Part II

In this part, we turn to the reverse of adversity: opportunity. It seems evident that those who make it to the corporate top took advantage of opportunities along the way. But to what extent did these individuals chase those opportunities actively as opposed to having opportunities simply present themselves? This is an important question, as you might be labeled opportunistic in a negative way if you “push” too much to make things happen. But conversely, can you really trust that good things will come to those who wait? We probably all know at least one talented colleague who doesn't vouch enough for him- or herself.

In Chapter 3, we'll first meet Alberto Vitale, an Italian who chased the American Dream. He first came to the United States in the 1950s, taking advantage of a Fulbright scholarship that was offered to him. From then on, he admired the American “go-getter” attitude, and appropriated it for himself. He ultimately became CEO of the Random House publishing company.

In Chapter 4, we'll get to know Peter Henry and Geoffrey Garrett, two academics from the former “Commonwealth” of British states: Jamaica and Australia. Their path to success was much more defined by serendipity. What that means in practice, and how we should choose between those two attitudes (trusting in serendipity or chasing success), will be the central theme of this part of the book.

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