
Book Description

This book is about a subject that Michael Greenberg has worked on and lived with for almost forty years. He was brought up in the south Bronx at a time when his neighborhood suffered from terrible air and noise pollution, and domestic waste went untreated into the Hudson River. For him, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) was a blessing. It included an ethical position about the environment, and the law required some level of accountability in the form of an environmental impact statement, or EIS.

After forty years of thinking about and working with NEPA and the EIS process, Greenberg decided to conduct his own evaluation from the perspective of a person trained in science who focuses on environmental and environmental health policies. This book of carefully chosen real case studies goes beyond the familiar checklists of what to do, and shows students and practitioners alike what really happens during the creation and implementation of an EIS.

Table of Contents

  1. Front Cover
  2. The Environmental Impact Statement after Two Generations
  3. The Natural and Built Environment Series
  4. Title Page
  5. Copyright
  6. Dedication
  7. Contents
  8. List of illustrations
  9. Preface
  10. Acknowledgments
  11. 1 A statement of values and forty years of field trials
  12. 2 Metropolitan New Jersey: transportation, sprawl and urban revitalization
  13. 3 Ellis Island, New York Harbor: time closes in on a national cultural treasure
  14. 4 Sparrows Point, Maryland: proposed liquefied natural gas facilities
  15. 5 Johnston Island: destruction of the US chemical weapons stockpile
  16. 6 Savannah River Nuclear Weapons Facility: managing the legacy of the military’s nuclear factory
  17. 7 Animas-La Plata, Four Corners: water rights and the Ute legacy
  18. 8 NEPA and the challenges of the early twenty-first century
  19. Bibliography
  20. Index