implementing Cocurricular Service-Learning
      1. 5.1 What is cocurricular service-learning?
      2. 5.2 What is the relationship between service-learning and student development?
      3. Sources of additional information
      4. 5.3 What are the different forms of cocurricular service-learning?
      5. Sources of additional information
      6. 5.4 How can service-learning be incorporated into the various areas of student life?
      7. 5.5 What is the relationship between service-learning and leadership education?
      8. Sources of additional information
      9. 5.6 What are the steps in developing cocurricular service-learning experiences?
      10. Source of additional information
      11. 5.7 How can assessment of student learning be done in cocurricular service-learning?
      12. 5.8 How can service-learning educators support student-initiated and -led service-learning?
      13. Sources of additional information
      14. Conclusion
    16. Chapter 6: Assessment of Service-Learning
      1. 6.1 What does service-learning assessment entail?
      2. Source of additional information
      3. 6.2 What are the possible methods for assessing service-learning?
      4. Sources of additional information
      5. 6.3 What issues should we consider in choosing assessment methods?
      6. 6.4 What should assessment of service-learning student participants comprise?
      7. Sources of additional information
      8. 6.5 How should service-learning be assessed from the community perspective?
      9. Sources of additional information
      10. 6.6 How should service-learning partnerships be assessed?
      11. Sources of additional information
      12. 6.7 What should faculty assessment consist of in regard to service-learning?
      13. Source of additional information
      14. 6.8 What assessment should be done at the institutional level?
      15. Sources of additional information
      16. 6.9 What are the challenges of service-learning assessment? How can we address them?
      17. Sources of additional information
      18. Conclusion
    17. Chapter 7: Administration of Service-Learning
      1. 7.1 How do we start with service-learning?
      2. Sources of additional information
      3. 7.2 What are the components of a center for service-learning?
      4. 7.3 What staffing is required for a service-learning center?
      5. 7.4 Where should service-learning be organizationally located?
      6. 7.5 Besides a service-learning center, what other elements of institutional infrastructure are necessary to support service-learning?
      7. 7.6 How should the service-learning center be funded?
      8. Sources of additional information
      9. 7.7 How can we demonstrate the value of service-learning?
      10. Sources of additional information
      11. 7.8 What are the logistical considerations that service-learning requires?
      12. Source of additional information
      13. 7.9 What liability and risk-management issues do we need to address?
      14. Sources of additional information
      15. 7.10 What administrative issues are involved in international service-learning?
      16. Sources of additional information
      17. 7.11 How should we recognize outstanding work in service-learning?
      18. Conclusion
    18. Chapter 8: Facing the Complexities and Dilemmas of Service-Learning
      1. 8.1 How can service-learning be accessible and appropriate for all students?
      2. Source of additional information
      3. 8.2 Should service-learning be required for graduation?
      4. 8.3 How should we deal with resistant students?
      5. Source of additional information
      6. 8.4 How can participation in service-learning enhance students' understanding and appreciation of differences in race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status? Of power and privilege? Of systemic oppr
      7. Sources of additional information
      8. 8.5 What is critical service-learning? Why does it matter?
      9. Sources of additional information
      10. 8.6 What is the relationship of service-learning to politics?
      11. Sources of additional information
      12. 8.7 Should service-learning be institutionalized?
      13. Sources of additional information
      14. 8.8 Can campus-community partnerships really be reciprocal relationships among equals?
      15. Sources of additional information
      16. 8.9 Should the focus of service-learning be local or global?
      17. Sources of additional information
      18. Conclusion
    19. Chapter 9: Securing the Future of Service-Learning in Higher Education
      1. 9.1 What assessment and research are needed to validate service-learning as a pedagogy and practice?
      2. Sources of additional information
      3. 9.2 How can institutionalizing service-learning secure its future?
      4. 9.3 What can we do to more fully recognize service-learning, community-based research, and engaged scholarship in the faculty reward system?
      5. Sources of additional information
      6. 9.4 What can we learn from international models of service-learning?
      7. Sources of additional information
      8. 9.5 What are the service-learning partnerships of the future?
      9. Sources of additional information
      10. 9.6 How can we help students develop a global perspective through local service-learning?
      11. Source of additional information
      12. 9.7 What is the role of service-learning in responding to domestic and international humanitarian crises?
      13. Sources of additional information
      14. 9.8 What is the future of service-learning in the online environment?
      15. Sources of additional information
      16. 9.9 How can service-learning strengthen higher education's engagement in K–12 schools?
      17. Sources of additional information
      18. 9.10 What is the relationship of the future of service-learning to social entrepreneurship?
      19. Sources of additional information
      20. Conclusion
    20. References
    21. Index
    22. End User License Agreement