Metastore authentication

To force clients to authenticate with the metastore server using Kerberos, we can set the following three properties in the hive-site.xml file and then restart the metastore server to make it work:

  1. Enable the Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) framework to enforce client Kerberos authentication, as follows:
      <description>If true, the metastore thrift interface will be 
secured with SASL framework. Clients must authenticate with
Kerberos.</description> </property>
  1. Specify the Kerberos keytab generated. Override the following example if you want to keep the file in other places. Make sure the keytab file permission mask is set to read-only permission (600) to avoid accidentally being changed or deleted. It should also be owned by the same account (hive by default) used to run the metastore server:
      <description>The sample path to the Kerberos Keytab file 
containing the metastore thrift server's service principal.
</description> </property>
  1. Specify the Kerberos principal pattern string. The _HOST special string will be replaced automatically with the correct hostname. The YOUR-REALM.COM value should be replaced by the actual realm name:
      <value>hive/[email protected]</value>
      <description>The service principal for metastore server.
</description> </property>
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