At several points in its decade and a half, KesselsKramer has had opportunities to grow, sometimes a lot. But even after it eventually expanded to London, both this offshoot and the original Amsterdam office remained compact. This is because we’ve followed a “Small for the Sake of Small” philosophy.

Why would you turn your back on swimming pools full of money, shiny offices and interns whose sole function is doing your dry-cleaning?

Depends on what your priorities are. A KesselsKramer priority is the flexibility to experiment. Without wishing to sound naïve and deny the importance of putting bread on tables, creativity is more important than profit.

In fact, our view is that creativity is what puts bread on tables. Short term, the quest for large, conservative, wealthy clients will indeed pay the instalments on your sports car. Long term, it’ll kill you.

At some point there comes the realization that you haven’t made anything for years, and what you have made isn’t worth talking about. Nobody will want to work with you, because nothing you make is interesting.

In effect, you’ve stopped being a creative advertising agency and become the producers of visual wallpaper.

KesselsKramer would rather stay independent and creative. Even if that means doing our own dry-cleaning.

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