How to Read This Book

This book is not to be read like Gone With the Wind or The Last of the Mohicans. It’s not that kind of book. This book is written for individuals who want to do something with the information they have obtained. Ideally, they will want to manage themselves, their teams, and the organizations in which they work in navigating the uncertain waters of change.

This being the case, there are several approaches one might use in reading this book:

•   You can read the book as though everything listed in the book occurs within the order it is written. An attempt was made to write this book in a logical fashion, starting with you, the initiator of change, and concluding with considerations for creating a change-resilient organization. This change resiliency, we have found, is a critical point-of-view, considering the fact that within most organizations the changes are non-stop.

•   You could also read this book by focusing on the chapters or suggestions in the book that seem most relevant to the change that you’re facing. This functional view is useful and, if you are in a hurry, is not a bad way to get practical, timely information for the changes you are facing.

•   You might also start with the first chapter (strongly recommended) then follow with whatever chapter strikes your fancy. This rather nomadic approach might capture your interest longer, since you’re focusing only on those areas that are of interest to you— regardless of their practical benefit.

•   Another alternative is for you to read this book in a community of leaders where you can compare notes, raise questions, and/or conduct a more robust dialogue about the ideas captured here. These leaders might be peers, direct reports, or individuals with whom you have a mentoring relationship. The most important criteria for those engaging in this dialogue, obviously, is that they are actively involved in creating change in their environments. Holding that primary criteria should ensure a relevant dialogue for all parties.

However you go about approaching the various chapters of this book, one recommendation is essential: read with the view of doing. The books in the 101 Leadership Action series are not designed for people who think about leadership; they are designed for individuals who do leadership—and who would like to do leadership better.

Now, let’s get started.

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