Exercise Solutions


Exercise 1 Solution

The following list summarizes how the book provides (or doesn't) database goals:

  • CRUD—This book doesn't let you easily Create information. You could write in new information, but there isn't much room for that and that's not really its purpose. The book lets you Read information, although it's hard for you to find a particular piece of information unless it is listed in the table of contents or the index. You can Update information by crossing out the old information and entering the new. You can also highlight key ideas by underlining, by using a highlighter, and by putting bookmarks on key pages. Finally, you can Delete data by crossing it out.
  • Retrieval—The book's mission in life is to let you retrieve its data, although it can be hard to find specific pieces of information unless you have bookmarked them or they are in the table of contents or the index.
  • Consistency—I've tried hard to make the book's information consistent. If you start making changes, however, it will be extremely difficult to ensure that you make related changes to other parts of the book.
  • Validity—The book provides no data validation. If you write in new information, the book cannot validate your data. (If you write, “Normalization rocks!” the book cannot verify that it indeed rocks.)
  • Easy Error Correction—Correcting one error is easy; simply cross out the incorrect data and write in the new data. Correcting systematic errors (for example, if I've methodically misspelled “the” as “thue” and the editors didn't catch it) would be difficult and time-consuming.
  • Speed—The book's structure will hopefully help you learn database design relatively efficiently, but a lot relies on your reading ability.
  • Atomic Transactions—The book doesn't really support transactions of any kind, much less atomic ones.
  • ACID—Because it doesn't support transactions, the book doesn't provide ACID.
  • Persistence and Backups—The book's information is nonvolatile so you won't lose it if the book “crashes.” If you lose the book or your dog eats it, then you can buy another copy but you'll lose any updates that you have written into it. You can buy a second copy and back up your notes into that one, but the chances of a tornado destroying your book are low and the consequences aren't all that earth-shattering, so I'm guessing you'll just take your chances.
  • Low Cost and Extensibility—Let's face it, books are pretty expensive these days, although not as expensive as even a cheap computer. You can easily buy more copies of the book, but that isn't really extending the amount of data. The closest thing you'll get to extensibility is buying a different database-related book or perhaps buying a notebook to improve your note-taking.
  • Ease of Use—This book is fairly easy to use. You've probably been using books for years and are familiar with the basic user interface.
  • Portability—It's a fairly large book, but you can reasonably carry it around. You can't read it remotely the way you can a computerized database, but you can carry it on a bus.
  • Security—The book isn't password protected, but it doesn't contain any top-secret material, so if it is lost or stolen you probably won't be as upset by the loss of its data as by the loss of the concert tickets that you were using as a bookmark. It'll also cost you a bit to buy a new copy if you can't borrow someone else's.
  • Sharing—After you lose your copy, you could read over the shoulder of a friend (although then you need to read at their pace) or you could borrow someone else's book. Sharing isn't as easy as it would be for a computerized database, however, so you might just want to splurge and get a new copy.
  • Ability to Perform Complex Calculations—Sorry, that's only available in the more expensive artificially intelligent edition.

Overall, the book is a reasonably efficient read-only database with limited search and correction capabilities. As long as you don't need to make too many corrections, it's a pretty useful tool. The fact that instructional books have been around for a long time should indicate that they work pretty well.

Exercise 2 Solution

This book provides a table of contents to help you find information about general topics and an index to help you find more specific information if you know the name of the concept that you want to study. Note that the page numbers are critical for both kinds of lookup.

Features that help you find information in less obvious ways include the introductory chapter that describes each chapter's concepts in more detail than the table of contents does, and cross-references within the text.

Exercise 3 Solution

CRUD stands for the four fundamental database operations: Create (add new data), Read (retrieve data), Update (modify data), and Delete (remove data from the database).

Exercise 4 Solution

A chalkboard provides:

  • Create—Use chalk to write on the board.
  • Read—Look at the board.
  • Update—Simply erase old data and write new data.
  • Delete—Just erase the old data.

A chalkboard has the following advantages over a book:

  • CRUD—It's easier to create, read, update, and delete data.
  • Retrieval—Although a chalkboard doesn't provide an index, it usually contains much less data than a book so it's easier to find what you need.
  • Consistency—Keeping the data consistent isn't trivial but again, because there's less data than in a book, you can find and correct any occurrences of a problem more easily.
  • Easy Error Correction—Correcting one error is trivial; just erase it and write in the new data. Correcting systematic errors is harder, but a chalkboard contains a lot less data than a book, so fixing all of the mistakes is easier.
  • Backups—You can easily back up a chalkboard by taking a picture of it with your cell phone. (This is actually more important than you might think in a research environment where chalkboard discussions can contain crucial data.)
  • Ease of Use—A chalkboard is even easier to use than a book. Toddlers who can't read can still scribble on a chalkboard.
  • Security—It's relatively hard to steal a chalkboard nailed to a wall, although a ne'er-do-well could take a cell-phone picture of the board and steal the data. (In some businesses and schools, cleaning staff are forbidden to erase chalkboards without approval to prevent accidental data loss.)
  • Sharing—Usually everyone in the room can see what's on a chalkboard at the same time. This is one of the main purposes of chalkboards.

A book has the following advantages over a chalkboard:

  • Persistence—A chalkboard is less persistent. For example, someone brushing against the chalkboard may erase data. (I once had a professor who did that regularly and always ended the lecture with a stomach covered in chalk.)
  • Low Cost and Extensibility—Typically, books are cheaper than chalkboards, at least large chalkboards.
  • Portability—Books typically aren't nailed to a wall (although the books in the Hogwarts library's restricted section are chained to the shelves).

The following database properties are roughly equivalent for books and chalkboards:

  • Validity—Neither provides features for validating new or modified data against other data in the database.
  • Speed—Both are limited by your reading (and writing) speed.
  • Atomic Transactions—Neither provides transactions.
  • ACID—Neither provides transactions, so neither provides ACID.
  • Ability to Perform Complex Calculations—Neither can do this (unless you have some sort of fancy interactive computerized book or chalkboard).

In the final analysis, books contain a lot of information and are intended for use by one person at a time, whereas chalkboards hold less information and are tools for group interaction. Which you should use depends on which of these features you need.

Exercise 5 Solution

A recipe card file has the following advantages over a book:

  • CRUD—It's easier to create, read, update, and delete data in a recipe file. Updating and deleting data is also more aesthetically pleasing. In a book, these changes require you to cross out old data and optionally write in new data in a place where it probably won't fit too well. In a recipe file, you can replace the card containing the old data with a completely new card.
  • Consistency—Recipes tend to be self-contained, so this usually isn't an issue.
  • Easy Error Correction—Correcting one error in the recipe file is trivial; just replace the card that holds the error with one that's correct. Correcting systematic errors is harder but less likely to be a problem. (What are the odds that you'll mistakenly confuse metric and English units and mix up liters and tablespoons? But you can go to https://gizmodo.com/five-massive-screw-ups-that-wouldn’t-have-happened-if-we-1828746184 to read about five disasters that were caused by that kind of mix-up.)
  • Backups—You could back up a recipe file fairly easily. In particular, it would be easy to make copies of any new or modified cards. I don't know if anyone (except perhaps Gordon Ramsay or Martha Stewart) does this.
  • Low Cost and Extensibility—It's extremely cheap and easy to add a new card to a recipe file.
  • Security—You could lose a recipe file, but it will probably stay in your kitchen most of the time, so losing it is unlikely. Someone could break into your house and steal your recipes, but you'd probably give copies to anyone who asked (except for your top-secret death-by-chocolate brownie recipe).

A book has the following advantages over a recipe file:

  • Retrieval—A recipe file's cards are sorted, essentially giving it an index, but a book also provides a table of contents. With this kind of recipe file, it would be hard to simultaneously sort cards alphabetically and group them by type such as entrée, dessert, aperitif, or midnight snack.
  • Persistence—The structure of a recipe file is slightly less persistent than that of a book. If you drop your card file down the stairs, the cards will be all mixed up (although that may be a useful way to pick a random recipe if you can't decide what to have for dinner).

The following database properties are roughly equivalent for books and recipe files:

  • Validity—Neither provides features for validating new or modified data against other data in the database.
  • Speed—Both are limited by your reading and writing speeds.
  • Atomic Transactions—Neither provides transactions.
  • ACID—Neither provides transactions, so neither provides ACID.
  • Ease of Use—Many people are less experienced with using a recipe file than a book, but both are fairly simple. (Following the recipes will probably be harder than using the file, at least if you cook anything interesting.)
  • Portability—Both books and recipe files are portable, although you may never need your recipes to leave the kitchen.
  • Sharing—Neither is easy to share.
  • Ability to Perform Complex Calculations—Neither can do this. (Some computerized recipe books can adjust measurements for a different number of servings, but index cards cannot.)

Instructional books usually contain tutorial information, and you are expected to read them in big chunks. A recipe file is intended for quick reference and you generally use specific recipes rather than reading many in one sitting. The recipe card file is more like a dictionary and has many of the same features.

Exercise 6 Solution

ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.

  • Atomicity means transactions are atomic. The operations in a transaction either all happen or none of them happen.
  • Consistency means the transaction ensures that the database is in a consistent state before and after the transaction.
  • Isolation means the transaction isolates the details of the transaction from everyone except the person making the transaction.
  • Durability means that once a transaction is committed, it will not disappear later.

Exercise 7 Solution

BASE stands for the distributed database features of Basically Available, Soft state, and Eventually consistent.

  • Basically Available means that the data is available. These databases guarantee that any query will return some sort of result, even if it's a failure.
  • Soft state means that the state of the data may change over time, so the database does not guarantee immediate consistency.
  • Eventually consistent means these databases do eventually become consistent, just not necessarily before the next time that you read the data.

Exercise 8 Solution

The CAP theorem says that a distributed database can guarantee only two out of three of the following properties:

  • Consistency—Every read receives the most recently written data (or an error).
  • Availability—Every read receives a non-error response, if you don't guarantee that it receives the most recently written data.
  • Partition tolerance—The data store continues to work even if messages are dropped or delayed by the network between the store's partitions.

This need not be a “pick two of three” situation if the database is not partitioned. In that case, you can have both consistency and availability, and partition tolerance is not an issue because there is only one partition.

Exercise 9 Solution

If transaction 1 occurs first, then Alice tries to transfer $150 to Bob and her balance drops below $0, which is prohibited.

If transaction 2 occurs first, then Bob tries to transfer $150 to Cindy and his balance drops below $0, which is prohibited.

So, transaction 3 must happen first: Cindy transfers $25 to Alice and $50 to Bob. Afterward Alice has $125, Bob has $150, and Cindy has $25.

At this point, Alice and Bob have enough money to perform either transaction 1 or transaction 2.

If transaction 1 comes second, then Alice, Bob, and Cindy have $0, $275, and $25, respectively. (If he can, Bob should walk away at this point and quit while he's ahead.) Transaction 2 follows and the three end up with $0, $125, and $175, respectively.

If transaction 2 comes second, then Alice, Bob, and Cindy have $125, $0, and $175, respectively. Transaction 1 follows and the three end up with $0, $125, and $175, respectively.

Therefore, the allowed transaction orders are 3 – 1 – 2 and 3 – 2 – 1. Note that the final balances are the same in either case.

Exercise 10 Solution

If the data is centralized, then it does not remain on your local computer. In particular, if your laptop is lost or stolen, you don't need to worry about your customers' credit card information because it is not on your laptop.

Be sure to use good security on the database so cyber-criminals can't break into it remotely. Also don't use the application on an unsecured network (such as in a coffee shop or shopping mall) where someone can electronically eavesdrop on you.


Exercise 1 Solution

This constraint means that all salespeople must have a salary or work on commission but they cannot have both a salary and receive commissions.

Exercise 2 Solution

In Figure A.1, lines connect the corresponding database terms.

An illustration of a cuboid. The x axis represents product line and the x axis represents year.


Exercise 3 Solution

State/Abbr/Title is a superkey because no two rows in the table can have exactly the same values in those columns.

Exercise 4 Solution

Engraver/Year/Got is not a superkey because the table could hold two rows with the same values for those columns.

Exercise 5 Solution

The candidate keys are State, Abbrev, and Title. Each of these by itself guarantees uniqueness so it is a superkey. Each contains only one column so it is a minimal superkey, and therefore a candidate key.

All of the other fields contain duplicates and any combination that doesn't have duplicates in the data shown (such as Engraver/Year) is just a coincidence (someone could engrave two coins in the same year). That means any superkey must include at least one of State, Abbrev, or Title to guarantee uniqueness, so there can be no other candidate keys.

Exercise 6 Solution

The domains for the columns are:

  • State—The names of the 50 U.S. states
  • Abbrev—The abbreviations of the 50 U.S. states
  • Title—Any text string that might describe a coin
  • Engraver—People's names
  • Year—A four-digit year—more precisely, 1999 through 2008
  • Got—“Yes” or “No”

Exercise 7 Solution

Room/FirstName/LastName and FirstName/LastName/Phone/CellPhone are the possible candidate keys.

CellPhone can uniquely identify a row if it is not null. If CellPhone is null, then we know that Phone is not null because all students must have either a room phone or a cell phone. But roommates share the same Phone value, so we need FirstName and LastName to decide which is which. (Basically Phone/CellPhone gets you to the Room.)

Exercise 8 Solution

In this case, FirstName/LastName is not enough to distinguish between roommates. If their room has a phone, they might not have cell phones so there's no way to tell them apart in this table. In this case, the table has no candidate keys. That might be a good reason to add a unique column such as StudentId. (Or if the administration assigns rooms, just don't put two John Smiths in the same room. You don't have to tell them it's because of your poorly designed database!)

Exercise 9 Solution

The room numbers are even so you could use Room Is Even. (Don't worry about the syntax for checking that a value is even.) You could also use some simple range checks, such as (Room > = 100) AND (Room < 300), depending on what room numbers are actually allowed.

You might also notice that every Phone value has the same area code and exchange 202-237, so you could check for that.

Exercise 10 Solution

Every student must have a Phone or CellPhone value, so you could check that (Phone <> null) OR (CellPhone <> null).


Exercise 1 Solution

This data forms a tree, so you could store it in a graph database. If there is some inbreeding, then the data forms a network rather than a tree, but it will still fit easily into a graph database. (The fact that the data represents relationships among dogs is also a hint that you might want to use a graph database.)

A graph database would let you perform relationship-oriented queries such as finding all the ancestors on the source dog's father's side or determining the number of generations between this dog and TV celebrity Lassie. Most graph databases also allow you to query on node properties in case you want to find dogs with certain characteristics such as show winners and flyball champions.

If there is no inbreeding, then you could save the tree in an XML or JSON file, although that would reduce the kinds of queries you could perform.

You could also store the data in a relational database. That would let you search for dog characteristics but would make it harder to study the relationships in the tree or network.

Overall, the graph database will probably give you the largest assortment of query capabilities with the least effort.

Exercise 2 Solution

This may seem like a more complicated database than the one in Exercise 1, but it's still a tree with two main branches connected to the source dog: one leading to descendants and one leading to ancestors. (If there is inbreeding, then it's a network as before.)

For the same reasons described in the solution to Exercise 1, a graph database will likely give you the best query capabilities with the least work.

Exercise 3 Solution

Application settings are easy to store in almost any database.

If you use a flat file, then you need to write code to save and retrieve values.

If you use an XML or JSON file, then you may be able to use built-in programming language tools or libraries to save and retrieve values more easily. You could save the XML or JSON data in a document database.

A key-value database would allow applications to easily load and update settings as needed, but it might be overkill. If the settings are different for each user, then saving them all in a shared database will increase the total overhead somewhat.

Similarly, you could store settings in a relational database and, similarly, that might be overkill.

Any of the solution that stores settings in a centralized location (such as a document database, key-value database, or relational database) would allow administrators to fix settings if a user makes a window zero pixels wide or drags a window completely off the screen. Those approaches also mean that if you logged into the application from any computer, you found your personal settings ready and waiting for you.

Despite those advantages, I prefer the simplicity of storing settings in simple XML or JSON files stored in the program's executable directory unless a user typically logs in from several different computers.

Exercise 4 Solution

This sounds like a very simple database whose major requirement is graphing, so a spreadsheet can probably handle this. That would limit the application to tasks that spreadsheets can perform, however, and if the users later decide that they want to store more complex data and perform sophisticated queries on it, you might wish you'd chosen a relational database.

Exercise 5 Solution

A spreadsheet can also handle this requirement, but there's the same risk that the users will later decide they need more features than a spreadsheet can easily handle.

Exercise 6 Solution

A spreadsheet will still work, with the same caveat. At this point, however, I would notice that the users are starting to add more and more features. I would want to explore the requirements more fully and make sure this is really their final request before committing to a spreadsheet. It would be better to move to a more complicated database model now than to have to rebuild everything from scratch in six months (or just as likely, have users complain about how the spreadsheet doesn't do all of the things they didn't tell you it was supposed to do).

Exercise 7 Solution

This is a fairly simple tree so it will fit easily in a graph database. It's such a small tree (relatively speaking) that it seems unlikely that you'll need to perform complex ad hoc queries, so you could store it in an XML or a JSON file.

Exercise 8 Solution

This probably needs to be some sort of relational database. They are great at handling large amounts of interconnected data and performing complex ad hoc queries.

Which type of relational database you should pick (regular, object-oriented, or some other flavor) depends largely on your development philosophy and environment.

Exercise 9 Solution

As in Exercise 8, this problem cries out for some kind of relational database. To make the boss happy, you could use an object-oriented database. In several projects, I've used an object-relational mapping approach planted on top of a relational database and it has always worked quite well.

Exercise 10 Solution

If the recipe book will be fairly small, you could just put each recipe on a separate page in a Microsoft Word document and use Word's search capability to find recipe names, part of a meal, or an ingredient. (Fooled you, didn't I? That wasn't one of the main topics covered in this chapter! However, it would be a reasonable solution for such a simple application. Remember, the goal is to provide a useful solution with the minimum amount of work.)

Of the solutions that are described in this chapter, you could pick a relational database. It will provide better search capabilities than a simpler flat file, spreadsheet, XML file, or JSON file.

A truly object-oriented database would probably be serious overkill for this project. (I would only pick one of them if I wanted practice with a particular new tool—for example, one that I knew was going to be used on a future project.)

You could also store each recipe as a document in a document database. You could still query on the fields inside the recipes like you can with a relational database. The document database would allow different recipes to use different formats if necessary.

This is a pretty good example where a NoSQL database might provide some useful flexibility. It would be fairly easy to build this in a relational database, but a document database would let you easily use new formats later if you run across a strange recipe that didn't fit the usual pattern.

Exercise 11 Solution

This could require some serious sorting and searching, so a relational database is probably your best bet. (You would use a separate table or two to define power decks.) Which flavor you should pick (regular, object-oriented, etc.) depends largely on your development philosophy and environment.

Alternatively, you could store each card's data in a document inside a document database. You should probably be able to figure out which fields you will need in advance, however, so the flexibility of being able to give each document a different format seems less useful than it would be for the recipe database.

Exercise 12 Solution

This application would require some serious search capabilities, so you might think “relational database.” That would work, but the different media types have different characteristics, so you would need separate tables for each and that would make queries more complicated. This would still be possible, but it would be a fair amount of work.

Alternatively, you could use a column-oriented database. It would look like a single huge table, but the different media types would have different columns. For example, movies (such as The Pelican Brief and Shrek) would list Lithgow in the Actor column while books (such as The Remarkable Farkle McBride and Marsupial Sue) would list him in the Author column.

If you later decide to add new information to the database, such as RottenTomatoesRating for movies and Awards for all media, you could simply add those columns. In fact, you could even add new media such as audiobooks with little effort. You could add those features to a relational database, but it would be more work.

It might also be interesting to build a graph database to examine the relationships among different works. (For example, that would let you dominate the game “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.”) That would be a lot of work, however, and wouldn't be required for the original problem statement.

Exercise 13 Solution

This database will require some serious sorting, searching, and grouping, so a relational database may be in order. That would allow you to perform complex queries linking players and their teams.

Unfortunately different sports have different statistics, league structures, numbers of players, and other basic information, so it might be hard to build a single table to hold information for them all. Later, when you add dragon boating and quidditch, you may need to restructure the database.

As was the case with the media database in Exercise 12, a document-column-oriented database would allow you to perform queries while also giving you greater flexibility for later improvements.

Exercise 14 Solution

This data is so simple that it could conveniently be stored in just about any kind of database. If the application uses a database for some other purpose, you might consider adding this information to it because the database will be there anyway.

Otherwise, you should use the simplest solution that makes sense. A plain-old text file posted on a network-accessible server would work just fine. Alternatively, you could use a document database or key-value database. You could even squeeze the message of the day into a relational, column-oriented, or graph database, although that would not be a natural fit.


Exercise 1 Solution

In Figure A.2, lines connect the customer roles with their corresponding descriptions.

A representative table exhibits the customer roles and the descriptions.


Exercise 2 Solution

A use case can cover any part of the customers' operation, including big or little pieces of the whole process. In fact, it's easier to test a big scenario if you break it into smaller pieces. The answer that doesn't describe a use case is:

  • c. It should cover the customer's entire operation from start to finish.

Exercise 3 Solution

Brainstorming sessions should include everyone interested so the correct answer is:

  • d. All of the above

(Although technically Customer Representatives and the Devil's Advocate are also Stakeholders, so “c. All interested Stakeholders” is also sort of correct. Let's not quibble.)

Exercise 4 Solution

The correct answer is:

  • b. Ask the customer why they think that.

You never know if the customer knows more than they're admitting and if they might have very good reasons for suggesting that kind of database. Even if they're wrong, the reasons they give will tell you more about the situation and may lead to other important insights.

Answer “d. Study the problem to see if that kind of database makes sense,” almost works because it's good to see if that kind of database makes sense, but it's also important to know why the customer thinks it does.

Exercise 5 Solution

Whenever you don't understand something about the customers' operation you should ask someone, so the correct answer is:

  • a. Ask someone what that's all about.

The answer you get may be as arbitrary as “that's just the way Mark likes to do it,” but in this fictitious scenario the customers use the first date stamp to record when the order was received and the second to indicate that the order entry operator looked at the back of the order to check for notes and comments.

If you didn't ask, you might have incorrectly placed two date fields in the Orders table. Once the process is online, however, you won't need the second date because there is no “other side” of the order to check. (Looking at the back of your computer monitor won't tell you much.) All of the notes and comments will be in a text box at the bottom of the online form.

Exercise 6 Solution

The following table summarizes the fields' data requirements:

Address 1YesValid street addresses or street names without numbers
Address 2NoApartment, suite, floor, etc.
CompanyNoValid company names (which could be practically anything)
Street AddressYesValid street addresses or street names without numbers
Apt/Suite/OtherNoApartment, suite, floor, etc.
CityYesValid cities
StateYesValid states
ZIP CodeNoFive-digit or ZIP+4 codes as in 12345 and 12345-6789

The required fields are marked on the form with asterisks.

The fields on this form have one complex interdependency: you must include either the city and state, or the ZIP Code. (If you include the ZIP Code, then the form looks up the city and state.) This isn't obvious from those fields because none of them is marked with an asterisk, so the form includes text to explain this.

The form could use a foreign key validation for the city, checking against a table listing every city in the country. It would be a huge table and would probably contain errors, so in many applications this might not be worth the effort. However, this application needs the city to look up the ZIP Code, so if the city isn't legal the lookup will fail. (In fact, that may be the best way to validate the data: see if you can look up the ZIP Code.)

The form could also verify that the ZIP Code is valid for the city, if the user enters both. Again, the whole point is to look up a ZIP Code, so it would be easy to check it against any value that the user entered.

Exercise 7 Solution

Backup policy is a data reliability issue more than a security issue, so the correct answer is:

  • c. The frequency with which you need to perform backups.

However, the two issues are often closely related. For example, in many applications backups must be stored securely so that sensitive data doesn't fall into the wrong hands. Backups are also useful if a hacker gets into your system and trashes the database.

Exercise 8 Solution

The correct answer is:

  • d. It depends (you need more information).

This is probably a Priority 1 or 2 feature, depending on how serious Frank is and how soon he wants to add this feature. This doesn't sound too complicated (it would probably just require a few new fields in an inventory table or a new plant lookup table), so I would say if Frank is serious then he should make this a Priority 1 feature and add it to the database design. I would also make this data not required in case Frank doesn't have time to enter all of this information right away for every kind of plant.

Exercise 9 Solution

MOSCOW stands for Must, Should, Could, Won't.

Exercise 10 Solution

The answer to this one depends on the operating system that you're using. I'm currently sitting at a computer running Windows 11, so here's how my use case might read:

  • Goals—Authorized users should be able to log in and unauthorized users should not.
  • Summary—The user tries to enter a username and password or PIN. If they are correct, the user is allowed access to the system.
  • Actors:
    • The user—tries to log in.
    • The operating system—validates the username and password and grants or denies access.
  • Pre-Conditions—No one is currently logged in to the system. (The case when someone else is already logged in is a different use case.)
  • Post-Conditions—If the user enters a valid username and password or PIN, the system is logged in and displays the user's desktop. If the user enters an invalid username/password combination, the system remains logged out and the user cannot see the desktop or any of the data in the computer.
  • Normal Flow—The tester should try all the possible combinations of blank, valid, and invalid usernames, passwords, and PINs and click OK. The following table lists the combinations and their desired results. The tester should fill in the blank column with “Pass” or “Fail” to indicate whether each test gave the desired result.
    Blank usernameBlank passwordNo access 
    Blank usernameValid passwordNo access 
    Blank usernameInvalid passwordNo access 
    Blank usernameValid PINNo access 
    Blank usernameInvalid PINNo access 
    Valid usernameBlank passwordNo access 
    Valid usernameValid passwordAccess 
    Valid usernameInvalid passwordNo access 
    Valid usernameValid PINAccess 
    Valid usernameInvalid PINNo access 
    Valid usernameValid password for different accountNo access 
    Valid usernameValid PIN for different accountNo access 
    Invalid usernameBlank passwordNo access 
    Invalid usernameInvalid passwordNo access 
    Invalid usernameInvalid PINNo access 
  • Alternative Flow—Instead of clicking OK, the user could click Cancel. The system should reset the screen, clearing the username and password text boxes.
  • Notes—In all cases that do not give the user access, the system should deny access in exactly the same way so that the user cannot learn, for example, that they have guessed a valid username but an invalid password. That would give a ne'er-do-well a valid username to attack and that would be bad.

Note that this use case specifies the user's actions with enough detail that a relatively inexperienced user could follow it.

Exercise 11 Solution

When a heavy-hitter like a vice president attacks, you need to call in your Executive Champion. Ideally, they can point to your requirements document and show that you did, in fact, consider farbulistic granilation, and that everyone agreed the allowance was sufficient. If you didn't consider this issue, then you may need to put in some extra study to give your Executive Champion ammunition to fend off the attack.

If your Executive Champion doesn't have enough clout to fight off the Supervillain, then you could be in trouble.

One project I worked on really did have Supervillains and Executive Champions at that level in a Fortune 500 company. I won't bore you with the details, but our Executive Champion and Customer Champion spent a huge amount of time fending off attacks for about two years before the project finished. (I don't think they enjoyed that part of the project.)


Exercise 1 Solution

Figure A.3 shows one possible solution.

  • In the STUDENT class, COURSE and PROJECT have cardinality 0.N and 0.1, respectively. This doesn't capture the fact that at least one of these two attributes must include at least one value.
  • Similarly the INSTRUCTOR class does not capture the fact that at least one of the COURSE or PROJECT attributes must include at least one value.

Exercise 2 Solution

Figure A.4 shows an inheritance diagram for the Person, Student, and Instructor entities. It also shows the relationship between the Person and Phone entities.

The Phone entity doesn't have a primary key because it doesn't make sense to search for just a Phone entity by itself. Instead, you can find the Phone entities corresponding to a Person entity. That means Phone is a weak entity so it is surrounded by a thick rectangle and its identifying relationship is drawn with a thick arrow.

Figure A.5 shows one possible ER diagram for the college course data.

The diagram has the following constraints:

  • It doesn't make sense to look for a particular CourseResult so it doesn't have a primary key. Instead you can look for CourseResults associated with a Student or with a Course. That means CourseResult is a weak entity, so it is drawn with a thick rectangle and it is connected to its identifying relationships with thick arrows.
  • Similarly ProjectResult is a weak entity.
    A representation exhibits a high-level use case diagram. Actors are shown as stick figures, tasks are shown in ellipses, and lines connect actors to tasks.

    FIGURE A.3

    A representative table exhibits the customer roles and the descriptions.

    FIGURE A.4

    A representation of a mocked-up employee shift form.

    FIGURE A.5

  • A Course must be involved in a relationship with a Student (or else the Course is canceled), so its line leading toward Student is double (a participation constraint).
  • Similarly a Project must be involved in a relationship with a Student, so its line leading toward Student is double (a participation constraint).
  • A Course must be involved in a relationship with an Instructor (someone has to teach it), so its line leading toward Instructor is double (a participation constraint). A Course can have only one Instructor, so the line is also an arrow (a key constraint).
  • Similarly, a Project must be involved in a relationship with exactly one Instructor, so its line leading toward Instructor is a double arrow (participation and key constraint).
  • A Student can work on at most one Project at a time, so its line leading to Project is an arrow (key constraint).

Special notes:

  • The Student entity's relationships with Course and Project do not indicate that a Student must be involved with at least one Course or a Project.
  • Similarly, the Instructor entity's relationships with Course and Project do not indicate that an Instructor must be involved with at least one Course or a Project.

Exercise 3 Solution

Figure A.6 shows one possible solution.

A representation of a mocked-up Find Orders screen built with Visual Basic.


Notice the way this model handles the fact that Student and Instructor inherit from Person. The Persons table holds the basic Person information and a PersonId. The Students and Instructors tables include PersonId foreign keys to link to the corresponding basic Person data.

Note also the different approach used for the Student/Course and Instructor/Course relationships. Because a course has exactly one instructor, the Instructors and Courses tables are connected with a simple one-to-many relationship. In contrast, a course has many students, so the relationship uses an intermediate StudentCourses table to connect the two to build a many-to-many relationship. (The same reasoning applies to the Student/Project and Instructor/Project relationships.)

Finally, notice the difference between the Student/Course and Student/Project relationships. A student can be enrolled in any number of courses but at most one project, so the first is a many-to-many relationship while the second is a one-to-one relationship.

Unfortunately, this solution doesn't capture every aspect of the system either. In particular, it doesn't indicate that a Student must be enrolled in at least one Course or a Project. Similarly, it doesn't show that an Instructor must teach at least one Course or supervise at least one Project. The model also doesn't include data type, required, and other domain data. All of this should be noted in separate documents.

Exercise 4 Solution

Figure A.7 shows one possible solution.

A representation of the order detail screen exposes the form. Various dates such as the date the order was placed, the date the products were shipped, and the date the customer paid are exhibited.


Special notes: the semantic object model actually does a pretty good job of capturing the Mike's Trikes data. About the only item that isn't described explicitly is the manager's role. In this model, you can deduce the manager at any given time by examining the manager's shift data. If Mike needed a more explicit record of who is managing during a salesperson's shift or when a contract was sold, the model would need to be modified.

Exercise 5 Solution

Figure A.8 shows an inheritance diagram for the Person, Customer, Salesperson, and Manager entities. It also shows the relationship between the Person and Phone entities.

A representation of a mocked-up employee shift form.


The Phone entity doesn't have a primary key because it doesn't make sense to search for just a Phone entity by itself. Instead, you can find the Phone entities corresponding to a Person entity. That means Phone is a weak entity, so it is surrounded by a thick rectangle and its identifying relationship is drawn with a thick arrow.

Figure A.9 shows one possible ER diagram for Mike's Trikes.

The diagram's constraints are:

  • Payment is a weak entity because you look up payments via the Customer who made them. Payment is drawn with a thick rectangle and a thick arrow pointing toward its identifying relationship.
  • Shift is also is a weak entity because you look up shift data via the Salesperson who works the shift. Shift is drawn with a thick rectangle and a thick arrow pointing toward its identifying relationship.
  • A Customer must be involved in at least one Contract (we don't make a Customer record until Customer Purchases Contract), so its line leading toward Contract is double (a participation constraint).
  • A Contract must have exactly one Customer and exactly one Salesperson, so the lines leading out of Contract toward those other entities are double (participation constraint) and arrows (key constraint).
A simple representation of a customer class that demonstrates these notational features.


Special notes:

  • This diagram does not emphasize the fact that a Manager is also a Salesperson, so a manager could play the role of the Salesperson in the diagram. You could add the Manager Works Shift relationship but that would complicate the diagram.

Exercise 6 Solution

Figure A.10 shows one possible solution.

A representation of the semantic object model for the employee_week class.


Notice how this model builds the inheritance hierarchy. The Customers and Salespersons tables use PersonId foreign key fields to link to their corresponding Persons records. The Managers table uses a SalespersonId foreign key field to link to Salespersons records.

As usual, the model doesn't capture all of the information available about the situation. In particular, it doesn't indicate that a Customers record must be associated with at least one Contracts record. You should write down this and other facts such as field data types and domain information in separate documents.

Exercise 7 Solution

Figure A.11 shows one possible solution.

A representation of an employee class and four views that give access to different parts of the employee data.


Exercise 8 Solution

Figure A.12 shows one possible solution.

A representation of a simple INVENTORY_ITEM class.



Exercise 1 Solution

The following chart describes the Phones table.

TypeYesStringList: Home, Work, Cell, Fax 
NumberYesStringPhone numbers 

The following chart describes the Persons table.

PersonIdYesIDAny ID 
FirstNameYesStringAny string 
MiddleNameNoStringAny string 
LastNameYesStringAny string 
StreetYesStringAny string 
CityYesStringAny string 
StateYesStringList: (states) 
ZipYesStringZIP or ZIP+4 formatVerify ZIP or ZIP+4 format
EmailAddressNoStringValid email addressContains one @ symbol
MedicalNotes?StringAny string 
IceQualified??Yes/NoYes or No 
RockQualified??Yes/NoYes or No 
JumpQualified??Yes/NoYes or No 

The following chart describes the Guides table.

GuideIdYesIDAny ID 
IceInstructor?YesYes/NoYes or No 
RockInstructor?YesYes/NoYes or No 
JumpInstructor?YesYes/NoYes or No 

The following chart describes the Explorers table.

ExplorerIdYesIDAny ID 

The following chart describes the Organizers table.

OrganizerIdYesIDAny ID 

The following chart describes the Adventures table.

AdventureIdYesIDAny ID 
DateSoldYesDateAny dateBefore the trek's start date. Between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2050 (or some other very early and late dates).
IncludeAir?YesYes/NoYes or No 
IncludeEquipment?YesYes/NoYes or No 
TotalPriceYesCurrencyMonetary amount > $0Price > $250 (or some minimum sane value).
Notes?Yes/NoYes or No 

The following chart describes the Treks table.

TrekIdYesIDAny ID 
GuideIdYesIDGuides. GuideId 
DescriptionYesStringAny stringLength > 100 (anything shorter couldn't say enough).
LocationsYesStringList of locationsLength > 5.
StartLocationYesStringA locationLength > 5.
EndLocationYesStringA locationLength > 5.
StartDateYesDateAny dateStartDate is on or before EndDate. Between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2050 (or some other very early and late dates).
EndDateYesDateAny dateEndDate is on or after StartDate. Between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2050 (or some other very early and late dates).
PriceYesCurrencyMonetary amount > $0Price > $250 (or some minimum sane value). Price > some minimum price per day times the number of days (EndDate–StartDate).
MaxExplorersYesNumberNumber > 0Number > 0. Number < 20 (or some maximum sane amount).
IceRequired?YesYes/NoYes or No 
RockRequired?YesYes/NoYes or No 
JumpRequired?YesYes/NoYes or No 

Exercise 2 Solution

The following list describes business rules that can be implemented in field or table checks for the Phones table:

  • Type—Verify that the type is one of Home, Work, Cell, or Fax. Alternatively, if you think this list might change in the future, you could put these values in a lookup table.
  • Number—Verify that the value has a valid phone number format. In the United States, you would probably want to verify that it is a 10-digit number of the format ###-###-#### and you should allow for an extension.

The following list describes business rules that can be implemented in field or table checks for the Persons table:

  • FirstName/MiddleName/LastName—Verify that this combination is unique. This will prevent you from adding the same person twice, perhaps as an explorer and as an emergency contact.

It would also be natural to try to validate the EmailAddress field in a field check. Unfortunately, valid email address formats are quite complicated so this probably doesn't belong in the simpler field and table checks.

Similarly, it might be nice to look up the explorer's City, State, and Zip values to make sure they are compatible. If you build a table listing all of the possible combinations, this wouldn't be a hard check, but it would be an enormous table and it's probably not worth all the extra effort. (For bonus points, though, you could probably use a web service to perform this check over the Internet. If you don't know what a web service is, don't worry about it.)

You could also look up the State value in a list built into a field check. Although it's unlikely that the list of allowed states will change often, this list is so long that it's easier to manage in a separate lookup table rather than in a very long field check. (And who knows, Canada may eventually be officially recognized as “The Maple Leaf State.”) (Just kidding! But this does bring up a whole series of questions about non-U.S. explorers. This model ignores those issues completely. Yes, I feel guilty.)

The Explorers, Organizers, and Guides tables should verify that their records are unique. That means checking uniqueness for the Explorers table's PersonId/ExplorerId fields, the Organizers table's PersonId/OrganizerId fields, and the Guides table's PersonId/GuideId fields.

The following list describes business rules that can be implemented in field or table checks for the Adventures table:

  • Table—Verify that the trek has room for this explorer.
  • Table—Verify that the explorer's IceQualified?, RockQualified?, and JumpQualified? values include those required for this trek.
  • ExplorerId/TrekId—Verify that this combination is unique. An explorer should not buy the same trek twice. (We're assuming that the same trip on different dates gets a different record in the Treks table and thus a different TrekId. Some people may very well want to go to the same places again.)
  • EmergencyContact—Verify that the EmergencyContact is not going on the same trek listed for this Adventures record.
  • IncludeAir?/Notes—If IncludeAir? is Yes, then the Notes field should include flight information such as the explorer's starting airport and meal preferences. The database can probably not verify that the notes make sense (who knows if the low-sodium meal is available on that flight?), but it can verify that the Notes entry has some minimum length if IncludeAir? is Yes.

The Adventures table would be a natural place to try to deal with the discounts for purchasing airline tickets or renting equipment. You would set TotalPrice equal to the trek's cost minus any discounts. (Note that this model doesn't have room to hold information about the equipment rented. The full model would need more order-related information along those lines.)

In any case, the discount schedule seems likely to change so it's better handled later, not in a simple field or table check.

The following list describes business rules that can be implemented in field or table checks for the Treks table:

  • Table—Verify that the guide's IceQualified?, RockQualified?, JumpQualified?, IceInstructor?, RockInstructor?, and JumpInstructor? values include those required for this trek.

Exercise 3 Solution

The following list summarizes business rules that should be extracted from the database's structure:

  • If you really want to validate email addresses, it would be better to do so outside of the field and table checks. You could put this code in a stored procedure, code library, or middle tier.
  • If you use a lookup table to validate phone number types (Home, Work, Cell, or Fax), do so here.
  • If you're going to perform a complex City/State/Zip lookup, this is where to do it. You might use a huge table or you might call a web service over the Internet.
  • If you use a lookup table to validate State values, do so here.
  • This is where you would calculate an adventure's TotalPrice. You would look up discount information stored in a separate table and perform the calculation. You could put this code in a stored procedure, code library, or middle-tier layer.
  • The fact that one of the company's owners asked which calculation would give the customer the biggest discount if they both purchase airline tickets and rent equipment (by the way, add the two discounts and take 15 percent off to give the biggest discount) further implies that they might someday change the way they perform this calculation. That gives you more reason to extract this rule from the database so it's easier to change later.
  • If the adventure's IncludeAir? value is Yes, you could try to parse the Notes field to see if the flight and meal information is present. If you really need this check, you should move the flight and meal information into separate fields so they are easier to find and examine. (I've seen several systems that make these sorts of checks on notes fields, mostly because the requirements changed after the database was built and they couldn't easily modify the tables to include new fields. Scanning notes is always hard, so mistakes are common.)

Exercise 4 Solution

The PhoneTypes table would have only one field: Type. The records would initially include Home, Work, Cell, and Fax.

The States table would have only one field: State. The records would list all of the allowed State values: AL, AK, AS,…, WY.

The DiscountParameters table would have two fields: Type and Amount. Type would give the discount type (Air or Equipment) and Amount would be the discount amount (15 or 5 percent).

An additional Parameters table would have two fields: Name and Value. This table would hold parameters used in other calculations so that they would be easier to update than they would be if they were embedded in check constraints. The following table describes the initial values in this table.

MinimumDateJanuary 1, 2000Sanity check date for DateSold, StartDate, and EndDate
MaximumDateDecember 31, 2050Sanity check date for DateSold, StartDate, and EndDate
MinimumTotalPrice$250Sanity check price for an Adventure's TotalPrice
MinimumTrekPrice$250Sanity check price for a Trek's Price
MinimumPricePerDay$100Sanity check minimum price per day for a Trek's Price
MaximumExplorers20Sanity check maximum number of explorers on a trek


Exercise 1 Solution

  1. The list isn't in 1NF because it violates these 1NF rules:
    1. Each column must have a unique name. The two Email fields have the same name.
    2. The order of the rows and columns doesn't matter. The order of the Email columns represents the student's preferred email address.
    3. Each column must have a single data type. The MajorOrSchool field holds both majors and schools.
    4. Each column must contain a single value. The Name field contains the student's first and last names together.

    Let's take these rules one at a time.

    1. Each column must have a unique name. The two Email fields have the same name. You could fix this problem by giving them different names. For example, you could name them Email1 and Email2. The numbers would indicate the student's preferred email address solving the problem with Rule 2. This is the approach taken by the Phone1 and Phone2 fields so it might work, right? Not really.

      There's another equally important issue here. These two Email fields represent the same kind of data with only a minor difference: priority. Aside from the student's preference of which comes first, the two fields hold identical values. How do we know you won't want to add a third email address later? You've already got two, why not three or four? Simply renaming the fields solves the duplicate name issue, but locks you in to exactly two email addresses. Not only would that prevent you from adding more email addresses, but in many cases the second field would be empty.

      This is also flirting with 1NF rule number 6: Columns cannot contain repeating groups. A better solution to the multiple Email field problem would be to pull those fields into a new StudentEmails table.

      While we're thinking about multiple fields holding the same kind of data, let's take a closer look at the Phone1, PhoneType1, Phone2, and PhoneType2 fields. Although they have different names, they also represent the same kind of information and you're probably even more likely to want a third phone number than you are to want a third email address. Although these fields technically don't violate 1NF (aside from Rule 6), it's probably worthwhile moving them into a new StudentPhones table.

    2. The order of the rows and columns doesn't matter. The order of the Email columns represents the student's preferred email address. The new StudentEmails table should have a Priority column to capture the student's preference. Similarly, the new StudentPhones table should have a Priority column to indicate the student's preference.
    3. Each column must have a single data type. The MajorOrSchool field holds both majors and schools. It should be split into Major and School fields. Note that students have a school whether they have a major or not, so the School field should always contain a value while the Major field may contain null.
    4. Each column must contain a single value. The Name field contains the student's first and last names together. Here, you need to decide whether the name value is atomic. In other words, will you ever need to do something with just a first name or just a last name? Chances are good that you'll want to at least be able to search for last names (so you can easily look up students), so you should split this field into FirstName and LastName fields.
  2. Figure A.13 shows a relational diagram for this model.
A representation exposes the composite object.


Exercise 2 Solution

  1. The list isn't in 1NF because it violates these 1NF rules:
    1. The order of the rows and columns doesn't matter. The order of the rows represents the rows' priorities.
    2. Each column must contain a single value. The Items column contains a comma-separated list of values.
  2. The following table shows one way to convert the list into 1NF.
    Grocery storemilk1
    Grocery storeeggs1
    Grocery storebananas1
    Office supply storepaper2
    Office supply storepencils2
    Office supply storedivining rod2
    Post Officestamps3
    Computer storeflash drive4
    Computer store8” floppy disks4

    The primary key for this table is the combination Location/Item.

Exercise 3 Solution

  1. The list isn't in 2NF because it violates the 2NF rule:
    1. All of the non-key fields depend on all of the key fields. The Priority field depends on Location but not on Item. That's why its values are repeated so many times in the table.
  2. The solution is to pull the non-key field (Priority) out into a new table and use the key field that it depends on (Location) as the link to the original data. Figure A.14 shows the new relational design.

A representation of the revised INVENTORY_ITEM class.


Figure A.15 shows the new tables holding the original data.

A representation of the customer class exposes the compound object.


Exercise 4 Solution

  1. The list isn't in 3NF because it violates the 3NF rule:
    1. It contains no transitive dependencies. In this table, the Department field depends on the Project. Because those fields are not key fields, this is a transitive dependency.
  2. The solution is to pull the dependent field (Department) out into a new table and use the field that it depends on (Project) as the link to the original data. Figure A.16 shows the new relational design.
A representation of the ORDER class contains a LineItems group attribute to represent the items in the order.


Figure A.17 shows the new tables holding the original data.

A representation exposes the relationship modeled with straightforward object attributes.


Exercise 5 Solution

  1. The table isn't in 5NF because it violates the 5NF rule:
    1. It contains no related multivalued dependencies. In this table, Person determines Food (the type the person can make), Person determines Tools (those in the person's kitchen), and Tool partially determines Food (you can't make muffins without a muffin tin). This makes a related multivalued dependency. Figure A.18 shows an ER diagram for this model.
      A representation exposes the PROJECT_ROLE object which connects the PROJECT and DEVELOPER classes to represent the relationship that a particular developer has with a particular project.

      FIGURE A.18

  2. The solution is to break the single table into three new tables that record the three different relationships: Person/Food, Person/Tool, and Tool/Food. Figure A.19 shows the new relational model.
A representation of an ADVENTURE class, the PLAYER_CHARACTER class, and the PLAYER class.


Exercise 6 Solution

Figure A.20 shows the matching between normal forms and their rules.

A representation of a CAR class and a RACECAR subclass.



Exercise 1 Solution

The following ShipClasses table contains the allowed combinations of Ship and Class.

Luxury Liner1st Class
Luxury Liner2nd Class
Luxury Liner3rd Class
Luxury Liner4th Class
Luxury Liner5th Class
Schooner1st Class
Schooner2nd Class
Tuna Boat1st Class

Because the validation involves two fields, this must be a two-field foreign key constraint. In the Trips table, the combination of fields Ship/Class will be a foreign key referencing the ShipClasses table's Ship/Class fields.

Exercise 2 Solution

The Students table holds information about students, so it is an object table. Similarly, the Departments table holds information about the school's departments and the Classes table holds information about classes, so they are also object tables.

The StudentClasses table links the Students and Classes tables, so it is a link table. Similarly, the DepartmentClasses table links the Departments and Classes tables, so it is also a link table.

Exercise 3 Solution

This table is trying to hold information about three different concepts: the first player, the second player, and the match they will play.

To fix it, create a Players table with fields PlayerId, Name, and Rank. Put all of the player information in this table for all of the Player1 and Player2 entries. This is an object table holding information about players.

Then create a Matches table that has fields PlayerId1, PlayerId2, and MatchTime. This is a link table that links the Players table to itself. It also holds extra information about the link: the times of the matches.

Exercise 4 Solution

The following list tells which daily values should be stored in a redundant variable and which should be calculated as needed.

  1. Average minutes late for an airline at a particular airport. This will require finding and averaging up to a few hundred values, so it should be possible to calculate as needed.
  2. Average minutes late for all airlines at a particular airport. This will require finding and averaging several hundred values. It might still be possible to perform this calculation as needed.
  3. Average minutes late for an airline across the country. This could require a huge number of calculations. If this is a common query (for example, if many people are asking for this information all over the country hundreds of times per day), then it might be better to store and update the information as planes take off and land rather than calculating it as needed.
  4. Average minutes late for all airlines across the entire country. This will require an enormous number of calculations. This could take quite a while even if the database isn't heavily used, so it might be best to store this value rather than calculating it as needed.

Of course, as long as you're going to store some of these values, you might want to just store them all so you can treat them uniformly.


Exercise 1 Solution

Figure A.21 shows an ER diagram to represent Parcheesi matches.

A representation of a simple Employee entity set with three attributes.


Exercise 2 Solution

Figure A.22 shows a relational model for recording information about Parcheesi matches. PlayerId1 finished first, PlayerId2 finished second, PlayerId3 finished third, and PlayerId4 finished fourth.

A representation exhibits the Person Drives Forklift relationship.


Exercise 3 Solution

Figure A.23 shows an ER diagram that represents the relationships between Match, Move, and Ply.

A representation exhibits an ER diagram that includes three objects and two relationships.


Exercise 4 Solution

Figure A.24 shows a relational model for recording chess Match, Move, and Ply data.

A representation exhibits the relationship Swallows which connects the classes SwordSwallower and Sword.


You can model the one-to-two relationship between Moves and Plies by making the domain of the PlyNumber field include the values 1 and 2. You can implement that as a field-level check constraint on PlyNumber. There's no need to make this a foreign key constraint because the International Chess Federation will never change a move to include more than or fewer than two plies.

Note that the fact that MoveId/PlyNumber is the Plies table's primary key ensures that each move cannot contain two plies with the same PlyNumber.

Exercise 5 Solution

Figure A.25 shows the chess model without the Moves table.

A representation of the model of the jugglers.


The new diagram doesn't explicitly show that there should be exactly two plies per move. It has converted the old one-to-two relationship into a new one-to-many relationship.

The database still needs to verify that there are only two plies per move, however. You can still use a field-level check constraint to verify that the PlyNumber is either 1 or 2. The fact that MatchId/MoveNumber/PlyNumber is the Plies table's primary key ensures that any move in a given match cannot contain two plies with the same PlyNumber.

Exercise 6 Solution

The network pattern described in the section “Network Data” earlier in this chapter uses the two tables shown in Figure A.26. The Nodes table holds node IDs and coordinates. The Links table holds link times and the IDs of the nodes that each link connects.

A representation exhibits one way that you might model this inheritance hierarchy in an ER diagram.


The pipe network exercise is slightly different because it is an undirected network. In other words, each link has the same “value” no matter which direction you cross it. The solution shown in Figure A.26 isn't perfect because the FromNodeId and ToNodeId fields imply a direction for the link. To use this design, you would either need to recognize that a Links record connecting node1 to node2 also represents a link connecting node2 with node1. Or you could insert two records for each link with the order of the node IDs switched, but that would double the number of records and all of that duplication screams out, “I'm not normalized!”

In normalization terms, FromNodeId and ToNodeId store the same kind of data. For a directed network, the two fields are not exactly the same thing, so there's some benefit to using two fields with different names to store their data and differentiate them.

Normalization purists would say that the link's node data should be moved into a new table with an extra field to tell you which was the “from” node and which was the “to” node. For a directed network, the extra layer of indirection seems like a lot of work for little benefit. In addition to making you follow extra links to find the data, you would also need to perform some new validations to ensure that every link corresponded to exactly two nodes.

However, this more normalized design works somewhat better for the undirected network that we have in this exercise because moving the link's nodes into a new table removes the implication that one is the “from” node and one is the “to” node.

You still need a way to ensure that each link has two nodes, however. One way to do that is to give the new table a NodeNumber field to indicate which node this is, make the domain of NodeNumber be the numbers 1 and 2, and make LinkId/NodeNumber the primary key. That ensures that any link can have only two nodes. This design is shown in Figure A.27.

A representation exhibits the one way that you might model this inheritance hierarchy in an ER diagram.


This is the same as the normalized design for a directed network. The only difference is that in the undirected network you treat the NodeNumber field as a simple index to ensure that a link has two nodes whereas in a directed network you use that field to tell which node is “from” and which is “to.”

Exercise 7 Solution

This is fairly straightforward temporal data. Figure A.28 shows a model to hold cheese item data. A CheeseItem record would probably hold other information such as the quantity of cheese purchased, the lot number, and so forth.

A representation of a finished diagram that Connect Passenger to Car through a Rides In relationship.


Exercise 8 Solution

Figure A.29 shows the new model to hold cheese item data. Instead of a SellByDate, this version stores the date when the cheese was made and a link leading to the shelf life. The CheeseType record could also store other cheese data such as the type of milk used (cow, buffalo, goat, yak, horse, and so forth), the location where it was made, and a description (a firm, fruity and nutty cheese reminiscent of locusts and with a hint of lichen).

A representation exhibits the Pilot Flies Airplane relationship.


In the model, the CheeseItem table is the same size as the model for Exercise 7 and there's a new table, so you could ask if this is an improvement. In terms of looking up expiration data for a particular cheese item, it is not. It takes more space and requires an extra lookup plus a calculation (MadeDate + ShelfLife) to find the cheese item's sell-by date.

However, this model provides more consistency and avoids update anomalies because it ensures that each item of a particular kind of cheese uses the same shelf life.

Exercise 9 Solution

The following table shows the cost per month for the different plans.

Standard$0.0200 * 10,000 GB = $200$0.00 * 1,000 GB = $0$200
Nearline$0.0100 * 10,000 GB = $100$0.01 * 1,000 GB = $10$110
Coldline$0.0040 * 10,000 GB = $40$0.02 * 1,000 GB = $20$60
Archive$0.0012 * 10,000 GB = $12$0.05 * 1,000 GB = $50$62

In this example, the Coldline plan is the least expensive.


Exercise 1 Solution

This table has a lot of problems. Specific problems include:

  • The Name field includes two logical fields, FirstName and LastName, so the table isn't even in first normal form.
  • Your client plans to look up the state from the Zip value. Why doesn't he also look up the city? The table should be changed to either also look up the city or have separate City, State, and Zip fields (the second option is a lot easier, although less normalized).
  • The two phone number fields are not differentiated. In other words, how do you know which number is a home phone, cellphone, or work phone? Which is the daytime number and which is the evening number? These fields should be moved into a Phones table with an additional field indicating the type of the phone number.
  • Having at most two phone numbers is an arbitrary limit. Someday, a customer will probably want to leave more than two numbers. When you create the Phones table, you should not restrict a customer to two entries.
  • The Address field has a bad name because Address implies that the field contains an entire address when, in fact, it only contains the street information. This field's name should be something like Street or StreetAddress.
  • The Stuff field has a terrible name because “Stuff” could mean just about anything! This field's name should be changed to something like Interests.
  • The freshly renamed Interests field lists more than one value. (The fact that the name is plural is a hint.) This field's data should be moved into a new CustomerInterests table. You should also make an Interests lookup table to list the allowed values so CustomerInterests can use it as a foreign key constraint.
  • Planning for future changes, you might also suggest adding an Email field.

Your client's assumption that you can just build Orders and other tables implies that the plan isn't very well-thought-out. This project definitely needs a lot more planning and a complete database design before you start slapping tables together. This kind of homegrown project also rarely includes documentation of any kind, so you'll need to do a lot of documentation work early in the project. (Though this type of project may provide many hours of lucrative consulting later for debugging, it's the frustrating kind of consulting.)

Exercise 2 Solution

Because this client is opening a new store, you should wonder if they will grow even more in the next few years. Flying cars are also a brand-new technology, and if it they become as popular as The Jetsons cartoon indicates, demand for rentals could skyrocket.

This database will need extra testing at very high loads to verify that the database design can meet ever-increasing performance demands.

In contrast, a well-established party rental store probably won't experience explosive growth in the near future because it's been around for a while and it isn't selling new technology. You still need to thoroughly test their application, but your load testing doesn't need to run at loads quite as far beyond the current level.

Exercise 3 Solution

This table is hyper-normalized. Although you can break a street address into name, number, prefix, and so forth, there are very few applications where that is necessary. If you will only ever need to use the address information to send mail to someone, then you can combine all of this information in a single Street field. You can even include the apartment or suite number.

Similarly, you can probably combine the Zip and PlusFour fields into a single Zip field. If you're only going to use the ZIP Code to write addresses, there's no need to use separate fields.

The Floor and Neighborhood information is also probably not useful. (Although if your business is renting apartments, you might want to be able to search for ground floor apartments or apartments within a certain neighborhood. In that case, these fields might make sense.)

Here's the new list of fields:

  • CustomerId
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip

So much simpler!

Exercise 4 Solution

In this model, the Phones table is fairly unconstrained because it allows a person to have any number of any type of phone number. All the fields are required. Some other validations that you could build into this table include:

PersonIdExistsForeign key match to Persons.PersonId.
TypeEnumerated valueForeign key match to new PhoneTypes table.
NumberFormatLet the database verify that the value has format ###-###-####.

In the Persons table, every field except MiddleName should be required. The table can implement the following constraints:

StateEnumerated valueForeign key match to new States table.
ZipFormatLet the database verify that the value has format #### or ####-####.

All of the fields in the Courses and Projects tables should be required, although you might want to allow a blank InstructorId and DaysAndTime so you can create a course before you're ready to schedule it. This table should also have a foreign key constraint requiring that the InstructorId exist in the Instructors table.

The Students and Instructors tables should require all fields. They should also have a foreign key constraint requiring that their PersonId fields have values that exist in the Persons table.

StudentCourses and StudentProjects are linking tables used to implement many-to-many relationships. Their fields should be required and foreign key constraints should verify that their values exist in the corresponding tables.

CourseResults and ProjectResults are also linking tables that implement many-to-many relationships. They should require that all fields and foreign key constraints should verify that their ID values exist in the corresponding tables.

CourseResults and ProjectResults should also use constraints to verify that the Grade fields contain acceptable values. If Grade is numeric, then a check constraint should verify that it is between 0 and 100 (or whatever scale the school uses). If the Grade value includes A+, A, A-, B+, and so forth, then the tables should use foreign key constraints to verify that the Grade exists in a new PossibleGrades table.

Finally, you could check that the Date fields in the CourseResults and ProjectResults tables come after the corresponding student's enrollment date.


Exercise 1 Solution

The following table summarizes the Course entity's fields.

TitleYesStringAny string
DescriptionYesStringAny string
MaximumParticipantsYesIntegerGreater than 0
PriceYesCurrencyGreater than 0
AnimalTypeYesStringOne of: Cat, Dog, Bird, Bat, and so on
DatesYesDatesList of dates
TimeYesTimeBetween 8 a.m. and 11 p.m.
LocationYesStringOne of: Room 1, Room 2, yard, arena, and so on
TrainerNoReferenceThe Employee teaching the course
StudentsNoReferenceCustomers table

Because the Dates and Time fields are required, we cannot create a course until it is scheduled.

A more complex validation for new records should verify that there are no other courses scheduled for the same location with overlapping dates and times.

Exercise 2 Solution

The following table summarizes the Employee entity's fields.

FirstNameYesStringAny first name.
LastNameYesStringAny last name.
StreetYesStringAny street name and number. Not validated.
CityYesStringAny city name. Not validated?
StateYesStringForeign key to States table.
ZipYesStringValid ZIP Code. Not validated?
EmailNoStringValid email address. If provided, send the customer a monthly email newsletter.
HomePhoneNoStringValid 10-digit phone number.
CellPhoneNoStringValid 10-digit phone number.
SocialSecurityNumberYesStringValid Social Security number.
SpecialtiesNoStringZero or more of: Dog, Cat, Horse, Bird, Fish, Snail, and so on.

Exercise 3 Solution

Alicia and the Pampered Pet employees think of work shift assignments as coming in one-week batches. Alicia posts schedules one week at a time.

However, the database might not actually need to create records representing weeks of assignments. Instead, it can track individual work assignments that represent an employee working certain hours on a given day. The user interface and any work assignment reports will gather the assignments for a particular week and display the results in the familiar week-at-a-time format.

That means the Shift entity can be relatively simple:

EmployeeYesReferenceRefers to the assignment's employee.
DateYesDateValid dates. For new records, verify that the date is on or after today.
StartTimeYesTime6 a.m. or later.
StopTimeYesTimeBetween StartTime + 1 hour and 11 p.m.

Exercise 4 Solution

The following table summarizes the Customer entity's fields.

FirstNameYesStringAny first name.
LastNameYesStringAny last name.
StreetSee notesStringAny street name and number. Not validated.
CitySee notesStringAny city name. Not validated?
StateSee notesStringForeign key to States table.
ZipSee notesStringValid ZIP Code. Not validated?
EmailSee notesStringValid email address. If provided, send the customer a monthly email newsletter.
HomePhoneSee notesStringValid 10-digit phone number.
CellPhoneNoStringValid 10-digit phone number.
PetsNoStringPet names, ages, and types.

The system only creates customer records in one of the following circumstances:

  • The customer enrolls in a course. In that case, we require either a home or cell phone number so that we can contact the customer in case there's a change in schedule or some other unexpected event occurs (for example, Sveta contracts Capgras syndrome and won't work with Charlie anymore).
  • The customer wants to receive postal mailings about sales and courses. In that case, the address information is required.
  • The customer wants to receive email about sales and courses. In that case, the email address is required.
  • We are shipping items to the customer. In that case, the address information and at least one phone number is required.

Exercise 5 Solution

Like the Shift entity, TimeEntry is simpler than it might appear. Users typically think of timekeeping as a weekly chore, so they tend to think of a week's worth of time entries. However, individually each time entry is quite simple. The timekeeping user interface and any related reports (including printing payroll checks) will gather the assignments for a particular week and display the results appropriately.

The following table summarizes the TimeEntry entity's fields.

EmployeeYesReferenceThe employee who worked (or at least pretended to work)
DateYesDateBefore now
StartTimeYesTimeBefore now
StopTimeYesTimeAfter StartTime and before now
PaidDateNoDateBefore now

The PaidDate field records the date on which the employee's check was printed covering this time entry.

A more complex check for new records should verify that no existing record for this employee has an overlapping date and time.

Exercise 6 Solution

The Vendor entity gives the name of a company that provides Pampered Pet products. (Peter Piper picked a peck of Pampered Pet products.) It includes information about a contact person at the company.

The following table summarizes the Vendor entity's fields.

CompanyNameYesStringAny company name.
ContactFirstNameYesStringAny first name.
ContactLastNameYesStringAny last name.
StreetYesStringAny street name and number. Not validated.
CityYesStringAny city name. Not validated?
StateYesStringForeign key to States table.
ZipYesStringValid ZIP Code. Not validated?
ContactEmailNoStringValid email address.
ContactPhoneYesStringValid 10-digit phone number.
NotesNoStringMiscellaneous instructions and notes.


Exercise 1 Solution

Food items could be treated like any other inventory item, although their expiration dates would probably be much shorter. Some items might not even be counted in inventory if they expire quickly. For example, the database will need an entry for coffee so you can add one to an order, but there's no point trying to update the QuantityInStock every time someone makes a new pot.

Exercise 2 Solution

An easy solution would be to add a new Certifications attribute to the EMPLOYEE class listing the courses that the employee can teach. This would be a foreign key field referring to COURSE classes. In the ER model, the Employee entity would have a new relationship with the Course entity. This would be a moderately hard change but probably doable.

Alternatively, you could create a new Instructor subclass that inherits from Employee. This would require creating a new class/entity, so it would be harder.

Exercise 3 Solution

Add a new StoreId attribute to the Order entity. That part wouldn't be too hard. At a minimum, you would also need to add a Store entity to look up allowed store IDs. That would be a little harder. If you also want to record real information about each store, such as an Address (which would require a link to the Addresses table), the change would be a lot harder.

Exercise 4 Solution

You could add a link between the Course entity and the Address entity. This wouldn't be too hard, but it does require a new relationship, which means it would be harder than simply adding a new attribute to the Course entity.

Exercise 5 Solution

It would be easy to store these as Course entities with a Price of $0. The Pampered Pet could advertise them just like any other course. Probably no one would care if people attended without creating Customer entities.

Exercise 6 Solution

Adding more addresses to an order would make the Order/Address relationship many-to-many. You would need to add an intermediate table to represent the Order/Address pairs and replace the existing one-to-many relationship with two new one-to-many relationships. This would be a fairly difficult change.

Exercise 7 Solution

The easy solution would be to add a Phone attribute to the Order entity. However, Figure 12.9 shows that the design already has a Phone entity associated with the Person entity. Rather than creating a new attribute, it would be slightly more complicated but more flexible to reuse the Phone entity.

Before doing any of this, however, it would be worth asking the customers whether they will ever need to allow multiple phone numbers for an order. After all, they're adding one and there's nothing to stop them from adding another, particularly because the Person entity already allows any number of phone numbers.

Unfortunately, adding multiple phone numbers to the Order entity would create a many-to-many relationship (one order can have many phone numbers and one phone number might be used to place any number of orders, probably by the same customer). To implement this, you would need to make an OrderPhone entity and two new one-to-many relationships. That would be a much harder change than simply adding a new Phone attribute to the Order entity.

Exercise 8 Solution

The obvious solution is to add a new Department attribute to the InventoryItem entity. However, that would create a functional dependency in that entity's attributes. InventoryItem already has a ShelfLocation field that tells where the item is when it is on display in the store. That location is in some department, so adding a new Department attribute would partially duplicate that data and that could lead to inconsistent data. For example, an item could be listed as shelved in the Fish department but its Department field could be set to Reptile.

A better solution would be to make a new Departments entity that maps ShelfLocation values to departments. This requires adding a new table and a new relationship between InventoryItem and Departments, so it would be fairly difficult.

Exercise 9 Solution

This would require a couple of changes. First, you would need to add effective date attributes to the Address entity. You would also need to change the user interface significantly to let the user decide which of a customer's addresses to use for any given operation. If the program simply uses the address that is in effect when an order is placed, that might be manageable.

Overall, however, this change seems like a lot of trouble and the need is so unclear that I would ask the customers why they wanted to do this and try to talk them out of it if they don't have a good reason.

Exercise 10 Solution

The discount applied to an order would need to be recorded, so the simplest solution would be to add a new Discount attribute to the Order entity.

More complicated solutions could track types of discounts to ensure consistency. Then, for example, the employee entering an order would enter a coupon or discount code rather than the actual discount percentage, so entering an incorrect discount would be less common. This solution would require creating a new Discounts entity and a relationship between it and the Order entity, so it would be a more complicated solution.

Exercise 11 Solution

Figure A.30 shows one possible solution. It uses the CompetitorRobot entity to implement the Competitor/Robot relationship and it uses the RobotMatch entity to implement the Robot/Match relationship.

A representation exhibits the Race, Sub, and Result entity sets and their relationships.


Exercise 12 Solution

Figure A.31 shows one possible relational design.

A representation of a simple semantic object model. This model leads immediately to three relational tables: Customers, Contacts, and Orders.



Exercise 1 Solution

The following list describes the primary keys and required fields for each table:

  • Competitors—The CompetitorId field is the primary key. Other required fields are FirstName, LastName, Street, City, State, Zip.
  • CompetitorRobots—This is an intermediate table. Its primary key includes both of its fields. Both of its fields are also foreign key constraints to other tables. so they are completely constrained.
  • Robots—The RobotId field is the primary key. Name and Class must be required in order to compete. The Weight, MaxSpeed, and Chassis fields could also be required.
  • RobotMatches—This is an intermediate table. Its primary key includes both of its fields. Both of its fields are also foreign key constraints to other tables, so they are completely constrained.
  • Matches—The MatchId field is the primary key. Date, Time, and Location are also required. WinningRobotId cannot be required because the Matches record will probably be created before the match occurs and at that time the winner isn't known (unless the fix is in).
  • RobotWeapons—This table lists the weapons that are built into each robot (chainsaw, axe, grapple, laser cannon). Both of its fields are part of the primary key, which means both are required. The RobotId field is a foreign key constraint referring to the Robots table, so it is completely constrained.

Exercise 2 Solution

The following list describes sanity checks for each table:

  • Competitors—Zip should have a valid ZIP Code format similar to either 12345 or 12345-6789.
  • CompetitorRobots—None.
  • Robots—If present, Weight > 0 and Weight < 10,000 lbs. If present, Speed >= 0 and Speed < 30 mph.
  • RobotMatches—None.
  • Matches—When created, Date >= today. Time > 8 a.m. and Time < 11 p.m.
  • RobotWeapons—None.

Exercise 3 Solution

The following list describes lookup tables for each table's fields:

  • Competitors—You could build a full City/State/Zip lookup table, but it would be big and hard to maintain. You could use the trick described in this chapter of using a table to validate common City/State/Zip values but allow values not in the table. However, competitors in Robot Wars come from all over the country so there's no good list of the most likely City/State/Zip combinations. Competitors could even come from all over the world so it may not be worth trying to validate particular address formats.
  • CompetitorRobots—Both of this table's fields are used in foreign key constraints already.
  • Robots—Chassis should be one of 4 Wheel, 6 Wheel, Tank Tread, Hovercraft, and so forth. Class should be one of Light, Medium, Heavy, Under $1000, and so forth. The allowed values should be moved into new Chassis and Classes lookup tables.
  • RobotMatches—Both of this table's fields are used in foreign key constraints already.
  • Matches—Location should be one of Arena 1, Arena 2, Pond, and so forth. These values should be added to a Locations lookup table.
  • RobotWeapons—WeaponType should be one of Chainsaw, Axe, Rail Gun, Plasma Cannon, and so forth. Those values should be added to a WeaponTypes table.

Exercise 4 Solution

The three somewhat more complicated business rules that I thought of that really should be implemented in some manner are:

  • Two matches should not be scheduled for the same place at the same time. This can be implemented as a uniqueness constraint on the Matches table's combined Date/Time/Location values. (This assumes the matches fit in nice time slots so that we don't need to worry about them overlapping.)
  • A robot should not be scheduled for two matches at the same time.
  • Because competitors must control their robots during a match, none of a competitor's robots should be scheduled for two matches at the same time. (If two robots share multiple co-owners, the team could split up and be in two matches at once, but that would make the database just plain ugly. If that sort of change is required, you'll be glad you provided this check in a stored procedure, a middle tier, or some other place that's reasonably easy to change.)

Some other possible rules that I thought of include:

  • A competitor can have no more than one robot in each match.
  • A competitor can have no more than one robot in each class.
  • A robot can have no more than two weapons.
  • Weight, speed, chassis, and weapons could be part of what determines class. For example, classes could include Heavy, Light & Fast, Wheeled, or Single Weapon. Those definitions would be complicated and would probably change regularly.
  • How the matches are assigned could be part of a set of business rules. For example, it could be single elimination, double elimination (if a robot can be repaired), winners and losers brackets, or a giant brawl.
  • The contest could be expanded to include robots from all over the world. In that case, you would need to redesign the Competitors table to handle international address formats. You might want to add a second street address field, you'll definitely need to add a County field, and forget about validating postal codes!

Exercise 5 Solution

Figure A.32 shows the new relational model with the lookup tables added.

A representation exhibits the resulting relational model. Each table’s primary key is underlined.



Exercise 1 Solution

This table isn't in 1NF because it contains two columns that hold multiple values. The Show column holds the names of all shows at a particular venue and the Times column holds all of the times for shows at a location.

Figure A.33 shows a relational design that stores this data in 1NF.

A representation exhibits the data types for each of the tables’ fields, that does not necessarily completely specify the fields’ domains.


The following table shows the data in this new format.

Sherm's Shark Show11:15Sherman's Lagoon375
Sherm's Shark Show3:00Sherman's Lagoon375
Meet the Rays1:15Sherman's Lagoon375
Meet the Rays6:00Sherman's Lagoon375
Deb's Daring Dolphins11:00Peet Amphitheater300
Deb's Daring Dolphins12:00Peet Amphitheater300
Deb's Daring Dolphins6:30Peet Amphitheater300
The Walter Walrus Comedy Hour2:00Peet Amphitheater300
The Walter Walrus Comedy Hour5:27Peet Amphitheater300
Flamingo Follies2:00Ngorongoro Wash413
Wonderful Waterfowl3:00Ngorongoro Wash413

At this point, I'm sure you realize that this table contains so much redundant information that there must be something wrong with it.

Exercise 2 Solution

The solution to Exercise 1 isn't in 2NF because some non-key fields depend on only some (not all) of the primary key fields. A particular show only occurs in one location (it would be hard to move the dolphins to different amphitheaters for different shows), so the Venue and Seating fields depend only on ShowName and not on Time.

The solution is to move the Venue and Seating data into a new table connected to the original table by the ShowName. Because the original table now only holds show time information, I'm going to rename it ShowTimes and call the new table Shows. Figure A.34 shows the result.

A representation exhibits an ER diagram that covers a situation similar to the one modeled by the semantic object model.


Figure A.35 shows the new tables holding their data.

A representation of the model of the jugglers.


Exercise 3 Solution

The solution to Exercise 2 isn't in 3NF because the Shows table contains a transitive dependency: the Seating field is determined by the Venue field. In the original table, the dependency isn't obvious because the same Venue and Seating values are not repeated. In Figure A.35 the problem is shown by the repeated Venue/Seating pairs in the Shows table.

The solution is to move the seating information into a new table to match venues with their capacities. The new table should use the Venue field to link back to the Shows table. Because this table describes the venues, I'll call it Venues. (Clever, huh?) Figure A.36 shows the new design.

A representation exhibits one way that you might model this inheritance hierarchy in an ER diagram.


Figure A.37 shows the data in the new tables.

A representation exhibits the one way that you might model this inheritance hierarchy in an ER diagram.


Exercise 4 Solution

Changing show names, time, or venue names is difficult for the design shown in Figure A.36 because those fields are used as primary keys. To increase the database's flexibility, all you need to do is make artificial keys (ID numbers) for the tables. Because ShowName was only in the ShowTimes table to provide a link to the Shows table, it is no longer needed in ShowTimes. Similarly, the Venue field in the Shows table was only there to link to the Venus table, so Venue is no longer needed in the Shows table.

Figure A.38 shows the more flexible design.

A representation of a finished diagram that Connect Passenger to Car through a Rides In relationship.


Figure A.39 shows the data in the new tables. The ShowId values are between 1 and 6, and the VenueId values are between 101 and 103, so it's easy to see which are which.

A representation exhibits the Pilot Flies Airplane relationship.


Notice that the tables contain no repeated data other than their ID values so that you can easily change a show's name or time, or a venue's name.


Exercise 1 Solution

If you haven't started Jupyter Notebook, do so now. In Windows, you can search the Start menu for Jupyter Notebook.

Create a new Jupyter Notebook, place the following code in a cell, and run the cell:

print("Hello World!")

The result should look like the following:

Hello World!

Exercise 2 Solution

If you haven't started Visual Studio, do so now. In Windows, you can search the Start menu for Visual Studio.

When Visual Studio starts, click Create A New Project. If Visual Studio is already running and not displaying the startup form, open the File menu, select the New submenu, and choose Project.

In the Create A New Project dialog box, set the three drop-down lists on the right so that they display C#, Windows, and Console. Select the Console App (.NET Framework) project type and click Next.

On the next page, enter a project name like HelloWorld and set the location to a convenient directory. Select the “Place solution and project in the same directory” option if you like. (I almost always do. It makes the project less cluttered.) Select a reasonably recent framework version and click Create.

When the code editor opens, add code to make the main method look like the following:

static void Main(string[] args)
    Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

The first line displays “Hello World!” and the second waits until you press Enter so that the console window doesn't immediately disappear.

Exercise 3 Solution

A database adapter is a library that provides a bridge between your program and the database. Your code invokes methods defined by the adapter, and those methods access the database.

Exercise 4 Solution

Literate programming is a style where code is interspersed with documentation and program output such as text, graphs, pictures, and other artifacts. Jupyter Notebook uses a literate programming model, and you can experiment with it if you like.

For example, create a new cell and click it. Then open the drop-down near the right end of the toolbar (it probably says Code initially) and select Markdown. Then enter the following text into the cell and run it:

# Level 1
## Level 2
### Level 3

Exercise 5 Solution

You can use pip to install packages in Python, as in the following statement in a command window:

$ pip install pyignite

You can also use pip to install packages in Jupyter Notebook, as in the following statement in a notebook cell:

!pip install pyignite

Exercise 6 Solution

You can use the NuGet package manager to install packages in Visual Studio. Open the Project menu and select Manage NuGet Packages to launch the manager.

Select the Browse tab and search for the package that you want. Click the package you want and then click Install on the right to install it.


Exercise 1 Solution

Michael Widenius's children are My (MySQL), Max (MaxDB), and Maria (MariaDB).

Exercise 2 Solution

This example briefly demonstrates the HeidiSQL database management tool.

Exercise 3 Solution

The main advantage to using a database management tool is that you don't need to know SQL. Of course, you need to know how to use the tool, but it's generally easier to wander around an application looking at menus to figure out how to achieve your goals than it is to suddenly remember what SQL command you need to use. Many database management tools also display the SQL code that they are using to build the database, so you can use that feature to learn a bit more about SQL.

Exercise 4 Solution

This main disadvantage to using a database management tool is that it probably cannot easily reapply all the steps that you've taken to build the database. If you later decide that you made a mistake early on, then you might need to modify or rebuild much of the database. In contrast, if you used a program to build the database, then you can probably make a few changes to the code and then rerun the program.

A second disadvantage is that this kind of tool tends to use only the SQL commands that are standard and supported by most databases. That means you cannot take advantage of any special features that the database provides. (Of course, using special features can also be a problem if you later need to switch database engines, so maybe using only standard features is an advantage.)

Exercise 5 Solution

The following code shows my solution:

# Let the user enter AnimalPlanets records.
import pymysql
# Connect to the database server.
conn = pymysql.connect(
# Create a cursor.
cur = conn.cursor()
running = True
while True:
        # Get the animal ID and planet ID.
        animal_id = input("Animal ID: ")
        if animal_id == "":
        animal_id = int(animal_id)
    except ValueError:
        print("Animal ID must be an integer")
        planet_id = input("Planet ID: ")
        if planet_id == "":
        planet_id = int(planet_id)
    except ValueError:
        print("Planet ID must be an integer")
        # Add the new record.
        cmd = """INSERT INTO AnimalPlanets
            (AnimalId, PlanetId) VALUES """
        cmd = cmd + f"({int(animal_id)}, {int(planet_id)})"
        print("Record added")
    except Exception as e:
        print("SQL error: " + str(e))
# Commit the changes.
# Close the connection.

Exercise 6 Solution

If you try to use an animal ID that is not in the Animals table (such as 100) or a planet ID that is not in the Planets table (such as –1), then the new record violates the AnimalPlanet's foreign key constraint and the database throws a tantrum.

If you try to duplicate a record that is already in the table, then the new record violates the requirement that the table's primary key values be unique and the database again throws a tantrum.

If you enter a number that is too big to fit in the INT data type used by the AnimalId and PlanetId fields, then the database raises an “Out of range value” error. (The largest value that will fit is 2,147,483,647.)


Exercise 1 Solution

The ExecuteNonQuery method executes statements that do not return records. The ExecuteReader method executes a query and returns a MySqlDataReader object that lets you loop through the returned results.

Exercise 2 Solution

The statement DROP TABLE IF EXISTS AnimalPlanets will drop the table if it exists and do nothing if it does not exist.

Exercise 3 Solution

This main advantage to using a database management tool is that you don't need to know SQL. Of course, then you need to know how to use the tool, but it's generally easier to wander around an application looking at menus to figure out how to achieve your goals than it is to suddenly remember what SQL command you need to use. Many database management tools also display the SQL code that they are using to build the database, so you can use that feature to learn a bit more about SQL.

Exercise 4 Solution

This main disadvantage to using a database management tool is that it probably cannot easily reapply all the steps that you've taken to build the database. If you later decide that you made a mistake early on, then you might need to modify or rebuild much of the database. In contrast, if you used a program to build the database, then you can probably make a few changes to the code and rerun the program.

A second disadvantage is that this kind of tool tends to use only the SQL commands that are standard and supported by most databases. This means you cannot take advantage of any special features that the database provides. (Of course, using special features can also be a problem if you later need to switch database engines, so maybe using only standard features is an advantage.)

Exercise 5 Solution

The following code shows my version of the LetUserCreateRecords method:

// Fetch the data.
private static void LetUserCreateRecords()
    // Connect to the database server.
    string connectString =
        "server=;" +
        "uid=root;" +
        "pwd=TheSecretPassword;" +
    using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(connectString))
        // The connection must be open before you can use it.
        // Create a command.
        using (MySqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
            for (; ; )
                int animalId, planetId;
                // Get the animal ID and planet ID.
                Console.Write("Animal ID: ");
                string animalString = Console.ReadLine();
                if (animalString.Length == 0) break;
                if (!int.TryParse(animalString, out animalId))
                    Console.WriteLine("Animal ID must be an integer");
                // Get the planet ID and planet ID.
                Console.Write("planet ID: ");
                string planetString = Console.ReadLine();
                if (planetString.Length == 0) break;
                if (!int.TryParse(planetString, out planetId))
                    Console.WriteLine("planet ID must be an integer");
                // Add the new record.
                    cmd.CommandText =
                        "INSERT INTO AnimalPlanets " +
                        "(AnimalId, PlanetId) VALUES " +
                        $"({animalId}, {planetId})";
                    Console.WriteLine("Record added");
                catch (Exception ex)
            } // End for (; ; )
        } // End using MySqlCommand cmd
    } // End using MySqlConnection conn

Exercise 6 Solution

If you enter a number that is too big to fit in the int data type, the int.Parse method throws an OverflowException. You can avoid that by using int.TryParse to see if the value is either not an integer or too big.

If you try to use an animal ID that is not in the Animals table (such as 100) or a planet ID that is not in the Planets table (such as –1), then the new record violates the AnimalPlanet's foreign key constraint and the database throws a tantrum.

If you try to duplicate a record that is already in the table, then the new record violates the requirement that the table's primary key values be unique and the database again throws a tantrum.


Exercise 1 Solution

The database adapter is Psycopg. It should have been spelled Psychopg.

Exercise 2 Solution

The following code shows my solution:

# Exercise 18.1
# Prepare to use psycopg2.
import psycopg2
# Get the customer ID.
customer_id = input("Customer ID: ")
# Get the order date.
order_date = input("Order Date (m/d/yyyy): ")
# Get order items.
items = []
while True:
    item_name  = input("    Item Name:  ")
    if item_name == "":
    quantity   = input("    Quantity:   ")
    price:each = input("    Price Each: ")
    # Add the new item to the list.
    items.append((item_name, quantity, price:each))
# Connect to the database.
conn = psycopg2.connect(
    user = "brew_master",
    password = "brew_password",
    host = "", port = "5432")
cursor = conn.cursor()
# Create the order.
cmd = "INSERT INTO orders (customer_id, date) "
cmd = cmd + f"VALUES ({customer_id}, '{order_date}') "
cmd = cmd + "RETURNING order_id"
order_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]
print(f"Order ID: {order_id}
# Create the order items.
item_number = 1
for item in items:
    cmd = "INSERT INTO order_items "
    cmd = cmd + "(order_id, item_number, item_name, quantity, price:each) "
    cmd = cmd + f"VALUES ({order_id}, {item_number}, "
    cmd = cmd + f"'{item[0]}', {item[1]}, {item[2]})"
    item_number = item_number + 1
# Commit the insertions.
# Close the cursor and connection.

Exercise 3 Solution

This is no problem. Jupyter Notebook and PostgreSQL can handle Unicode characters so the program can save “crème brûlée” in the database.

Exercise 4 Solution

This is a problem. The following text shows the SQL statement that creates the order_items record:

INSERT INTO order_items
    (order_id, item_number, item_name, quantity, price:each)
    (505, 1, 'Amy's cookies', 12, 1) 

The apostrophe in Amy's cookies matches with the initial apostrophe that starts the item name string, so the database thinks that string has ended. Then the remaining text, s cookies', confuses it and you get the following error:

SyntaxError: syntax error at or near "s"
LINE 1: …_name, quantity, price:each) VALUES (505, 1, 'Amy's cookies'…

Exercise 5 Solution

The following code shows the way I rewrote the item insertion loop:

# Create the order items.
item_number = 1
for item in items:
    cmd = "INSERT INTO order_items "
    cmd = cmd + "(order_id, item_number, item_name, quantity, price:each) "
    cmd = cmd + "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
    item_number = item_number + 1
    values = (order_id, item_number) + item
    cursor.execute(cmd, values)

The second-to-last line creates the tuple holding all of the record's values. The last line passes the INSERT statement and that tuple to the cursor's execute method.

Exercise 6 Solution

By default, the database assumes that dates use the m/d/y format in SQL statements. If you enter a date in d/m/y format, it switches the month and date.

If you enter 20/10/2027, the program crashes with the following error because it assumes you mean the 10th day of the 20th month:

DatetimeFieldOverflow: date/time field value out of range: "20/10/2027"
LINE 1: …SERT INTO orders (customer_id, date) VALUES (193, '20/10/202…
HINT:  Perhaps you need a different "datestyle" setting.

There are various ways that you can make PostgreSQL use a different date format, such as setting datestyle in the postgresql.conf file or executing the following command in the PostgreSQL console:

set datestyle to European

In any case, it may be best to include the format in the date prompt as in “Date (m/d/yyyy):” so that the user knows what format to use.

Exercise 7 Solution

If the customer ID that you enter is not in the customers table, then creating a new orders record will violate that table's foreign key constraint.

The program creates a new order ID and then uses it to create order_items records, so you cannot accidentally use an order ID that violates that table's foreign key constraints.

However, you can generate some “out of range” errors even if you type valid values. For example, if you enter a date that has a really big year, such as 1/2/100000, then the database can hold the value but you get a ValueError when you try to fetch the data. The database can handle this value, but Python cannot.

If you enter a really big year, then even the database cannot hold it and will give you a DatetimeFieldOverflow error when you try to create the orders record.

You can also run afoul of NumericValueOutOfRange errors if you try to enter extremely large quantities or prices.

None of those are formatting errors. For example, 1/2/1000000 is a valid date and 1e1000000 is a valid price, at least theoretically. The moral is that every program needs error handling because users may enter invalid values even if they have the correct format.


Exercise 1 Solution

The CreateCustomerRecords and CreateOrderRecords methods call ExecuteScalar because their SQL statements include a RETURNING clause, which returns the newly created records' customer or order IDs. In contrast, the CreateOrderItemRecords method's SQL statement does not create an ID and does not use a RETURNING clause, so there's no scalar value for ExecuteScalar to return.

Exercise 2 Solution

The following code shows my solution:

// Exercise 19.2
// Let the user create an order.
static private void LetUserCreateOrder(NpgsqlConnection conn)
    // Get the customer ID.
    Console.Write("Customer ID: ");
    string customerId = Console.ReadLine();
    // Get the order date.
    Console.Write("Order Date (m/d/yyyy): ");
    string orderDate = Console.ReadLine();
    // Get order items.
    List<string[]> items = new List<string[]>();
    for (; ;)
        Console.Write("    Item Name: ");
        string itemName = Console.ReadLine();
        if (itemName.Length == 0) break;
        Console.Write("    Quantity: ");
        string quantity = Console.ReadLine();
        Console.Write("    Price Each: ");
        string priceEach = Console.ReadLine();
        // Add the new item to the list.
        items.Add(new string[] { itemName, quantity, priceEach });
    using (NpgsqlTransaction transaction = conn.BeginTransaction())
        // Create the order.
        string createOrderStatement =
            "INSERT INTO orders (customer_id, date) " +
            $"VALUES ({customerId}, '{orderDate}') " +
            "RETURNING order_id";
        int orderId;
        using (NpgsqlCommand cmd =
            new NpgsqlCommand(createOrderStatement, conn))
            cmd.Transaction = transaction;
            orderId = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();
            Console.WriteLine($"Order ID: {orderId}
        // Create the order items.
        string createItemStatement =
            @"INSERT INTO order_items
            (order_id, item_number, item_name, quantity, price:each) 
            (@order_id, @item_number, @item_name, @quantity, @price:each)";
        using (NpgsqlCommand cmd =
            new NpgsqlCommand(createItemStatement, conn))
            cmd.Transaction = transaction;
            // Add the parameters.
            NpgsqlParameter orderIdParameter =
            NpgsqlParameter itemNumberParameter =
            NpgsqlParameter itemNameParameter =
            NpgsqlParameter quantityParameter =
            NpgsqlParameter priceEachParameter =
            // Prepare the command.
            // Create the items.
            int itemNumber = 0;
            foreach (string[] item in items)
                orderIdParameter.Value = orderId;
                itemNumberParameter.Value = itemNumber;
                itemNameParameter.Value = item[0];
                quantityParameter.Value = int.Parse(item[1]);
                priceEachParameter.Value = float.Parse(item[2]);
            } // End foreach (string[] item in items)
        } // End using cmd
    } // End using transaction 

Exercise 3 Solution

Figure A.40 shows pgAdmin showing the data in the order_items table. Notice that there are no items named Aardvark.

My results for the orders table did not show any orders with date 1/2/2300.

Exercise 4 Solution

This is no problem. C# and PostgreSQL can handle Unicode characters so the program can save “crème brûlée” in the database.

A representation of an ER diagram. It contains several one-­to-­many relationships.


Exercise 5 Solution

If you compose the SQL INSERT statements so that they include the record's values, then this is a problem. The following shows the SQL statement that creates the order_items record:

INSERT INTO order_items
    (order_id, item_number, item_name, quantity, price:each)
    (505, 1, 'Amy's cookies', 12, 1) 

The apostrophe in “Amy's cookies” matches with the initial apostrophe that starts the item name string so the database thinks that string has ended. Then the remaining text, s cookies', confuses it and you get the following error:

Npgsql.PostgresException: '42601: syntax error at or near "s"

However, if you use SQL INSERT statements that use placeholders and parameters, then this is no problem.

Exercise 6 Solution

By default, the database assumes that dates use the m/d/y format in SQL statements. If you enter a date in d/m/y format, it switches the month and date.

If you enter 20/10/2027, the program crashes with the following error because it assumes you mean the 10th day of the 20th month:

Npgsql.PostgresException: '22008: date/time field value out of range:

There are various ways that you can make PostgreSQL use a different date format such as setting datestyle in the postgresql.conf file or executing the following command in the PostgreSQL console:

set datestyle to European

In any case, it may be best to include the format in the date prompt as in “Date (m/d/yyyy)” so that the user knows what format to use.

Exercise 7 Solution

If the customer ID that you enter is not in the customers table, then creating a new orders record will violate that table's foreign key constraint.

The program creates a new order ID and then uses it to create order_items records, so you cannot accidentally use an order ID that violates that table's foreign key constraints.

However, you can generate some “out of range” errors even if you type valid values. For example, if you enter a date that has a really big year, such as 1/2/100000, then the database can hold the value but you get a ValueError when you try to fetch the data. The database can handle this value, but C# cannot.

If you enter a really big year, then even the database cannot hold it and will throw an exception similar to the following when you try to create the orders record:

Npgsql.PostgresException: '22008: date out of range: "1/2/1234567890"

You can also run afoul of NumericValueOutOfRange errors if you try to enter extremely large quantities or prices.

None of those are formatting errors. For example, 1/2/1000000 is a valid date and 1e1000000 is a valid price, at least theoretically, although you might also have trouble getting C# to work with such a large value. The moral is that every program needs error handling because users might enter invalid values even if they have the correct format.


Exercise 1 Solution

AuraDB relationships are directional, so if you wanted two players A and B to be related by the same relationship, then you would need to create both of the relationships A IS_TEAMMATES_WITH B and B IS_TEAMMATES_WITH A.

Exercise 2 Solution

You can use Figure 20.4 to check your results.

  1. That statement would return the people to whom person H reports either directly or indirectly. In this example, that would be people G, C, and A.
  2. That statement would return the people who report directly to person C. In this example, that would be people F and G.

Exercise 3 Solution

Yes. The path between any two nodes in a tree is unique. To get from node A to node B, you move up the tree above node A until you reach the lowest common ancestor of the two nodes. Then you follow the path down from there to node B.

Exercise 4 Solution

This statement returns nodes that are two levels above person I in the org chart—in other words, I's boss's boss (or grandboss, if you will).

Exercise 5 Solution

The first statement starts at an arbitrary node and looks for a path to node C.

The second statement starts at node C and looks for a path from some other node.

The results are the same, so you can use whichever one seems more intuitive to you.


Exercise 1 Solution

That statement moves up one level in the tree and then back down one level, so it returns the siblings of node H.

Exercise 2 Solution

For the org chart shown in Figure 21.2, the statement returns node D: Dir Puns and Knock-Knock Jokes.

Exercise 3 Solution

This query returns all pairs of nodes that are siblings.

Exercise 4 Solution

For the org chart shown in Figure 21.2, the statement returns the following pairs of nodes:

  • B, C
  • C, B
  • D, E
  • E, D
  • F, G
  • G, F
  • H, I
  • I, H

Exercise 5 Solution

That MATCH statement returns the names of REPORTS_TO relationships that are in a chain three relationships long.

Exercise 6 Solution

For the org chart shown in Figure 21.2, the statement returns the following chains of relationships:

  • I->G, G->C, C->A
  • H->G, G->C, C->A

Exercise 7 Solution

The following MATCH statement returns node A's grandchildren:

    (:OrgNode { ID:'A'})<-[:REPORTS_TO]-(:OrgNode)<-[:REPORTS_TO]-(n:OrgNode)
return n


Exercise 1 Solution

The following find statement selects documents for people who are assigned to the Scrat and who are not Cook's Mates:

cursor = db.postings.find(
    {"$and": [
        {"Ship": "Scrat"},
        {"Position": {"$ne": "Cook's Mate"}},

Exercise 2 Solution

  1. The old documents do not have a MiddleInitial value, so the program cannot try to access doc["MiddleInitial"] for the old documents or it will crash.
  2. The program can use if "MiddleInitial" in doc to see if the document has a MiddleInitial value.
  3. The following code saves the MiddleInitial value or a space in variable initial:
    # MiddleInitial may be missing.
    if 'MiddleInitial' in doc:
        initial = doc["MiddleInitial"]
        initial = ' '

Exercise 3 Solution

The following code selects documents for Frieda's Glory and returns only the FirstName and Position values:

cursor = db.postings.find(
    {"Ship": "Frieda's Glory"},
    {"_id": False, "FirstName": True, "Position": True})
for doc in cursor:

The second dictionary excludes the _id field. It specifically includes the FirstName and Position fields, so all of the other fields are excluded.

Here's the result:

{'FirstName': 'Joshua', 'Position': 'Fuse Tender'}
{'FirstName': 'Al', 'Position': ['Diplomat', 'Interpreter']}

The program displays the result in the way Python prints dictionaries. Each result is surrounded by curly braces and contains a sequence of key/value pairs giving the selected field names and values. Because these are dictionaries, you could access a specific value as in doc["Ship"].

Exercise 4 Solution

The following code finds and displays documents for pilots and captains:

cursor = db.postings.find(
    {"Position": {"$in": ["Pilot", "Captain"]}})
for doc in cursor:


Exercise 1 Solution

The following LINQ query selects documents for people who are assigned to the Scrat and who are not Cook's Mates:

var scratNonCooks =
    from e in collection.AsQueryable<BsonDocument>()
    where e["Ship"] == "Scrat"
        && e["Position"] != "Cook's Mate"
    select e;

In the test data, the only document that matches is for Sally Barker.

Exercise 2 Solution

  1. The old documents do not have a MiddleInitial value, so the program cannot try to access doc["MiddleInitial"] for the old documents or it will crash.
  2. The program can use doc.Contains("MiddleInitial") to see if the document has a MiddleInitial value.
  3. The following code saves the MiddleInitial value or a space in variable initial:
    string initial = "";
    if (doc.Contains("MiddleInitial"))
        initial = doc["MiddleInitial "].AsString;
        initial = " ";

Exercise 3 Solution

The following code selects and displays documents representing people posted to the Scrat:

var scrats = collection.Find(doc => doc["Ship"] == "Scrat").ToList();
foreach (BsonDocument doc in scrats)

Exercise 4 Solution

The following code deletes the documents that have no Rank value:

collection.DeleteMany(doc => doc["Rank"] == BsonNull.Value);


Exercise 1 Solution

This is almost too easy. Your program would execute the following code to set the message of the day:

    'Seek success but prepare for vegetables')

The users' program would execute the following code to get and display the current message:

message = misc_data_cache.get('motd')
print(f'Message of the Day: {message}')

The following shows the output:

Message of the Day: Seek success but prepare for vegetables.

Exercise 2 Solution

Again, this is fairly easy. The following code stores the lists of values:

misc_data_cache.put('string_array', ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry'])
misc_data_cache.put('int_array', [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13])
misc_data_cache.put('float_array', [3.14159, 2.71828, 1.61803, 6.0221515e23])

The following code retrieves and prints the lists:

string_array = misc_data_cache.get('string_array')
int_array = misc_data_cache.get('int_array')
float_array = misc_data_cache.get('float_array')

The following shows the output:

string_array: ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']
int_array:    [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13]
float_array:  [3.14159, 2.71828, 1.61803, 6.0221515e+23]

Exercise 3 Solution

Yes, you can use an array as a key.

The following code saves two values that use arrays as keys:

misc_data_cache.put([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'Counting numbers')
    ['Pygmy hog', 'Tasmanian devil'],
    ['Himalayas', 'Tasmania'])

The first statement uses the list [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] as the key for the string “Counting numbers.” The second uses a list containing two animal names as the key for another list that indicates where they live.

The following code reads and displays those values:

numbers = misc_data_cache.get([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
habitats = misc_data_cache.get(['Pygmy hog', 'Tasmanian devil'])

The following shows the output:

Counting numbers
['Himalayas', 'Tasmania']

It's hard to think of a good example where you might want to do that, however.

Exercise 4 Solution

  1. The following code adds the phone numbers to the database individually:
    misc_data_cache.put('Glenn', 'Pennsylvania 6-5000')
    misc_data_cache.put('Jenny', '867-5309')
    misc_data_cache.put('John', '36 24 36')
    misc_data_cache.put('Marvin', 'Beechwood 4-5789')
    misc_data_cache.put('Tina', '6060-842')
  2. Either of the following two statements retrieves the phone number dictionary from the database. The third statement prints the dictionary.
    phones = misc_data_cache.get_all(['Glenn', 'Jenny', 'John', 'Marvin', 'Tina'])
    phones = misc_data_cache.get_all(('Glenn', 'Jenny', 'John', 'Marvin', 'Tina'))

    The following shows the output:

    {'John': '36 24 36', 'Glenn': 'Pennsylvania 6-5000', 'Jenny': '867-5309',
    'Marvin': 'Beechwood 4-5789', 'Tina': '6060-842'}

    The following code shows one way to nicely format the dictionary:

    import json
    print(json.dumps(phones, indent=4))

    The following shows the formatted output:

        "John": "36 24 36",
        "Glenn": "Pennsylvania 6-5000",
        "Jenny": "867-5309",
        "Marvin": "Beechwood 4-5789",
        "Tina": "6060-842"
  3. The following code prints Glenn's and Jenny's phone numbers:
    print(f'Glenn: {phones["Glenn"]}')
    print(f'Jenny: {phones["Jenny"]}')


Exercise 1 Solution

The following extension method returns a value or the string “missing:”

public static class Extensions
    // Get the value for this key.
    // If the key is not present, return "missing."
    public static string GetString<T1, T2>(
        this ICacheClient<T1, T2> cache, T1 key)
        if (cache.ContainsKey(key))
            return cache.Get(key).ToString();
        return "missing";

The only real trick here is that the ICacheClient interface takes two generic type parameters, so the method should also. The code calls ContainsKey and, if the key is present, it fetches the corresponding value, calls its ToString method, and returns the result. If the key is missing, the method returns “missing.”

Now the code can call the method, as shown in the following code:

// Fetch some data.

In a real program, it might be better to return the value's type (in this case T2) and make it nullable so that you don't need to work only with strings.

Exercise 2 Solution

This is almost too easy. Your program would execute the following code to set the message of the day:

cache.put('motd', 'Seek success but prepare for vegetables')

The users' program would execute the following code to get and display the current message:

Console.WriteLine($"Message of the Day: {cache.GetString("motd")}");

The following shows the output:

Message of The Day: Seek success but prepare for vegetables.

Exercise 3 Solution

Again, this is fairly easy. The following code stores the arrays of values:

    new string[]
cache.Put("int_array", new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 });
    new double[] { 3.14159, 2.71828, 1.61803, 6.0221515e23 });

The following code retrieves and prints the arrays:

string[] strings = (string[])cache.Get("string_array");
Console.WriteLine("{ " + string.Join(", ", strings) + " }");
int[] ints = (int[])cache.Get("int_array");
Console.WriteLine("{ " + string.Join(", ", ints) + " }");
double[] doubles = (double[])cache.Get("double_array");
Console.WriteLine("{ " + string.Join(", ", doubles) + " }");

Exercise 4 Solution

Yes, you can use an array as a key.

The following code saves two values that use arrays as keys:

cache.Put(new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, "Counting numbers");
    new string[] { "Pygmy hog", "Tasmanian devil" },
    new string[] { "Himalayas", "Tasmania" });

The first statement uses { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } as the key for the string “Counting numbers.” The second uses a list containing two animal names as the key for another list that indicates where they live.

The following code reads and displays those values:

    new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }));
string[] habitats = (string[])cache.Get(
    new string[] { "Pygmy hog", "Tasmanian devil" });
Console.WriteLine("{ " + string.Join(", ", habitats) + " }");

The following shows the output:

Counting numbers
{ Himalayas, Tasmania }

It's hard to think of a good example where you might want to do that, however.


Exercise 1 Solution

The following code creates the Venues, Shows, and ShowTimes tables. Note that you must create the tables in this order because you cannot create a foreign key constraint that refers to a table that doesn't yet exist.

  VenueId    INT           NOT NULL,
  VenueName  VARCHAR(45)   NOT NULL,
  Seating    INT           NOT NULL,
  ShowId     INT           NOT NULL,
  ShowName   VARCHAR(45)   NOT NULL,
  VenueId    INT           NOT NULL,
  INDEX fk_Shows_Venues (VenueId),
  CONSTRAINT fk_Shows_Venues
    FOREIGN KEY (VenueId)
    REFERENCES Venues (VenueId)
  ShowId     INT           NOT NULL,
  Time       TIME          NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (ShowId, Time),
  INDEX fk_ShowTimes_Shows (ShowId),
  CONSTRAINT fk_ShowTimes_Shows
    FOREIGN KEY (ShowId)
    REFERENCES Shows (ShowId)

Exercise 2 Solution

The following code inserts the values for the aquarium show schedule. Note that the statements must insert data in tables used as foreign key constraints before inserting the values that refer to them. For example, the statement that creates the Sherman's Lagoon record in the Venues table must come before the Sherm's Shark Show record that refers to it.

Also note that some of the text contains an apostrophe so that text is delimited by double quotes instead of single quotes. For example, the text "Sherman's Lagoon" contains an apostrophe. Alternatively you could double-up the apostrophes to indicate characters that are part of the text value as in 'Sherman''s Lagoon' where '' are two apostrophes, not a double quote. Double apostrophes can also look like a single double quote and could lead to errors and is just plain confusing. Let's just agree to not go there if at all possible. Now if your text must contain both single and double quotes, some degree of ugliness is likely to ensue.

INSERT INTO Venues VALUES (101, "Sherman's Lagoon", 375);
INSERT INTO Venues VALUES (102, "Peet Amphitheater", 300);
INSERT INTO Venues VALUES (103, "Ngorongoro Wash", 413);
INSERT INTO Shows VALUES (1, "Sherm's Shark Show", 101);
INSERT INTO Shows VALUES (2, "Meet the Rays", 101);
INSERT INTO Shows VALUES (3, "Deb's Daring Dolphins", 102);
INSERT INTO Shows VALUES (4, "The Walter Walrus Comedy Hour", 102);
INSERT INTO Shows VALUES (5, "Flamingo Follies", 103);
INSERT INTO Shows VALUES (6, "Wonderful Waterfowl", 103);
INSERT INTO ShowTimes VALUES (1, "11:15");
INSERT INTO ShowTimes VALUES (1, "15:00");
INSERT INTO ShowTimes VALUES (2, "13:15");
INSERT INTO ShowTimes VALUES (2, "18:00");
INSERT INTO ShowTimes VALUES (3, "11:00");
INSERT INTO ShowTimes VALUES (3, "12:00");
INSERT INTO ShowTimes VALUES (3, "18:30");
INSERT INTO ShowTimes VALUES (4, "14:00");
INSERT INTO ShowTimes VALUES (4, "17:27");
INSERT INTO ShowTimes VALUES (5, "14:00");
INSERT INTO ShowTimes VALUES (6, "15:00");

Exercise 3 Solution

The following statement updates the Flamingo Follies time:

UPDATE Shows, ShowTimes SET Time = "14:15"
WHERE Shows.ShowId = ShowTimes.ShowId
  AND Time= "14:00"
  AND ShowName = "Flamingo Follies";

The following statement updates the Sherm's Shark Show time:

UPDATE Shows, ShowTimes SET Time = "15:15"
WHERE Shows.ShowId = ShowTimes.ShowId
  AND Time= "15:00"
  AND ShowName = "Sherm's Shark Show";

Exercise 4 Solution

The following code produces the desired result in MySQL:

    ShowName AS "Show",
    LPAD(DATE_FORMAT(Time, "%l:%i %p"), 8, " ") AS Time,
    VenueName AS Location
FROM Shows, ShowTimes, Venues
WHERE Shows.ShowId = ShowTimes.ShowId
  AND Shows.VenueId = Venues.VenueId
ORDER BY "Show", TIME(Time);

Exercise 5 Solution

The following code produces the desired result in MySQL:

    LPAD(DATE_FORMAT(Time, "%l:%i %p"), 8, " ") AS Time,
    ShowName AS "Show",
    VenueName AS Location
FROM Shows, ShowTimes, Venues
WHERE Shows.ShowId = ShowTimes.ShowId
  AND Shows.VenueId = Venues.VenueId
ORDER BY TIME(Time), "Show";


Exercise 1 Solution

One order in which you could build these tables is: MpaaRatings, Genres, Movies, Persons, MovieProducers, MovieDirectors, RoleTypes, MovieActors.

Exercise 2 Solution

The following code shows one possible SQL script for creating the movie database:

USE MovieDb;
CREATE TABLE MpaaRatings (
  MpaaRaiting         VARCHAR(5)    NOT NULL,
  Description         VARCHAR(40)   NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (MpaaRaiting)
  Genre               VARCHAR(10)   NOT NULL,
  Description         VARCHAR(40)   NOT NULL,
  MovieId             INT           NOT NULL    AUTO_INCREMENT,
  Title               VARCHAR(40)   NOT NULL,
  Year                INT           NOT NULL,
  MpaaRating          VARCHAR(5)    NOT NULL,
  Review              TEXT          NULL,
  NumStars            INT           NULL,
  Minutes             INT           NOT NULL,
  Description         TEXT          NULL,
  Genre               VARCHAR(10)   NULL,
  TrailerUrl          VARCHAR(255)  NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (MovieId),
  INDEX FK_Movies_Ratings (MpaaRating ASC),
  INDEX FK_Movies_Genres (Genre ASC),
  CONSTRAINT FK_Movies_Ratings
    FOREIGN KEY (MpaaRating)
    REFERENCES MovieDb.MpaaRatings (MpaaRaiting)
  CONSTRAINT FK_Movies_Genres
    FOREIGN KEY (Genre)
    REFERENCES MovieDb.Genres (Genre)
  PersonId            INT           NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  FirstName           VARCHAR(40)   NOT NULL,
  LastName            VARCHAR(40)   NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (PersonId)
CREATE TABLE MovieProducers (
  MovieId             INT           NOT NULL,
  PersonId            INT           NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (MovieId, PersonId),
  INDEX FK_Producers_Persons (PersonId ASC),
  INDEX FK_Producers_Movies (MovieId ASC),
  CONSTRAINT FK_Producers_Persons
    FOREIGN KEY (PersonId)
    REFERENCES MovieDb.Persons (PersonId)
  CONSTRAINT FK_Producers_Movies
    FOREIGN KEY (MovieId)
    REFERENCES MovieDb.Movies (MovieId)
CREATE TABLE MovieDirectors (
  MovieId             INT           NOT NULL,
  PersonId            INT           NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (MovieId, PersonId),
  INDEX FK_Directors_Persons (PersonId ASC),
  INDEX FK_Directors_Movies (MovieId ASC),
  CONSTRAINT FK_Directors_Persons
    FOREIGN KEY (PersonId)
    REFERENCES MovieDb.Persons (PersonId)
  CONSTRAINT FK_Directors_Movies
    FOREIGN KEY (MovieId)
    REFERENCES MovieDb.Movies (MovieId)
  RoleType            VARCHAR(40)   NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (RoleType)
CREATE TABLE MovieActors (
  MovieId             INT           NOT NULL,
  PersonId            INT           NOT NULL,
  CharacterName       VARCHAR(40)   NOT NULL,
  RoleType            VARCHAR(40)   NULL,
  Review              TEXT          NULL,
  NumStars            INT           NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (MovieId, PersonId, CharacterName),
  INDEX FK_Actors_Persons (PersonId ASC),
  INDEX FK_Actors_RoleTypes (RoleType ASC),
  INDEX FK_Actors_Movies (MovieId ASC),
  CONSTRAINT FK_Actors_Persons
    FOREIGN KEY (PersonId)
    REFERENCES MovieDb.Persons (PersonId)
  CONSTRAINT FK_Actors_RoleTypes
    FOREIGN KEY (RoleType)
    REFERENCES MovieDb.RoleTypes (RoleType)
  CONSTRAINT FK_Actors_Movies
    FOREIGN KEY (MovieId)
    REFERENCES MovieDb.Movies (MovieId)


Exercise 1 Solution

The following table shows a backup schedule. In this case, you have time for a full backup every night so you may as well use it.

Monday11:00 p.m.4:00 a.m.5Full
Tuesday11:00 p.m.4:00 a.m.5Full
Wednesday11:00 p.m.4:00 a.m.5Full
Thursday11:00 p.m.4:00 a.m.5Full
Friday11:00 p.m.6:00 a.m.7Full
Saturday9:00 p.m.6:00 a.m.9Full
Sunday9:00 p.m.4:00 a.m.7Full

Exercise 2 Solution

Now you can make a full backup only on Saturday night and on other nights you only have time for an incremental backup of changes since the previous night's backup. The following table shows a new backup schedule.

Monday12:00 a.m.3:00 a.m.3Incremental from Sunday
Tuesday12:00 a.m.3:00 a.m.3Incremental from Monday
Wednesday12:00 a.m.3:00 a.m.3Incremental from Tuesday
Thursday12:00 a.m.3:00 a.m.3Incremental from Wednesday
Friday12:00 a.m.5:00 a.m.5Incremental from Thursday
Saturday10:00 p.m.5:00 a.m.7Full
Sunday10:00 p.m.3:00 a.m.5Incremental from Saturday

This backup schedule is pretty full, so you should probably start thinking about other strategies to use if your database continues to grow. For example, you might need to perform some backups during peak hours (naturally during the “off-peak” peak hours), or you could partition the database so areas handling different time zones are stored separately so you can back them up separately.

Exercise 3 Solution

The fact that the database now covers multiple time zones causes problems because it means you have fewer non-peak hours for backups. If you partition the data by time zone, you can use the time zones in your favor. Not only will each separate time zone have more non-peak hours separately, but each partition will also hold less data so it will take less time to back up.

The downside is that you'll need to host the partitions on separate computers. Cloud services can often make that easier and more flexible in case you need to add or modify partitions later.


Exercise 1 Solution

An order entry clerk doesn't need to read or update any existing order records, so you don't need to set privileges for individual fields in the Orders or OrderItems tables (although you may want the user interface program to read previous orders, so it can copy their values).

The clerk will need to read existing Customers records for existing customers and create Customers records for new customers. Many applications also allow the clerk to update customer data when creating a new order, so the clerk needs Update access to the Customers table. The clerk should not change the CustomerId field, however, because that would disconnect the customer from previous orders. (In general, you should not update primary key values because that causes this kind of problem. Some databases don't even allow you to change primary key values.)

The clerk needs Read access to the InventoryItems table to select the items that the customer wants to buy. (If there isn't enough inventory, assume the clerk creates the order anyway and sets the order's status to Back Order.)

The clerk also needs Read access to the OrderStatuses table to pick an initial status.

The following table lists the privileges that an order entry clerk needs for each table.


The following SQL statements create an order entry clerk with appropriate privileges:

-- Revoke all privileges for the user.
-- Grant needed privileges.
GRANT INSERT, SELECT ON ShippingDb.Customers TO EntryClerk;
GRANT UPDATE (FirstName, LastName, Street, City, State, Zip, Phone,
    CreditCardType, CreditCardNumber)
  ON ShippingDb.Customers TO EntryClerk;
GRANT INSERT ON ShippingDb.Orders TO EntryClerk;
GRANT INSERT ON ShippingDb.OrderItems TO EntryClerk;
GRANT SELECT ON ShippingDb.InventoryItems TO EntryClerk;
GRANT SELECT ON ShippingDb.OrderStatuses TO EntryClerk;

Exercise 2 Solution

A customer service clerk must be able to read everything to give information about an existing order. This clerk doesn't need to create records but needs to be able to update and delete Orders and OrderItems records for orders that have not yet shipped.

Though the clerk can update Customers data, the CustomerId should never change because that would disconnect it from previous orders.

Note that it doesn't make sense for the clerk to update Orders data. Changing OrderId would disconnect the items from the order, changing CustomerId would disconnect the order from the customer, changing OrderDate would be revising history (popular with politicians but not a good business practice), and changing ShippedDate and OrderStatus is the shipping clerk's job.

This clerk should also not be able to change an OrderItems record's OrderId value because it would disconnect the item from the order.

Whether the clerk can delete Customers records is a business rule. In this case, assume the clerk cannot delete customers, so you don't need to worry about old orders without corresponding Customers records.

Finally, whether the clerk can update OrderItems records or should just delete old records and create new ones is another business rule. In this case, it will probably be easier for the user interface application to delete the old records and create new ones, so the clerk needs Create, Read, and Delete privileges for the OrderItems table.

The following table lists the privileges that a customer service clerk needs for each table.


The following SQL statements create a customer service clerk with appropriate privileges:

CREATE USER ServiceClerk IDENTIFIED BY 'secret';
-- Revoke all privileges for the user.
-- Grant needed privileges.
GRANT SELECT ON ShippingDb.Customers TO ServiceClerk;
GRANT UPDATE (FirstName, LastName, Street, City, State, Zip, Phone,
    CreditCardType, CreditCardNumber)
  ON ShippingDb.Customers TO ServiceClerk;
GRANT SELECT, DELETE ON ShippingDb.Orders TO ServiceClerk;
GRANT INSERT, SELECT, DELETE ON ShippingDb.OrderItems TO ServiceClerk;
GRANT SELECT ON ShippingDb.InventoryItems TO ServiceClerk;
GRANT SELECT ON ShippingDb.OrderStatuses TO ServiceClerk;

Exercise 3 Solution

The inventory manager's main task is to order new inventory and maintain the InventoryItems table. That requires Create, Read, Update, and Delete privileges on that table.

To change an order's status from Back Ordered to Ordered, the inventory manager must look in the Orders table to find orders in the Back Ordered status, look up the items for that order, and see if there is now enough inventory to fulfill the order. That means the manager must be able to look at the Orders table's OrderId and OrderStatus fields, and update the OrderStatus field. The manager must also be able to look at the OrderItems table's OrderId, ItemId, and Quantity fields.

The following table lists the privileges that an inventory manager needs for each table.


The following SQL statements create an inventory manager with appropriate privileges:

CREATE USER InventoryManager IDENTIFIED BY 'secret';
-- Revoke all privileges for the user.
-- Grant needed privileges.
GRANT SELECT (OrderId, OrderStatus) ON ShippingDb.Orders TO InventoryManager;
GRANT UPDATE (OrderStatus) ON ShippingDb.Orders TO InventoryManager;
GRANT SELECT (OrderId, ItemId, Quantity)
    ON ShippingDb.OrderItems TO InventoryManager;
    ON ShippingDb.InventoryItems TO InventoryManager;
GRANT SELECT ON ShippingDb.OrderStatuses TO InventoryManager;
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