
Book Description

  • This invaluable resource offers tutorials and real-world examples as well as thorough language references for Web markup languages (HTML/XHTML and CSS), and popular scripting languages (JavaScript, Perl, and PHP)

  • Examines the role of JavaScript, CGI (with examples in Perl and Python), and PHP on the Web and shows how to best use them all

  • Includes a valuable reference section on each technology that can be used for review and consultation

Table of Contents

  1. Copyright
  2. Credits
  3. About the Author
  4. Introduction
  5. The Basics of HTML
    1. What Is the World Wide Web?
    2. Hypertext Markup Language
    3. Your First Web Page
    4. Summary
  6. Document Tags
    1. Understanding Document-Level Tags
    2. Document Type Tag
    3. HTML Tag
    4. Head Tag Section
    5. Body Section
    6. Summary
  7. Paragraphs and Lines
    1. Paragraphs — The Basic Block Element
    2. Manual Line Breaks
    3. Headings
    4. Horizontal Rules
    5. Preformatted Text
    6. Block Divisions
    7. Summary
  8. Lists
    1. Understanding Lists
    2. Ordered (Numbered) Lists
    3. Unordered (Bulleted) Lists
    4. Definition Lists
    5. Nesting Lists
    6. Summary
  9. Images
    1. Image Formats
    2. Creating Images
    3. Inserting Images into Web Documents
    4. Image Attributes
    5. Image Maps
    6. Summary
  10. Links
    1. Understanding URLs
    2. Absolute versus Relative Paths
    3. Using the Anchor Tag
    4. Attributes of the Anchor Tag
    5. Document Relationships
    6. The Link Tag
    7. Summary
  11. Text
    1. Methods of Formatting Text
    2. Special In-Line Text Elements
    3. Bold and Italic
    4. Monospaced Text
    5. Superscript, Subscript, Big, and Small Text
    6. Insertions and Deletions
    7. Abbreviations
    8. Grouping In-Line Elements
    9. Summary
  12. Tables
    1. Parts of a Table
    2. Formatting Tables
    3. Using Tables for Page Layout
    4. A Word About Frames
    5. Summary
  13. Forms
    1. Understanding Forms
    2. Form Handling
    3. Passing Form Data
    4. The Form Tag
    5. The Input Tag
    6. The name and id Attributes
    7. Text Input Boxes
    8. Password Input Boxes
    9. Radio Buttons
    10. Checkboxes
    11. List Boxes
    12. Large Text Areas
    13. Hidden Fields
    14. Buttons
    15. Images
    16. File Fields
    17. Submit and Reset Buttons
    18. Field Labels
    19. Fieldsets and Legends
    20. Tab Order and Keyboard Shortcuts
    21. Preventing Changes to Fields
    22. Summary
  14. Objects and Plugins
    1. Understanding Plugins
    2. The Old Way — The Embed Tag
    3. The Object Tag
    4. Parameters
    5. Object Examples
    6. Support for Older, Netscape Browsers
    7. Summary
  15. XML
    1. XML Basics
    2. XML Syntax
    3. Using XML
    4. Summary
  16. CSS Basics
    1. The Purpose of Styles
    2. Styles and HTML
    3. CSS Levels 1, 2, and 3
    4. Defining Styles
    5. Cascading Styles
    6. Summary
  17. Style Definitions
    1. The Style Definition Format
    2. Property Values
    3. Understanding Selectors
    4. Understanding Style Inheritance
    5. Using Pseudoclasses
    6. Pseudoelements
    7. Shorthand Expressions
    8. Summary
  18. Text
    1. Aligning Text
    2. Indenting Text
    3. Controlling White Space
    4. Letter and Word Spacing
    5. Capitalization
    6. Text Decorations
    7. Formatting Lists
    8. Autogenerating Text
    9. Fonts
    10. Summary
  19. Padding, Margins, and Borders
    1. Understanding the CSS Box Formatting Model
    2. Element Padding
    3. Element Borders
    4. Element Margins
    5. Dynamic Outlines
    6. Summary
  20. Colors and Backgrounds
    1. Element Colors
    2. Background Images
    3. Summary
  21. Tables
    1. CSS Properties and Table Attributes
    2. Table Layout
    3. Caption Alignment and Positioning
    4. Summary
  22. Element Positioning
    1. Understanding Positioning Methods
    2. Specifying an Element's Position
    3. Floating Elements
    4. Controlling an Element's Size
    5. Element Layers
    6. Controlling Visibility
    7. Summary
  23. JavaScript Basics
    1. History of JavaScript
    2. Different Implementations
    3. Determining the Document Object Model
    4. Uses for JavaScript
    5. Incorporating JavaScript in Your Documents
    6. Summary
  24. The JavaScript Language
    1. Basic JavaScript Syntax
    2. Data Types and Variables
    3. Calculations and Operators
    4. Control Structures
    5. Labels
    6. Built-in Functions
    7. User-Defined Functions
    8. Objects
    9. Event Handling
    10. JavaScript Errors and Troubleshooting
    11. Summary
  25. The Document Object Model
    1. The History of the DOM
    2. Understanding the Document Object Model
    3. DOM Node Properties and Methods
    4. Traversing a Document's Nodes
    5. Changing Nodes
    6. Summary
  26. JavaScript Objects and Dynamic HTML
    1. Built-in JavaScript Objects
    2. Accessing an Element by Its ID
    3. Dynamic HTML
    4. Summary
  27. Using JavaScript
    1. How and When to Use JavaScript
    2. JavaScript Resources
    3. JavaScript Examples
    4. Summary
  28. CGI Basics
    1. CGI History and Operation
    2. Serving CGI
    3. A Simple CGI Example
    4. Summary
  29. Perl Language
    1. The History of Perl
    2. Additional Perl Resources
    3. Basic Perl Syntax
    4. Data Types and Variables
    5. Calculations and Operators
    6. Control Structures
    7. Regular Expressions
    8. Built-in Functions
    9. User-Defined Functions
    10. File Operations
    11. Objects
    12. Modules
    13. Using Perl for CGI
    14. Perl Errors and Troubleshooting
    15. Summary
  30. The Python Language
    1. The History of Python
    2. Additional Python Resources
    3. Modules
    4. Python Interpreter
    5. Basic Python Syntax
    6. Data Types and Variables
    7. Calculations and Operators
    8. Control Structures
    9. Regular Expressions
    10. Built-in Functions
    11. User-Defined Functions
    12. File Operations
    13. Objects
    14. Python Errors and Exception Handling
    15. Troubleshooting in Python
    16. Summary
  31. Scripting with Other Executable Code
    1. Requirements for CGI
    2. Sample CGI Using Bash Shell Scripting
    3. Summary
  32. Using CGI
    1. How and When to Use CGI
    2. Sample Data
    3. Perl Examples
    4. Python Examples
    5. Summary
  33. PHP Basics
    1. The History of PHP
    2. Requirements for PHP
    3. PHP Fundamentals
    4. A Sample PHP Script
    5. Summary
  34. The PHP Language
    1. Calculations and Operators
    2. Control Structures
    3. Built-in PHP Functions
    4. User-Defined Functions
    5. Objects
    6. File Operations
    7. PHP Errors and Troubleshooting
    8. Summary
  35. Using PHP
    1. How and When to Use PHP
    2. PHP Resources
    3. PHP Examples
    4. Summary
  36. XHTML Reference
    1. Element Listings
    2. Event Attributes
    3. Other Common Attributes
  37. CSS Properties
    1. Selector Examples
    2. Property Listings
    3. Selector Review
  38. JavaScript Language Reference
    1. Constants
    2. Operators
    3. Statements
    4. Standard Elements
    5. Top-Level Functions
    6. Objects
  39. Perl Language Reference
    1. Command Line Arguments
    2. Perl Symbolic Debugger Commands
    3. Operators
    4. Standard Variables
    5. Statements
    6. Functions
    7. Regular Expressions
  40. Python Language Reference
    1. Built-in Functions
    2. httplib Module Functions and Variables
  41. PHP Language Reference
    1. Apache
    2. Arrays
    3. BCMath
    4. BZip2
    5. Calendar
    6. Class/Object
    7. Character Type
    8. Curl
    9. Date and Time
    10. Directory
    11. Error Handling
    12. Filesystem
    13. FTP
    14. Function Handling
    15. HTTP
    16. Iconv Library
    17. Image
    18. IMAP
    19. Mail
    20. Math
    21. MIME
    22. Miscellaneous
    23. MS SQL
    24. MySQL
    25. Network Functions
    26. ODBC
    27. Output Buffering
    28. PCRE
    29. PHP Options and Info
    30. Program Execution
    31. Regular Expressions
    32. Sessions
    33. Simple XML
    34. Sockets
    35. SQLite
    36. Streams
    37. Strings
    38. URL
    39. Variable Functions
    40. XML
    41. ZLib
  42. Index