About the Reviewers

Hanish Bansal is a software engineer with over 3 years of experience in developing Big Data applications. He has worked on various technologies such as the Spring framework, Hibernate, Hadoop, Hive, Flume, Kafka, Storm, and NoSQL databases, which include HBase, Cassandra, MongoDB, and SearchEngines such as ElasticSearch. He graduated in Information Technology from Jaipur Engineering College and Research Center, Jaipur, India. He is currently working in Big Data R&D Group in Impetus Infotech Pvt. Ltd., Noida (UP). He published a white paper on how to handle data corruption in ElasticSearch, which can be read at http://bit.ly/1pQlvy5. In his spare time, he loves to travel and listen to Punjabi music.

You can read his blog at http://hanishblogger.blogspot.in/ and follow him on Twitter at @hanishbansal786.

Christopher Tang, PhD, is a technologist and software engineer who develops scalable systems for research and analytics-oriented applications that involve rich data in biology, education, and social engagement. He was one of the founding engineers in the Adaptive Learning and Data Science team at Knewton, where Apache ZooKeeper is used with PettingZoo for distributed service discovery and configuration. He has a BS degree in biology from MIT, and received his doctorate degree from Columbia University after completing his thesis in computational protein structure recognition. He currently resides in New York City, where he works at JWPlayer and advises startups such as KnewSchool, FindMine, and Moclos.

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