
8-1. Examine the distribution infrastructure being used in your project. Determine the conditions under which the infrastructure changes its structure, and the way the paths of request change. Identify a set of initial test case conditions that would cover all possible configurations.

8-2. Construct a test suite for a concurrent application by identifying the places at which SYN-events occur and defining SYN-sequences to do test cases.

8-3. Study any software that you have developed using design patterns and select one of the patterns to study or read a design pattern description. How did you or would you test the software developed using the design pattern? Write the description in the test pattern style.

8-4. Identify a Web site to be tested. Based on the application on the Web site, describe a set of actions that represent a typical session, from start to finish, that a visitor might participate in on the site. Include as many of the data input pages as possible. Write test scenarios that cover all of these possibilities.

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