
Book Description

The Anti-Bubbles is a contrarian framework that challenges the status quo and complacency of Global Markets towards the false belief/misconception that central banks and governments are infallible and in full control. A forward-looking analysis of the opportunities, risks, and unintended consequences associated with testing the limits of monetary policy, testing the limits of credit markets, and testing the limits of fiat currencies. This book presents both sides of the story, including Larry Summer’s “prudent imprudence for fiscal expansion”, George Soros’ “reflexivity theory applied to monetary policy”, Mohamed El-Erian´s “T-juction and diplomatic neutrality”, along the “Lehman Squared” and “Gold´s Perfect Storm” investment theses, and coins innovative ideas such as “anti-bubbles”, “the acronyms”, or “monetary supercycle”, which join a series of innovative concepts such as “The Flattening of the Energy World”, “The Energy Broadband”, or “The Battle for Supply”, from Diego´s first book.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Half-title Page
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright
  5. Dedication
  6. Abstract
  7. Contents
  8. Quotations from the book
  9. Foreword by Daniel Lacalle
  10. About the Structure of the book
  11. Chapter 1 Bubbles and Anti-bubbles
  12. Chapter 2 Lehman Squared
  13. Chapter 3 Gold’s Perfect Storm
  14. Chapter 4 Testing the Limits of Monetary Policy
  15. Chapter 5 Testing the Limits of Credit Markets
  16. Chapter 6 Testing the Limits of Fiat Currencies
  17. Chapter 7 A Premortem Analysis
  18. Chapter 8 Bubbles: How to Avoid Them
  19. Chapter 9 Anti-bubbles: How to Profit and Protect the Portfolio via Gold, Volatility, and Correlation
  20. Chapter 10 Conclusion
  21. Author Biography
  22. Index
  23. Backcover