© Charles Waghmare 2020
C. WaghmareAugmenting Customer Experience with SharePoint Onlinehttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5534-6_4

4. Using UX and UIs to Develop Smart Portals

Charles Waghmare1 
Mumbai, India

Until now we have covered SharePoint Online features, Office 365 tools, and looked in-depth toward creating a digital customer experience (DCX). In this chapter, we will focus on building digital portals using SharePoint Online. We will explore both the User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) in detail; it’s important these are adopted for websites in order to generate DCX. Digital Portals are specialized websites that are smart and intelligent. A fundamental difference between a portal and a website is that a website is hosted on the Internet to drive traffic whereas a portal is developed within an organizational boundary to meet user-specific needs. An example of a website is the company’s standard website, and an example of a portal is a sales portal to meet the objective of a sales community. Also in the chapter, we will look at the modern software development life cycle (SDLC), which is getting used to building products such as the SharePoint Online Portal. Using these techniques to build intelligent portals that are eye catching, user oriented, and friendly to navigate are what give us DCX.

The Software Development Life Cycle

In the area of software development, Figure 4-1 shows the cycle that has been followed for years to develop products. In our experience, we have found this cycle non-flexible as dynamic changes cannot be implemented. As per this cycle, if a product is required to be built, then an analysis needs to be done; followed by defining the requirements; then design and followed by coding, testing, development, and maintenance. In this SDLC, for each step, end-to-end activities need to be completed for the product to be developed before moving into the next step. For example, a requirement analysis of the entire product needs to be completed before it moves to the next step of a requirement definition.
Figure 4-1


Scope of dynamic changes are not possible, and, if at all it is required, it must follow the entire SLDC as shown in the figure. With Agile methodology, there is a change in philosophy, and now things are developed when required. Let’s say, if we build an X product with Modules A and B then, as per the traditional method, all steps will be followed starting from the requirements, definition, coding, and maintenance for Modules A and B. However, with the Agile approach, Module A or B but not both will be developed as per priority.

Another methodology that is adopted today is DevOps, which is a software development methodology that focuses primarily on integration, communication, and collaboration among IT professionals, which facilitates rapid deployment of products. The DevOps methodology promotes collaboration between the Development and Operations Team and therefore, with such an approach, code deployment to production becomes faster and now there are tools that facilitate deployment in an automated way, thereby increasing an organization’s speed to deliver application and services. Let’s see the differences between the process shown in Figure 4-1 and Agile.

Traditional Software Development Life Cycle


Covers end-to-end development of Software products

It is an iterative approach

End-to-end development approach is used to create quality products

It is used as an incremental development approach to build quality products

They have different stages in development

They do have different stages within an incremental development model or methodology

It suits any size of project

It suits any size but for a small size, results are very evident

It does not allow any immediate or dynamics change in development cycle

It allows changes depending upon priority

It may be complex sometimes if there are too many expectations and tough deadlines

It is very result oriented

Below are the differences between Agile and DevOps:



An iterative approach focused on customer feedback, Team collaboration, and quick releases

Practice that gets development and operations teams together

Management of complex projects

Manage end-to-end development and operations processes

Focus on constant change

Focus on Testing and Delivery

Implemented using tactical frameworks such as SCRUM, Pprint, and safe

There is no common framework as primary goal is collaboration

Training all team members to have same or different skills

Between development and operation teams, DevOps divides and spreads the skills

Small Team is a focus of Agile. Smaller team, fewer people with focus on objectives and requests

Involves all the stack holders due to relatively larger team size

Agile development is managed using Sprints and it lasts not more than a month

Deliver code to production every day or every hour

Feedback is submitted by customers

Feedback is given by internal team

Target is Software Development

Fast delivery and business solution

Leverage shift-left

Leverage both shifts left and right

When software is developed and released, Agile team does not care what happens to it

DevOps deals with software that is ready for release and deployed in a reliable and secure manner

Agile doesn’t emphasize automation

Automation is the primary goal of DevOps when deploying software

Gap between customer need and development and testing teams are addressed

Gap between development + testing and Ops are addressed

JIRA, Bugzilla, Kanboard are some popular Agile tools

Puppet, Chef, TeamCity OpenStack, AWS are popular DevOps tools

Offers shorter development cycle and improved defect detection

DevOps supports Agile’s release cycle

In this section, we will focus on the modern software or application development cycle that is used by to build portals. This cycle is not entirely different as it uses some elements of the traditional approach; however, each approach is different (Figure 4-2).
Figure 4-2

New Development cycle

User Experience

UX is a design process adopted to build meaningful products to create relevant experiences to users. This process contains the end-to-end design of a product that includes branding, design, usability, and functional aspects of a product.

User Experience is a design process is often interchangeably used with other processes such as UI Design or Usability. User Interface and Usability are significant aspects of UX design, but they are subsets of it as UX design covers plenty of other areas. The typical UX design process covers the end-to-end process of acquiring and combining products that cover significant aspects such as design, branding, function, and usability. Even before a device is in the hands of a user, the user experience is Over.

UX designers not only focus on creating useful products but also on products that give significant pleasure, fun, and efficiency. In addition, there is no specific definition for user experience; therefore, the User experience is an experience that meets user needs in a specific context where they use the product. Let’s look at different key factors of the User experience (Figure 4-3).
Figure 4-3

Key factors in User experience

  • Useful: If there is no purpose, then it will unlikely be able to compete for attention. For example, if you buy a car then it should be able to drive you, independent of the day and time.

  • Usable: Helps to effectively and efficiently achieve a user’s end objective. It makes an impact on safety and is easy to use. A car, for example, should have all features usable before we could drive it.

  • Desirable: It is conveyed through, image, branding, colors, font, identity, and emotional design aspect. The more desirable the product, a user creates desire in another user’s mind.

  • Credible: Ability of a user to trust in the product. Companies producing noncompliant products fall victim to user credibility.

  • Findable: Ensure product and its content are easy to find. Netflix helps a user to find the best online show based on an internal algorithm.

  • Accessible: Provides a user experience that can be accessed by users of a full range of abilities. Company manufacturing product with listening, hearing, and speaking abilities, for example, does have greater accessibility. Accessibility means designing a product for every type of user.

  • Valuable: Must deliver value to the business and to the customer.

Why, What, and How

Now we look at why, what, and how as part of a UX design (Figure 4-4).
Figure 4-4

Why, What and How for UX

Generally, a UX designer considers the why, what, and how of a product’s use.
  • The “Why” factor involves user motivation, values, and views for product adoption, which could relate to a task that a user performs associated with ownership and use of the product.

  • The “What” factor focuses on product functionality.

  • Finally, the “How” factor deals with the accessibility and aesthetics of products.

UX designers start with the Why factor before defining the What and then, finally How factor, to build products with an awesome user experience. In software product design, one must make sure that a product’s substance comes through an existing device and should offer a seamless, fluid experience.

UX Design Is User Centered

UX design covers the entire user experience journey as it is multidisciplinary. Typically, the background of a UX designer comes from fields such as visual design, programming, psychology, and interaction design. When you are designing for humans, potential human challenges such as reading small text, colors, sizes, and others are taken into consideration. The job of UX designers is to perform user research, create personas, designing wireframes and interactive prototypes as well as testing designs. Such tasks are likely to vary from one company to other, but they want designers to be user focused, advocate for users, and always keep the user as the focal point for all design and developmental efforts. Consequently, most users work in such a way that all relevant needs of users are addressed. To perform a UX assessment and conclusion, user-centric design steps shown in Figure 4-5 can be followed.
Figure 4-5

Steps to be followed for UX

User Interface

Now we are at the second stage of the modern development cycle called User Interface (UI). UI is a place where a user interacts with the design. Control panels, dialog boxes, faces, and voice-connected faces are some examples of Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). Engaging users with 3D design using body motions are an example of a gesture-based interface. UI is an essential part of UX. Typically, a user gives feedback on design, likeability, and usability. With a higher user focus, designers can build highly usable and efficient designs. Understanding different user scenarios will make designers aware of future flaws and make design very robust. Ideally, UI design should not be device specific, but they should focus on how a user interacts with a design. UI should be designed in such a way that all possible features can be observed quickly, and it should be readily used by users.

If a user experiences a product’s features, then UI is diligently developed. Frequently confused with UX design, UI design deals with the surface design of a product and overall feel of a design. Also, UX has a scope that covers the total spectrum of the UI (Figure 4-6). One analogy is to imagine UX design as a car with UI design as the leg room. Normally, in GUIs, to convey your organization’s values and maximize usability, you should create pleasing aesthetics and animations.
Figure 4-6

UI is subset of UX

To create awesome impressive GUIs, think – users are human, therefore they need comfort and low cognitive loads. Follow the below guidelines:
  • Use elements such as buttons to perform predictably so users can unconsciously use them everywhere. Form should follow function.

  • Preserve high discoverability. Clearly label icons.

  • Maintain interfaces clearly and simply. Create an invisible feel. Every element should have a purpose.

  • Respect a user’s eye and attention. Focus on the hierarchy and clear readability.

  • Minimize the number of alignment lines. Choose Justified text.

  • Draw attention using color, brightness, and contrast. Avoid excessive use of colors or buttons.

  • Further, draw attention by using text via font sizes such as bold type/weighting, italics, capitals, and distance between letters.

  • Users should read content meanings by scanning.

  • Minimize user actions to perform tasks.

  • Provide guidance to users by indicating preferred actions.

  • Make use of chatbot in the UI in order to create smooth user engagement.

  • Add defaults to reduce user burdens (e.g., pre-fill forms).

  • Manage user behavior related to navigation and search function using reusable design patterns.

  • Maintain brand consistency.

Following these UX and UI steps, development teams can use out-of-the-box SharePoint Online features such as features webparts and the Office 365 tool that we explored in the first two chapters of this book. Further, they can customize components using code. With such UI development standards, development will hand over portals to a User Acceptance Team (UAT), who will perform tests under valid test cases and post implementation of UAT feedback, the system will go live.

To understand UI, let’s do an assessment of the portal by performing UI assessment. In the below examples, we have created a dummy SharePoint portal, over which we will perform UI assessment. In the below images, the numbered text represents the assessment and is followed by its answer.

Scenario 1

This scenario deals with font size and color scheme chosen, which are affecting the overall design (Figure 4-7).
Figure 4-7

Scenario dealing with font size and color size

Scenario 2

This scenario deals with unnecessary navigation, white spaces, and margins, as shown in Figure 4-8.
Figure 4-8

Scenario dealing with size of objects

Scenario 3

It deals with space (Figure 4-9).
Figure 4-9

Dealing with space

Scenario 4

It deals with buttons and features (Figures 4-10 and 4-11).
Figure 4-10

Deals with buttons and feature

Figure 4-11

Scenario dealing with buttons and features


In the comments in Figure 4-11: Bootstrap means development done using open source Cascaded Style Sheet (CSS) framework, and insufficient coding standard refers to the static coding method and not the dynamic method.

Scenario 5

It deals with features (Figure 4-12).
Figure 4-12

Deals with features


In the modern development cycle, we have UX and UI components of development with a substantial amount of focus. Subsequent components such as Development, UAT, and Deployment have standard understanding. Development will be performed by a technical team, and the User community and business will perform UAT and provide sign-off; and then finally, changes are deployed in production. In this chapter, we have looked at the UI and UX aspects in detail and this will be useful from a product standpoint.

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