
Research into gender equity in higher education, inspiring action

With this enlightening handbook, you can review the thinking of leading researchers on the current intersection of gender and higher education. The Wiley Handbook of Gender Equity in Higher Education provides an in-depth look at education's complicated relationships with, and in some cases inadequate fostering of, gender equity. The collection offers a bold picture of research into the subject. It also projects future paths of exploration, inquiry, and action for gender equity.

  • Focuses specifically on gender and higher education across the globe, setting the stage for new explorations
  • Examines gender equity in relation to the STEM fields
  • Considers current male participation in higher education
  • Covers gender segregation by major and the issue of women remaining in lower-paying areas

The Wiley Handbook of Gender Equity in Higher Education spotlights the continuing and integral role of educational institutions in the struggle for gender equity. Policy makers, university administrators, and researchers can look to this handbook for perspective on recent research as they move forward in the pursuit of more equitable educational environments.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Series Page
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright Page
  5. Dedication Page
  6. List of Figures and Tables
  7. List of Contributors
  8. Introduction
    1. References
  9. Part I: The Higher Education Corporation and Its Gender Implications
    1. 1 Unpacking the “Female Advantage” in the Career and Economic Impacts of College
    2. Trends and Context
    3. Theoretical Frameworks
    4. Evidence on Gender Differences in Career and Economic Outcomes
    5. Toward an Integrated Conceptual Model
    6. Conclusion
    7. References
    8. 2 Women's Leadership in Higher Education: Addressing Glass Ceilings and Sticky Floors
    9. Macro‐Level Barriers: Societal Gender Inequity
    10. Meso‐Level Barriers: Higher Education and Women's Leadership
    11. Micro‐Level Barriers: The Complexities of Leader Identity Development
    12. Implications for the Future of Higher Education
    13. References
    14. 3 Gender, Digital Literacies, and Higher Education: Examinations of Equity
    15. Gender, Generations, and Digital Age
    16. Gender Socialization
    17. Digital Literacies, Gender, and Higher Education
    18. Digital Literacies and Gender Differences
    19. Implications for Gender, Digital Literacies, and Higher Education
    20. References
    21. 4 Gender, Neoliberalism, and Corporatized Higher Education
    22. What Is Neoliberalism?
    23. Neoliberalism, Performativity, and Gender Equity
    24. Women Leaders in Neoliberal Higher Education
    25. Excellence, Inclusion, and Equity
    26. Feminist Challenges to Neoliberal Ontological and Epistemological (Mis)framing of Higher Education
    27. Theorizing and Researching Gender, Neoliberalism, and Corporate Higher Education
    28. Feminist Reframings
    29. Acknowledgments
    30. References
    31. 5 Governing Boards and Their Relationship to Gender Issues in Higher Education
    32. Female Representation on U.S. Governing Boards: An Overview
    33. Factors Contributing to Female Underrepresentation on Governing Boards
    34. Analyzing the Higher Education Governing Board‐to‐Corporate Board Connection
    35. Moving Forward
    36. Acknowledgments
    37. References
    38. Note
    39. 6 Gender Inequality and the New Faculty Majority
    40. Overrepresentation of Women in Contingent Faculty
    41. Explanations for The Overrepresentation of Women in Non‐Tenure‐Track Faculty Positions
    42. Types of Inequities Among Women on Contingent Appointments
    43. Theories for Understanding Gender and Contingency
    44. Explanations for the Overrepresentation of Women in Non‐Tenure‐Track Faculty Positions: Applying Multiple Theories for Greater Understanding
    45. What Can Be Done About Inequities
    46. Future Research
    47. Conclusion
    48. References
  10. Part II: Student Learning and Life in Global Contexts
    1. 7 Gender and Substance Use in Higher Education
    2. Consequences of College Substance Use
    3. Substance Use and Gender
    4. Gender Performativity
    5. College Men's Health as Masculinity
    6. Substance Use as a Performance of Collegiate Masculinity
    7. Substance Use and Race/Ethnicity
    8. Power and Substance Use
    9. Implications for Research and Practice
    10. References
    11. 8 A Rating Spectrum for Sexual Assault Education and Prevention at 10 Ivy‐Plus Institutions
    12. The Politics of Sexual Assault
    13. The Power of Rankings
    14. Focus and Context
    15. Theoretical Framework
    16. Criteria
    17. Methodology
    18. Findings
    19. Limitations
    20. Intended and Unintended Consequences
    21. Recommendations
    22. Conclusion
    23. References
    24. 9 This Is Not Your Parents' Greek Life: Trends in the Ongoing Evolution of Fraternities and Sororities
    25. Brief Overview of America's Greek System
    26. History of Greek Life
    27. Assessing Stage 4 Reform: State of Today's Greek Life
    28. Conclusion
    29. References
    30. 10 Trans Students
    31. Coming Into College
    32. Variability of the College Experience
    33. Institutional Barriers
    34. Negative Campus Climate
    35. Mental Health Outcomes
    36. Resistance and Resiliency
    37. Conclusion
    38. References
    39. 11 International First‐Generation Students: Current Issues and Trends in the Research
    40. A Brief Background on the Status of First‐Generation Students
    41. A Word About Terminology and the Global Perspective
    42. Themes from the Higher Education Research on First‐Generation Students
    43. The Global Landscape of First‐Generation Student Research
    44. Working with First‐Generation Students: A Paradox
    45. New Ways to Reimagine Work with First‐Generation Students
    46. Conclusion
    47. References
    48. 12 Women and the American Community College
    49. History of Women in Community Colleges
    50. Work–Life Balance
    51. Workload
    52. Chilly Climate
    53. Race and Gender
    54. The LGBTQ Student Experience
    55. Future Research and Implications for Practice
    56. Conclusion
    57. References
    58. 13 “Non‐Traditional” Learners and Twenty‐First‐Century Higher Education: The Ongoing Project of Inclusion
    59. Non‐Traditional Women in Postsecondary Education
    60. Non‐Traditional Men in Postsecondary Education
    61. Trans* and Non‐Binary Non‐Traditional Students
    62. Conclusion
    63. References
    64. 14 Gender Inequities in Collegiate Sport: History, Theory, Policy, and Practice
    65. A Brief History of College Sports
    66. The Inception of Women and Intercollegiate Athletics
    67. Prevailing Ideologies: Patriarchy, Masculinity, and Racism
    68. Alternative Ideologies with Which to Consider Collegiate Sport
    69. Gendered Inequity Challenges in Collegiate Sport
    70. Conclusion
    71. References
  11. Part III: Curriculum, Services, Educators, and the Chalkface
    1. 15 Global Participation in Undergraduate Computing: A Review and Agenda for Research
    2. Women's Participation in Computing Majors
    3. Understanding Gender Gaps in Undergraduate Computing
    4. Unanswered Questions: An Agenda for Future Research
    5. Conclusion
    6. References
    7. Notes
    8. 16 Institutions of Higher Education as Gendered Workplaces
    9. Institutions as Gendered Organizations
    10. Higher Education: A Gendered Organization of a Specific Kind
    11. Gendered Academic Structures Made Visible: What We Mean When We Say Higher Education Is Gendered
    12. Gendered Academic Structures Made Visible: Who We Mean When We Say Higher Education Is Gendered
    13. Missing Persons in Gendered Analyses of Higher Education
    14. The Continued Necessity of Gendered Analyses of Higher Education and the New Managerialism
    15. Conclusion
    16. References
    17. 17 Town Halls, Campaigns, and Safe Spaces: How Campus Responses to Violence Further Marginalize Vulnerable Populations
    18. Definitions
    19. Theoretical Framework and Methodology
    20. Response 1: Town Halls
    21. Response 2: “Safety” Campaigns
    22. Response 3: “Safe” Spaces
    23. Next Steps
    24. Activity
    25. References
    26. Note
    27. 18 Gender Centers in Higher Education: Spaces for Cultivating Critical Hope
    28. Women's Centers
    29. LGBT Centers
    30. Critical Hope: A Framework for Examining the Work of Gender Centers
    31. Conclusion
    32. References
    33. Notes
    34. 19 Gendered Divisions of Labor in the Twenty‐First‐Century Academy: Research, Teaching, and Service
    35. A Woman's Place Is … in the Basement?
    36. Placing Blame
    37. Gendered Divisions of Labor in the Twenty‐First‐Century Academy: The New Sexism
    38. Conclusion
    39. References
    40. 20 Work–Life Integration for University Faculty: Overcoming Immunities to Change
    41. Faculty Work–Life Integration a Decade Ago and Today
    42. Immunities to Change
    43. Case Study: Immunity to Changing Work–Life Integration at Metropolitan University
    44. Conclusion
    45. References
    46. 21 Single‐Sex and Coeducational Higher Education in International Contexts
    47. Historical Overview of Women's Inclusion in Higher Education
    48. Trends in Single‐Sex Education and Coeducation around the World
    49. Gender in Contemporary Single‐Sex and Coeducational Institutions
    50. Future of Single‐Sex Institutions in Higher Education
    51. Conclusion
    52. References
    53. 22 How High the Ceiling: Gender and Leadership in International Higher Education
    54. Meta‐Study of Gender‐Related Trends in International Higher Education
    55. Gender‐Related Trends in International Higher Education Associations and Programs
    56. Trends in Gender Parity
    57. Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Future Research
    58. Conclusion
    59. Acknowledgments
    60. References
    61. Notes
    62. 23 Study Abroad Programs and Their Intersection with Gender
    63. Rates, Types, and Benefits of Study Abroad
    64. Effects of Gender on the Study Abroad Experience
    65. Intersectionality
    66. Men and the Study Abroad Experience
    67. Missing from the Research
    68. Conclusion
    69. References
  12. Part IV: Theoretical Paradigms, Methodologies, and Their Impact on the Study of Gender and Global Higher Education
    1. 24 Critical Theories and Methods in Gender and Higher Education
    2. Major Critical Theoretical Frameworks
    3. Major Critical Methodological Frameworks
    4. Critical Futures in Gender and Higher Education
    5. References
    6. 25 The Epistemological Significance of Transgender Studies in the Academy
    7. The Interdisciplinary Space of Transgender Studies in the Academy
    8. The Emergence of Trans Visibility in Academic Research
    9. The Psy Disciplines and the Question of Epistemological Violence
    10. Conclusion
    11. Acknowledgments
    12. References
    13. 26 Researching Gender and Higher Education
    14. Definitions
    15. Theoretical Framework
    16. Research Questions
    17. Research Methods
    18. Ethics
    19. Future Directions
    20. Conclusion
    21. References
    22. Note
    23. 27 Transfeminist Methodology: Examining Cissexism in Higher Education and Student Affairs Research
    24. Conceptual Framework
    25. Methodology
    26. Transfeminist Reflexivity
    27. Cissexist Analytic Pitfalls in HESA
    28. Telling Our Own Stories
    29. References
  13. Index
  14. End User License Agreement