
More than any other Elixir book that’s ever been written, this book is a community book. The early adopters we profile shared their experiences directly in time-consuming interviews; inventors and committers for hundreds of projects made the very libraries we describe in these pages; beta testers tried new releases; and beta readers helped refine each word you find here. We owe our deepest gratitude to each of you and this book is dedicated to you. We can’t possibly enumerate all of those that made this book possible, but we have to try.

We would like to thank the prags for believing in this concept. Our dear friend Jackie helped shape the words, Andy has been a constant source of support, Susannah made the start smooth, and Janet has guided the process from end to end. Many others shaped this book, from indexers to artists and copy editors. Thanks to each of you.

Thanks to all of our technical reviewers: Alexandre Hamez, Claudio Ortolina, Dave Marks, Kim Shrier, Maurice Kelly, Nigel Lowry, Saša Juric´ ,‏Sean Callahan, Shaun Collette, and Xavier Noria. Whether the suggestions were technical or stylistic, or a sounding board to bounce ideas off of, the book is that much richer and we are grateful for the reviews.

Thanks to Daniel Perez, Dave Marks, Hidetaka Kojo, Lauren Tan, Myron Marston, Pejvan Beigui, Shaun Collett, Steve Cohen, Tetiana Dushenkivska, Tsunenori Oharam, and Yusuke Tanaka for perspective and insight in their interviews. One of the goals of the book was to not only tell our Elixir adoption stories but to hear from varied members of the Elixir community. Each person’s interview helped illuminate a different area of Elixir adoption.

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