David Wasieleski, Editor

Engaging Millennials for Ethical Leadership: What Works For Young Professionals and Their Managers by Jessica McManus Warnell

Sales Ethics: How To Sell Effectively While Doing the Right Thing by Alberto Aleo and Alice Alessandri

Working Ethically in Finance: Clarifying Our Vocation by Anthony Asher

A Strategic and Tactical Approach to Global Business Ethics, Second Edition by Lawrence A. Beer

Shaping the Future of Work: What Future Worker, Business, Government, and Education Leaders Need To Do For All To Prosper by Thomas A. Kochan

War Stories: Fighting, Competing, Imagining, Leading by Leigh Hafrey

Social Media Ethics Made Easy: How to Comply with FTC Guidelines by Joseph W. Barnes

Adapting to Change: The Business of Climate Resilience by Ann Goodman

Educating Business Professionals: The Call Beyond Competence and Expertise by Lana S. Nino and Susan D. Gotsch

Powerful Performance: How to Be Influential, Ethical, and Successful in Business by Mark Eyre

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