
Atomic design is the concept of “building web applications like Lego,” creating a solid reliable base off which you can iterate fast on your user interface. This guide gives detailed examples of atomic migration strategies for frontend teams to follow.

We’ve written this report with technical leads and engineering managers of frontend web teams working with single-page web applications in mind. It’s the guide that we wish we had when we undertook the daunting task of rewriting the client of our single-page application at Buffer.

We’ve taken a how-to guide approach for easy reference, but are speaking from our own experience. These steps have proven useful for team sizes from under 12 developers to larger engineering organizations of around 40 developers, where frontend infrastructure is an important part of the stack.

An application that’s fully server-side rendered or doesn’t have a frontend separated from the data and behavioral logic, or a team with hundreds of developers, will both likely have different needs. The further your own architecture and team context diverges from ours, the more judgment you’ll need to employ in deciding whether and how to apply this advice to your own situation.

Important Concepts

This section will give you an overview of concepts and principles that are essential to atomic design.

Atomic Design

Atomic design is a design system created by Brad Frost that shifts focus from designing full web pages to thinking in systems of modular components. It breaks up large complex interfaces into small simple pieces such as a generic button that can be conceptualized individually and used in a number of different contexts. Inspired by chemistry, Frost defines three constructs in growing order of complexity—Atom, Molecule, and Organism—that you can see illustrated in Figure P-1.

Figure P-1. An Atom, Molecule, and Organism

In atomic design, complexity is created by stitching atoms (the simplest components) together into molecules, and molecules into organisms—much like Lego blocks. Following other disciplines, symbols are defined that represent complex components made of simpler components. This allows engineers to reason about larger groups of complex systems without needing the entire context of the sub-components in their consciousness. As simple components are reused to form complex components, time is saved on testing and the user experience remains consistent across features.

Technical Debt

The metaphor technical debt was developed by Ward Cunningham to help us make a decision between two common approaches to adding a feature to some software: a quick and dirty solution that is difficult to extend and maintain, and a long-run maintainable solution that will take longer to implement initially. The idea is that when you take on technical debt, you get an immediate payoff up front with a speedy feature, but you pay that back over time with interest as the long-run consequences are felt.

In this text, we’re extending technical debt to include Martin Fowler’s sense of past decisions that are no longer what the application needs and that are hard to reverse without substantial refactoring. These decisions increase the complexity of the codebase because they make future changes more difficult, so we’re including this type of decision as technical debt, too

Much like financial debt, technical debt can be used as a tool that can be helpful in small amounts and crushing when it becomes unmanageably large. Incurring some technical debt can be a good thing if it helps get the product out sooner, so long as you go back and refactor the software to pay back some of the debt so it remains manageable.

The term technical debt is used in several places throughout this report and is an important metaphor to understand when deciding to do a software rewrite. Even though it is difficult to directly measure technical debt, when enough of it piles up that the codebase becomes extremely difficult to change, a software rewrite might be the best option to pay the technical debt back.

There is an alternative sense in which any older code is referred to as technical debt. Your old code might be just fine, and it’s definitely (and disturbingly!) possible to create brand-new technical debt as well.

Migration Versus Rewrite

In many ways, this is a rewrite manual, but we’ve chosen to use the term “migration” instead of “rewrite" to emphasize that this is not a full application rewrite of an entire codebase. Instead, this is a partial rewrite of the client only—the presentation layer of your app. This manual assumes that your data and behavior are fairly separated out from the frontend presentation, so that you can swap out the user interface without changing how data is stored, accessed, and transformed.

We’ve used the term migration to highlight the fact that this method is a modular, continuous rewrite of your apps’ views from one presentation system, or client, to another. It can happen over time while the product is in continuous use and development, rather than requiring a brand-new interface that is built and put into production to replace the old in one fell swoop.

What to Expect from This Report

This preface has provided you with an overview of the key concepts and principles of atomic migration. In Chapter 1, you’ll learn how to decide if a software rewrite makes sense for your situation, or if sticking with the current codebase is the best option. Next, in Chapter 2, you’ll see two different patterns for rewriting software: the more traditional synchronous rewrite and the nonblocking asynchronous rewrite. In Chapter 3 you’ll gain a deeper understanding of atomic design and how it can be used as a tool for rewriting software. From there, in Chapter 4, you’ll apply what you learned and go step by step through an asynchronous rewrite with atomic design. Finally, in Chapter 5, you’ll learn how to set your team up for long-term success with the rewrite process.

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Constant width italic

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We’d like to thank Case Sandberg for inspiring the direction of this report and the Buffer team for working with us to validate these ideas and approaches in the real world.

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