
Book Description

“Rebecca’s book is chapter-by-chapter gold for anyone who needs to understand how we find information on the Web.”

Kevin M. Ryan, Motivity Marketing, Inc., and Chairman of Search Engine Strategies Advisory Board

In this book, leading search optimization expert Rebecca Lieb brings together more than 50 absolutely crucial facts and insights decision-makers must know to drive more web traffic through better search engine placement. The Truth About Search Engine Optimization doesn't deliver abstract theory: it delivers quick, bite-size, just-the-facts information and plain-English explanations that executives, decision-makers, and even small business owners can actually use, no matter what kind of sites you're running, or what your goals are.

You will learn how to set realistic goals for search optimization... attract qualified traffic, not just "any" site visitors... incorporate search engine optimization into both new sites and redesigns... write for users... implement search-friendly content management... avoid problems with rich content technologies such as Flash and AJAX... create metatags that actually work... use public relations, blogging, and other techniques to drive traffic... budget and manage search optimization projects... and much more. 

This book reveals 51 PROVEN SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES and bite-size, easy-to-use advice that gets results including

  • The truth about page rankings

  • The truth about best SEO practices and SEO no-no’s

  • The truth about link love, keywords, and tags

  •  Introduction     vii

    Foreword by Fredrick Marckini     ix

    Part I: The Basics of Search

    Truth 1: Getting noticed by spiders, robots, and crawlers     1

    Truth 2: Learn to do the Google dance     5

    Truth 3: It's not about traffic–it's about qualified traffic     9

    Truth 4: Your reputation is on the line     13

    Part II: The Truth About Being Site-Specific

    Truth 5: SEO is an ongoing project, not set-it-and-forget-it     17

    Truth 6: SEO is not an afterthought     21

    Truth 7: SEO results aren't immediate or lasting     25

    Truth 8: You don't have a homepage anymore     29

    Truth 9: Think like a publisher, even if you're not     33

    Truth 10: Site and page design count     37

    Truth 11: Write for users and search engines will follow     41

    Truth 12: Keywords are key     45

    Truth 13: Use analytics and keyword research tools     49

    Truth 14: Site stats share the bad news, too     53

    Truth 15: Think twice about hot new technologies     57

    Truth 16: Content management systems matter–a lot     67

    Part III: Tag, You're It!

    Truth 17: What's in a title? Everything…     65

    Truth 18: The relative importance of meta tags     71

    Truth 19: Tag images, audio, video, and other media     75

    Part IV: The Truth About Links

    Truth 20: Some links are more equal than others     79

    Truth 21: Building links through online directories     83

    Truth 22: Using SEO PR as a link strategy     87

    Truth 23: The jury is out on paid links     91

    Truth 24: Share and share alike: Reciprocal linking     95

    Truth 25: Ads are links, too     99

    Truth 26: Build your site in a good neighborhood     103

    Truth 27: Blogs are a terrific link strategy     107

    Truth 28: Putting the kibosh on link love with nofollow links     111

    Part V: You Call That a Search Engine?

    Truth 29: Search is going vertical     115

    Truth 30: Everyone is local somewhere     119

    Truth 31: Get listed to get vertical     125

    Truth 32: Optimize off-site searches     129

    Truth 33: Universal search and personalized search     133

    Part VI: Get a Social Life

    Truth 34: Blogs are built for SEO     137

    Truth 35: RSS feeds "feed" SEO efforts     141

    Truth 36: Users will create content for you     145

    Truth 37: Tag images, video, links, and other media     149

    Part VII: Search Ranking

    Truth 38: Being #1 ain't what it used to be     153

    Truth 39: Don't live and die by PageRank     157

    Truth 40: Wag the long tail     161

    Part VIII: The Truth About SEO Management

    Truth 41: In-house or outsource?     165

    Truth 42: Hiring a great search professional     169

    Truth 43: Great SEOs sweat the small stuff     173

    Part IX: Don't Be Evil

    Truth 44: Beware blackhat SEO     177

    Truth 45: Search engines frown on keyword stuffing and spam     181

    Truth 46: Don't cultivate link farms     185

    Truth 47: It's very difficult to get unbanned     189

    Truth 48: Moving to a new domain is stressful     193

    Part X: Going Beyond

    Truth 49: Global SEO     197

    Truth 50: Mobile SEO is more important than ever     201

    Truth 51: Sometimes you don't want to be found     205

    About the Author     208

    Note: Appendix A is available for free and located online at ww

    Table of Contents

    1. Title Page
    2. Copyright Page
    3. Contents
    4. Foreword
    5. Introduction
    6. Part I. The Basics of Search
    7. Truth 1. Getting noticed by spiders, robots, and crawlers
    8. Truth 2. Learn to do the Google dance
    9. Truth 3. It’s not about traffic—it’s about qualified traffic
    10. Truth 4. Your reputation is on the line
    11. Part II. The Truth About Being Site-Specific
    12. Truth 5. SEO is an ongoing project, not set-it-and-forget-it
    13. Truth 6. SEO is not an afterthought
    14. Truth 7. SEO results aren’t immediate or lasting
    15. Truth 8. You don’t have a homepage anymore
    16. Truth 9. Think like a publisher, even if you’re not
    17. Truth 10. Site and page design count
    18. Truth 11. Write for users and search engines will follow
    19. Truth 12. Keywords are key
    20. Truth 13. Use analytics and keyword research tools
    21. Truth 14. Site stats share the bad news, too
    22. Truth 15. Think twice about hot new technologies
    23. Truth 16. Content management systems matter—a lot
    24. Part III. Tag, You’re It!
    25. Truth 17. What’s in a title? Everything...
    26. Truth 18. The relative importance of meta tags
    27. Truth 19. Tag images, audio, video, and other media
    28. Part IV. The Truth About Links
    29. Truth 20. Some links are more equal than others
    30. Truth 21. Building links through online directories
    31. Truth 22. Using SEO PR as a link strategy
    32. Truth 23. The jury is out on paid links
    33. Truth 24. Share and share alike: Reciprocal linking
    34. Truth 25. Ads are links, too
    35. Truth 26. Build your site in a good neighborhood
    36. Truth 27. Blogs are a terrific link strategy
    37. Truth 28. Putting the kibosh on link love with nofollow links
    38. Part V. You Call That a Search Engine?
    39. Truth 29. Search is going vertical
    40. Truth 30. Everyone is local somewhere
    41. Truth 31. Get listed to get vertical
    42. Truth 32. Optimize off-site searches
    43. Truth 33. Universal search and personalized search
    44. Part VI. Get a Social Life
    45. Truth 34. Blogs are built for SEO
    46. Truth 35. RSS feeds “feed” SEO efforts
    47. Truth 36. Users will create content for you
    48. Truth 37. Tag images, video, links, and other media
    49. Part VII. Search Ranking
    50. Truth 38. Being #1 ain’t what it used to be
    51. Truth 39. Don’t live and die by PageRank
    52. Truth 40. Wag the long tail
    53. Part VIII. The Truth About SEO Management
    54. Truth 41. In-house or outsource?
    55. Truth 42. Hiring a great search professional
    56. Truth 43. Great SEOs sweat the small stuff
    57. Part IX. Don’t Be Evil
    58. Truth 44. Beware blackhat SEO
    59. Truth 45. Search engines frown on keyword stuffing and spam
    60. Truth 46. Don’t cultivate link farms
    61. Truth 47. It’s very difficult to get unbanned
    62. Truth 48. Moving to a new domain is stressful
    63. Part X. Going Beyond
    64. Truth 49. Global SEO
    65. Truth 50. Mobile SEO is more important than ever
    66. Truth 51. Sometimes you don’t want to be found
    67. About the Author