

<application> 455

<changeBounds> 334

<fade> 334

<fragment> 229

<fragment> element 229

<menu> 321

<receiver> 438

<service> 455, 470, 477

<transitionSet> 334

<uses-permission> 418

Code Reformatting 67

@layout/toolbar_fragment 240

.well-known folder 663


AbsoluteLayout 110

accelerate_decelerate_interpolator 336

accelerateDecelerateInterpolator 337

AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator 332

AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator() method 336

accelerate_interpolator 336

accelerateInterpolator 337

AccelerateInterpolator 332

AccelerateInterpolator() method 336













Active / Running state 84

Activity 73, 87

adding to a project 161

adding views in Java code 181

class 87

creation 14

Entire Lifetime 91

Foreground Lifetime 91

lifecycle methods 89

lifecycles 81

returning data from 416

state change example 95

state changes 87

states 84

Visible Lifetime 91

ActivityCompat class 601

Activity Lifecycle 83

Activity Manager 72

Activity Stack 83

Actual screen pixels 172


command-line tool 53

list devices 53

restart server 54


enabling on Android devices 53

Linux configuration 56

macOS configuration 54

overview 53

testing connection 56

Windows configuration 55

addCategory() method 437

addMarker() method 625

addView() method 176

ADD_VOICEMAIL permission 596

Advanced Profiling 677


checkableBehavior 323

commandline tool 33

exported 455

gestureColor 223

layout_behavior property 399

onClick 231

orderInCategory 322

process 477

transitionOrdering 335

uncertainGestureColor 223


onClick Resource 195

process 456


Activity 73

architecture 69

events 195

intents 74

runtime 70

SDK Packages 6 70

Android Architecture Components 247

android.content 70

android.content.Intent 415

android.database 70

Android Debug Bridge. See  ADB

Android Design Support Library 353

Android Development

System Requirements 3

Android Devices

designing for different 109 70

android.hardware 70

android.intent.action 443

android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED 456

android.intent.action.MAIN 433

android.intent.category.LAUNCHER 433

Android Libraries 70

AndroidManifest.xml file 162 71

Android Monitor tool window 31, 99

Android Native Development Kit 71 71

android.opengl 71

android.os 71

android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO 605

android.print 71

Android Profiler 677

Android Project

create new 13

android.provider 71

Android SDK Location

identifying 8

Android SDK Manager 6, 7, 9

Android SDK Packages

version requirements 7

Android SDK Tools

command-line access 8

Linux 10

macOS 10

Windows 7 8

Windows 8 9

Android Software Stack 69

Android Storage Access Framework 556

Android Studio

changing theme 51

downloading 3

Editor Window 46

installation 4

Linux installation 5

macOS installation 4

Main Window 46

Menu Bar 46

Navigation Bar 46

Project tool window 47

setup wizard 5

Status Bar 47

Toolbar 46

updating 11

Welcome Screen 45

Windows installation 4

android.text 71

Android tool window 49

android.util 71

android.view 71

android.view.View 112

android.view.ViewGroup 109, 112

Android Virtual Device. See  AVD

overview 27

Android Virtual Device Manager 27

android.webkit 71

android.widget 71

Animation framework 332

anticipate_interpolator 336

anticipateInterpolator 337

AnticipateInterpolator 332

AnticipateInterpolator() method 336

anticipate_overshoot_interpolator 336

anticipateOvershootInterpolator 337

AnticipateOvershootInterpolator 332

AnticipateOvershootInterpolator() method 336

APK analyzer 708

APK file 702

split 712

APK File

analyzing 708

APK Signing 740

APK Wizard dialog 700


showAsAction 322

App Architecture

modern 247


anatomy of 397

appbar_scrolling_view_behavior 399

App Bundles 697

creating 702

overview 697

revisions 707

uploading 704

AppCompatActivity class 88


stopping 31

Application Context 75

Application Framework 71

Application Manifest 75

Application Resources 75

App Link

Adding Intent Filter 670

Assistant 665

Digital Assets Link file 663

Intent Filter Handling 670

Intent Filters 661

Intent Handling 662

Testing 674

tutorial 665

URL Mapping 667

website association 674

App Link Assistant 665

App Links 661

overview 661

Apply Changes 189

Apply Changes and Restart Activity 189

Apply Code Changes 189

fallback settings 191

options 189

Run App 189

tutorial 191

Architecture Components 247

ART 70

assetlinks.json 663


doInBackground() method 448

example 445

onPostExecute() method 448

onPreExecute() method 448

onProgressUpdate() method 448

publishProgress() method 449

subclassing 447

thread pool executor 450


supported formats 603

Audio Recording 603

Audo Playback 603

Autoconnect Mode 138

AutoTransition class 331, 333


command-line creation 28, 33

configuration files 34

creation 28

overview 27

renaming 34

running an application 29

starting 29

Startup size and orientation 29


Background Process 82

Barriers 132

adding 149

constrained views 132

Base APK file 712

Baseline Alignment 131


tutorial 339

beginDelayedTransition() method 331, 338

beginTransaction() method 230

Binding Expressions 271

one-way 271

two-way 272

bindService() method 454, 467, 472

Biometric Authentication 687

callbacks 691

overview 687

tutorial 687

Biometric Prompt 693

BitmapFactory 558

black activity 14

Blank template 113

Blueprint view 137

BODY_SENSORS permission 596

Bottom Up 681

bounce_interpolator 336

bounceInterpolator 337

BounceInterpolator 332

BounceInterpolator() method 336

Bound Service 453, 454, 467

adding to a project 468

Implementing the Binder 468

Interaction options 467

BoundService class 469

Broadcast Intent 437

example 440

overview 74, 437

sending 440

Sticky 439

Broadcast Receiver 437

adding to manifest file 442

creation 441

overview 74, 438

BroadcastReceiver class 438

BroadcastReceiver superclass 441

BufferedReader object 570

Build Variants 740

Build Variants tool window 49

Bundle class 104

Bundled Notifications 491


Calendar permissions 596

Call Chart 682

CALL_PHONE permission 596

CAMERA permission 596

Camera permissions 596

CameraUpdateFactory class

methods 626

CancellationSignal 692

Canvas class 656

Captures tool window 49


example 379

layout file 377

responding to selection of 385

CardView class 377


C/C++ Libraries 71

Chain bias 156

chain head 130

chains 130


creation of 153

Chain style

changing 155

chain styles 130

changeBounds transition 342

CharSequence 105

CheckBox 109

checkSelfPermission() method 600

Circle class 615

Code completion 62

Code Editor

basics 59

Code completion 62

Code Generation 64

Code Reformatting 67

Document Tabs 60

Editing area 60

Gutter Area 60

Splitting 61

Statement Completion 63

Status Bar 61

Code Generation 64

code samples

download 1


example 401

introduction 400

parallax mode 400

pin mode 400

setting scrim color 403

setting title 403

with image 400

Color class 657


COLOR_MODE_MONOCHROME 632, 652 715 715

Common Gestures 211

detection 211

Component tree 17

Configuration APK file 712

Constraint Bias 129

adjusting 143


advantages of 134

Availability 134

Barriers 132

Baseline Alignment 131

chain bias 156

chain head 130

chains 130

chain styles 130

Constraint Bias 129

Constraints 127

conversion to 152

deleting constraints 142

guidelines 148

Guidelines 132

manual constraint manipulation 139

Margins 128, 143

Opposing Constraints 128, 145

overview of 127

Packed chain 131, 156

ratios 134, 157

Spread chain 130

Spread inside 156

Spread inside chain 130

tutorial 161

using in Android Studio 137

Weighted chain 131, 156

Widget Dimensions 132, 147

Widget Group Alignment 151

ConstraintLayout chains

creation of 153

in layout editor 153

ConstraintLayout Chain style

changing 155


deleting 142


addToHorizontalChain() method 178

addToVerticalChain() method 178

alignment constraints 177

apply to layout 176

applyTo() method 176

centerHorizontally() method 177

centerVertically() method 177

chains 177

clear() method 178

clone() method 177

connect() method 176

connect to parent 176

constraint bias 177

copying constraints 177

create 176

create connection 176

createHorizontalChain() method 177

createVerticalChain() method 177

guidelines 178

removeFromHorizontalChain() method 178

removeFromVerticalChain() method 178

removing constraints 178

rotation 179

scaling 178

setGuidelineBegin() method 178

setGuidelineEnd() method 178

setGuidelinePercent() method 178

setHorizonalBias() method 177

setRotationX() method 179

setRotationY() method 179

setScaleX() method 178

setScaleY() method 178

setTransformPivot() method 179

setTransformPivotX() method 179

setTransformPivotY() method 179

setVerticalBias() method 177

sizing constraints 177

tutorial 181

view IDs 183

ConstraintSet class 175, 176

ConstraintSet.PARENT_ID 176

Constraint Sets 176

Contacts permissions 596

container view 109

Content Provider 72

overview 75

Context class 75

CoordinatorLayout 110, 397, 399

CPU Profiler 680

createPrintDocumentAdapter() method 647

Custom Document Printing 635, 647

Custom Gesture

recognition 217

Custom Interpolator 337

Custom Print Adapter

implementation 649

Custom Print Adapters 647

cycle_interpolator 336

cycleInterpolator 337

CycleInterpolator 332

CycleInterpolator() method 336


dangerous permissions 595

list of 596

Dark Theme 31

enable on device 31

Data Access Object (DAO) 520

Data Access Objects (DAO) 524

Database Rows 514

Database Schema 513

Database Tables 513

Data binding

binding expressions 271

Data Binding 250

binding classes 270

enabling 277

event and listener binding 272

key components 267

overview 267

tutorial 275

with LiveData 250



enabling on device 53

decelerate_interpolator 336

decelerateInterpolator 338

DecelerateInterpolator 332

DecelerateInterpolator() method 336

Density-independent pixels 171

Density Independent Pixels

converting to pixels 186

Developer Signature 616

Device Definition

custom 124

Digital Asset Link file 675

Digital Assets Link file 663

Direct Reply Input 501

Direct Reply Notification 495

document provider 555

dp 171

Dynamic Delivery 714

Dynamic Feature APK 712

Dynamic Feature Module

architecture 711

overview 711

removal 737

tutorial 721

Dynamic Feature Modules

deferred installation 717

handling of large 719

Dynamic Feature Support

adding to project 721

Dynamic State 89

saving 103


Empty Process 83

Empty template 113


battery simulation 40

cellular configuration 40

configuring fingerprints 42

creation 28

directional pad 40

extended control options 39

Extended controls 39

fingerprint 40

location configuration 39

phone settings 40

resize 39

rotate 38

Screen Record 40

Snapshots 40

starting 29

take screenshot 38

toolbar 37

toolbar options 37

Virtual Sensors 40

zoom 38

enabling ADB support 53

Energy Profiler 686

Event Handling 195

example 196

Event Listener 198

Event Listeners 196

Event Log tool window 49


consuming 199


intent 74

explicit intent 415

Explicit Intent 415

Extended Control

options 39


Favorites tool window 49


switching between 60

findPointerIndex() method 204

findViewById() 77


emulation 42

Fingerprint authentication

device configuration 688

permission 688

steps to implement 687

Fingerprint Authentication

overview 687

tutorial 687


Flame Chart 682

flexible space area 397

floating action button 14, 114, 358

changing appearance of 357

margins 354

overview of 353

removing 115

sizes 354

Foldable Devices 92

multi-resume 92

Foldable Emulator 506

Foldables 505

Foreground Process 82

Forward-geocoding 619


creation 227

event handling 231

XML file 227, 228

FragmentActivity class 88

Fragment Communication 231

FragmentPagerAdapter class 368

Fragments 227

adding in code 230

duplicating 365

example 235

overview 227

FrameLayout 110


Geocoder class 618

Geocoder object 619

Geocoding 618

Gesture Builder Application 217

building and running 218

Gesture Detector class 211

GestureDetectorCompat 215

instance creation 215

GestureDetectorCompat class 211

GestureDetector.OnDoubleTapListener 211, 212

GestureDetector.OnGestureListener 212

GestureLibrary 217

GestureLibrary class 217

GestureOverlayView 217

configuring color 223

configuring multiple strokes 223

GestureOverlayView class 217

GesturePerformedListener 217


interception of 223

Gestures File

creation 218

extract from SD card 219

loading into application 220

GET_ACCOUNTS permission 596

getAction() method 443

getFromLocation() method 619

getId() method 176

getIntent() method 416

getItemId() method 323

getPointerCount() method 204

getPointerId() method 204

getSceneForLayout() method 333, 348

getService() method 472

GNU/Linux 70

go() method 333

Google Cloud Print 630

Google Drive 556

printing to 630

GoogleMap 615

map types 622


GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_NONE 623




Google Maps 615

Google Maps Android API 615

Controlling the Map Camera 626

developer signature 616

displaying controls 623

gesture handling 624

Map Markers 625

overview 615

Google Play Developer Console 698


APK signing settings 744

Build Variants 740

command line tasks 745

dependencies 739

Manifest Entries 740

overview 739

sensible defaults 739

Gradle Build File

top level 740

Gradle Build Files

module level 742

Gradle tool window 49

GridLayout 110

GridLayoutManager 375


Handler class 476

HP Print Services Plugin 629

HTML printing 633

HTML Printing

example 637


IBinder 454, 469

IBinder object 467, 475, 477

Image Printing 632


intent 74

implicit intent 415

Implicit Intent 417

Implicit Intents

example 429

in 171

In-Memory Database 527

Instant Dynamic Feature Module 712

Intent 74

explicit 74

implicit 74

Intent Availability

checking for 419


intent filters 415

Intent Filters 418

App Link 661

intent resolution 418

Intents 415

overview 415

Intent Service 453

IntentService 460

IntentService class 453, 456, 457

Intent URL 431


custom 337

interpolatorElement 337


transition 332

transitions 336


Java Native Interface 71

Jetpack 247

overview 247


Keyboard Shortcuts 50

Keystore File

creation 700

Killed state 84


launcher activity 162


parallax 402

pin 402

layout_constraintDimentionRatio 158

layout_constraintHorizontal_bias 156

layout_constraintVertical_bias 156

layout editor

ConstraintLayout chains 153

Layout Editor 16, 161

Autoconnect Mode 138

code mode 120

Component Tree 118

design mode 117

device screen 117

example project 161

Inference Mode 139

palette 117

properties panel 118

Sample Data 123

Setting Properties 121

toolbar 118

user interface design 163

view conversion 123

Layout Editor Tool

changing orientation 16

overview 117

Layout Managers 109

LayoutResultCallback object 653

Layouts 109


enterAlwaysCollapsed mode 399

enterAlways mode 399

exitUntilCollapsed mode 399

scroll mode 399

libc 71


awareness 291

components 250

owners 291

states and events 293

tutorial 295

Lifecycle-Aware Components 291

Lifecycle Methods 89

Lifecycle Observer 295

creating a 295

Lifecycle Owner

creating a 298


modern 250

linear_interpolator 337

linearInterpolator 338

LinearInterpolator 332

LinearInterpolator() method 336

LinearLayout 110

LinearLayoutManager 375

LinearLayoutManager layout 384

Linux Kernel 70

list devices 53


adaptor 358

adding items 358

example 358

LiveData 248, 261

adding to ViewModel 261

observer 263

tutorial 261

Local Bound Service 467

example 467

Location Manager 72

Location permission 596


enabling 98

filter configuration 99


Main Thread 445

Manifest File

permissions 432

Maps 615

MapView 615

adding to a layout 620

Marker class 615

Master/Detail Flow

anatomy of 407

creation 406

Object Kind 406, 407

two pane mode 405

match_parent properties 171

Material design 353


adding to VideoView instance 577

MediaController class 574

methods 574

MediaPlayer class 603

methods 603

MediaRecorder class 603

methods 604

recording audio 604

Memory Profiler 683

Menu Editor 324

Menu Item Selections 323

Menus 321

menu editor 324

Messenger object 477


checking for availability 606

Microphone permissions 596

mm 171

MotionEvent 203, 204, 225

getActionMasked() 204

moveCamera() method 626

Multiple Touches

handling 204

multi-resume 92


example 204

Multi-touch Event Handling 203


attributes 509

Multi-Window Mode

detecting 510

entering 507

launching activity into 511

Multi-Window Notifications 510

multi-window support 92

Multi-Window Support

enabling 508

My Location Layer 616


Navigation 301

adding destinations 311

overview 301

pass data with safeargs 317

passing arguments 306

safeargs 306

stack 301

tutorial 307

Navigation Action

triggering 305

Navigation Architecture Component 301

Navigation Component

tutorial 307

Navigation Controller

accessing 305

Navigation Graph 304, 308

adding actions 314

creating a 308

Navigation Host 302

declaring 309

Network Profiler 684

non-thread-safe code 445

normal permissions 595


adding actions 490

direct reply 495

Direct Reply Input 501

issuing a basic 486

launch activity from a 489

PendingIntent 497

Reply Action 498

updating direct reply 502

Notifications 481

bundled 491

overview 481

Notifications Manager 72



implementing a LiveData 263

onActivityResult() method 417, 426, 562, 564

onAttach() method 232

onBind() method 454, 460, 467, 475

onBindViewHolder() method 383

onClickListener 196, 198, 201

onClick() method 195

onCreateContextMenuListener 196

onCreate() method 82, 89, 454

onCreateOptionsMenu() method 322

on-demand modules 711

onDestroy() method 90, 454

onDoubleTap() method 211

onDown() method 211

onFling() method 211

onFocusChangeListener 196


implementation 315

onGesturePerformed() method 217

onHandleIntent() method 453, 454, 457, 458

onKeyListener 196

onLayoutFailed() method 653

onLayoutFinished() method 653

onLongClickListener 196, 199

onLongClick() method 200

onLongPress() method 211

onMapReady() method 621

onOptionsItemSelected() method 323

onOptionsItemsSelected() method 328

onPageFinished() callback 639

onPause() method 90

onReceive() method 82, 438, 439, 441

onRequestPermissionsResult() method 599, 611

onRestart() method 90

onRestoreInstanceState() method 90

onResume() method 82, 90

onSaveInstanceState() method 90

onScaleBegin() method 223

onScaleEnd() method 223

onScale() method 223

onScroll() method 211

OnSeekBarChangeListener 243

onServiceConnected() method 467, 471, 478

onServiceDisconnected() method 467, 471, 478

onShowPress() method 211

onSingleTapUp() method 211

onStartCommand() method 454, 460, 463

onStart() method 90

onStop() method 90

onTabSelectedListener 371

onTouchEvent() method 211, 223

onTouchListener 196, 203

onTouch() method 203

openFileDescriptor() method 556, 557

Overflow Menu 321

creation 321

displaying 322

overview 321

XML file 321

Overflow Menus

Checkable Item Groups 323

overshoot_interpolator 337

overshootInterpolator 338

OvershootInterpolator 332

OvershootInterpolator() method 336


Package Explorer 15

Package Manager 72

PackageManager class 606


PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED 597


Package Name 14

Packed chain 131, 156

PageRange 654, 655

Paint class 657

parent view 111

Paused state 84

PdfDocument 635

PdfDocument.Page 647, 654

PendingIntent class 497


checking for 597


dangerous 595

normal 595

Persistent State 89

Phone permissions 596

picker 555

Pinch Gesture

detection 223

example 224

Pinch Gesture Recognition 217

Play Core Library 717, 721

Polygon class 615

Polyline class 615

PrintAttributes 652

PrintDocumentAdapter 635, 647

PrintDocumentInfo 652


color 632

monochrome 632

Printing framework

architecture 629

Printing Framework 629

Print Job

starting 658

Print Manager 629

PrintManager service 639


Process States 81

Profiler 677

Bottom Up 681

Call Chart 682

CPU Profiler 680

enable advanced profiling 677

Energy Profiler 686

Flame Chart 682

Instrumented 681

Memory 683

Network 684

Sampled 680

Sessions Panel 679

Top Down 681

ProgressBar 109 file 743

ProGuard Support 740

Project Name 14

Project tool window 15, 49

pt 171

putExtra() method 415, 437

px 172


Quick Documentation 67


RadioButton 109

ratios 157

READ_CALENDAR permission 596

READ_CALL_LOG permission 596

READ_CONTACTS permission 596


READ_PHONE_STATE permission 596

READ_SMS permission 596

RECEIVE_MMS permission 596

RECEIVE_SMS permission 596

RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH permission 596

Recent Files Navigation 50

RECORD_AUDIO permission 596

Recording Audio

permission 605

RecyclerView 375

adding to layout file 376

example 379

GridLayoutManager 375

initializing 384

LinearLayoutManager 375

StaggeredGridLayoutManager 376

RecyclerView Adapter

creation of 381

RecyclerView.Adapter 376, 381

getItemCount() method 376

onBindViewHolder() method 376

onCreateViewHolder() method 376


getAdapterPosition() method 386

registerReceiver() method 439

RelativeLayout 110

release mode 697

releasePersistableUriPermission() method 559

Release Preparation 697

Remote Bound Service 475

client communication 475

implementation 476

manifest file declaration 477

RemoteInput.Builder() method 497

RemoteInput Object 497

Remote Service

launching and binding 478

sending a message 479


tutorial 537

Repository Modules 250

requestPermissions() method 599


string creation 19

Resource File 21

Resource Management 81

Resource Manager 72

result receiver 439

Reverse-geocoding 619

Reverse Geocoding 618


Data Access Object (DAO) 520

entities 520, 521

In-Memory Database 527

Repository 520

Room Database 520

tutorial 537

Room Database Persistence 519

Room Persistence Library 517, 519

root element 109

root view 111

Runtime Permission Requests 595

Run tool window 49


safeargs 306, 317

Sample Data 123, 389

tutorial 389

Saved State 249, 285

library dependencies 287

SavedStateHandle 286, 287

contains() method 287

keys() method 287

remove() method 287

Saved State module 285

SavedStateViewModelFactory 286, 287

ScaleGestureDetector class 223

Scale-independent 171


transition 331

Scene Transitions 332

tutorial 345

SD Card storage 605

SDK Manager 45

SDK Packages 6

SDK Settings 6

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 71

SeekBar 235

sendBroadcast() method 437, 439

sendOrderedBroadcast() method 437, 439

SEND_SMS permission 596

sendStickyBroadcast() method 437

Sensor permissions 596


anatomy 454

launch at system start 456

manifest file entry 455

overview 74

run in separate process 456

starting 459

ServiceConnection class 478

Service Process 82

Service Restart Options 455

Service Tasks

in new thread 463

setAudioEncoder() method 604

setAudioSource() method 604

setBackgroundColor() 176

setCompassEnabled() method 624

setContentView() method 175, 181

setId() method 176

setInterpolator() method 336

setMyLocationButtonEnabled() method 624

setOnClickListener() method 195, 198

setOnDoubleTapListener() method 211, 215

setOutputFile() method 604

setOutputFormat() method 604

setResult() method 417

setRotateGesturesEnabled() method 625

setScrollGesturesEnabled() method 624

setText() method 106

setTiltGesturesEnabled() method 625

setVideoSource() method 604

setZoomControlsEnabled() method 624

shouldOverrideUrlLoading() method 638

shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale() method 601

SimpleOnScaleGestureListener 223

SimpleOnScaleGestureListener class 225

SMS permissions 596

Snackbar 353, 354, 355

adding an action item 361

overview of 354


emulator 41

sp 171

Space class 110

split APK files 712

SplitCompatApplication 716

SplitInstallManager 717

Spread chain 130

Spread inside 156

Spread inside chain 130

SQL 514

SQLite 513

AVD command-line use 515

Columns and Data Types 513

overview 514

Primary keys 514

StaggeredGridLayoutManager 376

startActivityForResult() method 417, 426

startActivity() method 415

Started Service 453

example 457

startForeground() method 82



startService() method 453, 460



restoring 106

State Change

handling 85

Statement Completion 63

status bar 397

Sticky Broadcast Intents 439

Stopped state 84

stopSelf() method 453

stopService() method 453

Storage Access Framework 555



deleting a file 559

example 561

file creation 563

file filtering 556

file reading 558

file writing 558

intents 556

MIME Types 557

Persistent Access 559

picker 555

Storage permissions 597

StringBuilder object 570

strings.xml file 23

Structured Query Language 514

Structure tool window 49

SupportMapFragment class 615

Switcher 50

syncTask 445

System Broadcasts 443

system requirements 3


tab bar 397

TabLayout 363

adding to layout 366

addTab() method 370, 373


tabGravity property 372

tabMode property 372

example 364

fixed mode 372

getCount() method 363

getItem() method 363

onTabSelectedListener 371

overview 363

scrollable mode 372

setIcon() method 373

setting tab icons 373

setting tab text 370

TableLayout 110, 529

TableRow 529

Telephony Manager 72


blank vs. empty 113

Terminal tool window 49

Thread Handlers 445

Threads 445

creating 447

overview 445

TODO tool window 49

toolbar 397

ToolbarListener 231, 232


layout 229

tool window bars 47

Tool Windows 47

Top Down 681

Touch Actions 204

Touch Event Listener

implementation 205

Touch Events

intercepting 203

Touch handling 203

Transition class 336

Transition File

creating a 349

entering 347

loading 348

TransitionManager 341

TransitionManager class 331, 333, 334


custom 334

interpolators 332

Root Container 345

Transition Scene

using 350

TransitionSet 331, 334


in code 334

in XML 334

Transitions Framework 331


UiSettings class 615

unbindService() method 454

unregisterReceiver() method 439

URL Mapping 667

USB debugging

enabling 54


user interface state 89

USE_SIP permission 596


Video Playback 573

VideoView class 573

methods 573

supported formats 573

view bindings 77

enabling 78

using 78

View class

setting properties 182

view conversion 123

ViewGroup 109

View Groups 109

View Hierarchy 111

ViewHolder class 376

sample implementation 382


adding LiveData 261

data access 259

fragment association 257

overview 248

saved state 285

Saved State 249, 285

tutorial 253

ViewModelProvider 257

ViewModelProviders.of 287

ViewModel Saved State 285

ViewPager 363, 367

adapter 367

adding to layout 366

example 364

Views 109

Java creation 175

View System 72

Virtual Device Configuration dialog 28

Virtual Sensors 40

Visible Process 82


WebViewClient 633, 638

WebView view 431

Weighted chain 131, 156

Widget Dimensions 132

Widget Group Alignment 151

Widgets palette 164

wrap_content properties 173

WRITE_CALENDAR permission 596

WRITE_CALL_LOG permission 596

WRITE_CONTACTS permission 596



XML Layout File

manual creation 171

vs. Java Code 175

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