Measure Base Running Through EqBR

Measure base running proficiency through equivalent batter runs or extra base running percentage (XBRpct).

Twenty years ago, Bill James devised a set of formulas for measuring batting speed using readily available statistics. If you’re curious, here are the formulas:

SpS1: speed score based on SB percentage

SpS1 = ((SB + 3) / (SB + CS + 7) - 0.4) * 20

SpS2: speed score based on SB attempts

SpS2 = SQRT ((SB + CS) / ((H - 2B - 3B - HR) + BB + HP)) / 0.07

SpS3: speed score based on triples

SpS3 = 3B / (AB–HR - K) / 0.02 * 10

SpS4: speed score based on runs per time on base

SpS4 = (( R- HR) / (H + BB–HR - HP) - 0.1) / 0.04

SpS5: speed score based on GDPs

SpS5 = (0.055–GDP / (AB–HR - K)) / 0.005

Net speed score

Average of top four speed scores in the list

These measurements are useful, but they don’t take individual situations into account. For example, let’s consider SpS5. On average, a slow runner who follows a batter with a high on-base percentage will hit into fewer double plays than a similar runner who follows a batter with a high on-base percentage.

The Baseball America 2005 Prospect Handbook (Baseball America) has a great essay by James Click on a method for measuring base running. Aside from steals (successful and failed), good statistics aren’t available for measuring how well players run around the bases. In this hack, I explain quickly how to measure this statistic from the play-by-play data.

Equivalent Batter Runs

Click’s measurements are nice because they do a better job of separating a runner’s performance from the batters preceding and following him. Click described three different situations where a good base runner can get an extra base:

A single is hit with a base runner on first and no runners on second or third

An average runner will reach second base, and a good base runner will reach third or home.

A double is hit with a base runner on first and no runners on second or third

An average base runner will reach third base, and a good base runner will score.

A single is hit with a base runner on second and no runner on third

An average base runner will reach third base, and a good base runner will score.

We can search for these situations in the play-by-play data and count the number of times each player reached the expected base and the extra base. The next step is to compare each player’s total to the league average.

The Code

First, we will use play-by-play data, as described in “Load Baseball Data into MySQL” [Hack #20] . Now, we want to calculate each base runner’s statistics in each situation. I’ll use a SQL trick to calculate these in one type of statement: a CASE statement. The idea is to perform a logical test on each line—for example, to check whether the play was a single with one runner on second. Then we set a column to 1 or 0, depending on whether the player reached the expected base or extra bases, and sum the totals by player. Here’s the code I used to count these situations, and to count the number of times each player got the expected number of bases and extra bases:

	create table pbp.baserunning2k as
	select year,
	 if(case1 OR case2, first_runner, second_runner) as pid,
	 sum(case1) as case1,
	 sum(if(runner_on_1st_dest>2 AND case1,1,0)) as case1_extra,
	 sum(case2) as case2,
	 sum(if(runner_on_1st_dest>3 AND case2,1,0)) as case2_extra,
	 sum(case3) as case3,
	 sum(if(runner_on_2nd_dest>3 AND case3,1,0)) as case3_extra,
	 group_concat(distinct teamID separator ',') as teamIDs
	from (select first_runner, second_runner, runner_on_1st_dest, runner_on_2nd_dest,
	 if(hit_value=1 AND first_runner != "" AND second_runner = "" AND third_runner = "",1,0) 
	 if(hit_value=2 AND first_runner != "" AND second_runner = "" AND third_runner = "",1,0) 
	 if(hit_value=2 AND second_runner != "" AND third_runner = "",1,0) CASE3,
	 if(batting_team=1, substr(game_id,1,3), visiting_team) teamID,
	 substr(game_id,4,4) as year
	 from  pbp2k) p
	where case1=1 or case2=1 or case3=1
	group by if(case1 OR case2, first_runner, second_runner), year;
	create index baserunning2k_idx on baserunning2k(year, pid);
	create index rosters_idx on rosters(year, retroID);

I wanted a percentage measurement, and not just an absolute number of extra runs, for each base runner. So I devised a measurement called extra base running percent (XBRpct) that measured the percentage of equivalent batter runs scored out of all opportunities. Here is the R code that I used to calculate XBRpct. (You’ll have to load the RODBC library and configure an ODBC connection called pbp to use this code.)

	# modify dbname, username, and password fields to match your database <- dbConnect(drv, username="jadler",
	baserunning.query <- dbSendQuery(pbp.con, statement = paste (
	  "SELECT l.*, r.lastName, r.firstName, ",
	  "from pbp.baserunning2k l inner join pbp.rosters r ",
	  "on l.year=r.year and"
	baserunning <- fetch(baserunning.query, n=-1)

	# corrections, if using MySQL 5.0
	baserunning$year <- as.integer(baserunning$year)
	baserunning$case1 <- as.integer(baserunning$case1)
	baserunning$case2 <- as.integer(baserunning$case2)
	baserunning$case3 <- as.integer(baserunning$case3)
	baserunning$case1_extra <- as.integer(baserunning$case1_extra)
	baserunning$case2_extra <- as.integer(baserunning$case2_extra)
	baserunning$case3_extra <- as.integer(baserunning$case3_extra)

	# the calculations (finally)
	EBR <- case1+case2+case3
	XBR <- case1_extra+case2_extra+case3_extra
	XBRpct <- XBR / EBR
	baserunning$EBR <- EBR
	baserunning$XBR <- XBR
	baserunning$XBRpct <- XBRpct

Summary statistics.

Now, let’s take a look at summary statistics for XBRpct. Here is the distribution for all base runner seasons between 2000 and 2004:

	  Min.  1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.
	0.0000   0.1818  0.4091  0.4050  0.5385  1.0000

Let’s take a quick look at EBR (the number of opportunities for each player in each season):

	Min.  1st Qu.  Median    Mean  3rd Qu.    Max.
	1.00     2.00    5.00   10.06    17.00   50.00

As you can see, most base runners were rarely in these situations. To get some amount of statistical significance, let’s limit ourselves to base runners with at least 20 opportunities:

	>summary(subset(XBRpct, EBR > 19))
	  Min.  1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.
	0.1000   0.3333  0.4286  0.4240  0.5000  0.8077

Top 10.

Here’s the SQL code that I used to find the top 10 base runner seasons:

	SELECT lastName, firstName, team, year,
	   XBR/EBR as XBRpct
	(SELECT l.year, r.lastName, r.firstName,,
	    case1+case2+case3 AS EBR,
	    case1_extra+case2_extra+case3_extra as XBR
	FROM pbp.baserunning2k l inner join pbp.rosters r
	ON l.year=r.year and i
	-- only include seasons with at least 20 chances

Here are the top 10 base running seasons (2000–2004):

	| lastName | firstName | team | year | XBRpct |
	| Soriano  | Alfonso   | NYA  | 2002 | 0.8065 |
	| Guzman   | Cristian  | MIN  | 2001 | 0.8000 |
	| Wilson   | Jack      | PIT  | 2004 | 0.7931 |
	| Erstad   | Darin     | ANA  | 2000 | 0.7778 |
	| Tejada   | Miguel    | OAK  | 2003 | 0.7778 |
	| Wells    | Vernon    | TOR  | 2004 | 0.7500 |
	| Walker   | Larry     | COL  | 2003 | 0.7391 |
	| Goodwin  | Tom       | COL  | 2000 | 0.7308 |
	| Goodwin  | Tom       | LAN  | 2000 | 0.7308 |
	| Holliday | Matt      | COL  | 2004 | 0.7308 |


Here is the code for calculating the distribution of base running ratings in 2004. Figure 5-13 shows the histogram. Note that the distribution is roughly normal, with the average rating near 43%.

	hist(subset(XBRpct, EBR>19), main="", xlab="XBRpct", breaks=20)
Distribution of extra base running percentage

Figure 5-13. Distribution of extra base running percentage

Hacking the Hack

It would be great to fit these measurements into the linear weights system, and doing so is straightforward. From the expected runs matrix, we know how many runs are expected with runners on first and third (instead of first and second) after a single, to score from first after a double (as opposed to leaving a runner on third), and to score from second on a single (instead of holding at third). We can easily extrapolate the value of these moves in terms of runs.

Additionally, you can adjust these figures to account for differences between ballparks. I skipped this step to keep this hack simple. For information on calculating ballpark effects, see “Measure Park Effects” [Hack #56] .

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