Headless testing with PhantomJS

As a concrete automation example, we will adapt our existing Backbone.js test infrastructure to use PhantomJS. PhantomJS offers an amenable set of features and capabilities for Backbone.js testing—it is fast, relatively easy to set up, and provides a real (headless) browser. As a practical matter, larger Backbone.js applications often require a real browser engine to function properly, particularly applications that exercise the murkier and more complicated parts of the browser environment.

Installing PhantomJS and the supporting tools

To get up and running with PhantomJS, let's start by installing the toolkit as per the instructions at http://phantomjs.org/download.html. Note that the installation procedures are operating system dependent, with packages for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. Alternatively, PhantomJS can be installed directly with NPM using the phantomjs Node.js wrapper (https://github.com/Obvious/phantomjs).


We provide command line examples in this section from a UNIX-like operating system such as Linux and Mac OS X. At the same time, PhantomJS and Node.js have first class support on Windows, so the ensuing examples should be mostly analogous to what will work on Windows.

Once installation is complete, you can verify that the PhantomJS binary is available:

$ phantomjs --help

With PhantomJS in place, we next turn to the Mocha-PhantomJS bridge library. Mocha-PhantomJS uses PhantomJS to run a Mocha test driver page and transform the test results into formatted command line output. The library throws proper errors on test failures, making it quite useful for scripting. See the online documentation at http://metaskills.net/mocha-phantomjs/ for additional capabilities and details.

To install Mocha-PhantomJS, you need the Node.js framework, which can be obtained by following the instructions at http://nodejs.org/download/. A modern Node.js installation includes the NPM package manager tool used for Mocha-PhantomJS. We can confirm that Node.js and the package manager are correctly installed with the following commands:

$ node --help
$ npm --help

Next, install Mocha-PhantomJS with the global NPM flag (-g) to make the mocha-phantomjs binary available anywhere in a shell:

$ npm install -g mocha-phantomjs

After NPM finishes the installation, check whether Mocha-PhantomJS is available with the following command:

$ mocha-phantomjs --help

Running Backbone.js tests with PhantomJS

With the necessary tools installed, we can now adapt our Backbone.js test infrastructure to run against PhantomJS. Mocha-PhantomJS provides a replacement proxy object, mochaPhantomJS, to control Mocha tests and reports. We just need to replace the real mocha object where mocha.run() is normally called in the test driver web page. Inserting the following code snippet into the test driver page will allow Mocha to run both in a real browser and with PhantomJS:

<!-- Test Setup -->
  var expect = chai.expect;

  window.onload = function () {
    (window.mochaPhantomJS || mocha).run();

Once we have modified the test driver page with the (window.mochaPhantomJS || mocha).run() function call, we can execute the page tests with Mocha-PhantomJS. For example, if we modify the Notes application test driver file chapters/05/test/test.html from the previous chapter with the mochaPhantomJS change, we can run the file and generate the following command line report:

$ mocha-phantomjs chapters/05/test/test.html

√ is removed on model destroy
√ renders on model change w/ stub
√ renders on model change w/ mock
√ renders data to HTML
√ views on click
√ edits on click
√ deletes on click
√ can route to note
√ can route around

  9 tests complete (39 ms)

Reviewing this report, we can see that all of our tests passed, and that the PhantomJS test run was quite fast, clocking in at 39 milliseconds. With these modest test driver web page changes, we can run nearly any test web page from the command line or a build script using PhantomJS.

Automating tests in the code samples

Putting these suggested principles into practice, nearly all of the test code samples presented in this book are scripted to run from the command line under PhantomJS. If you review the downloadable code samples repository, you will notice that all of the chapter and application test pages actually use the (window.mochaPhantomJS || mocha).run() function call instead of a raw mocha.run() statement.

The integration of PhantomJS into the code samples provides a practical starting point for some of the automated testing use cases that we discussed earlier in this chapter. Specifically, the examples implement the following automation scenarios:

  • Command line tests: The code samples contain a Node.js NPM package.json file with script commands that can run chapter and application test driver pages with PhantomJS.
  • Continuous integration server: The GitHub repository for the code samples (https://github.com/ryan-roemer/backbone-testing/) uses the Travis continuous integration server for automated failure alerts. Travis is configured to run all of the example tests with PhantomJS on every code change. Travis is a particularly good choice for a test infrastructure such as the one presented in this book because its build environment already contains PhantomJS and it is quite amenable to Node.js and NPM modules such as Mocha-PhantomJS. To see all of this in action, you can navigate a browser to https://travis-ci.org/ryan-roemer/backbone-testing at any time to check out the live build status for all of the code we have discussed in this book. (Hopefully you will find that all of our tests are passing!)
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