
Page numbers in bold refer to definitions

adjudication 20, 74, 7781, 1025

ADR (alternative dispute resolution) 70

after the event insurance 95

agreement 2633

client’s right to cancel 367

shared liability 336

subconsultancy 49

see also appointment agreement; ‘back to back agreements’; conditional fee agreement; settlement agreement; written agreement

Alex Smolen v Solon Cooperative Housing 109

appointment agreement 1314

ARB Code of Conduct 2, 58, 113

arbitral tribunals 86, 87

arbitration 19, 74, 849, 106, 122

Arbitration Act 1996 85, 867, 88, 106, 122

awards 86

‘back to back agreements’ 19, 49, 122

balance of probabilities 74, 122

bargaining, negotiation 61

barristers 101, 122

Blackstone’s Civil Practice 108

Bolam v Friern Hospital 11

Bolitho v City and Hackney Health Authority 1112

breach of contract 3, 8, 10, 122

breach of duties 234, 25

see also risk minimisation

Burgess v Lejonvarn 58

cancellation rights, client 367

case law 88, 122

case management 86, 122

case management conference 90, 123

case studies

contractual disputes 2730

design responsibility 3940, 434, 467

duties 14, 1617, 18

inequality of arms 69

CDP 38, 41, 42, 44, 125

CDP Analysis 45

CIArb (Chartered Institute of Arbitrators) 123

civil code 123

civil code jurisdiction 87, 123

civil court system 912

Civil Procedure: the White Book 108

claims consultants 104, 123


complaints procedure 59

contractual relations 1314, 312

minimising risks with 2637

right to cancel 367

codes of conduct 2, 556, 58, 113

collateral warrantees 20

common law 123

common law jurisdiction 87, 124

complaints procedure 5860

conditional fee agreement 95, 124

conflict of interest 17

consensual settlement 5072, 74

complaints procedure 5860

expert evaluation 645, 1056, 126

informal discussion 527

mediation 6672, 128

negotiation 613

consent order 66, 124

Construction Act 1996 77, 124

construction law 80, 124

construction lawyer 124

consultant transfer 124

see also claims consultants; subconsultants

consumer 367, 124

Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 367


breach of 3, 8, 10, 122

obligations in 58

privity of 15, 130

selecting form of 45

contract administrator 17, 125

contractor, risk, and design relations 3847

contractor’s design portion 38, 41, 42, 44, 125

Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 20

contractual disputes (case study) 2730

contractual duties 34, 911, 1323

contractual relationships 1223, 312

contributory negligence 10, 125

costs 125

adjudication 77, 78 arbitration 87 consensual settlement 53, 545 expert determination 82 litigation 93, 947

costs follow the event 125

counsel 101, 104

County Court 92, 125

Court of Appeal 92, 125

court cases

contractors and subcontractors 413 duties 410, 21

informal consensual settlement 53

liability 346

litigation 109

court hierarchy 912

CPR (Civil Procedure Rules) 87, 90, 94, 107, 123

Crown Court 126

damages 23, 126

defence 71, 126

design and build 126

design liability 417

detail design responsibility 3947

case studies 3940, 434, 467

dispute causes 2

Donoghue v Stephenson 45

duty of care 124, 126

breach of 234, 25

case studies 14, 1617, 18

causes of dispute 2

contractual duties 34, 911, 1323

contractual relationships 1223, 312

duties in tort 45, 1112, 21

standard of care 1012, 132


contractual relations 1314, 312

minimising risks with 2637, 48

evidence 75

expert 17, 100, 127

expert determination 74, 824, 1056, 126

expert evaluation 645, 1056, 126

expert evidence 17, 100, 127

expert witness 54, 1012, 105, 127

exploration, negotiation 61

‘fitness for purpose’ 1012

High Court 92, 127

Hurley Palmer Flatt v Barclays Bank 20

inequality of arms 68, 69, 127

informal discussion 527

inquisitorial 127

insurance 120

after the event 95

PI 33, 49, 10910, 120

international disputes 87, 88, 93

JCT SBC 11 45

joint and several liability 334, 127

judge 74, 128

Law Reform (Contributory Negligence) Act 1945 8

legal services 119

legislation, resources 11213

letter of claim 27, 128

liability limitation 334

limitation 128

litigants in person 107

litigation 74, 906, 10711, 128

litigation risk 76, 128

Magistrates’ Court 128

mediation 6672, 98102, 117, 128

see also third party determination

mission creep 2830, 33

Money Claims Court 92

Money Claims Online 129

NCC (net contribution clause) 336

negligence 3, 80, 129

negotiation 613

New York Convention 129

novation 15, 129

obligations, in contract and tort 58

Part 36 offer 129

PI insurance 33, 49, 10910, 120

position statement 129

practice directions 1078, 129

pre-action protocol 71, 90, 130

precedent 88, 130

privilege 130

privity of contract 15, 130


adjudication 1045 arbitration 10911 expert evaluation and determination 106 mediation 99102 resources 118

project manager 45, 130

protocols and rules 71, 75

see also CPR; pre-action protocol

Pyrrhic victory 130

QC (Queen’s Counsel) 130

‘reasonable skill and care’ 1012

regulations, resources 11213

remedy 131

representation 97111

adjudication 1025

arbitration 106

expert evaluation and determination 1056

litigation 10711

mediation 98102

resolution see consent; dispute resolution; third party determination

RIBA 131

RIBA Code of Conduct 556, 58, 113

RICS 131

right to cancel 367

risk minimisation 2549

client 2637

contractors 3847

subconsultants 489

Robinson v P.E. Jones 3

rules see CPR; pre-action protocol; protocols

settlement 61, 131

see also consensual settlement

settlement agreement 66, 131

site inspections 312

Smith v Eric S. Bush 21

solicitor 1001, 104, 131

solo representation

adjudication 103

expert evaluation and determination 1056

litigation 1079

mediation 989

specialist design 131

specialist subcontractor 41, 434, 131

specific performance 24, 132

standard of care 1012, 132

standard of proof 74, 132

standard of work 457

Stanley v Rawlinson 53, 94

statement of claim 71, 132

subconsultants 1819, 489

subcontractor see contractor; specialist subcontractor

subrogation 22, 132

Supreme Court 92, 132

TCC 132

third party determination 51, 7396

adjudication 74, 7781

arbitration 19, 74, 849, 122

expert determination 74, 824, 126

litigation 74, 906, 128

see also mediation

third party neutral 68, 133

third party rights 20, 133

time costs see costs

Tomlin order 66, 133

tort 133

duty of care in 45, 1112, 21

obligations in 58

Trebor Bassett & Anor v ADT Fire and Security 810

tribunals 74, 86, 87



value engineering 133

Walter Lilly v Mackay 413

West v Ian Finlay & Associates 346

without prejudice 67, 133

witness of fact 102, 105, 133

written agreement 30, 33

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