
This book reflects the creative thoughts of many minds and the encouragement of many hearts. This page mentions only a few of those to whom we owe so much …

First and foremost is Steven Piersanti, a kindred spirit who is a joy to work with. He saw the potential in our simple story and was willing to take a chance on this oddball book. Working with Steve has been a true partnership; his thoughtful suggestions and tough questions helped us expand our thinking and develop our work over four editions. We are grateful to Steve for his continued support of Peacock – we are pleased that his initial gamble on our book is still paying off after all these years.

Thanks also to the entire team at Berrett-Koehler – everyone has invested much time and energy in making our book successful, both in the US and internationally. We are grateful to Neal Maillet, who edited this twentieth anniversary edition, as well as María Jesús Aguiló, Charlotte Ashlock, Marina Cook, Mike Crowley, Kat Engh, Matt Fagaly, Kristen Frantz, Arielle Kesweder, Diane Blatner Kresal, Anna Leinberger, Catherine Lengronne, Bob Liss, Zoe Mackey, Neal Maillet, David Marshall, Grace Miller, Josh Millican, Dianne Platner, Courtney Schonfeld, Katie Sheehan, Jeevan Sivasubramaniam, Kathy Slater, Johanna Vondeling, Rick Wilson, and Ginger Winters. They are the best publishing house on the planet!

Special thanks to Detta Penna, whose design and layout talents and copyediting skills put the finishing touches on our bird book. It was great fun working with you, Detta. You made our book look terrific! And Anderson Cockatoo thanks you, too, for making him look so handsome.

Many thanks to our reviewers – Dave Graboski of the Veterans Administration of Ohio, Charlotte Ashlock of Berrett-Koehler, Caroline Siemers of Fleishman-Hillard, and Bill Carigan of Cintas – for their thoughtful, thorough critiques that enabled us to make good revisions and helpful additions for this twentieth anniversary edition.

And finally, a very personal thank-you to our families, who provided continuous support, encouragement and helpful critiques as our fable took shape. Their love and attention nurtures our creative spirits.


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