
Book Description

Designed for use in engineering design courses, and as a reference for industry professionals learning sustainable design concepts and practical methods, Sustainability in Engineering Design focuses on designers as the driving force behind sustainable products. This book introduces sustainability concepts and explains the application of sustainable methods to the engineering design process.

The book also covers important design topics such as project and team management, client management, performance prediction, and the social and environmental effects of sustainable engineering design. These concepts and methods are supported with a wealth of worked examples, discussion questions, and primary case studies to aid comprehension.

  • Applies research-based methods to achieve real-world results for rapidly evolving industry trends
  • Focuses on design engineers as the starting point of creating sustainable design
  • Provides practical methods and design tools to guide engineering designers in creating sustainably designed and engineering products
  • Incorporates all aspects of sustainable engineering design, including the material selection, production, and marketing of products
  • Includes cutting-edge sustainable design model case studies based on the authors' own research and experiences

Table of Contents

  1. Cover image
  2. Title page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Copyright page
  5. Preface
  6. Foreword
  7. Book Synopsis
  8. Introduction
  9. Chapter 1: Engineering Design: An Overview
    1. Abstract
    2. 1.1 What Is Design?
    3. 1.2 Definition of Design and Overview of the Design Process
    4. 1.3 Design Activities
    5. 1.4 Design Information
    6. 1.5 Design Evolution
    7. 1.6 Design Information Output
    8. 1.7 Qualities of the Designer
    9. 1.8 Attention to Detail
    10. 1.9 The Whole Picture
    11. 1.10 Classic Engineering Design-to-Manufacture Model
    12. 1.11 Overall Design Objectives and the Triple Bottom Line
  10. Chapter 2: Design Approach, Philosophy, and Normal Approach Design Model
    1. Abstract
    2. 2.1 That “Eureka” Moment
    3. 2.2 An Historical Approach to Design
    4. 2.3 The Design Approach
    5. 2.4 Attributes of a Successful Design Engineer
    6. 2.5 The Classic Design Approach
    7. 2.6 Design Specifications
    8. 2.7 Design Phases
    9. 2.8 Phase 1
    10. 2.9 Phase 2
    11. 2.10 Phase 3
    12. 2.11 Final Design Specification
    13. 2.12 Product Specification
    14. 2.13 Prototypes
  11. Chapter 3: Sustainability and Its Application Within Engineering Design
    1. Abstract
    2. 3.1 What Is Sustainability?
    3. 3.2 Is Sustainability Achievable?
    4. 3.3 Sustainability: Past and Present
    5. 3.4 The Classic Design and Manufacture Model
    6. 3.5 The Taguchi Approach to Quality Manufacturing
    7. 3.6 The Taguchi Analogy Applied to Sustainable Engineering Design
    8. 3.7 Sustainable Sourcing (Ecosourcing)
    9. 3.8 Design for Sustainable Manufacture (Sustainable Manufacture Value, or SMV)
    10. 3.9 Design for Sustainable Use (Sustainable Use Value, or SUV)
    11. 3.10 Design for Sustainable Maintenance (Sustainable Maintenance Value, or SMaV)
    12. 3.11 Design for Sustainable Disposal (Sustainable Disposal Value, or SDV)
    13. 3.12 Giveback
    14. 3.13 The Measurement of Sustainability
    15. 3.14 Actual Measurement of Sustainability
    16. 3.15 Sustainability Compromise
    17. 3.16 Conclusions
    18. 3.17 Sustainable Engineering Design: Necessity or Luxury?
    19. Appendix 3.1
    20. Appendix 3.2
    21. Appendix 3.3
  12. Chapter 4: The Tools of the Design Process and Management of Design
    1. Abstract
    2. 4.1 Introduction
    3. 4.2 Development Processes
    4. 4.3 Systematic Approach to Design
    5. 4.4 Design Methods
    6. 4.5 Classic Brainstorming
    7. 4.6 Brain Writing 6-3-5
    8. 4.7 Imaginary Brainstorming
    9. 4.8 Word-Picture Associations and Analogies
    10. 4.9 Methods of Generating Associations and Analogies
    11. 4.10 TILMAG
    12. 4.11 The Morphological Box
    13. 4.12 Design and Planning Methods
  13. Chapter 5: Communication for Engineers
    1. Abstract
    2. 5.1 Communication Overview
    3. 5.2 Written Communication
    4. 5.3 Project Reports/Technical Reports
    5. 5.4 Academic Publishing (Technical or Journal Papers)
    6. 5.5 Graphical Communications
    7. 5.6 General Drawing Application
    8. 5.7 The Client
  14. Chapter 6: Performance Prediction
    1. Abstract
    2. 6.1 Why Performance Prediction is Necessary
    3. 6.2 Historical Aspects of Analysis
    4. 6.3 Materials Testing
    5. 6.4 Factor of Safety
    6. 6.5 Consolidation of Safety in Structures and Devices
    7. 6.6 Computing Power
    8. 6.7 Fatigue Strength Prediction
    9. 6.8 Performance Prediction Methodology and Application
    10. 6.9 Checks and Balances
    11. 6.10 Conclusion
    12. Appendix
  15. Chapter 7: Design for Total Control
    1. Abstract
    2. 7.1 Traditional Approaches
    3. 7.2 The Sustainability Umbrella Model
    4. 7.3 Total Design Control
    5. 7.4 A New Design Approach (The Umbrella of Sustainable Design)
    6. 7.5 The Sustainable Design Function
    7. 7.6 Manufacturing
    8. 7.7 Lifetime Usage
    9. 7.8 Maintenance
    10. 7.9 End-of-Life Disposal
    11. Glossary
    12. Useful Addresses
  16. Chapter 8: Drivers of Sustainability in Design: Legislation and Perceptions of Consumers and Buyers
    1. Abstract
    2. 8.1 Legislation
    3. 8.2 Effectiveness of International Environmental Regimes and Legislation
    4. 8.3 Nonlegislative Measurement and Guidance Tools
    5. 8.4 Other Drivers of Sustainable Design
    6. 8.5 Conclusion
  17. Chapter 9: Strategic Sustainable Design
    1. Abstract
    2. 9.1 Triple Bottom Line—The 3P Approach
    3. 9.2 Benefits to Producers and Buyers of Designed-in Sustainability
    4. 9.3 The Sustainability Measurement and Certification Industry
  18. Chapter 10: Predicting the Future
    1. Abstract
    2. 10.1 Unsustainable Futures
    3. 10.2 The Engineers' View
    4. 10.3 Conclusion
    5. 10.4 If I Were You, I Wouldn't Be Starting from Here!
    6. 10.5 The Way Forward
  19. Index