
images  A

    Application assembler, deployment roles

    external requirements

        conflict and redundant




images  B

images  C

    Client view

    development-Web service

        application running



    Proxy classes


        stub sources

        Web service client wizard

        @WebServiceRef annotation

    session bean

    WSDL document

    Container-Managed Transaction (CMT)

    ACID test





    Application-managed EntityManager

    attribute definitions

    client and bean transaction states

    data filtering

        CartItem entity instances

        createCustomerOrder() method

        initialize() method

        persistEntity() method

    getRollbackOnly() method

    Java facade

    setRollbackOnly() method

    stateless session beans


        Java facade


    Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI)


    application scope


    beans and beans.xml


    compilation process

        open project menu

        project build


    Context aspect

    conversation scope

    dependency injection

    dependent pseudo-scope

    deploying process


        any-qualifier client


        user-defined qualifier client

    EJB relationship


    @Inject-dependency injection

        bean constructor

        client and class

        field injection

        initializer method

    interaction-session beans





    Java EE architecture

    NetBeans project



    RedWine class

    request scope






        qualifier type

        unsatisfied/ambiguous dependency

        WhiteWine class

    session scope



    Web Beans

    Customer entity

images  D

images  E

    EJB architecture

    administration (Glassfish application server)

        administration console

        services tab

        testing page

    advanced persistence concepts


    client application

    component model


    development model

        configuration by exception

        declarative metadata

        location transparency

        multiuser security






    distributed computing model

    EJB 3 architecture

    EJB 3 simplified development model

        default behavior

        dependency injection

        interceptors (callback methods)

        POJO implementation

        XML and annotations


    installing NetBeans IDE and integrated GlassFish server

    integrating session beans, entities, message-driven beans, and web services

    JCP as JSR


    message-driven beans

    NetBeans IDE download

    packaging and deployment

    performance and testing

    progression (EJB Spec)

        EJB 1.0

        EJB 1.1

        EJB 2.0

        EJB 2.1

        EJB 3.0

        EJB 3.1

        EJB 3.2


        application assembler


        enterprise bean provider

    runtime environments

    session beans

    software installation and configuration

    testing (NetBeans IDE and GlassFish Installation)


        new servlet wizard

        run (serlvet)

        sample project

        starting and shutting down

        test servlet creation

        Windows Firewall

    transaction service support



        GlassFish server’s test page

        “localhost” hostname

        No Compatible JDK was found

        “8080” port

        “wine order” mail

    web services

    EJB Lite

    EJB message-driven beans (MDBs) See also Message-Oriented Architecture

    asynchronous message consumer


        @MessageDriven annotation

        onMessage() method



        simple use case

        StatusMailerBean class

    client programs

        context menu


        StatusMailerClient servlet

    client view

    compile, deploy and test

        bulid menu option

        client programs


        JMS and JavaMail resources


        sample directory

        session beans MDBs and clients


    configuration properties

        @ActivationConfigProperty annotation


        EJB-JMS version

        message acknowledgment service

        @MessageDriven annotation


        subscription durability

    dependency injection

    exception handling


    lifecycle callback methods

    use of

    EJB stateless session beans

    bean classes

        validateCC method

        @WebMethod annotation

        @WebService annotation


    endpoint interface


    Entity class

images  F



images  G


    agent process










    report statistics

    TCP Proxy module

    test scripts

    URL execution

    wine store JSF application

        addWineToCart() method

        findAll() method

        getWineDisplayList() method

        JOINED inheritance strategy

        JPA entities

        processOrder() method

        SINGLE_TABLE entity inheritance strategy

    worker process

images  H

images  I

images  J, K

    Java EE deployment process



    library components

        bundled libraries

        install libraries

        library version

        shared classes

    module types

        application client module

        EJB module


        persistence unit

        resource adapters

        WAR file-EJBs

        web application module


    Java EE platform

    EJB interacts





    JSR 181



    Java EE technologies

    evolution of

    Java Servlets

    MVC pattern


    Java Message Service (JMS). See also JavaMail resources

    application architecture






    messaging system


    Java Persistence API (JPA)

    coding requirements

        default and non-default constructor

        instance variables vs. JavaBean property accessors

        java io Serializable interface

    compiling, deploying, and testing

        Clean and Build menu option

        client programs

        database connection and a database schema

        Deploy menu option

        EJB façade

        PersistenceSamples project


    composite keys

        @Embeddable class

        @EmbeddedId annotation

        embedded key (@EmbeddedId)

        fields (Id and relationship)


        mapping relationships

        serializable Java class

    composite primary key

        @Embeddable annotation

        @EmbeddedId annotation


        additional field types

        @Basic annotation

        @Column annotation

        default configuration

        vs. EJB 2.x

        @Entity annotation

        entity with defaults

        @Id annotation

        simple JavaBean

        @Table annotation


        addCustomerOrder() and removeCustomerOrder() methods



        service methods

        Stateless session

    entities, services of

        application (sample)

        build, application

        client program, execution

        compile sources

        database connection

        Java class library

        SINGLE_TABLE inheritance execution


        in web environment

        WineApp DB and connection

    entity beans

    entity data access

    entity life cycle

        detached entity instance

        entity classes

        entity instance management

        new entity instance

        removed entity instance



        Java SE service client


        persistence context

        session bean, container injection

        transaction support

    entity relationship

        cascading operations


        Lazy vs. Eager field bindings

        @ManyToMany annotation





    @GeneratedValue (autogenerated values)



    inheritance hierarchy

        abstract entity

        address, embedded

        collection fields




        JOINED, root entity

        mapped superclass

        non entity class, embeddable

        non entity, mapped superclass

        root entity extends superclass

        single-value, non entity

    instance variable annotation

        source code


    interceptors (callback method)


        binding query parameters

        bulk update and delete operations

        complex queries

        dynamic queries



    mapping entity inheritance

        abstract entity

        address instances

        bidirectional relationship

        client code

        design time consideration

        design time, JOINED

        @DiscriminatorColumn annotation

        @DiscriminatorValue annotation

        entity instances

        entity type


        @GeneralValue annotation


        intermediate entity, SINGLE_TABLE Inheritance Hierarchy

        intermediate entity, JOINED


        @JoinColumn annotation

        leaf entity, SINGLE_TABLE Inheritance Hierarchy

        leaf entity, JOINED

        ManyToOne field

        object/relational inheritance

        OneToMany field

        O/R implementation

        performance impact

        root entity, SINGLE_TABLE Inheritance Hierarchy

        root entity, JOINED

        sample hierarchy



        stand alone entity, JOINED

        TABLE_PER_CLASS, design considerations

        TABLE_PER_CLASS, intermediate entity

        TABLE_PER_CLASS, leaf entity

        TABLE_PER_CLASS, performance

        TABLE_PER_CLASS, root entity

        type enum

        type JOINED

        unidirectional relationship

    mapping entity inheritance; stand alone entity

    native SQL queries

    O/R mapping

        @Column annotation

        complex mappings

        persistence framework

        @Table annotation

    persistence archive

    persistence vs. adaption


    polymorphic relationships and mapping

    polymorphic JPQL queries

    primary and nested foreign key (see Java Persistence API (JPA), composite keys)

    primary key


        Java type

        single field

    property access or annotation

        access type



        side-effect code

    property name

    query criteria

    @Version (optimistic locking)

    JavaServer Faces (JSF)



        JSP pages/Facelets

        lifecycle phases

        managed beans

        Navigation model


    deploy and testing

    EJB back-end applications

        addToCart() method

        cartItems page

        Links page

        login page

        newCustomer registration page

        notification page

        page flow

        search page

        wineList page

    tools and components

    wine store application

        details page

        home page

        list page

        login page

        notification page

        registration page

        run target

        search page

        shopping cart page


    build and test methods

        cascading MERGE operation


        sample application

        source compilation

        return managed objects



images  L


images  M

images  N


images  O

images  P, Q

    Packaging and deployment processes See also Java EE deployment process

    application assembler

    application servers and platform independence

        deployment plan


        performance and features



        defining module-level deployment descriptors

        EAR file

        JAR files-components

        specific tasks

        tasks and deliverables


        application server


        external references

        module description


        specific tasks

        tasks and deliverables


    deployment tools

    EJB JAR file

        arbitrary classes

        naming scope


    Java EE module types

    Java EE role


    persistence unit


        naming scope




        application assembler


    Performance, EJB

    application usage

        real think time

        sleep time

        zero think time

    Grinder toolkit (see Grinder)

    performance metrics


        response time


        total transactional rate

    test metrics


        quality of a sample

        sample size

        users, representative number

    Performance testing, EJB

    actual test runs


    database connection

    GlassFish server


    Grinder console


        AART comparison

        all-user results

        TTR comparison

        100-user results

    preliminary tests

    sample size analysis chart

    simulated users


        AART comparison

        all-user results

        TTR comparison

        100-user results

    test environment

    test scripts

images  R

images  S

    Session bean

    Session beans. See also Stateless session beans

    3-tier architecture

        rich client

        web application

    client view

        local and remote clients







        build application

        SessionSamples project



        GlassFish application

        menu option

    EJB JAR (.jar) files

    Java components



    run-client program


        SearchFacadeClient servlet-output


    singleton session beans

        bean class

        bean-managed concurrency

        business interface

        business methods

        callback methods

        concurrency management

        container-managed concurrency

        error handling

    stateful beans

        bean class

        business interface

        business methods

        callback methods

        exception handling


    timer service

        calendar-based time expression

        examples (calendar-based time expression)


        real-time events


    use of

    Stateless session beans

    asynchronous methods

    bean class

    business interface


        client application

        rich client-remote interfaces

        SearchFacade session bean

        web client-local interfaces

    business methods

        wineSearch() method

    callback method

    dependency injection





        preceding code


images  T


    ACID properties

    distributed transactions

    in EJB

        CMT support

        JTA transactions

        resource-local transactions

        transactional context

    with JPA Entities


    two-phase commit protocol

images  U, V

images  W, X, Y, Z

    Web services. See also Java EE platform


    client view

        Java client

        session beans

        WSDL document

    comile-session bean

        build application


        WebServiceSamples project


    deploy session bean

    EJB stateless session beans

        bean class


        endpoint interface






        differences (RESTful vs. SOAP)


        RESTful Web services

    service consumer




    test-credit service


        harness page

        SOAP request and response messages




        <binding> element


        <definitions> element

        <message> element

        <portType> element

        <service> element

        <types> element

    Wines Online application

    back-end components

        credit service

        customer facade component

        e-mail service

        order processing facade component

        order processing service

        persistence services

        search facade component

        shopping cart component

    business process

    component and service interaction

    components and services

        credit service

        customer facade component

        database schema

        e-mail service

        order processing facade component

        order processing service

        persistence services

        search facade component

        shopping cart component


        database connection

        Deploy and Run


        source compilation

        TransactionSamples project

    packaging, assembly and deployment aspects

        database connection

        EJB web service configuration

        JMS and JavaMail resources

        open sample application


        servlet output

        [email protected] account

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