About the Author

Dr. Perry Xiao is a professor and course director at the School of Engineering, London South Bank University in London, United Kingdom. He got his BEng degree in opto-electronics, MSc degree in solid-state physics, and PhD degree in photophysics. He is a charted engineering (CEng), a Fellow (FIET) from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), and a Senior Fellow (SFHEA) from the Higher Education Academy (HEA). He has been teaching electronics, software, computer networks, and telecommunication subjects at both the undergraduate level and the postgraduate level for nearly two decades. He also supervises BEng final project students and MSc project students every year. His main research interest is to develop novel infrared and electronic sensing technologies for skin bioengineering applications and industrial nondestructive testing (NDT). To date, he has finished more than 12 PhD student supervisions, obtained two UK patent applications, published more than 100 scientific papers, been editorial reviewer for nine journals, and generated nearly £1 million in research grants.

He is also a director and cofounder of Biox Systems Ltd., UK, a university spin-off company that designs and manufactures state-of-the-art skin measurement instruments, AquaFlux and Epsilon, which have been used in more than 200 organizations worldwide, including leading cosmetic companies, universities, research institutes, and hospitals.

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