
Anti-bubbles, 103

antimissile, 12

asset valuations, 12

correlation, 1516

gold, 1314

current market consensus, 78

down and out calls, 81

equities, 79, 84

exploration, 84

hedging programs, 8283

jurisdiction, 8081

management, 81

marginal cost of production, 81

nationalization, 80

physical gold (see Physical gold)

Real Options theory, 7980

services, 85

smart investment, 7879

taxation and expropriation, 80

up and out calls, 80

widow maker, 8586

platinum and palladium, 92

price valuations, 1213

silver, 91

Smart Gold strategy, 92100

vs. traditional financial bubbles, 12

volatility, 1415

Bank of England (BOE), 12

Bank of Japan (BOJ), 11, 45


benchmarks, 73

beta to alpha allocations, 74

bridges of competence, 2627

complacency phase, 2324

financial assets, 74

inequality, 24

monetary assets, 75

real assets, 75

reflexive competence, 27

risk and behavioral factors, 7374

twilight phase, 24

Central bank leadership risk, 4647

Central Bank, 1112, 101102

Chinese Central Bank, 55

Chinese Yuan (CNY), 40

Commodity Trade Advisors (CTAs), 9091

Complacency, 6

Consumer Price Index (CPI), 42

Conventional monetary policy, 33

Credit markets, test limits

credit risk premiums and benefits, 4950

prudent imprudence, 5051

return on capital vs. return of the capital, 55

stress tests, 5455

structural reform and restructuring, 5154

Currency wars, 40

Desperate search for yield, 4

Digital money, 36

Diplomatic neutrality, 69

Direct credit easing, 37

Duration bubble, 4142

Energy deflation, 44

Epicenter, 5354

European Central Bank (ECB), 1

Exuberant market behavior, 6

False diversification, 5

Federal Reserve, 32

Fiat currencies, test limits, 5

borrow more money, 58

current global currency system, 6263

Gold’s Perfect Storm investment thesis, 5859

Gresham’s law, 6061

monetary asset of choice, 6465

monetary policy and fiat currencies, 5758

monetary supercycle, 62, 6566

print more money, 58

seigniorage, 61

shadow gold price, 6364

World’s Reserve Currency, 65

Flows of speculative international finance, 32

Foreign Exchange (FX) channel, 12

Global Financial Crisis, 3

Gold-backed currencies, 3133

Gold exchange traded fund, 8889

Gold Perfect Storm investment thesis, 2930, 5859, 92100

Gold Reserve Act, 32

Gold structured products, 8990

Greedy borrower, 20, 23

Gresham’s law, 6061

Helicopter money, 33, 3839

High grade corporate bond quantitative easing (HGCB QE), 37

Indirect quantitative/credit easing, 35

Institutional allocator, 22

Interest-free risk, 4142

Internet, 19

Japanese Government bonds (JGB), 37

Japanese Yen (JPY), 93

Law of diminishing returns, 3940

Lehman Squared, 25

acronyms, 2021

building bubbles, 23

Global Financial Crisis of 2008, 18

greedy arrangers, 1920, 22

greedy borrower, 20, 23

miracle technology, 19, 21

naive lender, 20

premortem analysis, 18

rating agencies, 20, 22

sleeping policeman, 21

supervision, 22

West Side Story, 1718

Long-term repurchase obligations (LTRO) program, 35

Metallic currency system, 31

Metastable equilibrium, 9

Monetary financing, 34

Monetary policy, test limits

bond price increasing, 4

conventional monetary policy, 33

currency wars, 40

digital money, 36

direct credit easing, 37

energy deflation, 44

exit strategy, 4748

gold-backed currencies, 3133

helicopter money, 3839

inflation, 4243

Japanese experiment, 3

law of diminishing returns, 3940

long-term repurchase obligations, 35

monetary financing, 34

monetary radiation, 4445

negative interest rates, 3536

point of no return, 4547

prohibition of cash, 36

qualitative easing, 34

quantitative easing, 3, 3334

Scandinavian experiment, 2

tax on cash, 36

Theory of Monetary Relativity, 4041

virtual currencies, 3637

Monetary radiation, 4445

Monetary supercycle, 62

Naive lender, 20

Negative expectancy, 70

Negative interest rates, 24, 3536

New normal concept, 6869

New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), 65

No free-lunch economics, 57

Now paid for borrowing (OMG), 21

OPEC put, 1011

Over the Counter (OTC) market, 88

Paper-gold, 8788

People’s Bank of China (PBOC), 12

Physical gold

Commodity Trade Advisors, 9091

discretionary macro strategies, 91

financial leverage, 90

gold coins, 87

gold ETF, 8889

gold futures, 89

paper-gold, 8788

rationale, 8687

short positions, 88

structured products, 8990

Premortem analysis, 7071

Produce Price Index (PPI), 43

Prohibition of cash, 36

Prudent imprudence, 5051

Qualitative easing, 34

Quantitative and Qualitative Easing (QQE), 3435

Quantitative easing (QE), 3, 3334

Rating agencies, 20, 22

Real Options theory, 7980

Reflexive competence, 27

Relative Value trading (RV), 85

Renminbi RMB, 40

Risk-free interest, 4142

Securitization, 19

Seigniorage, 61

Shadow banking system, 53

Shadow gold price (SGP), 6364

Silver, 91

Smart Gold strategy

contrarian bias, 9596

false diversification, 99100

first mover advantage, 9798

investment horizon, 96

known and unknown unknowns, 99

liquidity, 100

long gold, 9293

long gold volatility, 9394

long tail risk, 95

luck vs. skill, 97

path dependency, 97

precious metals, 94

timing, 9697

Soros’ Reflexivity theory, 67, 74

Stable equilibrium, 7, 8

Stress tests, 5455

Structural reform and restructuring

capital structure, 52

catalysts, 54

Epicenter, 5354

gross misallocation of capital, 5152

second-order effects, 5253

shadow banking system, 53

taxation, 53

Swiss National Bank (SNB), 12

“The frog in the boiling water” policy, 3839

Theory of Inflation Relativity, 4243

Theory of Monetary Relativity, 4041

T-Junction, 6869

Transformational technology, 19

Unstable equilibrium, 89

Value at Risk (V@R) model, 16

Vicious cycle, 71

Virtual currencies, 3637

Virtuous cycle, 70

Wealth effect, 39, 74

West Texas Intermediate (WTI), 86

Widow maker, 8586

World’s Reserve Currency, 65

Yield curve control (YCC), 3738

Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP), 1

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