
“Photography is a means to an end; the camera, a tool to be used wisely.”

In a world that seems to be increasingly focused on division, building walls, and what makes us different from one another, images have the capacity to transcend these lines and help us see a bit of ourselves in the “other.”

Driven by curiosity and a desire to learn, I’m armed with a combination of compassion and moderated outrage at all that is wrong in the world. Much of my work focuses on human rights and social justice issues, displacement, and the impact of conflict on individuals and society. I like to get close to people and their experiences and am forever grateful to those who have allowed me into their lives.

To make photographs is to be in love with and eternally curious about the world. It’s a constant state of discovery, an unparalleled way to connect with people, and an excuse to be somewhere I wouldn’t otherwise belong.

My belief in the power of images and storytelling is my constant motivation. We sometimes hear that photography can change the world. I believe that, but it’s not the images alone; it is what we do with them. It is how we choose to engage, and how we allow ourselves to be informed and changed. Many times, this change has shown its face in the acceptance of another way of life and the willingness to identify with others. My hope is that the work might help move us, as a collective society, one step closer to embracing our shared, flawed humanity.

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