Chapter 16. Practice Visualizing Distributed Systems

Kim Schlesinger

Before cloud computing, ops engineers were more likely to have seen, held, and physically maintained their servers. The primary reason for the industry-wide shift from on-premises datacenters to cloud service providers is that cloud providers carry the burden of maintaining the physical computers and hardware they rent, which allows cloud engineers to focus on designing cloud infrastructure, continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, and applications. It also means that servers are far away and invisible.

Highly skilled cloud engineers are able to imagine parts of the systems they build and maintain, and they can visualize how a request flows from one component to another. This isn’t a skill most of us are born with, but with determination and practice, you can begin imagining and understanding your invisible systems, and this will help you be a better engineer.

While there are several ways to begin visualizing your cloud infrastructure, no matter the path you take, it is important that you construct these visualizations yourself, not just look at diagrams or graphs created by someone else. The act of wrestling part of your system into a diagram or model will be the fastest path to understanding, even if your model isn’t perfect.

Start with a part of your distributed system that has two or three components. For example, imagine you have a Node.js application that stores and retrieves data from a MongoDB database, and both components are deployed as containers on two separate instances on a public cloud like AWS. A quick way to start visualizing is by drawing these parts as a block diagram and showing the HTTP requests as arrows.

As you draw this diagram, you will likely ask yourself, “How is the initial request from the user getting from the internet to my application, which is inside a virtual private cloud (VPC)?” Then you add the virtual private cloud and ingress.

You could add regions and availability zones, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) termination, the flow of authentication and authorization, replicas, load balancers, and more until your diagram is the size of a small city, but that’s not the point, and you have to stop eventually. The goal of this exercise is to make sense of one part of your system, and through that understanding you are freeing up your cognitive energy to improve that part or to begin understanding something else.

Block diagrams are an easy way to get started, but they are limited by their two dimensions. Other tools include data visualizations like those in the D3.js library, web sequence diagrams that show how requests play out over time, and physical 3D models like the solar system you built in the fourth grade. The 3D model takes a lot of time and effort to build, but it’s fun as hell, and you can start to feel out the size of components, how “far away” they are from each other, and the states they share (or don’t), like memory and the network.

Being able to imagine your distributed systems will help you suss out cause-and-effect relationships that will make your debugging (and response to incidents!) faster and more accurate. Once you do two or three visualization exercises, you will start identifying cloud infrastructure patterns that you can apply in a more senior role like cloud architect. If you practice visualizing with your team, you’ll have valuable debates about the best way to model your system, which will increase your team’s collective understanding. Finally, if you practice visualizing your distributed systems, your monitoring graphs and observability tools will be a rich layer of data in addition to your strong understanding of your cloud infrastructure and your applications.

Cloud engineers have superpowers. We can change one line of configuration code and turn off a computer on another continent, or run a command that will quadruple the number of nodes, unlocking access to an application for users from all over the world. Being able to manipulate machines that are unseen is a wizard’s trick, but it also makes our systems opaque and hard to understand. It’s worth your time to begin understanding your cloud infrastructure by practicing how to visualize distributed systems.

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