
Book Description

This annual report examines the key trends and developments -- most notably, the demise of Borders -- that shaped the 2011 computer book market.

Table of Contents

  1. State of the Computer Book Market 2011
  2. 1. State of the Computer Book Market 2011
    1. Part 1: Overall Market
      1. Overall Book Market Performance
    2. Part 2: The Categories
      1. The Categories (24-month rolling, January 2010 — December 2011)
    3. Part 3: The Publishers
      1. Categories and the publishers that dominate them
    4. Part 4: The Languages
      1. A treemap view of the programming Languages
      2. Large Programming Languages — 50,000 — 200,000 units in 2011
      3. Major Programming Languages — 10,000 — 49,999 units in 2011
      4. Mid-Major Programming Languages — 3,000 — 9,999 units in 2011
      5. Mid-Minor — 1,600 — 2,999 units in 2011
      6. Minor Languages — 1,000 — 1,599 units in 2011
      7. Linelist — 100 — 999 units in 2011
      8. TheRest Programming Languages — < 100 units in 2011
    5. Part 5: Wrap-Up and Digital
      1. Electronic distribution and sales
  3. About the Author
  4. Copyright