Chapter 7. Putting It All Together

It's time to take everything we have learned about components and put it into practice. In this chapter, we will build useful components. We will also learn about Angular 2 change detection and the component life cycle.

The following are the topics that we will cover:

  • Resetting the development environment
  • Building a simple accordion component
  • Extending the accordion component tree
  • Extending hooking to the component life cycle events

Preparing our development environment

It's time to create a new project with angular-cli as described in Chapter 2, Setting Up an Angular 2 Development Environment with angular-cli. We will create a new directory called components to contain all the components we will implement in this chapter.

We will later create two other subdirectories in this chapter, accordion and user-info, when implementing the corresponding components:

Preparing our development environment

The last thing before starting to build our new components is to clean up our root component. Open index.ts and clean it as follows:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: '<h1>Angular2 Components</h1>'
export class AppComponent {}

Open your browser and make sure that the component has rendered without any errors:

Preparing our development environment

Now we are ready to start developing our new components.

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