7. Doodlz App

Two-Dimensional Graphics, Canvas, Bitmap, Accelerometer, SensorManager, Multitouch Events, MediaStore, Printing, Immersive Mode



In this chapter you’ll:

Image Detect when the user touches the screen, moves a finger across the screen and removes a finger from the screen.

Image Process multiple touches so the user can draw with multiple fingers at once.

Image Use a SensorManager and the accelerometer to detect motion events.

Image Use a Paint object to specify the color and width of a line.

Image Use Path objects to store each line’s data and use a Canvas to draw each line into a Bitmap.

Image Create a menu and display menu items on the action bar.

Image Use Android 4.4’s immersive mode to enable the user to draw on the entire screen.

Image Use Android 4.4’s printing framework and the Android Support Library’s PrintHelper class to enable the user to print a drawing.

7.1. Introduction

The Doodlz app (Fig. 7.1) enables you to paint by dragging one or more fingers across the screen. The app uses Android 4.4’s immersive mode so that you can draw on the entire screen—the device’s system bars and action bar toggle between displayed and hidden when you tap the screen.


Fig. 7.1 | Doodlz app with a finished drawing.

The app’s options enable you to set the drawing color and line width. The Choose Color dialog (Fig. 7.2(a)) provides alpha (transparency), red, green and blue SeekBars (i.e., sliders) that allow you to select the ARGB color (introduced in Section 1.9). As you move each SeekBar’s thumb, the updated color is displayed below the SeekBars. The Choose Line Width dialog (Fig. 7.2(b)) provides a single SeekBar that controls the thickness of the line that you’ll draw. Additional menu items (Fig. 7.3) in the app’s options menu allow you to turn your finger into an eraser (Eraser), to clear the screen (Clear), to save the current drawing into your device’s Gallery (Save) and, on Android 4.4 devices, to print the current drawing. Depending on your device’s screen size, some or all of the app’s menu items are displayed directly on the action bar—any that do not fit are displayed in the options menu. At any point, you can shake the device to clear the entire drawing from the screen. You test-drove this app in Section 1.9, so we do not present a test drive in this chapter. Though this app works in AVDs, the capabilities are more fluid on actual devices. [Note: Due to a Gallery app bug at the time of this writing, on some devices you might need to take a picture with the device’s camera app before you’ll be able to save properly from the Doodlz app.]


Fig. 7.2 | Choose Color and Choose Line Width dialogs for the Doodlz app.


Fig. 7.3 | Doodlz app additional menu options as displayed on an Android 4.4 phone.

7.2. Technologies Overview

This section presents the new technologies that we use in the Doodlz app.

7.2.1. Using SensorManager to Listen for Accelerometer Events

In this app, you can shake the device to erase the current drawing. Most devices have an accelerometer that allows apps to detect movement. Other sensors currently supported by Android include gravity, gyroscope, light, linear acceleration, magnetic field, orientation, pressure, proximity, rotation vector and temperature. The list of Sensor constants representing these sensor types can be found at:

We’ll discuss in Section 7.5 the accelerometer and sensor event handling. For a complete discussion of Android’s other sensors, see the Sensors Overview at

7.2.2. Custom DialogFragments

Several previous apps have used AlertDialogs in DialogFragments to display information to the user or to ask questions and receive responses from the user in the form of Button clicks. The AlertDialogs you’ve used so far were created using anonymous inner classes that extended DialogFragment and displayed only text and buttons. AlertDialogs may also contain custom Views. In this app, you’ll define three subclasses of DialogFragment:

ColorDialogFragment (Section 7.7) displays an AlertDialog with a custom View containing GUI components for previewing and selecting a new ARGB drawing color.

LineWidthDialogFragment (Section 7.8) displays an AlertDialog with a custom View containing GUI components for previewing and selecting the line thickness.

EraseImageDialogFragment (Section 7.9) displays a standard AlertDialog asking the user to confirm whether the entire image should be erased.

For the ColorDialogFragment and EraseImageDialogFragment, you’ll inflate the custom View from a layout resource file. In each of the three DialogFragment subclasses, you’ll also override the following Fragment lifecycle methods:

onAttach—The first Fragment lifecycle method called when a Fragment is attached to a parent Activity.

onDetach—The last Fragment lifecycle method called when a Fragment is about to be detached from a parent Activity.

Preventing Multiple Dialogs from Appearing at the Same Time

It’s possible that the event handler for the shake event could try to display the confirmation dialog for erasing an image when another dialog is already on the screen. To prevent this, you’ll use onAttach and onDetach to set the value of a boolean that indicates whether a dialog is on the screen. When the boolean’s value is true, we will not allow the event handler for the shake event to display a dialog.

7.2.3. Drawing with Canvas and Bitmap

This app draws lines onto Bitmaps (package android.graphics). You can associate a Canvas with a Bitmap, then use the Canvas to draw on the Bitmap, which can then be displayed on the screen (Section 7.6). A Bitmap can also be saved into a file—we’ll use this capability to store drawings in the device’s gallery when you touch the Save option.

7.2.4. Processing Multiple Touch Events and Storing Lines in Paths

You can drag one or more fingers across the screen to draw. The app stores the information for each individual finger as a Path object (package android.graphics) that represents line segments and curves. You process touch events by overriding the View method onTouchEvent (Section 7.6). This method receives a MotionEvent (package android.view) that contains the type of touch event that occurred and the ID of the finger (i.e., pointer) that generated the event. We use the IDs to distinguish the different fingers and add information to the corresponding Path objects. We use the type of the touch event to determine whether the user has touched the screen, dragged across the screen or lifted a finger from the screen.

7.2.5. Android 4.4 Immersive Mode

Android 4.4 introduces a new full-screen immersive mode (Section 7.6) that enables an app to take advantage of the entire screen, but still allows the user to access the system bars when necessary. In this app, you’ll use this mode when the app is running on an Android 4.4 or higher device.

7.2.6. GestureDetector and SimpleOnGestureListener

This app uses a GestureDetector (package android.view) to hide or show the device’s system bars and the app’s action bar. A GestureDetector allows an app to react to user interactions such as flings, single taps, double taps, long presses and scrolls by implementing the methods of interfaces GestureDetector.OnGestureListener and Gesture-Detector.On-Double-Tap-Listener interfaces. Class GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener is an adapter class that implements all the methods of these two interfaces, so you can extend this class and override just the method(s) you need from these interfaces. In Section 7.6, you’ll initialize a GestureDetector with a SimpleOnGestureListener, which will handle the single-tap event that hides or shows the system bars and action bar.

7.2.7. Saving the Drawing to the Device’s Gallery

The app provides a Save option that allows the user to save a drawing into the device’s gallery—the default location in which photos taken with the device are stored. A Content-Resolver (package android.content) enables the app to read data from and store data on a device. You’ll use a ContentResolver (Section 7.6) and the method insertImage- of class MediaStore.Images.Media to save an image into the device’s Gallery. The MediaStore manages media files (images, audio and video) stored on a device.

7.2.8. Android 4.4 Printing and the Android Support Library’s PrintHelper Class

Android 4.4 now includes a printing framework. In this app, we use class PrintHelper (Section 7.6) to print the current drawing. Class PrintHelper provides a user interface for selecting a printer, has a method for determining whether a given device supports printing and provides a method for printing a Bitmap. PrintHelper is part of the Android Support Library—a set of libraries that are commonly used to provide new Android features for use in older Android versions. The libraries also include additional convenience features, like class PrintHelper, that support specific Android versions.

7.3. Building the App’s GUI and Resource Files

In this section, you’ll create the Doodlz app’s resource files, GUI layout files and classes.

7.3.1. Creating the Project

Begin by creating a new Android project named Doodlz. Specify the following values in the New Android Project dialog, then press Finish:

Application Name: Doodlz

Project Name: Doodlz

Package Name: com.deitel.doodlz

Minimum Required SDK: API18: Android 4.3

Target SDK: API19: Android 4.4

Compile With: API19: Android 4.4

Theme: Holo Light with Dark Action Bar

In the New Android Project dialog’s second New Android Application step, leave the default settings, and press Next >. In the Configure Launcher Icon step, select an app icon image, then press Next >. In the Create Activity step, select Blank Activity, then press Next >. In the Blank Activity step, leave the default settings and click Finish to create the project. Open activity_main.xml in the Graphical Layout editor and select Nexus 4 from the screen-type drop-down list. Once again, we’ll use this device as the basis for our design.

The new project will automatically be configured to use the current version of the Android Support Library. If you’re updating an existing project, you can add the latest version of the Android Support Library to your project. For details, visit:

7.3.2. strings.xml

You created String resources in earlier chapters, so we show only a table of the String resource names and corresponding values here (Fig. 7.4). Double click strings.xml in the res/values folder to display the resource editor for creating these String resources.


Fig. 7.4 | String resources used in the Doodlz app.

7.3.3. dimens.xml

Figure 7.5 shows a table of the dimension resource names and values that we added to dimens.xml. Open dimens.xml in the res/values folder to display the resource editor for creating these resources. The line_imageview_height resource specifies the height of the ImageView that previews the line width in the LineWidthDialogFragment, and the color_view_height resource specifies height of the View that previews the drawing color in the ColorDialogFragment.


Fig. 7.5 | Dimension resources used in the Doodlz app.

7.3.4. Menu for the DoodleFragment

In Chapter 5, you used the default menu provided by the IDE to display the Flag Quiz app’s Settings menu item. You will not use the default menu in this app, so you can delete the main.xml file in your project’s res/menu folder. In this app, you’ll define your own menu for the DoodleFragment.

Menus for Different Android Versions

You’ll provide two versions of the DoodleFragment’s menu—one for Android 4.3 and earlier devices and one for Android 4.4 and higher devices. Printing is available only in Android 4.4 and higher, so only the menu for such devices will include a Print option. To support separate menus, you’ll define one menu resource in the res/menu folder and a separate menu resource in the res/menu-v19 folder—19 is the Android API version that corresponds to Android 4.4. Android will choose the menu resource in the res/menu-v19 folder when the app is running on Android 4.4 and higher devices. To create the res/menu-v19 folder, right click the res folder, select New > Folder, specify the Folder name menu-v19 and click Finish.

Menu for Android 4.3 and Earlier Versions

To create the menu resource for Android 4.3 and earlier versions:

1. Right click the res/menu folder and select New > Android XML File.

2. In the dialog that appears, name the file doodle_fragment_menu.xml and click Finish. The IDE opens the file in the editor for menu resources.

3. Click Add..., click the editor’s Layout tab in the dialog that appears, select Item and click OK. The IDE highlights the new item and displays its attributes to the right.

4. Change its Id to @+id/color, its Title to @string/menuitem_color and its Show as action to ifRoom. The value ifRoom indicates that Android should display the menu item on the action bar if there’s room available; otherwise, the menu item will appear in the options menu at the right side of the action bar. Other Show as action values can be found at http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/menu-resource.html.

5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for the lineWidth, eraser, clear and save items in Fig. 7.6. Note that when you click Add... for each additional menu item, you’ll need to select Create a new element at the top level in Menu in the dialog that appears.


Fig. 7.6 | Additional menu items for the DoodleFragment.

6. Save and close doodle_fragment_menu.xml.

Menu for Android 4.4 and Higher Versions

To create the menu resource for Android 4.4 and higher devices:

1. Copy doodle_fragment_menu.xml from res/menu, paste it into res/menu-v19 and open the file.

2. Click Add..., select Create a new element at the top level in Menu in the dialog that appears, then select Item and click OK.

3. Change the new item’s Id to @+id/print, its Title to @string/menuitem_print and its Show as action to ifRoom.

7.3.5. activity_main.xml Layout for MainActivity

The activity_main.xml layout for this app’s MainActivity contains only the DoodleFragment. To add this Fragment to the layout:

1. Open activity_main.xml in the Graphical Layout editor, then follow the steps in Section 2.5.2 to switch from a FrameLayout to a RelativeLayout.

2. From the Palette’s Layouts section, drag a Fragment onto the design area or onto the RelativeLayout node in the Outline window.

3. The preceding step displays the Choose Fragment Class dialog. Click Create New... to display the New Java Class dialog.

4. Enter DoodleFragment in the dialog’s Name field, change the Superclass field’s value to android.app.Fragment and click Finish to create the class. The IDE opens the Java file for the class, which you can close for now.

5. Change the new Fragment’s Id to @+id/doodleFragment, then save the layout.

7.3.6. fragment_doodle.xml Layout for DoodleFragment

The fragment_doodle.xml layout for the DoodleFragment contains a FrameLayout that displays the DoodleView. In this section, you’ll create DoodleFragment’s layout and the DoodleView class. To add the fragment_doodle.xml layout:

1. Expand the project’s res/layout node in the Package Explorer.

2. Right click the layout folder and select New > Android XML File to display the New Android XML File dialog.

3. In the dialog’s File field, enter fragment_doodle.xml

4. In the Root Element section, select FrameLayout, then click Finish.

5. From the Palette’s Advanced section, drag a view (with a lowercase v) onto the GUI.

6. The previous step displays the Choose Custom View Class dialog. In that dialog, click Create New... to display the New Java Class dialog.

7. In the Name field, enter DoodleView. Ensure that Constructors from superclass is checked, then click Finish. This creates and opens DoodleView.java. We’ll be using only the two-argument constructor, so delete the other two. Save and close DoodleView.java.

8. In fragment_doodle.xml, select view1 in the Outline window. In the Properties window’s Layout Parameters section, set Width and Height to match_parent.

9. In the Outline window, right click view1, select Edit ID..., rename view1 as doodleView and click OK.

10. Save and close fragment_doodle.xml.

7.3.7. fragment_color.xml Layout for ColorDialogFragment

The fragment_color.xml layout for the ColorDialogFragment contains a GridLayout that displays a GUI for selecting and previewing a new drawing color. In this section, you’ll create ColorDialogFragment’s layout and the ColorDialogFragment class. To add the fragment_color.xml layout:

1. Expand the project’s res/layout node in the Package Explorer.

2. Right click the layout folder and select New > Android XML File to display the New Android XML File dialog.

3. In the dialog’s File field, enter fragment_color.xml

4. In the Root Element section, select GridLayout, then click Finish.

5. In the Outline window, select the GridLayout and change its Id value to @+id/colorDialogGridLayout.

6. Using the Graphical Layout editor’s Palette, drag TextViews, SeekBars and a View onto the colorDialogGridLayout node in the Outline window. Drag the items in the order they’re listed in Fig. 7.7 and set each item’s Id as shown in the figure.


Fig. 7.7 | Outline view for fragment_color.xml.

7. After completing Step 6, configure the GUI component properties with the values shown in Fig. 7.8, then save and close fragment_color.xml.


Fig. 7.8 | Property values for the GUI components in fragment_color.xml.

Adding Class ColorDialogFragment to the Project

To add class ColorDialogFragment to the project:

1. Right click the package com.deitel.doodlz in the project’s src folder and select New > Class to display the New Java Class dialog.

2. In the Name field, enter ColorDialogFragment.

3. In the Superclass field, change the superclass to android.app.DialogFragment.

4. Click Finish to create the class.

7.3.8. fragment_line_width.xml Layout for LineWidthDialogFragment

The fragment_line_width.xml layout for the LineWidthDialogFragment contains a GridLayout that displays a GUI for selecting and previewing a new line thickness. In this section, you’ll create LineWidthDialogFragment’s layout and the LineWidthDialogFragment class. To add the fragment_line_width.xml layout:

1. Expand the project’s res/layout node in the Package Explorer.

2. Right click the layout folder and select New > Android XML File to display the New Android XML File dialog.

3. In the dialog’s File field, enter fragment_line_width.xml

4. In the Root Element section, select GridLayout, then click Finish.

5. In the Outline window, select the GridLayout and change its Id value to @+id/lineWidthDialogGridLayout.

6. Using the Graphical Layout editor’s Palette, drag an ImageView and a SeekBar onto the lineWidthDialogGridLayout node in the Outline window so that the window appears as shown in Fig. 7.9. Set each item’s Id as shown in the figure.


Fig. 7.9 | Outline view for fragment_line_width.xml.

7. After completing Step 6, configure the GUI component properties with the values shown in Fig. 7.10, then save and close fragment_line_width.xml.


Fig. 7.10 | Property values for the GUI components in fragment_line_width.xml.

Adding Class LineWidthDialogFragment to the Project

To add class LineWidthDialogFragment to the project:

1. Right click the package com.deitel.doodlz in the project’s src folder and select New > Class to display the New Java Class dialog.

2. In the Name field, enter LineWidthDialogFragment.

3. In the Superclass field, change the superclass to android.app.DialogFragment.

4. Click Finish to create the class.

7.3.9. Adding Class EraseImageDialogFragment

The EraseImageDialogFragment does not require a layout resource as it will display a simple AlertDialog containing text. To add class EraseImageDialogFragment to the project:

1. Right click the package com.deitel.doodlz in the project’s src folder and select New > Class to display the New Java Class dialog.

2. In the Name field, enter EraseImageDialogFragment.

3. In the Superclass field, change the superclass to android.app.DialogFragment.

4. Click Finish to create the class.

7.4. MainActivity Class

This app consists of six classes:

MainActivity (Fig. 7.11)—Serves as the parent Activity for this app’s Fragments.

 1   // MainActivity.java
 2   // Sets MainActivity's layout
 3   package com.deitel.doodlz;
 5   import android.app.Activity;
 6   import android.content.pm.ActivityInfo;
 7   import android.content.res.Configuration;
 8   import android.os.Bundle;
10   public class MainActivity extends Activity
11   {
12      @Override
13      protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
14      {
15         super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
16         setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);
18         // determine screen size
19         int screenSize =
20            getResources().getConfiguration().screenLayout &
21            Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK;
23         // use landscape for extra large tablets; otherwise, use portrait
24         if (screenSize == Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_XLARGE)
25            setRequestedOrientation(
26               ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE);
27         else
28            setRequestedOrientation(
29               ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT);
30      }
31   } // end class MainActivity

Fig. 7.11 | MainActivity class.

DoodleFragment (Section 7.5)—Manages the DoodleView and accelerometer event handling.

DoodleView (Section 7.6)—Provides the drawing, saving and printing capabilities.

ColorDialogFragment (Section 7.7)—A DialogFragment that’s displayed when the user taps COLOR to set the drawing color.

LineWidthDialogFragment (Section 7.8)—A DialogFragment that’s displayed when the user taps LINE WIDTH to set the line width.

EraseImageDialogFragment (Section 7.9)—A DialogFragment that’s displayed when the user taps CLEAR or shakes the device to erase the current drawing.

Class MainActivity’s onCreate method (Fig. 7.11) inflates the GUI (line 16), then uses the techniques you learned in Section 5.2.2 to determine the device’s size and set MainActivity’s orientation. If this app is running on an extra large device (line 24), we set the orientation to landscape (lines 25–26); otherwise, we set it to portrait (lines 28–29).

7.5. DoodleFragment Class

Class DoodleFragment (Figs. 7.127.19) displays the DoodleView (Section 7.6), manages the menu options displayed on the action bar and in the options menu and manages the sensor event handling for the app’s shake-to-erase feature.

 1   // DoodleFragment.java
 2   // Fragment in which the DoodleView is displayed
 3   package com.deitel.doodlz;
 5   import android.app.Fragment;
 6   import android.content.Context;
 7   import android.graphics.Color;              
 8   import android.hardware.Sensor;             
 9   import android.hardware.SensorEvent;        
10   import android.hardware.SensorEventListener;
11   import android.hardware.SensorManager;      
12   import android.os.Bundle;
13   import android.view.LayoutInflater;
14   import android.view.Menu;
15   import android.view.MenuInflater;
16   import android.view.MenuItem;
17   import android.view.View;
18   import android.view.ViewGroup;
20   public class DoodleFragment extends Fragment
21   {
22      private DoodleView doodleView; // handles touch events and draws
23      private float acceleration;
24      private float currentAcceleration;
25      private float lastAcceleration;
26      private boolean dialogOnScreen = false;
28      // value used to determine whether user shook the device to erase
29      private static final int ACCELERATION_THRESHOLD = 100000;

Fig. 7.12 | DoodleFragment class package statement, import statements and fields.

package Statement, import Statements and Fields

Section 7.2 discussed the key new classes and interfaces that class DoodleFragment uses. We’ve highlighted these classes and interfaces in Fig. 7.12. DoodleView variable doodleView (line 22) represents the drawing area. The float variables declared in lines 23–25 are used to calculate changes in the device’s acceleration to determine when a shake event occurs (so we can ask whether the user would like to erase the drawing), and the constant in line 29 is used to ensure that small movements are not interpreted as shakes—we picked this constant via trial and error by shaking the app on several devices. Line 26 defines a boolean variable with the default value false that will be used throughout this class to specify when there’s a dialog displayed on the screen. We use this to prevent multiple dialogs from being displayed at the same time—for example, if the Choose Color dialog is displayed and the user accidentally shakes the device, the dialog for erasing the image should not be displayed.

Overriding Fragment Method onCreateView

Method onCreateView (Fig. 7.13) inflates the DoodleFragment’s GUI and initializes the instance variables. Like an Activity, a Fragment can place items in the app’s action bar and options menu. To do so, the Fragment must call its setHasOptionsMenu method with the argument true. If the parent Activity also has options menu items, then both the Activity’s and the Fragment’s items will be placed on the action bar and in the options menu (based on their settings).

31    // called when Fragment's view needs to be created
32    @Override
33    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
34       Bundle savedInstanceState)
35    {
36       super.onCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState);
37       View view =
38          inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_doodle, container, false);
40       setHasOptionsMenu(true); // this fragment has menu items to display
42       // get reference to the DoodleView
43       doodleView = (DoodleView) view.findViewById(R.id.doodleView);
45       // initialize acceleration values
46       acceleration = 0.00f;
47       currentAcceleration = SensorManager.GRAVITY_EARTH;
48       lastAcceleration = SensorManager.GRAVITY_EARTH;
49       return view;
50    }

Fig. 7.13 | Overriding Fragment method onCreateView.

Line 43 gets a reference to the DoodleView, then lines 46–48 initialize the instance variables that help calculate acceleration changes to determine whether the user shook the device. We initially set variables currentAcceleration and lastAcceleration to SensorManager’s GRAVITY_EARTH constant, which represents the acceleration due to gravity on earth. SensorManager also provides constants for other planets in the solar system, for the moon and for several other entertaining values, which you can see at:

Methods onStart and enableAccelerometerListening

Accelerometer listening should be enabled only when the DoodleFragment is on the screen. For this reason, we override Fragment lifecycle method onStart (Fig. 7.14, lines 53–58), which calls method enableAccelerometerListening (lines 61–72) to begin listening for accelerometer events. A SensorManager is used to register listeners for accelerometer events.

52    // start listening for sensor events
53    @Override
54    public void onStart()
55    {
56       super.onStart();
57       enableAccelerometerListening(); // listen for shake           
58    }
60    // enable listening for accelerometer events
61    public void enableAccelerometerListening()
62    {
63       // get the SensorManager                          
64       SensorManager sensorManager =                     
65          (SensorManager) getActivity().getSystemService(
66             Context.SENSOR_SERVICE);                    
68       // register to listen for accelerometer events              
69       sensorManager.registerListener(sensorEventListener,          
70          sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER),
71          SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL);                       
72    }

Fig. 7.14 | Methods onStart and enableAccelerometerListening.

Method enableAccelerometerListening first uses Activity’s getSystemService method to retrieve the system’s SensorManager service, which enables the app to interact with the device’s sensors. Lines 69–71 then register to receive accelerometer events using SensorManager’s registerListener method, which receives three arguments:

• The SensorEventListener that responds to the events (defined in Fig. 7.16)

• A Sensor object representing the type of sensor data the app wishes to receive—this is retrieved by calling SensorManager’s getDefaultSensor method and passing a Sensor-type constant (Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER in this app).

• A rate at which sensor events should be delivered to the app. We chose SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL to receive sensor events at the default rate—a faster rate can be used to get more accurate data, but this is also more CPU and battery intensive.

Methods onPause and disableAccelerometerListening

To ensure that accelerometer listening is disabled when the DoodleFragment is not on the screen, we override Fragment lifecycle method onPause (Fig. 7.15, lines 75–80), which calls method disableAccelerometerListening (lines 83–93). Method disableAccelerometerListening uses class SensorManager’s unregisterListener method to stop listening for accelerometer events.

74    // stop listening for sensor events
75    @Override
76    public void onPause()
77    {
78       super.onPause();
79       disableAccelerometerListening(); // stop listening for shake
80    }
82    // disable listening for accelerometer events
83    public void disableAccelerometerListening()
84    {
85       // get the SensorManager
86       SensorManager sensorManager =
87          (SensorManager) getActivity().getSystemService(
88             Context.SENSOR_SERVICE);
90       // stop listening for accelerometer events                    
91       sensorManager.unregisterListener(sensorEventListener,         
92          sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER));
93    }

Fig. 7.15 | Methods onPause and disableAccelerometerListening.

Anonymous Inner Class That Implements Interface SensorEventListener to Process Accelerometer Events

Figure 7.16 overrides SensorEventListener method onSensorChanged (lines 100–125) to process accelerometer events. If the user moves the device, this method determines whether the movement was enough to be considered a shake. If so, line 123 calls method confirmErase (Fig. 7.17) to display an EraseImageDialogFragment (Section 7.9) and confirm whether the user really wants to erase the image. Interface SensorEventListener also contains method onAccuracyChanged (lines 128–131)—we don’t use this method in this app, so we provide an empty body because the method is required by the interface.

95    // event handler for accelerometer events
96    private SensorEventListener sensorEventListener =
97       new SensorEventListener()
98       {
99          // use accelerometer to determine whether user shook device
100         @Override
101         public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event)
102         {
103            // ensure that other dialogs are not displayed
104            if (!dialogOnScreen)
105            {
106               // get x, y, and z values for the SensorEvent
107               float x = event.values[0];
108               float y = event.values[1];
109               float z = event.values[2];
111               // save previous acceleration value
112               lastAcceleration = currentAcceleration;
114               // calculate the current acceleration
115               currentAcceleration = x * x + y * y + z * z;
117               // calculate the change in acceleration
118               acceleration = currentAcceleration *
119                  (currentAcceleration - lastAcceleration);
121               // if the acceleration is above a certain threshold
122               if (acceleration > ACCELERATION_THRESHOLD)
123                  confirmErase();
124            }
125         } // end method onSensorChanged
127         // required method of interface SensorEventListener
128         @Override
129         public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy)
130         {
131         }
132      }; // end anonymous inner class

Fig. 7.16 | Anonymous inner class that implements interface SensorEventListener to process accelerometer events.

134   // confirm whether image should be erased
135   private void confirmErase()
136   {
137      EraseImageDialogFragment fragment = new EraseImageDialogFragment();
138      fragment.show(getFragmentManager(), "erase dialog");
139   }

Fig. 7.17 | Method confirmErase displays an EraseImageDialogFragment.

The user can shake the device even when dialogs are already displayed on the screen. For this reason, onSensorChanged first checks whether a dialog is displayed (line 104). This test ensures that no other dialogs are displayed; otherwise, onSensorChanged simply returns. This is important because the sensor events occur in a different thread of execution. Without this test, we’d be able to display the confirmation dialog for erasing the image when another dialog is on the screen.

The SensorEvent parameter contains information about the sensor change that occurred. For accelerometer events, this parameter’s values array contains three elements representing the acceleration (in meter/second2) in the x (left/right), y (up/down) and z (forward/backward) directions. A description and diagram of the coordinate system used by the SensorEvent API is available at:

This link also describes the real-world meanings for a SensorEvent’s x, y and z values for each different Sensor.

Lines 107–109 store the acceleration values. It’s important to handle sensor events quickly or to copy the event data (as we did here) because the array of sensor values is reused for each sensor event. Line 112 stores the last value of currentAcceleration. Line 115 sums the squares of the x, y and z acceleration values and stores them in currentAcceleration. Then, using the currentAcceleration and lastAcceleration values, we calculate a value (acceleration) that can be compared to our ACCELERATION_THRESHOLD constant. If the value is greater than the constant, the user moved the device enough for this app to consider the movement a shake. In this case, we call method confirmErase.

Method confirmErase

Method confirmErase (Fig. 7.17) simply creates an EraseImageDialogFragment (Section 7.9) and uses the DialogFragment method show to display it.

Overridden Fragment Methods onCreateOptionsMenu and onOptionsItemSelected

Figure 7.18 overrides Fragment’s onCreateOptionsMenu method (lines 142–147) to add the options to the method’s Menu argument using the method’s MenuInflater argument. When the user selects a menu item, Fragment method onOptionsItemSelected (lines 150–180) responds to the selection.

141   // display this fragment's menu items
142   @Override
143   public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater)
144   {
145      super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu, inflater);
146      inflater.inflate(R.menu.doodle_fragment_menu, menu);
147   }
149   // handle choice from options menu
150   @Override
151   public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item)
152   {
153      // switch based on the MenuItem id
154      switch (item.getItemId())
155      {
156         case R.id.color:
157            ColorDialogFragment colorDialog = new ColorDialogFragment();
158            colorDialog.show(getFragmentManager(), "color dialog");
159            return true; // consume the menu event
160         case R.id.lineWidth:
161            LineWidthDialogFragment widthdialog =
162               new LineWidthDialogFragment();
163            widthdialog.show(getFragmentManager(), "line width dialog");
164            return true; // consume the menu event
165         case R.id.eraser:
166            doodleView.setDrawingColor(Color.WHITE); // line color white
167            return true; // consume the menu event
168         case R.id.clear:
169            confirmErase(); // confirm before erasing image
170            return true; // consume the menu event
171         case R.id.save:
172            doodleView.saveImage(); // save the current image
173            return true; // consume the menu event
174         case R.id.print:
175            doodleView.printImage(); // print the current images
176            return true; // consume the menu event
177      } // end switch
179      return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); // call super's method
180   } // end method onOptionsItemSelected

Fig. 7.18 | Overridden Fragment methods onCreateOptionsMenu and onOptionsItemSelected.

We use the MenuItem argument’s getItemID method (line 154) to get the resource ID of the selected menu item, then take different actions based on the selection. The actions are as follows:

• For R.id.color, lines 157–158 create and show a ColorDialogFragment (Section 7.7) to allow the user to select a new drawing color.

• For R.id.lineWidth, lines 161–163 create and show a LineWidthDialogFragment (Section 7.8) to allow the user to select a new drawing color.

• For R.id.eraser, line 166 sets the doodleView’s drawing color to white, which effectively turns the user’s fingers into erasers.

• For R.id.clear, line 169 calls method confirmErase (Fig. 7.17) to display an EraseImageDialogFragment (Section 7.9) and confirm whether the user really wants to erase the image.

• For R.id.save, line 172 calls doodleView’s saveImage method to save the painting as an image stored in the device’s Gallery.

• For R.id.print, line 175 calls doodleView’s printImage method to allow the user to save the image as a PDF or to print the image.

Methods getDoodleView and setDialogOnScreen

Methods getDoodleView and setDialogOnScreen (Fig. 7.19) are called by methods of the app’s DialogFragment subclasses. Method getDoodleView returns a reference to this Fragment’s DoodleView so that a DialogFragment can set the drawing color, set the line width or clear the image. Method setDialogOnScreen is called by Fragment lifecycle methods of the app’s DialogFragment subclasses to indicate when a dialog is on the screen.

182   // returns the DoodleView
183   public DoodleView getDoodleView()
184   {
185      return doodleView;
186   }
188   // indicates whether a dialog is displayed
189   public void setDialogOnScreen(boolean visible)
190   {
191      dialogOnScreen = visible;
192   }
193 }

Fig. 7.19 | Methods getDoodleView and setDialogOnScreen.

7.6. DoodleView Class

The DoodleView class (Figs. 7.207.33) processes the user’s touches and draws the corresponding lines.

 1   // DoodleView.java
 2   // Main View for the Doodlz app.
 3   package com.deitel.doodlz;
 5   import java.util.HashMap;
 6   import java.util.Map;
 8   import android.content.Context;
 9   import android.graphics.Bitmap;             
10   import android.graphics.Canvas;             
11   import android.graphics.Color;              
12   import android.graphics.Paint;              
13   import android.graphics.Path;               
14   import android.graphics.Point;              
15   import android.os.Build;                    
16   import android.provider.MediaStore;         
17   import android.support.v4.print.PrintHelper;
18   import android.util.AttributeSet;
19   import android.view.GestureDetector;                        
20   import android.view.GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener;
21   import android.view.Gravity;                                
22   import android.view.MotionEvent;
23   import android.view.View;
24   import android.widget.Toast;

Fig. 7.20 | DooldleView package statement and import statements.

DooldleView package Statement and import Statements

Figure 7.20 lists class DoodleView’s package statement, import statements and fields. The new classes and interfaces are highlighted here. Many of these were discussed in Section 7.2 and the rest are discussed as we use them throughout class DoodleView.

DoodleView static and Instance Variables

Class DoodleView’s static and instance variables (Fig. 7.21, lines 30–43) are used to manage the data for the set of lines that the user is currently drawing and to draw those lines. Line 38 creates the pathMap, which maps each finger ID (known as a pointer) to a corresponding Path object for the lines currently being drawn. Lines 39–40 create the previousPointMap, which maintains the last point for each finger—as each finger moves, we draw a line from its current point to its previous point. We discuss the other fields as we use them in class DoodleView.

26   // the main screen that is painted
27   public class DoodleView extends View
28   {
29      // used to determine whether user moved a finger enough to draw again  
30      private static final float TOUCH_TOLERANCE = 10;
32      private Bitmap bitmap; // drawing area for display or saving    
33      private Canvas bitmapCanvas; // used to draw on bitmap          
34      private final Paint paintScreen; // used to draw bitmap onto screen
35      private final Paint paintLine; // used to draw lines onto bitmap
37      // Maps of current Paths being drawn and Points in those Paths         
38      private final Map<Integer, Path> pathMap = new HashMap<Integer, Path>();
39      private final Map<Integer, Point> previousPointMap =
40         new HashMap<Integer, Point>();                   
42      // used to hide/show system bars         
43      private GestureDetector singleTapDetector;

Fig. 7.21 | DoodleView static and instance variables.

DoodleView Constructor

The constructor (Fig. 7.22) initializes several of the class’s instance variables—the two Maps are initialized in their declarations in Fig. 7.21. Line 49 creates the Paint object paintScreen that will be used to display the user’s drawing on the screen and line 52 creates the Paint object paintLine that specifies the settings for the line(s) the user is currently drawing. Lines 53–57 specify the settings for the paintLine object. We pass true to Paint’s setAntiAlias method to enable anti-aliasing which smooths the edges of the lines. Next, we set the Paint’s style to Paint.Style.STROKE with Paint’s setStyle method. The style can be STROKE, FILL or FILL_AND_STROKE for a line, a filled shape without a border and a filled shape with a border, respectively. The default option is Paint.Style.FILL. We set the line’s width using Paint’s setStrokeWidth method. This sets the app’s default line width to five pixels. We also use Paint’s setStrokeCap method to round the ends of the lines with Paint.Cap.ROUND. Lines 60–61 create a GestureDetector that uses the singleTapListener to check for single-tap events.

45    // DoodleView constructor initializes the DoodleView
46    public DoodleView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)
47    {
48       super(context, attrs); // pass context to View's constructor
49       paintScreen = new Paint(); // used to display bitmap onto screen
51       // set the initial display settings for the painted line     
52       paintLine = new Paint();                                     
53       paintLine.setAntiAlias(true); // smooth edges of drawn line  
54       paintLine.setColor(Color.BLACK); // default color is black   
55       paintLine.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); // solid line        
56       paintLine.setStrokeWidth(5); // set the default line width   
57       paintLine.setStrokeCap(Paint.Cap.ROUND); // rounded line ends
59       // GestureDetector for single taps                      
60       singleTapDetector =                                     
61          new GestureDetector(getContext(), singleTapListener);
62    }

Fig. 7.22 | DoodleView constructor.

Overridden View Method onSizeChanged

The DoodleView’s size is not determined until it’s inflated and added to the MainActivity’s View hierarchy; therefore, we can’t determine the size of the drawing Bitmap in onCreate. So, we override View method onSizeChanged (Fig. 7.23), which is called when the DoodleView’s size changes—e.g., when it’s added to an Activity’s View hierarchy or when the user rotates the device. In this app, onSizeChanged is called only when the DoodleView is added to the Doodlz Activity’s View hierarchy, because the app always displays in portrait on phones and small tablets, and in landscape on large tablets.

64    // Method onSizeChanged creates Bitmap and Canvas after app displays
65    @Override
66    public void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldW, int oldH)
67    {
68       bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(getWidth(), getHeight(),         
69          Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);                                  
70       bitmapCanvas = new Canvas(bitmap);                            
71       bitmap.eraseColor(Color.WHITE); // erase the Bitmap with white
72    }

Fig. 7.23 | Overridden View method onSizeChanged.

Bitmap’s static createBitmap method creates a Bitmap of the specified width and height—here we use the DoodleView’s width and height as the Bitmap’s dimensions. The last argument to createBitmap is the Bitmap’s encoding, which specifies how each pixel in the Bitmap is stored. The constant Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 indicates that each pixel’s color is stored in four bytes (one byte each for the alpha, red, green and blue values) of the pixel’s color. Next, we create a new Canvas that’s used to draw shapes directly to the Bitmap. Finally, we use Bitmap’s eraseColor method to fill the Bitmap with white pixels—the default Bitmap background is black.

DoodleView Methods clear, setDrawingColor, getDrawingColor, setLineWidth and getLineWidth

Figure 7.24 defines methods clear (lines 75–81), setDrawingColor (lines 84–87), getDrawingColor (lines 90–93), setLineWidth (lines 96–99) and getLineWidth (lines 102–105), which are called from the DoodleFragment. Method clear, which we use in the EraseImageDialogFragment, empties the pathMap and previousPointMap, erases the Bitmap by setting all of its pixels to white, then calls the inherited View method invalidate to indicate that the View needs to be redrawn. Then, the system automatically determines when the View’s onDraw method should be called. Method setDrawingColor changes the current drawing color by setting the color of the Paint object paintLine. Paint’s setColor method receives an int that represents the new color in ARGB format. Method getDrawingColor returns the current color, which we use in the ColorDialogFragment. Method setLineWidth sets paintLine’s stroke width to the specified number of pixels. Method getLineWidth returns the current stroke width, which we use in the LineWidthDialogFragment.

74    // clear the painting
75    public void clear()
76    {
77       pathMap.clear(); // remove all paths                   
78       previousPointMap.clear(); // remove all previous points
79       bitmap.eraseColor(Color.WHITE); // clear the bitmap    
80       invalidate(); // refresh the screen                    
81    }
83    // set the painted line's color
84    public void setDrawingColor(int color)
85    {
86       paintLine.setColor(color);
87    }
89    // return the painted line's color
90    public int getDrawingColor()
91    {
92       return paintLine.getColor();
93    }
95    // set the painted line's width
96    public void setLineWidth(int width)
97    {
98       paintLine.setStrokeWidth(width);
99    }
101   // return the painted line's width
102   public int getLineWidth()
103   {
104      return (int) paintLine.getStrokeWidth();
105   }

Fig. 7.24 | DoodleView methods clear, setDrawingColor, getDrawingColor, setLineWidth and getLineWidth.

Overridden View Method onDraw

When a View needs to be redrawn, its onDraw method is called. Figure 7.25 overrides onDraw to display bitmap (the Bitmap that contains the drawing) on the DoodleView by calling the Canvas argument’s drawBitmap method. The first argument is the Bitmap to draw, the next two arguments are the x-y coordinates where the upper-left corner of the Bitmap should be placed on the View and the last argument is the Paint object that specifies the drawing characteristics. Lines 115–116 then loop through and display the Paths that are currently being drawn. For each Integer key in the pathMap, we pass the corresponding Path to Canvas’s drawPath method to draw the Path using the paintLine object, which defines the line width and color.

107   // called each time this View is drawn
108   @Override
109   protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas)
110   {
111      // draw the background screen
112      canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, paintScreen);
114      // for each path currently being drawn
115      for (Integer key : pathMap.keySet())
116         canvas.drawPath(pathMap.get(key), paintLine); // draw line
117   }

Fig. 7.25 | Overridden View method onDraw.

DoodleView Methods hideSystemBars and showSystemBars

This app uses Android 4.4’s new immersive mode to allow users to draw on the entire screen. When the user taps the screen, a GestureDetector’s SimplyOnGestureListener (Fig. 7.27) determines whether the system bars and action bar are displayed. If so, method hideSystemBars (Fig. 7.26, lines 120–130) is called; otherwise, method showSystemBars (Fig. 7.26, lines 133–140) is called. For this app, we enable immersive mode only for Android 4.4. So, both methods first check whether the version of Android running on the device—Build.VERSION_SDK_INT—is greater than or equal to the constant for Android 4.4 (API level 19)—Build.VERSION_CODES_KITKAT. If so, both methods use View method setSystemUiVisibility to configure the system bars and action bar. To hide the system bars and action bar and place the UI into immersive mode, you pass to setSystemUiVisibility the constants that are combined via the bitwise OR (|) operator in lines 124–129. To show the system bars and action bar, you pass to setSystemUiVisibility the constants that are combined in lines 137–139. These combinations of View constants ensure that the DoodleView is not resized each time the system bars and action bar are hidden and redisplayed. Instead, the system bars and action bar overlay the DoodleView—that is, part of the DoodleView is temporarily hidden when the system bars and action bar are on the screen. The constant View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE is new in Android 4.4. For more information on immersive mode, visit:

119   // hide system bars and action bar
120   public void hideSystemBars()
121   {
123         setSystemUiVisibility(                               
124            View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE |               
126            View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN |           
127            View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION |             
128            View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN |                  
129            View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE);                   
130   }
132   // show system bars and action bar
133   public void showSystemBars()
134   {
136         setSystemUiVisibility(                         
137            View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE |         
139            View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN);     
140   }

Fig. 7.26 | DoodleView methods hideSystemBars and showSystemBars.

Anonymous Inner Class that Implements Interface SimpleOnGestureListener

Figure 7.27 creates the SimpleOnGestureListener named singleTapListener, which was registered at lines 60–61 (Fig. 7.14) with the GestureDetector. Recall that SimpleOnGestureListener is an adapter class that implements interfaces OnGestureListener and OnDoubleTapListener. The methods simply return false—indicating that the events were not handled. We override only the onSingleTap method (lines 146–155), which is called when the user taps the screen. We determine whether the system bars and app bar are displayed (lines 149–150) by calling method View method getSystemUiVisibilty and combining its result with the constant View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION. If the result is 0, the system bars and app bar are currently displayed, so we call method hideSystemBars; otherwise, we call showSystemBars. Returning true indicates that the single-tap event has been handled.

142   // create SimpleOnGestureListener for single tap events
143   private SimpleOnGestureListener singleTapListener =
144      new SimpleOnGestureListener()
145      {
146         @Override
147         public boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e)
148         {
149            if ((getSystemUiVisibility() &               
150               View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION) == 0)
151               hideSystemBars();
152            else
153               showSystemBars();
154            return true;
155         }
156      };

Fig. 7.27 | Anonymous inner class that implements interface SimpleOnGestureListener.

Overridden View Method onTouchEvent

Method onTouchEvent (Fig. 7.28) is called when the View receives a touch event. Android supports multitouch—that is, having multiple fingers touching the screen. At any time, the user can touch the screen with more fingers or remove fingers from the screen. For this reason, each finger—known as a pointer—has a unique ID that identifies it across touch events. We’ll use that ID to locate the corresponding Path objects that represent each line currently being drawn. These Paths are stored in pathMap.

158   // handle touch event
159   @Override
160   public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)
161   {
162      // get the event type and the ID of the pointer that caused the event
163      // if a single tap event occurred on KitKat or higher device     
164      if (singleTapDetector.onTouchEvent(event) )
165         return true;
167      int action = event.getActionMasked(); // event type                
168      int actionIndex = event.getActionIndex(); // pointer (i.e., finger)
170      // determine whether touch started, ended or is moving
171      if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN ||     
172         action == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN)
173      {
174         touchStarted(event.getX(actionIndex), event.getY(actionIndex),
175            event.getPointerId(actionIndex));
176      }
177      else if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP ||
178         action == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP)
179      {
180         touchEnded(event.getPointerId(actionIndex));
181      }
182      else
183      {
184         touchMoved(event);
185      }
187      invalidate(); // redraw
188      return true;
189   } // end method onTouchEvent

Fig. 7.28 | Overridden View method onTouchEvent.

When a touch event occurs, line 164 calls the GestureDetector (singleTapDetector) method onTouchEvent to first determine if the touch event was a tap to hide or show the system bars and app bar. If the motion event was a tap, the method returns immediately.

MotionEvent’s getActionMasked method (line 167) returns an int representing the MotionEvent type, which you can use with constants from class MotionEvent to determine how to handle each event. MotionEvent’s getActionIndex method (line 168) returns an integer index representing which finger caused the event. This index is not the finger’s unique ID—it’s simply the index at which that finger’s information is located in this MotionEvent object. To get the finger’s unique ID that persists across MotionEvents until the user removes that finger from the screen, we’ll use MotionEvent’s getPointerID method (lines 175 and 180), passing the finger index as an argument.

If the action is MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN or MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN (lines 171–172), the user touched the screen with a new finger. The first finger to touch the screen generates a MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN event, and all other fingers generate MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN events. For these cases, we call the touchStarted method (Fig. 7.29) to store the initial coordinates of the touch. If the action is MotionEvent.ACTION_UP or MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP, the user removed a finger from the screen, so we call method touchEnded (Fig. 7.31) to draw the completed Path to the bitmap so that we have a permanent record of that Path. For all other touch events, we call method touchMoved (Fig. 7.30) to draw the lines. After the event is processed, line 187 calls the inherited View method invalidate to redraw the screen, and line 188 returns true to indicate that the event has been processed.

191   // called when the user touches the screen
192   private void touchStarted(float x, float y, int lineID)
193   {
194      Path path; // used to store the path for the given touch id
195      Point point; // used to store the last point in path
197      // if there is already a path for lineID
198      if (pathMap.containsKey(lineID))
199      {
200         path = pathMap.get(lineID); // get the Path                    
201         path.reset(); // reset the Path because a new touch has started
202         point = previousPointMap.get(lineID); // get Path's last point 
203      }
204      else
205      {
206         path = new Path();                                              
207         pathMap.put(lineID, path); // add the Path to Map               
208         point = new Point(); // create a new Point                      
209         previousPointMap.put(lineID, point); // add the Point to the Map
210      }
212      // move to the coordinates of the touch
213      path.moveTo(x, y);
214      point.x = (int) x;
215      point.y = (int) y;
216   } // end method touchStarted

Fig. 7.29 | touchStarted method of class DoodleView.

touchStarted Method of Class DoodleView

The touchStarted method (Fig. 7.29) is called when a finger first touches the screen. The coordinates of the touch and its ID are supplied as arguments. If a Path already exists for the given ID (line 198), we call Path’s reset method to clear any existing points so we can reuse the Path for a new stroke. Otherwise, we create a new Path, add it to pathMap, then add a new Point to the previousPointMap. Lines 213–215 call Path’s moveTo method to set the Path’s starting coordinates and specify the new Point’s x and y values.

touchMoved Method of Class DoodleView

The touchMoved method (Fig. 7.30) is called when the user moves one or more fingers across the screen. The system MotionEvent passed from onTouchEvent contains touch information for multiple moves on the screen if they occur at the same time. MotionEvent method getPointerCount (line 222) returns the number of touches this MotionEvent describes. For each, we store the finger’s ID (line 225) in pointerID, and store the finger’s corresponding index in this MotionEvent (line 226) in pointerIndex. Then we check whether there’s a corresponding Path in the pathMap HashMap (line 229). If so, we use MotionEvent’s getX and getY methods to get the last coordinates for this drag event for the specified pointerIndex. We get the corresponding Path and last Point for the pointerID from each respective HashMap, then calculate the difference between the last point and the current point—we want to update the Path only if the user has moved a distance that’s greater than our TOUCH_TOLERANCE constant. We do this because many devices are sensitive enough to generate MotionEvents indicating small movements when the user is attempting to hold a finger motionless on the screen. If the user moved a finger further than the TOUCH_TOLERANCE, we use Path’s quadTo method (lines 248–249) to add a geometric curve (specifically a quadratic Bezier curve) from the previous Point to the new Point. We then update the most recent Point for that finger.

218   // called when the user drags along the screen
219   private void touchMoved(MotionEvent event)
220   {
221      // for each of the pointers in the given MotionEvent
222      for (int i = 0; i < event.getPointerCount(); i++)
223      {
224         // get the pointer ID and pointer index
225         int pointerID = event.getPointerId(i) ;
226         int pointerIndex = event.findPointerIndex(pointerID);
228         // if there is a path associated with the pointer
229         if (pathMap.containsKey(pointerID))
230         {
231            // get the new coordinates for the pointer
232            float newX = event.getX(pointerIndex);
233            float newY = event.getY(pointerIndex);
235            // get the Path and previous Point associated with
236            // this pointer
237            Path path = pathMap.get(pointerID);
238            Point point = previousPointMap.get(pointerID);
240            // calculate how far the user moved from the last update
241            float deltaX = Math.abs(newX - point.x);
242            float deltaY = Math.abs(newY - point.y);
244            // if the distance is significant enough to matter
245            if (deltaX >= TOUCH_TOLERANCE || deltaY >= TOUCH_TOLERANCE)
246            {
247               // move the path to the new location
248               path.quadTo(point.x, point.y, (newX + point.x) / 2,
249                  (newY + point.y) / 2);
251               // store the new coordinates
252               point.x = (int) newX;
253               point.y = (int) newY;
254            }
255         }
256      }
257   } // end method touchMoved

Fig. 7.30 | touchMoved method of class DoodleView.

touchEnded Method of Class DoodleView

The touchEnded method (Fig. 7.31) is called when the user lifts a finger from the screen. The method receives the ID of the finger (lineID) for which the touch just ended as an argument. Line 262 gets the corresponding Path. Line 263 calls the bitmapCanvas’s draw-Path method to draw the Path on the Bitmap object named bitmap before we call Path’s reset method to clear the Path. Resetting the Path does not erase its corresponding painted line from the screen, because those lines have already been drawn to the bitmap that’s displayed to the screen. The lines that are currently being drawn by the user are displayed on top of that bitmap.

259   // called when the user finishes a touch
260   private void touchEnded(int lineID)
261   {
262      Path path = pathMap.get(lineID); // get the corresponding Path 
263      bitmapCanvas.drawPath(path, paintLine); // draw to bitmapCanvas
264      path.reset(); // reset the Path                                
265   }

Fig. 7.31 | touchEnded method of class DoodleView.

DoodleView Method saveImage

Method saveImage (Fig. 7.32) saves the current drawing to a file in the device’s gallery. Line 271 creates a filename for the image, then lines 274–276 store the image in the device’s Gallery by calling class MediaStore.Images.Media’s insertImage method. The method receives four arguments:

• a ContentResolver that the method uses to locate where the image should be stored on the device

• the Bitmap to store

• the name of the image

• a description of the image

267   // save the current image to the Gallery
268   public void saveImage()
269   {
270      // use "Doodlz" followed by current time as the image name
271      String name = "Doodlz" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".jpg";
273      // insert the image in the device's gallery
274      String location = MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage(
275         getContext().getContentResolver(), bitmap, name,   
276         "Doodlz Drawing");                                 
278      if (location != null) // image was saved
279      {
280         // display a message indicating that the image was saved
281         Toast message = Toast.makeText(getContext(),
282            R.string.message_saved, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
283         message.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER, message.getXOffset() / 2,
284            message.getYOffset() / 2);
285         message.show();
286      }
287      else
288      {
289         // display a message indicating that the image was saved
290         Toast message = Toast.makeText(getContext(),
291            R.string.message_error_saving, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
292         message.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER, message.getXOffset() / 2,
293            message.getYOffset() / 2);
294         message.show();
295      }
296   } // end method saveImage

Fig. 7.32 | DoodleView method saveImage.

Method insertImage returns a String representing the image’s location on the device, or null if the image could not be saved. Lines 278–295 check whether the image was saved and display an appropriate Toast.

DoodleView Method printImage

On Android 4.4 and higher devices, method printImage (Fig. 7.33) uses the Android Support Library’s PrintHelper class to print the current drawing. Line 301 first confirms that printing support is available on the device. If so, line 304 creates a PrintHelper object. Next, line 307 specifies the image’s scale modePrintHelper.SCALE_MODE_FIT indicates that the image should fit within the printable area of the paper. There’s also the scale mode PrintHelper.SCALE_MODE_FILL, which causes the image to fill the paper, possibly cutting off a portion of the image. Finally, line 308 calls PrintHelper method printBitmap, passing as arguments the print job name (used by the printer to identify the print) and the Bitmap containing the image to print. This displays Android’s print dialog, which allows the user to choose whether to save the image as a PDF document on the device or to print the image to an available printer.

298    // print the current image
299    public void printImage()
300    {
301       if (PrintHelper.systemSupportsPrint() )
302       {
303          // use Android Support Library's PrintHelper to print image
304          PrintHelper printHelper = new PrintHelper(getContext());
306          // fit image in page bounds and print the image
307          printHelper.setScaleMode(PrintHelper.SCALE_MODE_FIT);
308          printHelper.printBitmap("Doodlz Image", bitmap);     
309       }
310       else
311       {
312          // display message indicating that system does not allow printing
313          Toast message = Toast.makeText(getContext(),
314             R.string.message_error_printing, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
315          message.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER, message.getXOffset() / 2,
316             message.getYOffset() / 2);
317          message.show();
318       }
319     }
320 } // end class DoodleView

Fig. 7.33 | DoodleView method printImage.

7.7. ColorDialogFragment Class

Class ColorDialogFragment (Figs. 7.347.38) extends DialogFragment to create an AlertDialog for setting the drawing color. The class’s instance variables (lines 19–24) are used to reference the GUI controls for selecting the new color, displaying a preview of it and storing the color as a 32-bit int value that represents the color’s ARGB values.

 1   // ColorDialogFragment.java
 2   // Allows user to set the drawing color on the DoodleView
 3   package com.deitel.doodlz;
 5   import android.app.Activity;
 6   import android.app.AlertDialog;
 7   import android.app.Dialog;
 8   import android.app.DialogFragment;
 9   import android.content.DialogInterface;
10   import android.graphics.Color;
11   import android.os.Bundle;
12   import android.view.View;
13   import android.widget.SeekBar;
14   import android.widget.SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener;
16   // class for the Select Color dialog  
17   public class ColorDialogFragment extends DialogFragment
18   {
19      private SeekBar alphaSeekBar;
20      private SeekBar redSeekBar;
21      private SeekBar greenSeekBar;
22      private SeekBar blueSeekBar;
23      private View colorView;
24      private int color;

Fig. 7.34 | ColorDialogFragment’s package statement, import statements and instance variables.

Overridden DialogFragment Method onCreateDialog

Method onCreateDialog (Fig. 7.35) inflates the custom View (lines 32–34) defined by fragment_color.xml containing the GUI for selecting a color, then attaches that View to the AlertDialog by calling AlertDialog.Builder’s setView method (line 35). Lines 42–50 get references to the dialog’s SeekBars and colorView. Next, lines 53–56 register colorChangedListener (Fig. 7.38) as the listener for the SeekBars’ events.

26    // create an AlertDialog and return it
27    @Override
28    public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle bundle)
29    {
30       AlertDialog.Builder builder =
31          new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity());
32       View colorDialogView =                                
33          getActivity().getLayoutInflater().inflate(         
34             R.layout.fragment_color, null);                 
35       builder.setView(colorDialogView); // add GUI to dialog
37       // set the AlertDialog's message
38       builder.setTitle(R.string.title_color_dialog);
39       builder.setCancelable(true);
41       // get the color SeekBars and set their onChange listeners
42       alphaSeekBar = (SeekBar) colorDialogView.findViewById(
43          R.id.alphaSeekBar);
44       redSeekBar = (SeekBar) colorDialogView.findViewById(
45          R.id.redSeekBar);
46       greenSeekBar = (SeekBar) colorDialogView.findViewById(
47          R.id.greenSeekBar);
48       blueSeekBar = (SeekBar) colorDialogView.findViewById(
49          R.id.blueSeekBar);
50       colorView = colorDialogView.findViewById(R.id.colorView);
52       // register SeekBar event listeners
53       alphaSeekBar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(colorChangedListener);
54       redSeekBar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(colorChangedListener);
55       greenSeekBar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(colorChangedListener);
56       blueSeekBar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(colorChangedListener);
58       // use current drawing color to set SeekBar values
59       final DoodleView doodleView = getDoodleFragment().getDoodleView();
60       color = doodleView.getDrawingColor();
61       alphaSeekBar.setProgress(Color.alpha(color));
62       redSeekBar.setProgress(Color.red(color));
63       greenSeekBar.setProgress(Color.green(color));
64       blueSeekBar.setProgress(Color.blue(color));
66       // add Set Color Button
67       builder.setPositiveButton(R.string.button_set_color,
68          new DialogInterface.OnClickListener()
69          {
70             public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id)
71             {
72                doodleView.setDrawingColor(color);
73             }
74          }
75       ); // end call to setPositiveButton
77       return builder.create(); // return dialog
78    } // end method onCreateDialog  

Fig. 7.35 | Overridden DialogFragment method onCreateDialog.

Line 59 calls method getDoodleFragment (Fig. 7.36) to get a reference to the DoodleFragment, then calls the DoodleFragment’s getDoodleView method to get the DoodleView. Lines 60–64 get the DoodleView’s current drawing color, then use it to set each SeekBar’s value. Color’s static methods alpha, red, green and blue extract the ARGB values from the color, and SeekBar’s setProgress method positions the thumbs. Lines 67–75 configure the AlertDialog’s positive button to set the DoodleView’s new drawing color. Line 77 returns the AlertDialog.

Method getDoodleFragment

Method getDoodleFragment (Fig. 7.36) simply uses the FragmentManager to get a reference to the DoodleFragment.

80    // gets a reference to the DoodleFragment
81    private DoodleFragment getDoodleFragment()
82    {
83       return (DoodleFragment) getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(
84          R.id.doodleFragment);
85    }

Fig. 7.36 | Method getDoodleFragment.

Overridden Fragment Lifecycle Methods onAttach and onDetach

When the ColorDialogFragment is added to a parent Activity, method onAttach (Fig. 7.37, lines 88–96) is called. Line 92 gets a reference to the DoodleFragment. If that reference is not null, line 95 calls DoodleFragment’s setDialogOnScreen method to indicate that the Choose Color dialog is now displayed. When the ColorDialogFragment is removed from a parent Activity, method onDetach (lines 99–107) is called. Line 106 calls DoodleFragment’s setDialogOnScreen method to indicate that the Choose Color dialog is no longer on the screen.

87    // tell DoodleFragment that dialog is now displayed
88    @Override
89    public void onAttach(Activity activity)
90    {
91       super.onAttach(activity);
92       DoodleFragment fragment = getDoodleFragment();
94       if (fragment != null)
95          fragment.setDialogOnScreen(true);
96    }
98    // tell DoodleFragment that dialog is no longer displayed
99    @Override
100   public void onDetach()
101   {
102      super.onDetach();
103      DoodleFragment fragment = getDoodleFragment();
105      if (fragment != null)
106         fragment.setDialogOnScreen(false);
107   }

Fig. 7.37 | Overridden Fragment lifecycle methods onAttach and onDetach.

Anonymous Inner Class That Implements Interface OnSeekBarChangeListener to Respond to the Events of the Alpha, Red, Green and Blue SeekBars

Figure 7.38 defines an anonymous inner class that implements interface OnSeekBarChangeListener to respond to events when the user adjusts the SeekBars in the Choose Color Dialog. This was registered as the SeekBars’ event handler in Fig. 7.35 (lines 53–56). Method onProgressChanged (lines 115–123) is called when the position of a SeekBar’s thumb changes. If the user moved a SeekBar’s thumb (line 118), lines 119–121 store the new color. Class Color’s static method argb combines the SeekBars’ values into a Color and returns the appropriate color as an int. We then use class View’s setBackgroundColor method to update the colorView with a color that matches the current state of the SeekBars.

109   // OnSeekBarChangeListener for the SeekBars in the color dialog
110   private OnSeekBarChangeListener colorChangedListener =
111     new OnSeekBarChangeListener()
112   {
113      // display the updated color
114      @Override
115      public void onProgressChanged(SeekBar seekBar, int progress,
116         boolean fromUser)
117      {
118         if (fromUser) // user, not program, changed SeekBar progress
119            color = Color.argb(alphaSeekBar.getProgress(),           
120               redSeekBar.getProgress(), greenSeekBar.getProgress(), 
121               blueSeekBar.getProgress());                           
122         colorView.setBackgroundColor(color);                        
123      }
125      @Override
126      public void onStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar) // required
127      {
128      }
130      @Override
131      public void onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar) // required
132      {
133      }
134   }; // end colorChanged
135  } // end class ColorDialogFragment

Fig. 7.38 | Anonymous inner class that implements interface OnSeekBarChangeListener to respond to the events of the alpha, red, green and blue SeekBars.

7.8. LineWidthDialogFragment Class

Class LineWidthDialogFragment (Fig. 7.39) extends DialogFragment to create an AlertDialog for setting the line width. The class is similar to class ColorDialogFragment, so we discuss only the key differences here. The class’s only instance variable is an ImageView (line 22) in which we draw a line showing the current line-width setting.

 1   // LineWidthDialogFragment.java
 2   // Allows user to set the drawing color on the DoodleView
 3   package com.deitel.doodlz;
 5   import android.app.Activity;
 6   import android.app.AlertDialog;
 7   import android.app.Dialog;
 8   import android.app.DialogFragment;
 9   import android.content.DialogInterface;
10   import android.graphics.Bitmap;
11   import android.graphics.Canvas;
12   import android.graphics.Paint;
13   import android.os.Bundle;
14   import android.view.View;
15   import android.widget.ImageView;
16   import android.widget.SeekBar;
17   import android.widget.SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener;
19   // class for the Select Color dialog  
20   public class LineWidthDialogFragment extends DialogFragment
21   {
22      private ImageView widthImageView;
24      // create an AlertDialog and return it
25      @Override
26      public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle bundle)
27      {
28         AlertDialog.Builder builder =
29            new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity());
30         View lineWidthDialogView = getActivity().getLayoutInflater().inflate(
31            R.layout.fragment_line_width, null);
32         builder.setView(lineWidthDialogView); // add GUI to dialog
34         // set the AlertDialog's message
35         builder.setTitle(R.string.title_line_width_dialog);
36         builder.setCancelable(true);
38         // get the ImageView
39         widthImageView = (ImageView) lineWidthDialogView.findViewById(
40            R.id.widthImageView);
42         // configure widthSeekBar
43         final DoodleView doodleView = getDoodleFragment().getDoodleView();
44         final SeekBar widthSeekBar = (SeekBar)
45            lineWidthDialogView.findViewById(R.id.widthSeekBar);
46         widthSeekBar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(lineWidthChanged);
47         widthSeekBar.setProgress(doodleView.getLineWidth());
49         // add Set Line Width Button
50         builder.setPositiveButton(R.string.button_set_line_width,
51            new DialogInterface.OnClickListener()
52            {
53               public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id)
54               {
55                  doodleView.setLineWidth(widthSeekBar.getProgress());
56               }
57            }
58         ); // end call to setPositiveButton
60         return builder.create(); // return dialog
61      } // end method onCreateDialog  
63      // gets a reference to the DoodleFragment
64      private DoodleFragment getDoodleFragment()
65      {
66         return (DoodleFragment) getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(
67            R.id.doodleFragment);
68      }
70      // tell DoodleFragment that dialog is now displayed
71      @Override
72      public void onAttach(Activity activity)
73      {
74         super.onAttach(activity);
75         DoodleFragment fragment = getDoodleFragment();
77         if (fragment != null)
78            fragment.setDialogOnScreen(true);
79      }
81      // tell DoodleFragment that dialog is no longer displayed
82      @Override
83      public void onDetach()
84      {
85         super.onDetach();
86         DoodleFragment fragment = getDoodleFragment();
88         if (fragment != null)
89            fragment.setDialogOnScreen(false);
90      }
92      // OnSeekBarChangeListener for the SeekBar in the width dialog
93      private OnSeekBarChangeListener lineWidthChanged =
94         new OnSeekBarChangeListener()
95         {
96            Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(
97               400, 100, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
98            Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap); // associate with Canvas
100           @Override
101           public void onProgressChanged(SeekBar seekBar, int progress,
102              boolean fromUser)
103           {
104              // configure a Paint object for the current SeekBar value 
105              Paint p = new Paint();                                    
106              p.setColor(                                               
107                 getDoodleFragment().getDoodleView().getDrawingColor());
108              p.setStrokeCap(Paint.Cap.ROUND);                          
109              p.setStrokeWidth(progress);                               
111              // erase the bitmap and redraw the line                  
112              bitmap.eraseColor(                                       
113                 getResources().getColor(android.R.color.transparent));
114              canvas.drawLine(30, 50, 370, 50, p);                     
115              widthImageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap);                   
116           }
118           @Override
119           public void onStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar) // required
120           {
121           }
123           @Override
124           public void onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar)  // required
125           {
126           }
127        }; // end lineWidthChanged
128  }

Fig. 7.39 | Class LineWidthDialogFragment.

Method onCreateDialog

Method onCreateDialog (lines 25–61) inflates the custom View (lines 30–31) defined by fragment_line_width.xml that displays the GUI for selecting the line width, then attaches that View to the AlertDialog by calling AlertDialog.Builder’s setView method (line 32). Lines 39–40 get a reference to the ImageView in which the sample line will be drawn. Next, lines 43–47 get a reference to the widthSeekBar, register lineWidthChanged (lines 93–127) as the SeekBar’s listener and set the SeekBar’s current value to the current line width. Lines 50–58 define the dialog’s positive button to call the DoodleView’s setLine-Width method when the user touches the Set Line Width button. Line 60 returns the AlertDialog for display.

Anonymous Inner Class That Implements Interface OnSeekBarChangeListener to Respond to the Events of the widthSeekBar

Lines 93–127 define the lineWidthChanged OnSeekBarChangeListener that responds to events when the user adjusts the SeekBar in the Choose Line Width dialog. Lines 96–97 create a Bitmap on which to display a sample line representing the selected line thickness. Line 98 creates a Canvas for drawing on the Bitmap. Method onProgressChanged (lines 100–116) draws the sample line based on the current drawing color and the SeekBar’s value. First, lines 105–109 configure a Paint object for drawing the sample line. Class Paint’s setStrokeCap method (line 108) specifies the appearance of the line ends—in this case, they’re rounded (Paint.Cap.ROUND). Lines 112–113 clear bitmap’s background to the predefined Android color android.R.color.transparent with Bitmap method eraseColor. We use canvas to draw the sample line. Finally, line 115 displays bitmap in the widthImageView by passing it to ImageView’s setImageBitmap method.

7.9. EraseImageDialogFragment Class

Class EraseImageDialogFragment (Fig. 7.40) extends DialogFragment to create an AlertDialog that confirms whether the user really wants to erase the entire image. The class is similar to class ColorDialogFragment and LineWidthDialogFragment, so we discuss only method onCreateDialog (lines 16–41) here. The method creates an AlertDialog with Erase Image and Cancel button. Lines 27–35 configure the Erase Image button as the positive button—when the user touches this, line 32 in the button’s listener calls the DoodleView’s clear method to erase the image. Line 38 configures Cancel as the negative button—when the user touches this, the dialog is dismissed. Line 40 returns the AlertDialog.

 1    // EraseImageDialogFragment.java
 2    // Allows user to erase image
 3    package com.deitel.doodlz;
 5    import android.app.Activity;
 6    import android.app.AlertDialog;
 7    import android.app.Dialog;
 8    import android.app.DialogFragment;
 9    import android.content.DialogInterface;
10    import android.os.Bundle;
12    //class for the Select Color dialog  
13    public class EraseImageDialogFragment extends DialogFragment
14    {
15     // create an AlertDialog and return it
16     @Override
17     public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle bundle)
18     {
19        AlertDialog.Builder builder =
20           new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity());
22        // set the AlertDialog's message
23        builder.setMessage(R.string.message_erase);
24        builder.setCancelable(false);
26        // add Erase Button
27        builder.setPositiveButton(R.string.button_erase,
28           new DialogInterface.OnClickListener()
29           {
30              public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id)
31              {
32                 getDoodleFragment().getDoodleView().clear(); // clear image
33              }
34           }
35        ); // end call to setPositiveButton
37        // add Cancel Button
38        builder.setNegativeButton(R.string.button_cancel, null);
40        return builder.create(); // return dialog
41     } // end method onCreateDialog  
43     // gets a reference to the DoodleFragment
44     private DoodleFragment getDoodleFragment()
45     {
46        return (DoodleFragment) getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(
47           R.id.doodleFragment);
48     }
50     // tell DoodleFragment that dialog is now displayed
51     @Override
52     public void onAttach(Activity activity)
53     {
54        super.onAttach(activity);
55        DoodleFragment fragment = getDoodleFragment();
57        if (fragment != null)
58           fragment.setDialogOnScreen(true);
59     }
61     // tell DoodleFragment that dialog is no longer displayed
62     @Override
63     public void onDetach()
64     {
65        super.onDetach();
66        DoodleFragment fragment = getDoodleFragment();
68        if (fragment != null)
69           fragment.setDialogOnScreen(false);
70     }
71  } // end class EraseImageDialogFragment

Fig. 7.40 | Class EraseImageDialogFragment.

7.10. Wrap-Up

In this chapter, you built the Doodlz app which enables users to paint by dragging one or more fingers across the screen. You implemented a shake-to-erase feature by using Android’s SensorManager to register a SensorEventListener that responds to accelerometer events, and you learned that Android supports many other sensors.

You created subclasses of DialogFragment that displayed custom Views in AlertDialogs. You also overrode the Fragment lifecycle methods onAttach and onDetach, which are called when a Fragment is attached to or detached from a parent Activity, respectively.

We showed how to associate a Canvas with a Bitmap, then use the Canvas to draw on the Bitmap. We demonstrated how to handle multitouch events so the user can draw with multiple fingers at the same time. You stored the information for each individual finger as a Path. You processed the touch events by overriding the View method onTouchEvent, which receives a MotionEvent containing the event type and the ID of the pointer that generated the event. We used the IDs to distinguish among the fingers and add information to the corresponding Path objects.

You used Android 4.4’s new full-screen immersive mode that enables an app to take advantage of the entire screen, but still allows the user to access the system bars and action bar when necessary. To toggle immersive mode, you used a GestureDetector to determine when the user single-tapped the screen.

You used a ContentResolver and the MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage method to save an image into the device’s Gallery. Finally, we showed how to use the new Android 4.4 printing framework to allow users to print their drawings. You used the Android Support Library’s PrintHelper class to print a BitmapBitmap. The PrintHelper displayed a user interface for selecting a printer or saving the image into a PDF document.

In Chapter 8, we build the database-driven Address Book app, which provides quick and easy access to stored contact information and the ability to add contacts, delete contacts and edit existing contacts. You’ll learn how to dynamically swap Fragments in a GUI and once again provide layouts that optimize screen real estate on phones and tablets.

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