
First Time Beekeeping is an absolute beginner's guide to keeping bees with ease and success.

Table of Contents

  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. 1 Starting Right
    1. Getting Started
    2. Beeyards Other than Backyards
    3. Equipment: Tools of the Trade
    4. The Bees
  4. 2 About Bees
    1. The Queen
    2. The Workers
    3. Foragers
    4. Drones
  5. 3 About Beekeeping
    1. Lighting your Smoker
    2. Package Management
    3. Keeping Records
    4. Opening a Colony
    5. Integrated Pest Management
    6. Maladies
    7. Comb Honey and Cut-Comb Honey
    8. Summertime Chores
    9. Late Summer Harvest
    10. Fall and Winter Management
    11. Early Spring Inspections
  6. Resources
  7. About the Author
  8. Acknowledgments
  9. Photographer Credits
  10. Index