
In this book, we define fundamentals related to security, risk management, intelligence, and cyberwarfare. We identify the foundation of defensive information warfare, which is protection, detection, and reaction. Although we describe high-level strategies that you can implement for each concept, it is important to think strategically about how you should holistically implement our recommendations.
We also want to provide a step-by-step guide to apply the defined strategy. It is important that you coordinate the protection, detection, and reaction strategies into a cohesive program. Just as there is the mantra, “Security should be built in, not bolted on,” which implies protection should be built into systems and networks, detection and reaction strategies need to be built into a security program, and not bolted on as well.
This section, therefore, provides a strategy for creating a security program that has cohesive protection, detection, and reaction strategies that are looked at as a part of a whole, and not independent, effort. As you read through the chapters in this section, keep in mind how to apply the guidance to your circumstances. We realize that in many cases, we assume an ideal situation and those ideal situations rarely exist. There should, however, be enough guidance to allow you to adapt our recommendations to your circumstances.
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