
Book Description

The Top-Selling, De Facto Guide to SOA--Now Updated with New Content and Coverage of Microservices!

For more than a decade, Thomas Erl’s best-selling Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology, and Design has been the definitive end-to-end tutorial on SOA, service-orientation, and service technologies. Now, Erl has thoroughly updated the industry’s de facto guide to SOA to reflect new practices, technologies, and strategies that have emerged through hard-won experience and creative innovation.

This Second Edition officially introduces microservices and micro task abstraction as part of service-oriented architecture and its associated service layers. Updated case study examples and illustrations further explain and position the microservice model alongside and in relation to more traditional types of services.

Coverage includes:
• Easy-to-understand, plain English explanations of SOA and service-orientation fundamentals (as compiled from series titles)
• Microservices, micro task abstraction, and containerization
• Service delivery lifecycle and associated phases
• Analysis and conceptualization of services and microservices
• Service API design with REST services, web services, and microservices
• Modern service API and contract versioning techniques for web services and REST services
• Up-to-date appendices with service-orientation principles, REST constraints, and SOA patterns (including three new patterns)

Service-Oriented Architecture: Analysis and Design for Services and Microservices, Second Edition, will be indispensable to application architects, enterprise architects, software developers, and any IT professionals interested in learning about or responsible for designing or implementing modern-day, service-oriented solutions.

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Case Study Backgrounds
Part I: Fundamentals
Chapter 3: Understanding Service-Orientation
Chapter 4: Understanding SOA
Chapter 5: Understanding Layers with Services and Microservices
Part II: Service-Oriented Analysis and Design
Chapter 6: Analysis and Modeling with Web Services and Microservices
Chapter 7: Analysis and Modeling with REST Services and Microservices
Chapter 8: Service API and Contract Design with Web Services
Chapter 9: Service API and Contract Design with REST Services and Microservices
Chapter 10: Service API and Contract Versioning with Web Services and REST Services
Part III: Appendices
Appendix A: Service-Orientation Principles Reference
Appendix B: REST Constraints Reference
Appendix C: SOA Design Patterns Reference
Appendix D: The Annotated SOA Manifesto

Table of Contents

  1. About This E-Book
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Dedication Page
  5. Contents at a Glance
  6. Contents
  7. Acknowledgments
  8. Reader Services
  9. Chapter 1. Introduction
    1. 1.1 How Patterns Are Used in this Book
    2. 1.2 Series Books That Cover Topics from the First Edition
    3. 1.3 How this Book Is Organized
      1. Part I: Fundamentals
      2. Part II: Service-Oriented Analysis and Design
      3. Part III: Appendices
    4. 1.4 Page References and Capitalization for Principles, Constraints, and Patterns
    5. Additional Information
      1. Symbol Legend
      2. Updates, Errata, and Resources (www.servicetechbooks.com)
      3. Service-Orientation (www.serviceorientation.com)
      4. What Is REST? (www.whatisrest.com)
      5. Referenced Specifications (www.servicetechspecs.com)
      6. SOASchool.com® SOA Certified Professional (SOACP)
      7. CloudSchool.com™ Cloud Certified Professional (CCP)
      8. BigDataScienceSchool.com™ Big Data Science Certified Professional (BDSCP)
      9. Notification Service
  10. Chapter 2. Case Study Backgrounds
    1. 2.1 How Case Studies Are Used
    2. 2.2 Case Study Background #1: Transit Line Systems, Inc.
    3. 2.3 Case Study Background #2: Midwest University Association
  11. Part I: Fundamentals
    1. Chapter 3. Understanding Service-Orientation
      1. 3.1 Introduction to Service-Orientation
        1. Services in Business Automation
        2. Services Are Collections of Capabilities
        3. Service-Orientation as a Design Paradigm
        4. Service-Orientation Design Principles
      2. 3.2 Problems Solved by Service-Orientation
        1. Silo-based Application Architecture
        2. It Can Be Highly Wasteful
        3. It’s Not as Efficient as It Appears
        4. It Bloats an Enterprise
        5. It Can Result in Complex Infrastructures and Convoluted Enterprise Architectures
        6. Integration Becomes a Constant Challenge
        7. The Need for Service-Orientation
        8. Increased Amounts of Reusable Solution Logic
        9. Reduced Amounts of Application-Specific Logic
        10. Reduced Volume of Logic Overall
        11. Inherent Interoperability
      3. 3.3 Effects of Service-Orientation on the Enterprise
        1. Service-Orientation and the Concept of “Application”
        2. Service-Orientation and the Concept of “Integration”
        3. The Service Composition
      4. 3.4 Goals and Benefits of Service-Oriented Computing
        1. Increased Intrinsic Interoperability
        2. Increased Federation
        3. Increased Vendor Diversification Options
        4. Increased Business and Technology Domain Alignment
        5. Increased ROI
        6. Increased Organizational Agility
        7. Reduced IT Burden
      5. 3.5 Four Pillars of Service-Orientation
        1. Teamwork
        2. Education
        3. Discipline
        4. Balanced Scope
    2. Chapter 4. Understanding SOA
      1. Introduction to SOA
      2. 4.1 The Four Characteristics of SOA
        1. Business-Driven
        2. Vendor-Neutral
        3. Enterprise-Centric
        4. Composition-Centric
        5. Design Priorities
      3. 4.2 The Four Common Types of SOA
        1. Service Architecture
        2. Service Composition Architecture
        3. Service Inventory Architecture
        4. Service-Oriented Enterprise Architecture
      4. 4.3 The End Result of Service-Orientation and SOA
      5. 4.4 SOA Project and Lifecycle Stages
        1. Methodology and Project Delivery Strategies
        2. SOA Project Stages
        3. SOA Adoption Planning
        4. Service Inventory Analysis
        5. Service-Oriented Analysis (Service Modeling)
        6. Service-Oriented Design (Service Contract)
        7. Service Logic Design
        8. Service Development
        9. Service Testing
        10. Service Deployment and Maintenance
        11. Service Usage and Monitoring
        12. Service Discovery
        13. Service Versioning and Retirement
        14. Project Stages and Organizational Roles
    3. Chapter 5. Understanding Layers with Services and Microservices
      1. 5.1 Introduction to Service Layers
        1. Service Models and Service Layers
        2. Service and Service Capability Candidates
      2. 5.2 Breaking Down the Business Problem
        1. Functional Decomposition
        2. Service Encapsulation
        3. Agnostic Context
        4. Agnostic Capability
        5. Utility Abstraction
        6. Entity Abstraction
        7. Non-Agnostic Context
        8. Micro Task Abstraction and Microservices
        9. Process Abstraction and Task Services
      3. 5.3 Building Up the Service-Oriented Solution
        1. Service-Orientation and Service Composition
        2. Capability Composition and Capability Recomposition
        3. Logic Centralization and Service Normalization
  12. Part II: Service-Oriented Analysis and Design
    1. Chapter 6. Analysis and Modeling with Web Services and Microservices
      1. 6.1 Web Service Modeling Process
        1. Step 1: Decompose the Business Process (into Granular Actions)
        2. Step 2: Filter Out Unsuitable Actions
        3. Step 3: Define Entity Service Candidates
        4. Step 4: Identify Process-Specific Logic
        5. Step 5: Apply Service-Orientation
        6. Step 6: Identify Service Composition Candidates
        7. Step 7: Analyze Processing Requirements
        8. Step 8: Define Utility Service Candidates
        9. Step 9: Define Microservice Candidates
        10. Step 10: Apply Service-Orientation
        11. Step 11: Revise Service Composition Candidates
        12. Step 12: Revise Capability Candidate Grouping
    2. Chapter 7. Analysis and Modeling with REST Services and Microservices
      1. 7.1 REST Service Modeling Process
        1. Step 1: Decompose Business Process (into Granular Actions)
        2. Step 2: Filter Out Unsuitable Actions
        3. Step 3: Define Entity Service Candidates
        4. Step 4: Identify Process-Specific Logic
        5. Step 5: Identify Resources
        6. Step 6: Associate Service Capabilities with Resources and Methods
        7. Step 7: Apply Service-Orientation
        8. Step 8: Identify Service Composition Candidates
        9. Step 9: Analyze Processing Requirements
        10. Step 10: Define Utility Service Candidates (and Associate Resources and Methods)
        11. Step 11: Define Microservice Candidates (and Associate Resources and Methods)
        12. Step 12: Apply Service-Orientation
        13. Step 13: Revise Candidate Service Compositions
        14. Step 14: Revise Resource Definitions and Capability Candidate Grouping
      2. 7.2 Additional Considerations
        1. Uniform Contract Modeling and REST Service Inventory Modeling
        2. REST Constraints and Uniform Contract Modeling
        3. REST Service Capability Granularity
        4. Resources vs. Entities
    3. Chapter 8. Service API and Contract Design with Web Services
      1. 8.1 Service Model Design Considerations
        1. Entity Service Design
        2. Utility Service Design
        3. Microservice Design
        4. Task Service Design
      2. 8.2 Web Service Design Guidelines
        1. Apply Naming Standards
        2. Apply a Suitable Level of Contract API Granularity
        3. Design Web Service Operations to Be Inherently Extensible
        4. Consider Using Modular WSDL Documents
        5. Use Namespaces Carefully
        6. Use the SOAP Document and Literal Attribute Values
    4. Chapter 9. Service API and Contract Design with REST Services and Microservices
      1. 9.1 Service Model Design Considerations
        1. Entity Service Design
        2. Utility Service Design
        3. Microservice Design
        4. Task Service Design
      2. 9.2 REST Service Design Guidelines
        1. Uniform Contract Design Considerations
        2. Designing and Standardizing Methods
        3. Designing and Standardizing HTTP Headers
        4. Designing and Standardizing HTTP Response Codes
        5. Customizing Response Codes
        6. Designing Media Types
        7. Designing Schemas for Media Types
        8. Complex Method Design
        9. Stateless Complex Methods
        10. Stateful Complex Methods
    5. Chapter 10. Service API and Contract Versioning with Web Services and REST Services
      1. 10.1 Versioning Basics
        1. Versioning Web Services
        2. Versioning REST Services
        3. Fine and Coarse-Grained Constraints
      2. 10.2 Versioning and Compatibility
        1. Backwards Compatibility
        2. Forwards Compatibility
        3. Compatible Changes
        4. Incompatible Changes
      3. 10.3 REST Service Compatibility Considerations
      4. 10.4 Version Identifiers
      5. 10.5 Versioning Strategies
        1. The Strict Strategy (New Change, New Contract)
        2. The Flexible Strategy (Backwards Compatibility)
        3. The Loose Strategy (Backwards and Forwards Compatibility)
        4. Strategy Summary
      6. 10.6 REST Service Versioning Considerations
  13. Part III: Appendices
    1. Appendix A. Service-Orientation Principles Reference
    2. Appendix B. REST Constraints Reference
    3. Appendix C. SOA Design Patterns Reference
      1. What’s a Design Pattern?
      2. What’s a Design Pattern Language?
      3. Pattern Profiles
      4. Agnostic Capability
      5. Agnostic Context
      6. Atomic Service Transaction
      7. Canonical Expression
      8. Canonical Schema
      9. Canonical Versioning
      10. Capability Composition
      11. Capability Recomposition
      12. Compensating Service Transaction
      13. Composition Autonomy
      14. Concurrent Contracts
      15. Containerization
      16. Content Negotiation
      17. Contract Denormalization
      18. Cross-Domain Utility Layer
      19. Decoupled Contract
      20. Domain Inventory
      21. Dual Protocols
      22. Enterprise Inventory
      23. Entity Abstraction
      24. Entity Linking
      25. Event-Driven Messaging
      26. Functional Decomposition
      27. Idempotent Capability
      28. Inventory Endpoint
      29. Legacy Wrapper
      30. Logic Centralization
      31. Microservice Deployment
      32. Micro Task Abstraction
      33. Non-Agnostic Context
      34. Partial State Deferral
      35. Process Abstraction
      36. Redundant Implementation
      37. Reusable Contract
      38. Schema Centralization
      39. Service Agent
      40. Service Data Replication
      41. Service Encapsulation
      42. Service Façade
      43. Service Normalization
      44. State Messaging
      45. State Repository
      46. Utility Abstraction
      47. Validation Abstraction
      48. Version Identification
    4. Appendix D. The Annotated SOA Manifesto
      1. The SOA Manifesto
      2. The SOA Manifesto Explored
        1. Preamble
        2. Priorities
        3. Guiding Principles
  14. About the Author
  15. Index
  16. Code Snippets