Essential Operations

When someone says I want a programming language in which I need only say what I wish done, give him a lollipop.

– Alan Perlis

6.1 Introduction

Some operations, such as initialization, assignment, copy, and move, are fundamental in the sense that language rules make assumptions about them. Other operations, such as == and <<, have conventional meanings that are perilous to ignore.

6.1.1 Essential Operations

Constructors, destructors, and copy and move operations for a type are not logically separate. We must define them as a matched set or suffer logical or performance problems. If a class X has a destructor that performs a nontrivial task, such as free-store deallocation or lock release, the class is likely to need the full complement of functions:

class X {
        X(Sometype);                    // “ordinary constructor”: create an object
        X();                                     // default constructor
        X(const X&);                     // copy constructor
        X(X&&);                             // move constructor
        X& operator=(const X&); // copy assignment: clean up target and copy
        X& operator=(X&&);        // move assignment: clean up target and move
        ~X();                                  // destructor: clean up
        // ...

There are five situations in which an object can be copied or moved:

  • As the source of an assignment

  • As an object initializer

  • As a function argument

  • As a function return value

  • As an exception

An assignment uses a copy or move assignment operator. In principle, the other cases use a copy or move constructor. However, a copy or move constructor invocation is often optimized away by constructing the object used to initialize right in the target object. For example:

X make(Sometype);
X x = make(value);

Here, a compiler will typically construct the X from make() directly in x; thus eliminating (“eliding”) a copy.

In addition to the initialization of named objects and of objects on the free store, constructors are used to initialize temporary objects and to implement explicit type conversion.

Except for the “ordinary constructor,” these special member functions will be generated by the compiler as needed. If you want to be explicit about generating default implementations, you can:

class Y {
        Y(const Y&) = default;      // I really do want the default copy constructor
        Y(Y&&) = default;             // and the default move constructor
        // ...

If you are explicit about some defaults, other default definitions will not be generated.

When a class has a pointer member, it is usually a good idea to be explicit about copy and move operations. The reason is that a pointer may point to something that the class needs to delete, in which case the default memberwise copy would be wrong. Alternatively, it might point to something that the class must not delete. In either case, a reader of the code would like to know. For an example, see §6.2.1.

A good rule of thumb (sometimes called the rule of zero) is to either define all of the essential operations or none (using the default for all). For example:

struct Z {
        Vector v;
        string s;

Z z1;                 // default initialize z1.v and z1.s
Z z2 = z1;         // default copy z1.v and z1.s

Here, the compiler will synthesize memberwise default construction, copy, move, and destructor as needed, and all with the correct semantics.

To complement =default, we have =delete to indicate that an operation is not to be generated. A base class in a class hierarchy is the classic example where we don’t want to allow a memberwise copy. For example:

class Shape {
        Shape(const Shape&) =delete;                         // no copying
        Shape& operator=(const Shape&) =delete;
        // ...

void copy(Shape& s1, const Shape& s2)
        s1 = s2;     // error: Shape copy is deleted

A =delete makes an attempted use of the deleted function a compile-time error; =delete can be used to suppress any function, not just essential member functions.

6.1.2 Conversions

A constructor taking a single argument defines a conversion from its argument type. For example, complex5.2.1) provides a constructor from a double:

complex z1 = 3.14;   // z1 becomes {3.14,0.0}
complex z2 = z1*2;   // z2 becomes z1*{2.0,0} == {6.28,0.0}

This implicit conversion is sometimes ideal, but not always. For example, Vector5.2.2) provides a constructor from an int:

Vector v1 = 7;   // OK: v1 has 7 elements

This is typically considered unfortunate, and the standard-library vector does not allow this int-to-vector “conversion.”

The way to avoid this problem is to say that only explicit “conversion” is allowed; that is, we can define the constructor like this:

class Vector {
        explicit Vector(int s);        // no implicit conversion from int to Vector
        // ...

That gives us:

Vector v1(7);    // OK: v1 has 7 elements
Vector v2 = 7;  // error: no implicit conversion from int to Vector

When it comes to conversions, more types are like Vector than are like complex, so use explicit for constructors that take a single argument unless there is a good reason not to.

6.1.3 Member Initializers

When a data member of a class is defined, we can supply a default initializer called a default member initializer. Consider a revision of complex5.2.1):

class complex {
        double re = 0;
        double im = 0; // representation: two doubles with default value 0.0
        complex(double r, double i) :re{r}, im{i} {}     // construct complex from two scalars: {r,i}
        complex(double r) :re{r} {}                              // construct complex from one scalar: {r,0}
        complex() {}                                                      // default complex: {0,0}
        // ...

The default value is used whenever a constructor doesn’t provide a value. This simplifies code and helps us to avoid accidentally leaving a member uninitialized.

6.2 Copy and Move

By default, objects can be copied. This is true for objects of user-defined types as well as for builtin types. The default meaning of copy is memberwise copy: copy each member. For example, using complex from §5.2.1:

void test(complex z1)
        complex z2 {z1};      // copy initialization
        complex z3;
        z3 = z2;                    // copy assignment
        // ...

Now z1, z2, and z3 have the same value because both the assignment and the initialization copied both members.

When we design a class, we must always consider if and how an object might be copied. For simple concrete types, memberwise copy is often exactly the right semantics for copy. For some sophisticated concrete types, such as Vector, memberwise copy is not the right semantics for copy; for abstract types it almost never is.

6.2.1 Copying Containers

When a class is a resource handle – that is, when the class is responsible for an object accessed through a pointer – the default memberwise copy is typically a disaster. Memberwise copy would violate the resource handle’s invariant (§4.3). For example, the default copy would leave a copy of a Vector referring to the same elements as the original:

void bad_copy(Vector v1)
        Vector v2 = v1;        // copy v1's representation into v2
        v1[0] = 2;                 // v2[0] is now also 2!
        v2[1] = 3;                 // v1[1] is now also 3!

Assuming that v1 has four elements, the result can be represented graphically like this:


Fortunately, the fact that Vector has a destructor is a strong hint that the default (memberwise) copy semantics is wrong and the compiler should at least warn against this example. We need to define better copy semantics.

Copying of an object of a class is defined by two members: a copy constructor and a copy assignment:

class Vector {
        Vector(int s);                                            // constructor: establish invariant, acquire resources
        ~Vector() { delete[] elem; }                      // destructor: release resources

        Vector(const Vector& a);                         // copy constructor
        Vector& operator=(const Vector& a);     // copy assignment

        double& operator[](int i);
        const double& operator[](int i) const;

        int size() const;
        double* elem;  // elem points to an array of sz doubles
        int sz;

A suitable definition of a copy constructor for Vector allocates the space for the required number of elements and then copies the elements into it so that after a copy each Vector has its own copy of the elements:

Vector::Vector(const Vector& a)        // copy constructor
        :elem{new double[a.sz]},           // allocate space for elements
        for (int i=0; i!=sz; ++i)                 // copy elements
                elem[i] = a.elem[i];

The result of the v2=v1 example can now be presented as:


Of course, we need a copy assignment in addition to the copy constructor:

Vector& Vector::operator=(const Vector& a)          // copy assignment
        double* p = new double[a.sz];
        for (int i=0; i!=a.sz; ++i)
                p[i] = a.elem[i];
        delete[] elem;          // delete old elements
        elem = p;
        sz = a.sz;
        return *this;

The name this is predefined in a member function and points to the object for which the member function is called.

The elements were copied before the old elements were deleted so that if something goes wrong with the element copy and an exception is thrown the old value of the Vector is preserved.

6.2.2 Moving Containers

We can control copying by defining a copy constructor and a copy assignment, but copying can be costly for large containers. We avoid the cost of copying when we pass objects to a function by using references, but we can’t return a reference to a local object as the result (the local object would be destroyed by the time the caller got a chance to look at it). Consider:

Vector operator+(const Vector& a, const Vector& b)
        if (a.size()!=b.size())
                throw Vector_size_mismatch{};

        Vector res(a.size());

        for (int i=0; i!=a.size(); ++i)
        return res;

Returning from a + involves copying the result out of the local variable res and into some place where the caller can access it. We might use this + like this:

void f(const Vector& x, const Vector& y, const Vector& z)
        Vector r;
        // ...
        r = x+y+z;
        // ...

That would be copying a Vector at least twice (one for each use of the + operator). If a Vector is large, say, 10,000 doubles, that could be embarrassing. The most embarrassing part is that res in operator+() is never used again after the copy. We didn’t really want a copy; we just wanted to get the result out of a function: we wanted to move a Vector rather than copy it. Fortunately, we can state that intent:

class Vector {
        // ...

        Vector(const Vector& a);                           // copy constructor
        Vector& operator=(const Vector& a);      // copy assignment

        Vector(Vector&& a);                                  // move constructor
        Vector& operator=(Vector&& a);             // move assignment

Given that definition, the compiler will choose the move constructor to implement the transfer of the return value out of the function. This means that r=x+y+z will involve no copying of Vectors. Instead, Vectors are just moved.

As is typical, Vector’s move constructor is trivial to define:

Vector::Vector(Vector&& a)
        :elem{a.elem},                 // "grab the elements" from a
        a.elem = nullptr;              // now a has no elements
        a.sz = 0;

The && means “rvalue reference” and is a reference to which we can bind an rvalue. The word “rvalue” is intended to complement “lvalue,” which roughly means “something that can appear on the left-hand side of an assignment” [Stroustrup,2010]. So an rvalue is – to a first approximation – a value that you can’t assign to, such as an integer returned by a function call. Thus, an rvalue reference is a reference to something that nobody else can assign to, so we can safely “steal” its value. The res local variable in operator+() for Vectors is an example.

A move constructor does not take a const argument: after all, a move constructor is supposed to remove the value from its argument. A move assignment is defined similarly.

A move operation is applied when an rvalue reference is used as an initializer or as the right-hand side of an assignment.

After a move, the moved-from object should be in a state that allows a destructor to be run. Typically, we also allow assignment to a moved-from object. The standard-library algorithms (Chapter 13) assume that. Our Vector does that.

Where the programmer knows that a value will not be used again, but the compiler can’t be expected to be smart enough to figure that out, the programmer can be specific:

Vector f()
        Vector x(1000);
        Vector y(2000);
        Vector z(3000);
        z = x;                          // we get a copy (x might be used later in f())
        y = std::move(x);      // we get a move (move assignment)
        // ... better not use x here ...
        return z;                   // we get a move

The standard-library function move() doesn’t actually move anything. Instead, it returns a reference to its argument from which we may move – an rvalue reference; it is a kind of cast (§5.2.3).

Just before the return we have:


When we return from f(), z is destroyed after its elements have been moved out of f() by the return. However, y’s destructor will delete[] its elements.

The compiler is obliged (by the C++ standard) to eliminate most copies associated with initialization, so move constructors are not invoked as often as you might imagine. This copy elision eliminates even the very minor overhead of a move. On the other hand, it is typically not possible to implicitly eliminate copy or move operations from assignments, so move assignments can be critical for performance.

6.3 Resource Management

By defining constructors, copy operations, move operations, and a destructor, a programmer can provide complete control of the lifetime of a contained resource (such as the elements of a container). Furthermore, a move constructor allows an object to move simply and cheaply from one scope to another. That way, objects that we cannot or would not want to copy out of a scope can be simply and cheaply moved out instead. Consider a standard-library thread representing a concurrent activity (§18.2) and a Vector of a million doubles. We can’t copy the former and don’t want to copy the latter.

std::vector<thread> my_threads;

Vector init(int n)
        thread t {heartbeat};                                   // run heartbeat concurrently (in a separate thread)
        my_threads.push_back(std::move(t));     // move t into my_threads (§16.6)
        // ... more initialization ...

        Vector vec(n);
        for (auto& x : vec)
                x = 777;
        return vec;                                                   // move vec out of init()

auto v = init(1 000 000);             // start heartbeat and initialize v

Resource handles, such as Vector and thread, are superior alternatives to direct use of built-in pointers in many cases. In fact, the standard-library “smart pointers,” such as unique_ptr, are themselves resource handles (§15.2.1).

I used the standard-library vector to hold the threads because we don’t get to parameterize our simple Vector with an element type until §7.2.

In very much the same way that new and delete disappear from application code, we can make pointers disappear into resource handles. In both cases, the result is simpler and more maintainable code, without added overhead. In particular, we can achieve strong resource safety; that is, we can eliminate resource leaks for a general notion of a resource. Examples are vectors holding memory, threads holding system threads, and fstreams holding file handles.

In many languages, resource management is primarily delegated to a garbage collector. In C++, you can plug in a garbage collector. However, I consider garbage collection the last choice after cleaner, more general, and better localized alternatives to resource management have been exhausted. My ideal is not to create any garbage, thus eliminating the need for a garbage collector: Do not litter!

Garbage collection is fundamentally a global memory management scheme. Clever implementations can compensate, but as systems are getting more distributed (think caches, multicores, and clusters), locality is more important than ever.

Also, memory is not the only resource. A resource is anything that has to be acquired and (explicitly or implicitly) released after use. Examples are memory, locks, sockets, file handles, and thread handles. Unsurprisingly, a resource that is not just memory is called a non-memory resource. A good resource management system handles all kinds of resources. Leaks must be avoided in any long-running system, but excessive resource retention can be almost as bad as a leak. For example, if a system holds on to memory, locks, files, etc. for twice as long, the system needs to be provisioned with potentially twice as many resources.

Before resorting to garbage collection, systematically use resource handles: let each resource have an owner in some scope and by default be released at the end of its owner’s scope. In C++, this is known as RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization) and is integrated with error handling in the form of exceptions. Resources can be moved from scope to scope using move semantics or “smart pointers,” and shared ownership can be represented by “shared pointers” (§15.2.1).

In the C++ standard library, RAII is pervasive: for example, memory (string, vector, map, unordered_map, etc.), files (ifstream, ofstream, etc.), threads (thread), locks (lock_guard, unique_lock, etc.), and general objects (through unique_ptr and shared_ptr). The result is implicit resource management that is invisible in common use and leads to low resource retention durations.

6.4 Operator Overloading

We can give meaning to C++’s operators for user-defined types (§2.4, §5.2.1). That’s called operator overloading because when used, the correct implementation of an operator must be selected from a set of operators with that same name. For example, our complex + in z1+z25.2.1) has to be distinguished from the integer + and the floating-point +1.4.1).

It is not possible to define new operators, e.g., we cannot define operators ^^, ===, **, $, or unary %. Allowing that would cause as much confusion as good.

It is strongly recommended to define operators with conventional semantics. For example, an operator + that subtracts would do nobody any good.

We can define operators for user-defined types (classes and enumerations):

  • Binary arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, and %

  • Binary logical operators: & (bitwise and), | (bitwise or), and ^ (bitwise exclusive or)

  • Binary relational operators: ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=, and <=>

  • Logical operators: && and ||

  • Unary arithmetic and logical operators: +, -, ~ (bitwise complement), and ! (logical negation)

  • Assignments: =, +=, *=, etc.

  • Increments and decrements: ++ and --

  • Pointer operations: ->, unary *, and unary &

  • Application (call): ()

  • Subscripting: []

  • Comma: ,

  • Shift: >> and <<

Unfortunately, we cannot define operator dot (.) to get smart references.

An operator can be defined as a member function:

class Matrix {
        // ...
        Matrix& operator=(const Matrix& a);       // assign m to *this; return a reference to *this

This is conventionally done for operators that modify their first operand and is for historical reasons required for =, ->, (), and [].

Alternatively, most operators can be defined as free-standing functions:

Matrix operator+(const Matrix& m1, const Matrix& m2);         // assign m1 to m2 and return the sum

It is conventional to define operators with symmetric operands as free-standing functions so that both operands are treated identically. To gain good performance from returning a potentially large object, such as a Matrix, we rely on move semantics (§6.2.2).

6.5 Conventional Operations

Some operations have conventional meanings when defined for a type. These conventional meanings are often assumed by programmers and libraries (notably, the standard library), so it is wise to conform to them when designing new types for which the operations make sense.

  • Comparisons: ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=, and <=>6.5.1)

  • Container operations: size(), begin(), and end()6.5.2)

  • Iterators and “smart pointers”: ->, *, [], ++, --, +, -, +=, and -=13.3, §15.2.1)

  • Function objects: ()7.3.2)

  • Input and output operations: >> and <<6.5.4)

  • swap()6.5.5)

  • Hash functions: hash<>6.5.6)

6.5.1 Comparisons (Relational Operators)

The meaning of the equality comparisons (== and !=) is closely related to copying. After a copy, the copies should compare equal:

X a = something;
X b = a;
assert(a==b);   // if a!=b here, something is very odd (§4.5)

When defining ==, also define != and make sure that a!=b means !(a==b).

Similarly, if you define <, also define <=, >, >= to make sure that the usual equivalences hold:

  • a<=b means (a<b)||(a==b) and !(b<a).

  • a>b means b<a.

  • a>=b means (a>b)||(a==b) and !(a<b).

To give identical treatment to both operands of a binary operator, such as ==, it is best defined as a free-standing function in the namespace of its class. For example:

namespace NX {
        class X {
                // ...
        bool operator==(const X&, const X&);
        // ...

The “spaceship operator,” <=> is a law onto itself; its rules differ from those for all other operators. In particular, by defining the default <=> the other relational operators are implicitly defined:

class R {
        // ...
        auto operator<=>(const R& a) const = default;

void user(R r1, R r2)
        bool b1 = (r1<=>r2) == 0;  // r1==r2
        bool b2 = (r1<=>r2) < 0;    // r1<r2
        bool b3 = (r1<=>r2) > 0;    // r1>r2

        bool b4 = (r1==r2);
        bool b5 = (r1<r2);

Like C’s strcmp(), <=> implements a three-way-comparison. A negative return value means less-than, 0 means equal, and a positive value means greater-than.

If <=> is defined as non-default, == is not implicitly defined, but < and the other relational operators are! For example:

struct R2 {
        int m;
        auto operator<=>(const R2& a) const { return a.m == m ? 0 : a.m < m ? -1 : 1; }

Here, I used the expression form of the if-statement : p?x:y is an expression that evaluates the condition p and if it is true, the value of the ?: expression is x otherwise y.

void user(R2 r1, R2 r2)
        bool b4 = (r1==r2);   // error: no non-default ==
        bool b5 = (r1<r2);     // OK

This leads to this pattern of definition for nontrivial types:

struct R3 { /* ... */ };

auto operator<=>(const R3& a,const R3& b) { /* ... */ }

bool operator==(const R3& a, const R3& b) { /* ... */ }

Most standard-library types, such as string and vector, follow that pattern. The reason is that if a type has more than one element taking part in a comparison, the default <=> examines them one at a time yielding a lexicographical order. In such case, it is often worthwhile to provide a separate optimized == in addition because <=> has to examine all elements to determine all three alternatives. Consider comparing character strings:

string s1 = "asdfghjkl";
string s2 = "asdfghjk";

bool b1 = s1==s2;             // false
bool b2 = (s1<=>s2)==0;  // false

Using a conventional == we find that the strings are not equal by looking at the number of characters. Using <=>, we have to read all the characters of s2 to find that it is less than s1 and therefore not equal.

There are many more details to operator <=>, but those are primarily of interest to advanced implementors of library facilities concerned with comparisons and sorting beyond the scope of this book. Older code does not use <=>.

6.5.2 Container Operations

Unless there is a really good reason not to, design containers in the style of the standard-library containers (Chapter 12). In particular, make the container resource safe by implementing it as a handle with appropriate essential operations (§6.1.1, §6.2).

The standard-library containers all know their number of elements and we can obtain it by calling size(). For example:

for (size_t i = 0; i!=c.size(); ++i)   // size_t is the name of the type returned by a standard-library size()
        c[i] = 0;

However, rather than traversing containers using indices from 0 to size(), the standard algorithms (Chapter 13) rely on the notion of sequences delimited by pairs of iterators:

for (auto p = c.begin(); p!=c.end(); ++p)
        *p = 0;

Here, c.begin() is an iterator pointing to the first element of c and c.end() points one-beyond-the-last element of c. Like pointers, iterators support ++ to move to the next element and * to access the value of the pointed-to element.

These begin() and end() functions are also used by the implementation of the range-for, so we can simplify loops over a range:

for (auto& x : c)
        x= 0;

Iterators are used to pass sequences to standard-library algorithms. For example:


This iterator model13.3) allows for great generality and efficiency. For details and more container operations, see Chapter 12 and Chapter 13.

The begin() and end() can also be defined as free-standing functions; see §7.2. The versions of begin() and end() for const containers are called cbegin() and cend().

6.5.3 Iterators and “smart pointers”

User-defined iterators (§13.3) and “smart pointers” (§15.2.1) implement the operators and aspects of a pointer desired for their purpose and often add semantics as needed.

  • Access: *, -> (for a class), and [] (for a container)

  • Iteration/navigation: ++ (forward), -- (backward), +=, -=, +, and -

  • Copy and/or move: =

6.5.4 Input and Output Operations

For pairs of integers, << means left-shift and >> means right-shift. However, for iostreams, they are the output and input operators, respectively (§1.8, Chapter 11). For details and more I/O operations, see Chapter 11.

6.5.5 swap()

Many algorithms, most notably sort(), use a swap() function that exchanges the values of two objects. Such algorithms generally assume that swap() is very fast and doesn’t throw an exception. The standard-library provides a std::swap(a,b) implemented as three move operations (§16.6). If you design a type that is expensive to copy and could plausibly be swapped (e.g., by a sort function), then give it move operations or a swap() or both. Note that the standard-library containers (Chapter 12) and string10.2.1) have fast move operations.

6.5.6 hash<>

The standard-library unordered_map<K,V> is a hash table with K as the key type and V as the value type (§12.6). To use a type X as a key, we must define hash<X>. For common types, such as std::string, the standard library defines hash<> for us.

6.6 User-Defined Literals

One purpose of classes was to enable the programmer to design and implement types to closely mimic built-in types. Constructors provide initialization that equals or exceeds the flexibility and efficiency of built-in type initialization, but for built-in types, we have literals:

  • 123 is an int.

  • 0xFF00u is an unsigned int.

  • 123.456 is a double.

  • "Surprise!" is a const char[10].

It can be useful to provide such literals for a user-defined type also. This is done by defining the meaning of a suitable suffix to a literal, so we can get

  • "Surprise!"s is a std::string.

  • 123s is seconds.

  • 12.7i is imaginary so that 12.7i+47 is a complex number (i.e., {47,12.7}).

In particular, we can get these examples from the standard library by using suitable headers and namespaces:

Standard-Library Suffixes for Literals



h, min, s, ms, us, ns









i, il, if

Literals with user-defined suffixes are called user-defined literals or UDLs. Such literals are defined using literal operators. A literal operator converts a literal of its argument type, followed by a subscript, into its return type. For example, the i for imaginary suffix might be implemented like this:

constexpr complex<double> operator""i(long double arg)     // imaginary literal
        return {0,arg};


  • The operator"" indicates that we are defining a literal operator.

  • The i after the literal indicator, "", is the suffix to which the operator gives a meaning.

  • The argument type, long double, indicates that the suffix (i) is being defined for a floatingpoint literal.

  • The return type, complex<double>, specifies the type of the resulting literal.

Given that, we can write

complex<double> z = 2.7182818+6.283185i;

The implementation of the i suffix and the + are both constexpr, so the computation of z’s value is done at compile time.

6.7 Advice

[1] Control construction, copy, move, and destruction of objects; §6.1.1; [CG: R.1].

[2] Design constructors, assignments, and the destructor as a matched set of operations; §6.1.1; [CG: C.22].

[3] Define all essential operations or none; §6.1.1; [CG: C.21].

[4] If a default constructor, assignment, or destructor is appropriate, let the compiler generate it; §6.1.1; [CG: C.20].

[5] If a class has a pointer member, consider if it needs a user-defined or deleted destructor, copy and move; §6.1.1; [CG: C.32] [CG: C.33].

[6] If a class has a user-defined destructor, it probably needs user-defined or deleted copy and move; §6.2.1.

[7] By default, declare single-argument constructors explicit; §6.1.2; [CG: C.46].

[8] If a class member has a reasonable default value, provide it as a data member initializer; §6.1.3; [CG: C.48].

[9] Redefine or prohibit copying if the default is not appropriate for a type; §6.1.1; [CG: C.61].

[10] Return containers by value (relying on copy elision and move for efficiency); §6.2.2; [CG: F.20].

[11] Avoid explicit use of std::copy(); §16.6; [CG: ES.56].

[12] For large operands, use const reference argument types; §6.2.2; [CG: F.16].

[13] Provide strong resource safety; that is, never leak anything that you think of as a resource; §6.3; [CG: R.1].

[14] If a class is a resource handle, it needs a user-defined constructor, a destructor, and non-default copy operations; §6.3; [CG: R.1].

[15] Manage all resources – memory and non-memory – resources using RAII; §6.3; [CG: R.1].

[16] Overload operations to mimic conventional usage; §6.5; [CG: C.160].

[17] If you overload an operator, define all operations that conventionally work together; §6.1.1, §6.5.

[18] If you define <=> for a type as non-default, also define ==; §6.5.1.

[19] Follow the standard-library container design; §6.5.2; [CG: C.100].

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