




  • DACA see Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
  • Dartmouth College 172, 176, 189, 342
  • data analysis 59
  • “datafication” 72
  • data management 63
  • data scientists 62
  • David, Miriam 325, 327
  • “Dear Colleague” letter 147, 267
  • debt peonage 380
  • decision‐making 12, 14, 16, 94, 95, 100
    • career 21
    • educational 19
    • gender differences 461–462
  • Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) 369
  • deficit‐based models 225
  • Delta Kappa Epsilon 191
  • Denmark 41, 91 see also Nordic countries; Scandinavian countries
  • dependency 32
  • depression,
    • and combat experiences 256
    • and digital technologies 53
    • and sexual assault 145
    • in trans students 199, 201, 209
  • deregulation 70, 75
  • devaluation,
  • DeVos, Betsy 147–148
  • Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) 505, 506, 507
  • differences in sexual development (DSD) 277
  • digital content 61–62
  • “digital differentiation” 58
  • “digital divide” 57–58
  • digital immigrants 53–54
  • digital inequality 57, 59
  • digital injustice 59
  • digital literacies 56–57, 59–64
  • digital natives 53–54, 63
  • “digital readiness” 58
  • digital redlining 59, 63–64
  • digital skills 58, 60, 61
  • digital technologies 53
    • access to 57, 59, 63–64
    • centrality of texts 56
    • knowledge production and distribution 54
    • “paradox of mobility” 57
  • “digital turn” 56
  • digital usage 53–55
  • discourses 336, 339, 483
  • discrimination,
    • access 273
    • legislation protecting from 9
    • and mathematical algorithms 59
    • sex 9, 321
    • subtle 239
    • of trans students 202–203
    • treatment 273–274
    • types of 273–274
  • diversity 20
    • and neoliberalism 79–80
    • and women’s leadership 38, 44
    • work 387–388
  • Division I‐A Conferences 270
  • docility 32
  • doctoral institutions 108
  • domestic violence 343 see also intimate partner violence
  • domination 29, 32, 269
  • doping see pregnancy doping, abortion doping
  • “double‐blind dilemma” 34
  • drop‐in daycare 235
  • drug use 127–131
    • as performance of masculinity 133–136
    • and race/ethnicity 136–137
  • DSD see differences in sexual development
  • DSM see Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
  • Dubai 255
  • “dumbing down” 77
  • Duncan‐Andrade, J. 366–371
  • Duquaine‐Watson, Jillian 254


  • EAAA see Enhanced Assess, Acknowledge, Act
  • earnings,
  • East Asia 45, 414–415
  • eating disorders 145, 208–209
  • economic growth 30
  • economic maldistribution 76
  • Economic Opportunity Act 1964 9
  • economic outcomes 8, 10, 12, 14–18, 20–21
  • economic participation 29
  • Ecuador 335
  • EDPs see extended degree programmes
  • Educated in Romance482
  • education,
    • and career development 12
    • and economic growth 30
    • and poverty 11
    • as a project of questioning 85
  • educational access 30
  • educational attainment 7, 10, 11, 29, 30
    • and employment 15
    • and socioeconomic position 11
  • educational inequality 9
  • educational opportunity 9
  • educational outreach 360, 364–365
  • educational programs 154–155
  • “efficacy expectations” 220
  • efficiency 115, 224
  • egalitarian culture 37
  • egalitarian industries 37
  • Einstein, Albert 432
  • Eisenhart, M.A. 482
  • El Salvador 335
  • elite culture 219
  • elitism 176, 177
  • emotional control 134
  • emotional labor 73, 318, 348, 369
  • employability 72
  • employment 9, 15, 16, 20, 379
  • empowerment 81–82, 154, 420–421
  • engineering 107, 299
  • England 128 see also United Kingdom
  • Enhanced Assess, Acknowledge, Act (EAAA) 155
  • enrollment,
    • in computing majors 292–296
    • in higher education 7
    • in postsecondary education 255, 292
    • in secondary education 253
  • epistemological violence 504–508
  • equality‐related regulations 67
  • ERA see Excellence in Research for Australia
  • Ethiopia 46–47
  • ethnicity 1, 19, 136–137, 223, 335, 344, 518
  • ethnography 481–482, 523–524
    • institutional 482, 527–528
  • Europe, women in higher education 415
  • European Union (EU) 39, 47
    • drug use 128
    • women faculty 377
  • Eveline, Joan 379–380
  • everyday racism 348
  • evidence‐based approaches 78, 82–83
  • excellence 75–78
  • excellence‐driven policies 75
  • Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) 74–75
  • expectations 19, 20
  • experience, and participation in computer science 298
  • extended degree programmes (EDPs) 223
  • external support courses 223



  • gender,
    • and academic achievement 19, 20, 55
    • and career 14–18, 20–21
    • and class 459–460
    • and contingency 114–119
    • complexity of 1–2
    • defined 2, 55, 516
    • and digital literacies 60–64
    • and earnings 10, 11, 16–17, 76, 109, 376–378
    • and economic outcomes 8, 10, 12, 14–18, 20–21
    • and employment 15, 16
    • and labor market 10, 15, 108, 118
    • and leadership 429–448
    • and marriage 10, 110, 233
    • and race 18, 241–243, 273, 275–276
    • and sexuality 2
    • and social relations 2, 316
    • and study abroad 453–457
    • and substance use 127–139, 335
    • and transition into college 22
  • gender abolition 495
  • gender authenticity 496
  • gender bias 30, 44, 318
  • gender binary discourse 499, 501, 503
  • gender bipolarism 495
  • gender centers 359–365
    • and critical hope 368–372
    • examining the work 365–372
  • gender conformists 495
  • gender conformity 318
  • gender democratization 495
  • gender discrimination,
    • misrecognition 72
    • and non‐tenure‐track faculty 113
    • “underground” 74
    • at workplace 116
  • gender diversity 98
  • gender dysphoria 505
  • gendered organizations 117–118, 153, 315–317
  • gender egalitarianism 37
  • Gender Equality and Development Report 33
  • gender equity, definition 320
  • gender‐fluid population 155
  • gender gap 29–30, 33, 76, 296–307
  • Gender Gap Index 29
  • gender identity 78, 505–506
    • development of 539
    • and college application process 200
    • and college experiences 202–203
    • and study abroad 460
  • Gender Identity Disorder and Psychosexual Problems in Children and Adolescents506
  • gender‐inclusive practice 363
  • gender‐inclusive restrooms 205
  • gendering practices 316
  • genderism 199–201, 204, 207, 209, 257
  • Gender Madness in American Psychiatry: Essays from the Struggle for Dignity504
  • gender norms 19, 22, 63, 495
  • gender oppression 495
  • gender outlaws 495
  • gender parity 29, 38
  • gender performativity 55, 78, 131–132, 135
  • gender policing 132, 133
  • genderqueer population 155
  • gender quotas 45–47
  • gender research 515–528
    • ethics 525–527
    • future directions 526–528
    • methods 481–484, 520–525
  • Gender Role Conflict Scale 135
  • gender roles 34, 35, 55, 63
  • gender socialization 55–56, 63
  • gender stereotypes 20, 34, 36, 37, 115, 272
    • and women’s leadership 44
    • in workplace 116, 119
  • gender unconsciousness 37
  • genealogy 337
  • genetic determinism 138
  • Gen X‐ers 54
  • Gen Y‐ers 53
  • Gen Z‐ers 53
  • Georgia Female College 232
  • Germany 129
  • GHC see Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing
  • giftedness 43
  • Gilligan, Carol 13, 475
  • “glass ceiling” 32, 272, 377–378, 434, 474
  • “glass cliff” 323, 389
  • “glass walls” 378
  • globalization 72, 75, 326
  • Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) project 37
  • GLSEN survey 198–199
  • goal‐setting 14
  • golf 99, 266
  • Google 59, 63, 64, 398
  • governing boards 91–101
    • connection to corporate boards 96–100
    • female representation in 92–96
    • members of 94–98
  • governmentality 84
  • Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (GHC) 300
  • graduate students 323, 380
  • Gramsci, Antonio 478
  • Greek life 3, 138, 171–193
  • “green” policies 100
  • Green, Richard 506
  • Grove City v. Bell267




  • Japan 39, 322, 383, 414, 419
  • Jefferson, Thomas 175
  • job advancement 110, 117
  • job attitudes 12
  • job preparation 240
  • Job Satisfaction Around the Academic World 323
  • job satisfaction 112, 113
  • job security 109, 120, 376
  • job training 232, 233
  • Johnson, A.G. 32–33
  • Joilet Junior College 232


  • Kabul University 416
  • Kanter, Rosabeth Moss 274, 315
  • Kappa Alpha 176
  • Kappa Alpha Theta 177, 181
  • Kappa Kappa Gamma 177
  • KAUST see King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
  • Kay, K. 31
  • Kazakhstan 416
  • Kegan, Robert 398, 401–402, 408
  • Kent State University 361
  • Kenya 33, 41, 415
  • ketamine 128
  • King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) 416
  • King Jr., Martin Luther 365
  • kinship networks 209
  • knowledge,
    • bodies of 78
    • and digital technologies 54
    • exclusion of women from production of 78–80
    • and experience 432
    • feminist theory on 79
    • legitimized by universities 78
    • nature of 82
    • and neoliberalism 78–80
    • and power 336–337
  • “knowledge economy” 384
  • “knowledge society” 302
  • Knowles, Malcolm 252
  • Korea 414, 418
  • Korean students 418
  • Krugman, Paul 326
  • Kuwait 258
  • Kyrgyz Republic 416


  • labor 8, 375–391
    • see also labor market, care labor, emotional labor
  • labor market 327
    • and fatherhood 10
    • and gender 10, 15, 108, 118
    • and motherhood 10
    • segmentation 118–119
    • and social capital 11
  • Lahey, Lisa 398, 401–402, 408
  • language 43, 223
    • acquisition of 452, 455–456
  • Lapchick, Richard 271
  • Lather, Patti 476
  • Latin America 292, 415
  • Latina students 59, 275, 384, 459
  • Latvia 91
  • leader identity development 42–44
  • leadership,
    • assumptions about masculine nature of 35
    • characteristics ascribed to 34–35, 73–74
    • in collegiate sport 271–275
    • and confidence 42, 44, 75
    • cross‐cultural perception of 37
    • and cultural assumptions 31
    • cultural dimensions 37
    • development 30, 42
    • and gender 45–47, 429–448
    • identity 42–44
    • interactive nature 40
    • measures of capability 73–74
    • purpose 44
    • skills 14
    • stereotypes 37
    • style 30, 38, 240, 433
    • see also women’s leadership
  • Lean In31
  • “Lean In Circles” 31
  • learning community 222
  • Learning to Labor  478
  • Lesbian‐Gay Male Programs Office 363
  • Leslie, Larry L. 69, 70
  • LGBT centers 363–365
  • LGBTQ athletes 276–277
  • LGBTQ family systems 34
  • LGBTQ population 155, 372, 540
  • LGBTQ students,
    • college experiences 198–200, 202
    • at community colleges 243, 244
    • depression and anxiety among 199, 201
    • needs assessment and evaluation 364
    • and studying abroad 460
    • and suicide 367
    • support for 364
  • liberal arts 108, 232
  • liberal feminism 319, 390, 473–474
  • Lithuania 92
  • locker rooms 198, 278
  • lower‐prestige disciplines 108
  • lower‐prestige institutions 108
  • low‐income families 34
  • low‐income students 9, 235, 258, 459–460
  • Lyon, Mary 413


  • MacLeod, Judy 270
  • macro‐level barriers 32–39
  • macro‐level theories 34–36
  • Madness in American Psychiatry506
  • Malaysia 258, 291, 295, 302, 303–306
  • male athletes 137, 275–276
  • male privilege 34, 153
  • male supremacy 29, 32
  • Mandela, Nelson 365–366
  • Mangosuthu University of Technology 334
  • marijuana 127, 129, 135
  • Marine, Susan 199
  • “market ethos” 384
  • marketization 69, 79
  • market‐like behaviors 70
  • market outcomes 8, 10
  • marriage,
    • and gender 10, 110, 233
    • and women faculty 381–382
    • and women’s leadership 41
  • Martin, Patricia Yancey 316
  • masculine cultures 317, 318
  • masculinity,
    • academic 77, 81
    • and collegiate sport 268
    • and health 132–136
    • and leadership 73, 74
    • and policing 343
    • and trans identity 538–539
    • constructs of 2, 131–132
    • critical studies 477–478
    • drug and alcohol use as a performance of 133–136
    • embodiment 534
    • hegemonic 131–132, 137, 153, 269, 478, 538
    • in women’s centers 362, 363
    • toxic 276, 280, 343
  • “masculinity contest” 317, 343
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 172, 318
  • mass shootings 343
  • master’s degrees see academic degrees
  • materialism 485
  • mathematical algorithms 59, 64
  • math anxiety 304
  • “matrix of oppression” 269
  • McRobbie, Angela 474
  • men 538–539
    • attributes and characteristic associated with 32–33, 55–56, 73
    • Black 324, 384
    • dissatisfaction with the conduct of 38
    • inclusion in women’s centers 362
    • and Internet 61
    • and mental health 335
    • as non‐traditional students 256
    • notion of superiority 32–33
    • and study abroad 460–461
    • and suicide 335
    • see also gender; male athletes
  • mental health 145, 334–335
  • mental health professionals 334–335
  • mentoring 43, 117, 446, 447, 459
    • at community colleges 239
    • for non‐tenure‐track women faculty 113, 119
    • and non‐traditional learners 255
    • and online courses 245
    • and participation in computer science 300
    • as women’s work 111, 387–388
    • see also mentorship
  • mentorship 94, 101, 121, 300, 430, 444
  • meritocracy 317, 367
  • Merkel, Angela 367
  • meso‐organizational culture 37
  • methamphetamine 128
  • Mexico 295–296
  • Michigan State University 97
  • microaggressions 153, 335, 336, 458–459, 463, 474, 542, 543
  • Middle East 415–416, 421, 422
  • military veterans 256–257
  • Millennials 53–54
  • Miller, J.B. 32
  • misgendering 206–207
  • misogyny 72, 268
  • misrecognition 72, 76, 78
  • MIT see Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • mobile app developers 62
  • mobile devices 53
  • mobile technologies 54
  • mobility, paradox of 57
  • mood disorders 335
  • morality 475
  • mortality 33, 411
  • motherhood 10, 414
  • Mothering by Degrees254
  • mothers,
  • motivation,
    • for computer science career 298, 305
    • for leadership 40, 43, 44
    • for postsecondary education 254, 255
    • for study abroad 461
    • for using drugs 130–131
  • Mount Holyoke College 232
  • Mount Holyoke Female Seminary 413
  • Moving the Needle: Developing a 21
  • st Century Agenda for Women’s Leadership 39
  • murder 258, 334, 341, 345, 535
  • Muslims 38, 333, 335








  • Tajikistan 416
  • Take Back the Night 361, 420
  • Tamil Nadu 423
  • Tanzania 33, 41
  • Tau Beta Phi 174
  • teaching,
    • as care work 385–387
    • at community colleges 235–237
    • devaluation of 118
    • job training 232
    • workload 111–112
  • team leaders 137
  • technological self‐efficacy 60
  • tenure‐track faculty 105–106, 108, 321–323, 378
  • Teo, Thomas 507–508
  • testimonial injustice 79
  • Test of Leadership: Charting the Future of U.S. Higher Education, A  325
  • testosterone 277
  • Texas A&M University 97, 346
  • TGNC students see trans and gender‐non‐conforming (TGNC) students
  • TGQN students 207–208
  • Thailand 383
  • time allocation 111
  • Times Higher Education430
  • “tipping point” 94, 98
  • Title IX 9, 93, 146–148, 202, 267, 271, 274, 280, 281, 321, 361, 473
  • Tokyo 255
  • Tosh, Jemma 504
  • town halls 337–341
  • toxic masculinity 276, 280, 343
  • trade schools 59
  • transactional relationships 40
  • trans and gender‐non‐conforming (TGNC) students 532–545
  • transgender athletes 277–278
  • transgender rights 423
  • transgender studies 483–509
  • trans‐inclusive policies 201–202, 204
  • transliteracies 57
  • transmisogyny 203, 204
  • Trans Murder Monitoring program 258
  • “transnational politics” 83–84
  • trans people,
  • transphobia 257, 364
  • transsexuals 495
  • trans students 78, 197–211, 423, 532–545
    • access to higher education 199–200
    • and campus climate 206–208
    • college athletes 277–278
    • college experiences 201–203, 244
    • of color 203, 210
    • female 203
    • high school experiences 198–199
    • institutional barriers 203–206
    • institutional misgendering 206–207
    • and mental health issues 199, 201, 205, 208–209
    • non‐traditional 252, 257–259
    • and study abroad 460
  • trans visibility 499–503
  • trauma 151, 210, 347–348
  • treatment discrimination 273–274
  • “trickle‐up” social change 258
  • Tri Delta 181
  • TRIO programs 9
  • Trump, Donald 147, 148, 333, 369
  • trustee boards see governing boards
  • truth 340, 476, 508
  • Truth, Sojourner 475
  • Turkey 128, 323
  • Twitter 54 see also social media


  • uncertainty avoidance 37
  • unconscious bias 74
  • unemployment 257–258
  • UNESCO see United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
  • United Arab Emirates 416
  • United Kingdom 33, 41
    • anti‐Semitism in 334
    • and campus sexual assault 149
    • drug and alcohol use among students 131
    • hate crime in 334
    • public spending cuts 70
    • single‐sex education in 418
    • women faculty 322, 378
    • women in computing 295, 299
  • United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 63, 292, 302
  • United States,
    • bachelor’s degrees 7, 291
    • and campus sexual assault 145–165
    • community colleges 231–245
    • demographic changes 217
    • drug and alcohol use in 128–131
    • education attainment 8
    • faculty 322, 324–325
    • family leave in 398
    • the First Amendment of the Constitution 346
    • gender hierarchy 32
    • gender stereotypes 37
    • governing boards in higher education 91–101
    • Internet use in 57
    • non‐traditional students 255–256
    • police in 342–343
    • teaching faculty 385
    • welfare reform policies 484
    • welfare system 407
    • women faculty 377
    • women in computing 293, 297–300
    • women’s access to higher education 413–414, 418
    • women’s leadership 39, 45, 47, 74
  • Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 95
  • universities 70, 411
    • “entrepreneurial” 69
    • and neoliberalism 72, 384, 385, 387, 389
    • online 59
    • private 93
    • public 93
    • “research” 75
    • women in the governing boards 93–94
  • University of Alabama 172
  • University of California 95, 148, 333, 346
  • University of Central America 334
  • University of Chicago 346, 347
  • University of Colorado 97
  • University of Delhi 418
  • University of Idaho 360–361
  • University of Iowa 191, 413
  • University of Kansas 361
  • University of Massachusetts 363
  • University of Michigan 97, 191, 333, 363, 413, 418
  • University of Nebraska 97
  • University of Oklahoma 192, 333
  • University of Pennsylvania 158–162, 333, 343
  • University of Sydney 334
  • University of Texas 97, 333, 338–341
  • University of Virginia 185, 333
  • University of Witwatersrand 334
  • University System of Georgia 97
  • U.S. Transgender Survey (USTS) 198, 203, 204, 207
  • USTS see U.S. Transgender Survey
  • Uzbekistan 416



  • wages 10, 378
  • Wales 131 see also United Kingdom
  • Walk a Mile in Her Shoes 361
  • War on Poverty 9
  • Washington Post148
  • website designers 62
  • WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic) 39
  • Weiser, Haruka 341
  • welfare reform 484
  • welfare system 47, 407, 497
  • Western Europe 30, 292, 294–295, 375
  • Western feminist ideology 38, 47
  • Western imperialism 480 see also colonialism
  • White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault 146, 147, 154
  • White male privilege 153
  • white supremacy 192, 371, 413, 458, 475, 496, 498,
  • widening participation 70, 75, 219
  • Winters, Kelly 506–508
  • within‐group differences 18
  • womanism 475–476
  • women 7, 60–61, 92–96, 233–234, 238, 271–275, 397–408, 537–538
    • agency of 38–39
    • African American 242, 323–324
    • attributes and characteristics associated with 32–33, 55–56, 73
    • college‐educated 7
    • and collegiate sport 265–283
    • at community colleges 231–245
    • and computing 291–296
    • devaluation of 113, 116
    • and digital literacies 60–61, 63
    • drinking behaviors 134–135
    • educational attainment 7, 11, 15
    • empowerment 420–421
    • enrollment 7, 253, 255, 292–293
    • faculty 105–114, 233–237, 239, 241–242, 321–323, 375–391
    • Hispanic 111, 242, 345
    • history of access to higher education 412–417
    • indigenous 345
    • judgment by appearance 240
    • of lower socioeconomic status 59, 63, 64
    • and mental health 335
    • and networking 11
    • as non‐traditional students 253–255
    • occupational status 20
    • oppression of 474, 478
    • and production of knowledge 78–80
    • representation in government and public‐sector management 45–46
    • and suicide 335
    • technological self‐efficacy 60
    • violence against 145–148, 154, 155, 245, 345
    • see also Black women; gender; women of color; women’s centers; women’s colleges; women’s leadership
  • women of color 59, 63, 64, 121
  • Women Leaders in College Sports 282
  • women’s centers 359–361
    • functions 360–362
    • funding 362
    • future of 363
    • gender‐inclusivity 363
    • inclusion of men 362–363
  • women’s colleges 9, 92, 254, 423
  • women’s leadership 29–47, 73–75, 420
    • and collegiate sport 271–275
    • at community colleges 242
    • development 420
    • in gendered organizations 316
    • and gender quotas 46
    • macro‐level barriers to 32–39
    • and marriage 41
    • meso‐level barriers 39–42
    • micro‐level barriers to 42–44
    • motivation to 40, 43, 44
    • self‐perceptions of ability 43–44
    • sociolinguistic theories 43
    • styles of 38, 240
    • support for 38
  • Women’s Ways of Knowing  475
  • work climate 114
  • work experience 15
  • work–family balance 110
  • workforce participation 10
  • work–life balance 117, 381, 382
    • and community colleges 233–235, 237
    • and part‐time faculty 237
  • work–life integration 397–408
  • workload,
    • changes in 34
    • at community colleges 235–239
    • flexibility of 390
    • and organizational conditions 108
    • women in non‐tenure‐track faculty 111–112
  • work‐related education 20
  • workshops 360, 371, 386
  • World Economic Forum 29
  • World University Rankings 430



  • Zayed University 416
  • Zimbabwe 415
  • Zucker, Kenneth 506
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