
Book Description

Talent rules! Talent is a company's most important asset. This book shows why talent must be managed to generate maximum profits for the organization. The Talent Era presents a complete strategy for leveraging talent to maximize business value. Author Subir Chowdhury helps you discover how to measure talent and explains why there's more to attracting talent than raising salaries. He also discusses how managers handle talented subordinates, how to measure the value of talent, and much more.

Table of Contents

  1. Copyright
    1. Dedication
  2. Praise for The Talent Era
  3. Financial Times Prentice Hall Books
  4. Financial Times Prentice Hall
  5. Introduction: Welcome to the Talent Era
    1. Not Just Sports and Entertainment Anymore
    2. The Effects of Free Agency
    3. The Impact of Unions
    4. The End Game
    5. What Do We Mean by “Talents”?
    6. Why This Book?
  6. 1. The Talent Value Chain
    1. Talent Breeds Innovation
    2. Five Links in the Idea-Talent Chain
      1. 1. Anticipation
      2. 2. Articulation
      3. 3. Acceptance
      4. 4. Action
      5. 5. Leverage
    3. Five Ways to Create Value
      1. Make Sure Your Idea Is Unique, Authentic, and Genuine
      2. Expose the Idea to the Right People and Involve Those People Intensely
      3. Ensure That All Information Is Adequate, Accurate, and Free Flowing at All Levels
      4. Provide the Right Resources to People Involved
      5. Expect Something Unexpected; Many Failures, Surprises, and Setbacks Will Come, So Learn from These
    4. The IDEA Value Cycle
      1. I—Invest in Yourself
      2. D—Different Thinking
      3. E—Emotional Commitment
      4. A—Action
  7. 2. Winning the Creative War
    1. Talent and Environment
    2. Winning by Leveraging Talent
    3. Talent to Meet the Competition
    4. Talent Is Key in Mergers
      1. Talent
      2. Culture
      3. Single Vision, Not Double Vision
      4. Performance
    5. Continuous Development Cycle
      1. The Discovery Stage Is Revolutionary
      2. The Maturity Stage Is Evolutionary
      3. Advanced CDC
    6. On-Time Obsolescence
      1. Time to Market
  8. 3. Talent: Engine of the New Economy
    1. Talent Creates
    2. Talented Leaders Win
    3. Seven Differences between Talents and Knowledge Workers
      1. Talents Make and Break the Rules; Knowledge Workers Conserve the Rules
      2. Talents Create; Knowledge Workers Implement
      3. Talents Initiate Change; Knowledge Workers Support Change
      4. Talents Innovate; Knowledge Workers Learn
      5. Talents Direct; Knowledge Workers Act
      6. Talents Inspire and Lift People; Knowledge Workers Receive Information and Motivation
      7. Talents Make an Immense Contribution and Create Immense Wealth; Knowledge Workers Share
    4. How Can Knowledge Workers Become Talents?
    5. People Quality Management (PQM)
    6. The Power of Mind: Positive Thinking
  9. 4. The Elements of a Talent-Friendly Organization
    1. Treat Your Best Talents Like You Treat Your Best Customers
    2. Behave Like a Supplier
    3. Develop Imaginative Understanding of the Customer Requirements of Talents
    4. What Do Talents Want and Need from Your Organization?
    5. Talent Satisfaction Measurement System
    6. Organizational Management System
      1. Customer Focus System for Talent
        1. Imaginative Understanding of Customer Requirements
        2. Customer Engagement Process
        3. Translating Customer Requirements into Company Measures
        4. Utilizing the Customer Satisfaction Measurement System (CSMS)
        5. Utilizing the Customer Action Response System (CARS)
      2. Performance and Satisfaction Measurement System
      3. Participative Management System
        1. Management by Wandering Around
        2. Management by Participation
        3. Management by Process
        4. Management by Projects
        5. Responsibility, Authority, Accountability Definition Process
        6. Participative Decision Making
        7. Open Door Practice
      4. Change Management System
        1. Continuous Change Process
        2. Rapid Deployment Process
        3. Benchmarking
      5. Constant Innovation System
        1. Innovation Institute
        2. Benchmarking
        3. Six Sigma and Design for Six Sigma
        4. New Product Development Process
        5. Training
        6. Idea Seeding and Cultivation Funds
        7. Champion Process
        8. Sponsor Process
        9. Project Assessment Process
        10. Intellectual Asset Management Process
      6. Project Team Formation Process
        1. Cross-Functional Team Formation
        2. Team-Building Process
        3. Camp Meetings
      7. Employee Development System
        1. XYZ Management
        2. Performance Assessment and Enhancement Processes
        3. Career Planning Process
        4. Four Cs (Communication, Cooperation, Collaboration, Commitment)
      8. Human Resource Management System
        1. Training
        2. Recruiting
        3. Rapid Deployment Process
        4. Talent Tracking Process
        5. Management of Performance Assessment and Enhancement (PAEP)
        6. Management of Career Planning Process
        7. Benchmarking
        8. Placement
        9. Personnel Issues Resolution
        10. Two-Tier Compensation System
        11. Reward and Recognition Process
      9. Financial Support System
        1. Talent Track Fund
        2. Idea Funds
        3. Financial Projections
        4. Activity-Based Costing (ABC) Accounting Process
    7. Talent As Customer, Talent As Supplier
    8. Compensation
    9. Summary
  10. 5. Talent Management System
    1. Four Elements of the TMS
    2. Benefits of the TMS
    3. Attracting Talents
      1. Example: Herbert’s Recruiting Story
    4. Keeping Talents
    5. Managing Talents
      1. Talent Allocation and XYZ Analysis
    6. Identifying Talents
      1. Performance-Based Identification Tool
      2. Test-Based Identification Tool
        1. Scorecard Entries
        2. Seven-Step Scoring Process
    7. The Challenges of TMS
    8. Summary
  11. 6. The Growth Rule
    1. Positive Challenge
    2. Grass-Roots Education
    3. Cross-Functional Capability
    4. Support for Change
    5. Seven Laws of Fusion of Talents
      1. 1. Break the Ego Barrier
      2. 2. Burn Any Jealous Attitude
      3. 3. Build Trust
      4. 4. Simply Respect Each Other
      5. 5. Focus on Organizational Success Rather Than Individual Success
      6. 6. Share Responsibility
      7. 7. Embrace Failures As Well As Successes
      8. Why Are the Seven Laws of Fusion So Important?
        1. Drive Out Fear
    6. Launching an Idea Bank
  12. 7. Talent Development Budget
    1. Value-Driven Cost Structure
    2. Contingency Plan for Talents
    3. The Power of Developing Talent
    4. Summary
  13. 8. Return on Talent
    1. Knowledge Generated and Applied
    2. Investment in Talent
    3. ROT Measurement
    4. Three Examples of Calculating ROT
      1. Example 1: Tangible Knowledge Is Generated and Applied
      2. Example 2: Tangible and Intangible Knowledge Generated and Applied
      3. Example 3: Intangible Knowledge Generated and Applied
      4. Summary of Three Examples
    5. Optimize ROT
  14. 9. The Seven Secrets of Talent
    1. 1. Search for the Dream
    2. 2. Evaluate Your Strengths and Weaknesses
    3. 3. Cultivate Discipline and Determination
    4. 4. Render Ideas and Actions Inseparable
    5. 5. Embrace Positivity
    6. 6. Take a Never-Give-Up Attitude
    7. 7. Show a “Next” Mentality
    8. Example of the Talent SECRETS: Michael Jordan
      1. 1. Search for the Dream
      2. 2. Evaluate Your Strengths and Weaknesses
      3. 3. Cultivate Discipline and Determination
      4. 4. Render Ideas and Actions Inseparable
      5. 5. Embrace Positivity
      6. 6. Take a Never-Give-Up Attitude
      7. 7. Show a “Next” Mentality
  15. Bibliography
  16. Acknowledgments
  17. About the Author