Appendix E. Pre-negotiation checklist

  • Why are we negotiating?

  • Who with – what is their style etc?

  • What are our objectives? How are they to be valued/in what order of importance?

  • When is it best for us to hold the negotiations? And when do we not want to hold them?

  • What should be our negotiating style?

  • How high should we pitch our demands?

  • What are we prepared to trade?

  • What are we not prepared to trade?

  • What order should we trade in?

  • Who do we need in the team? What are their roles?

  • Where do we want the negotiations to take place?

  • How much time do we need?

  • What assumptions have we made in our planning? How can we check their validity?

  • Formalise, value and prioritise both your objectives and theirs

  • Make sure you know who their decision maker is (he may not be part of the team)

  • Identify the concessions you might offer which offer the maximum benefit to the other side with the least cost to you

  • Remember – concessions should always be traded, not donated

  • Recognise that a win-win outcome cannot be taken for granted – the other side has to signal acceptance

  • Be firm but fair

  • Aim high with your aspirations but leave room for bargaining

  • Decide your fallback position, beyond which you will not settle under any circumstances

  • Calculate and track carefully the mid-point between both sides after each bid

  • Select team and allocate tasks carefully

  • Plan the opening moments in your mind’s eye, to build up confidence and a relaxed approach

  • Make sure you have authority to sign the agreement. If you don’t have it, get it – the last thing you want is some big shot coming in at the end and changing the spirit of the agreement before he will sign it.

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