Challenge: RecyclerView ViewTypes

For this advanced challenge, you will create two types of rows in your RecyclerView: a normal row and a row for more serious crimes. To implement this, you will work with the view type feature available in RecyclerView.Adapter. Add a new property, requiresPolice, to the Crime object and use it to determine which view to load on the CrimeAdapter by implementing the getItemViewType(Int) function (​reference/​android/​support/​v7/​widget/​RecyclerView.Adapter.html#getItemViewType).

In the onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup, Int) function, you will also need to add logic that returns a different ViewHolder based on the new viewType value returned by getItemViewType(Int). Use the original layout for crimes that do not require police intervention and a new layout with a streamlined interface containing a button that says “contact police” for crimes that do.

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