About the Authors

Daniel Lopez is the founder and CTO of BitRock, a technology company providing multiplatform installation and management tools for a variety of commercial and open source software products.

Previously, he was part of the original engineering team at Covalent Technologies, Inc., which provides Apache software support and services for the enterprise. He is the author of several popular Apache and Linux guides, the mod_mono module for integrating Apache and .NET, and Comanche—a GUI configuration tool for Apache. Daniel is a regular speaker at open source conferences such as LinuxWorld, ApacheCon, and the O’Reilly Open Source Convention. He holds a master’s of science degree in telecommunications from the Escuela Superior de Ingenieros de Sevilla and Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. Daniel is a member of the Apache Software Foundation.

Jesus Blanco is project manager for BitRock, a technology company that provides multiplatform installation and management tools for a variety of commercial and open source software products. Before joining BitRock, Jesus’s position with the Spanish Institute of Foreign Commerce led him to projects in Brazil, France, Germany, Portugal, and much of Southeast Asia. Jesus is also a contributor to the Apache Documentation project and has translated much of the Apache documentation into Spanish. He holds a business administration degree from University of Seville and a master’s in computer science from UNED.

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